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Analytical Surface Deformation Theory

for Detection of the Earth's Crust Movements

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH
Ytiksel A1tlner

Analytical Surface
Deformation Theory
for Detection of the Earth's Crust Movements

With 20 Figures

" Springer
Dr. Yiiksel Altmer
Bundesamt fUr Kartographie und Geodasie
Richard-Strauss-Allee 11
D-60598 Frankfurt/Main

ISBN 978-3-642-08510-9

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Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme
Altmer. YiikseI:
Analytical surface deformation theory for detection of the Earth's crust movementsl
YiikseI Altmer.

ISBN 978-3-642-08510-9 ISBN 978-3-662-03935-9 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-03935-9

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To Maria, Yasemin, and Deniz Erdal

Due to plate motions, tidal effects of the Moon and the Sun, atmosphe-
ric, hydrological, ocean loading and local geological processes, and due
to the rotation of the Earth, all points on the Earth's crust are sub-
ject to deformation. Global plate motion models, based on the ocean
floor spreading rates, transform fault azimuths, and earthquake slip
vectors, describe average plate motions for a time period of the past
few million years. Therefore, the investigation of present-day tectonic
activities by global plate motion models in a small area with complex
movements cannot supply satisfactory results.
The contribution of space techniques [Very Long Baseline Interferome-
try (VLBI); Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR); Global Positioning System
(GPS)] applied to the present-day deformations ofthe Earth's surface
and plate tectonics has increased during the last 20 to 25 years. Today
one is able to determine by these methods the relative motions in the
em to sub-em-range between points far away from each other.
This high accuracy achievable using space techniques requires rethin-
king of the theoretical foundations of deformation analyses to be app-
lied. These analyses constitute the subject of chapter 2 of this book,
in which an analytical theory of internal and external surface defor-
mations is considered. Their application requires geometric surface
modelling, a survey of which is given in chapter 3. Finally, Chapter
4 has been dedicated to application of the model to the velocities de-
rived within the CRODYN'94 and CRODYN'96 GPS campaigns in
the Adriatic Sea area. In this case it is only a methodical application
the results of which cannot be considered as sufficiently certain. More
satisfactory statements can be expected only after several additional
GPS campaigns in this area.
VIn Preface

I'm grateful to Dipl.-Ing. Branimir Gojceta, Director of the State

Geodetic Administration in Zagreb (SGA), Prof. Dr. Kresimir Colic,
Geodetic Faculty of the University of Zagreb, and to Dipl. - Ing. Ales
Seliskar, Director of the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Re-
public Slovenia in Ljubljana (SMA) for supporting the GPS campaigns
in Croatia and Slovenia. Further, my grateful thanks also go to my
colleagues Dr. Boiena Lipej (SMA), Dipl.-Ing. Zlatko Medic, Head
of the Department Land Surveying at the SGA and Dipl. - Ing. Dusan
Miskovic, Head of the Department Land Surveying at the SMA, for
their useful proposals during the field work.
As the GPS data used in this book were collected with assistance of the
Bundesamt fiir Kartographie und Geodasie in Frankfurt/Main (BKG),
I would like to express my thanks to Prof. Dr. Hermann Seeger and
Prof. Dr. Ewald Reinhart for their kind support. Beyond that, I
express here my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Siegfried Heitz, Institute for
Theoretical Geodesy of the University Bonn and Prof. Dr. Bertold
Witte, Geodetic Institute of the University Bonn for very fruitful dis-
cussions. My thanks also go to Dr. Robert King and Dr. Robert Rei-
linger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA who
have read and commented on certain parts of the material.

Bonn, April 1999 Yiiksel Altmer


1 Introduction 1

2 Deformation Theories 7
2.1 Coordinate Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.1 Cartesian and Curvilinear Coordinates. 7
2.1.2 Surface Normal Coordinates. 9
2.2 Three-Dimensional Deformations 10
2.2.1 Preliminary Remarks. . . . . 10
2.2.2 General Fundamentals . . . . 11 Isoparametric Representation. 11 Lagrangian Representation 11
2.2.3 Special Deformation Measures 14
2.3 Surface Deformations. . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.1 Preliminary Remarks. . . . . . 15
2.3.2 Internal Surface Deformations. 15 Isoparametric Representation. 15 Computations on the Basis of the Gaus-
sian Surface Representation. . . . . . .16 Computations in External Surface Nor-
mal Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . .. . 19 Computations in Ellipsoidal Coordinates 20
2.3.3 External Surface Deformations . . . . . . . . . 22. Computations on the Basis ofthe Gaus-
sian Surface Representation . . . . ... 22 Computations in External Surface Nor-
mal Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 . Computations in Ellipsoidal Coordinates 32
2.3.4 Deformations and Stresses . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33
x Contents

3 Geometric Modelling 39
3.1 General Fundamentals 39
3.2 Interpolation by Polynomials 42
3.3 Interpolation by Collocation . 44
3.4 Subdivision of a Surface by Finite Triangle Elements 49
3.4.1 Preliminary Remarks . . . . . . 49
3.4.2 Triangle Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.4.3 Discrete Deformation Measures . . . . . . . . 52
3.4.4 Determination of the Change of the Bend Bet-
ween the Neighbouring Triangles . . . . . . . . 54

4 Application 57
4.1 Deformation of the Earth's Crust 57
4.2 Geodetic Contributions to Deformation Analyses 62
4.3 Tectonic Development of the Adriatic Sea Area 63
4.4 Geometric Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.4.1 Interpolation Methods Applied . . . . . . 64
4.4.2 Explanations of the Graphic Representations 66
4.5 Surface Deformations in the Adriatic Sea Area 70
4.5.1 GPS Observations . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.5.2 Processing Strategy of the GPS Data 73
4.5.3 Data Processing . . . . . . 73
4.5.4 Checking of Data Quality . . . . . . . 74
4.5.5 Multi Campaign Solutions . . . . . . . 76 Absolute Coordinate Solution. 78 Relative Coordinate Solution 78
4.5.6 Internal Surface Deformations .. 79
4.5.7 External Surface Deformations . 80
4.5.8 Figures of the Adriatic Sea Area 81
4.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Bibliography 89

Index ............................ 98
Chapter 1


Geodesy contributes fundamentally to the geosciences by the geome-

tric modelling of the Earth's surface, including the statistical as
well as the time-variant representation of the internal and external
geometry of the Earth's surface. The 'time-variant geometry' or the
surface deformations are, on the one hand, of primary interest and
are, beyond that, also very important as boundary values for physical
modelling of the Earth's lithosphere.
Geodetic deformation analyses of parts of the Earth's surface have up
to now been restricted nearly exclusively to the evaluation of hori-
zontal displacements. These were generally introduced as changes of
Cartesian coordinates in a mean horizontal plane and the deformati-
on theory, based on the Cartesian coordinate geometry, was therefore
conceived of as two-dimensional. Such an approach is unsatisfacto-
ry if mountainous terrain, or also large, nearly horizontal areas at
the regional level are considered. If the results of a deformation ana-
lysis are to be useful as initial data based on physical or dynamic
models, which generally can be assumed, they have to refer to the
physical Earth's surface (topography) as seen from a mathematical
point of view. This requires a representation of the Earth's surface
as a generally curved surface that is embedded in three-dimensional
Euclidean space. Differential-geometric modelling procedures on the
basis of suitable coordinate geometries have to be applied, and for a
complete treatment of surface deformations of changes of the internal
geometry as well as those of the external geometry are of importan-
ce. Geometric modelling of the Earth's surface includes the
2 Chapter 1. Introduction

representation of the discrete observation stations and of the obser-

vation quantities referred to them in a suitable coordinate geometry,
as well as the geometric design of surface structures based on this
geometry. Seen from a physical point of view, the observation stati-
ons and systems are always tied to surface points of bodies, and their
mathematical representation is done on the basis of problem-oriented
coordinate geometries. Rigid bodies and, to a large extent, rigid sy-
stems of rigid bodies constitute a physical and thus also a geodetic
idealization, which is admissible only to a limited extent depending on
the measuring accuracy as well as on the desired accuracy of the target
parameters. The latter ones constitute primarily either a transforma-
tion of distance and direction measurements into a set of coordinates,
or 'direct measurements of coordinates', e.g. by means of the 'Global
Positioning System' (GPS) . A sufficiently precise temporal invariance
of the distances directly measured or computed from coordinates is
the most important confirmation of a rigid point system, which is in
each case limited to the period of the respective observation campaign
performed. In the general case of deformable bodies moved relatively
towards each other, distances are time-dependent between their sur-
face points and these temporal distance variations are the foundation
of all further deformation theories that start either from temporal
variations of the metrics or from those of the coordinates.
From this point of view, first only deformations of body surfaces can
be examined, which activity constitutes the principal portion of regio-
nal geodetic deformation analyses. In physics, more especially in
the field of the mechanics of rigid bodies, observations of this kind of
surface distortion are not an end in themselves, but on the contrary
geometric boundary values as a contribution to the complete solution
of problems of the dynamics of the three-dimensional mass continua of
deformable bodies (Heitz 1980-1983; Heitz and Stocker-Meier 1994).
The three-dimensional deformation necessary for this has been, and
is therefore, the very starting point of all deformation studies, and
thus it is not surprising that in numerous textbooks it constitutes, as
a rule, the sole object of consideration. Surface deformations are
in general treated only as one aspect of three-dimensional body de-
formations without assigning them their own importance, which they
possess without any doubt, since

• only surface deformations can be determined directly by measuring

techniques and
• surface deformations are often (for the time being) the only tar-
get quantities, i.e. whenever further observations for the precise
determination of the material properties of the three-dimensional
continua are not known, so that a complete solution of the dynamic
problem is not possible.
The geodetic community is interested in a wide spectrum of defor-
mation phenomena. First, the global problem of the so-called Earth
tides must be mentioned here, which concerns the deformation of the
terrestrial globe owing to the tide-generating accelerations (see, e.g.,
Heitz 1980-1983; Melchior 1983). This problem, equally important
from a geodetic as well as a geophysical point of view is still of in-
terdisciplinary topicality, which fact holds also for the study of the
stress-deformation relation of the Earth's crust on the basis of the
plate tectonics model (see, e.g., Kersting and Welsch 1989; Miller
1992). Besides these global and large-scale regional tasks the local
analyses of surface deformations are of utmost importance in the
geodetic application, i.e. with respect to the Earth's surface (see, e.g.,
Pelzer 1971; Koch 1988; Saler 1995; Altmer 1996; Ghitau 1998), as well
as with regard to the surface of artificial buildings, machines and hu-
man bodies (see, e.g., Caspary 1987; Reiking 1994, Bilajbegovic 1996).

The geometric-kinematic modelling of small regions of the Earth's

surface are a focal point of geodetic applications. However, the-
se shall also allow an insight into the causal dynamic variations of
the Earth's surface. Therefore, the investigations are not restricted to
coordinate or distance variations. On the contrary, special emphasis is
placed on a detailed discussion in chapter 2.3 of the analytical theory
of internal and external surface deformations, which in accor-
dance with the examples treated in chapter 4 concentrates on primary
coordinate determinations by means of GPS . This aspect is taken into
account also by the fact that not only formulas related to Cartesian
coordinates have been derived, but also the corresponding formulas
on the basis of the surface normal coordinates. Here, the most im-
portant special case constitutes the ellipsoidal coordinates used by the
national survey and for GPS. For two reasons the deformation theory
of the three-dimensional continua precedes in section 2.2 the surface
4 Chapter 1. Introduction

deformation theory: on the one hand it constitutes the formal basis

for the internal surface deformations, and on the other hand it is nee-
ded for dynamic or physics-based modelling. Some interesting local
connections between deformations and stresses are illustrated
in section 2.3.4.
In the geodetic applications of the surface deformation theory
to the geometric modelling of deformations of the Earth's surface, as
they are discussed in section 2.3, one has to start from discretely
distributed observation stations
{P} E region F of the Earth's surface (1-1)
for which two observation campaigns by means of GPS were carried
out with the mean times
t and t. (1-2)
As result are then given for all P the two coordinate triplets

aE{I,2,3} (1-3)

the qa, ir
being generally ellipsoidal coordinates. From (1- 3) the
'displacement coordinates'
can be formed. These represent the displacement field of the region
F of the Earth's surface to be investigated (1-1), which is generally
better the denser the field of the observation stations P is selected. It
must be observed here that the station density to be selected, and thus
the quality of representation of the displacement field, is not only a
function of the height variations within F. Also in relatively flat areas
an appropriately dense distribution of observation stations must be
given to detect possible short wavelength displacement components.
Owing to (1-2, 3) Pm - Pn
linear elongations

qmn := (smn - smn)/smn (1-5)

can be directly computed for neighbouring point pairs. This primary
measure of deformation is, as a rule, not fully satisfactory. It is an 'un-
ordered set of parameters', which does not allow a clear representation

of the internal deformation behaviour in F, (1-1); and, which in par-

ticular allows no direct propositions on external surface deformations.
Moreover, the linear elongation is still not a suitable starting-point for
further dynamic investigations of the stress-deformation behaviour in
the Earth's upper crust. All deficiencies mentioned do not apply in
an analytical surface deformation theory as it is elaborated in section
2.3. However, this presupposes that the discrete observation sta-
tions {P} constitute an element of a surface continuum. In
other words, the coordinates qa(t) of the surface points (1-3), and the
displacement coordinates za (1-4) have to be modelled as analytical
functions of surface coordinates uc., a E {1,2}:


With such a geometric modelling in the form of interpolation

or approximation functions two properties are generally to be ai-
med at:
• for the unambiguous analytical computation of the internal (1-7a)
and external deformation measures, the interpolation func-
tions (1-6) in the whole interpolation area shall be conti-
nuously differentiable according to the uc.
• the interpolation functions have to show an approximate- (1- 7b )
ly linear behaviour between neighbouring observation sta-
The determination of interpolation or approximation func-
tions is often used in applied mathematics and informatics, which is
very old and has been dealt with in great variety (see, e.g., Zienkiewicz
1972; Abramowsk and Muller 1991; Cui et al. 1992). The'transforma-
tions of discrete function representations in analytical function spaces'
have gained great importance in all technical fields including geodesy
(see, e.g., Moritz and Siinkel 1977; Reiking 1994). The problem lies
in the common fulfilment of both conditions (1-7a) and (1-7b), which
shall be dealt with in more detail in chapter 3. A special case treated
in section 3.4 is the subdivision of a surface F by finite triangle
elements or triangulation of a surface with linear interpolation
functions (1- 6) within the triangles. In this 'simplest spline-method'
only the functions themselves are continuous at the triangle sides, but
not their derivatives. Thus, (1-7a) is dispensed with in favour of an
exact fulfilment of the condition (1-7b). This leads to the renounce-
6 Chapter 1. Introduction

ment of a completely analytical deformation theory, for which reason

suitable discrete deformation measures have to be defined.
Chapter 4 is dedicated to the fundamentals of the observation
techniques and the partial application of the theoretical foun-
dations of chapters 2 and 3. Here, the observation campaigns and the
pertinent deformations have been compiled in tables and graphs and
discussed, for the Adriatic Sea area.
Chapter 2

Deformation Theories

2.1 Coordinate Systems

2.1.1 Cartesian and Curvilinear Coordinates
For the three-dimensional Euclidean geometry
Cartesian coordinates with the system of notation

Xi . in S , (2.1-1)
are used. In three-dimensional Euclidean as well as in two-dimensional
Riemannian spaces are introduced
general curvilinear coordinates:
qa, aE{1,2,3}, metric tensor gab ; (2.1-2a)
two-dimensional sur/ace coordinates:
UCX, a E {1, 2} , metric tensor / cx{3 • (2.1-2b)
The coordinate geometry on the basis of these systems is represented
according to Heitz (1988).
For the coordinate geometry the
general differential equations of the coordinate transformati-
ons qa {:} ir :
q- C,ab = rdab it,d _ fcde ijd,a ije,b' ijc:=
,d 8ijc/8 qd (2.1-3a)
8 Chapter 2. Deformation Theories

are of fundamental importance. For transformations between Carte-

sian and curvilinear coordinates qa {} xi == Xi . follow from this the
differential equations or
derivation equations

X k,ab -- r dab xk,d' (2.1-3b)

with the covariant and contravariant

basis vectors

= Xk ' d := 8Xk . /8 q d =: Ck . d , qd.,t := 8qd/8xi . =: C~l. ., (2.1-3c)

r~b = Christoffel symbols of the metric of the qa •

In the surface geometry the

Gaussian surface representation in Cartesian coordinates


is used in particular, among others, for the special case

a E {1,2} :


Analogously, in curvilinear coordinates:


with the special case

a E {I, 2}

2.1. Coordinate Systems 9

2.1.2 Surface Normal Coordinates

Surface normal coordinates are introduced according to Heitz (1988) .
For primary space and surface representation
external surface normal coordinates:

(2.1- 6a)

surface coordinates of the reference surface (2 .1-6b)

are used with
metric tensor gab,
(2.1- 6c)
basis vectors Ci.a:= &xi./ &qa, C't.:= &qa / &Xi ..

The Gaussian surface representation according to (2.1- 5) results in


An important example with regard to external surface normal coordi-

nates is
geographical ellipsoidal coordinates :
reference surface = ellipsoid of revolution,

(A, </>, H) = (UCl, H) , (2.1- 7a)

(A, </» (2.1- 7b)

geographical longitude, latitude of the ellipsoid of revolution,
H ellipsoidal height.

For the representation of external surface deformations the

internal surface normal coordinates (Fig. 2.1)

(2.1- 8a)

surface coordinates of the reference surface (2.1-8b)

surface considered in the undeformed state

are used with

metric tensor lab,
(2.1- 8c)
basis vectors bi.a:= &Xi'/&pa, b't.:= &pa/&Xi ..
10 Chapter 2. Deformation Theories

a S (1)
p - System (A" <1>, h)
qa_ System (A" <1>, H)

_ - 4 r " - - - - - - S (t)


Fig. 2.1. Relations between the internal surface normal coordinates

and external surface normal coordinates

For the investigations of surface deformations, external and internal

surface normal coordinates are generally combined. The primary sur-
face representation is done according to (2.1-6d) and in (2.1-8a) the
surface coordinates u Oi are adopted:
pa=:(uOl,h). (2.1-8d)

2.2 Three-Dimensional Deformations

2.2.1 Preliminary Remarks
The deformation theory originates from the representation of the dy-
namics of deformable media (body). Therefore, it has primarily been
developed as a three-dimensional differential geometry of deformable
point fields. In this section 2.2 only the most important general re-
sults are described in short, since the main objective of this work is
the surface deformations dealt with in the following sections 2.3 and
in chapter 4 which, when applied to free body surfaces, can be directly
derived from observations.
2.2. Three-Dimensional Deformations 11

2.2.2 General Fundamentals Isoparametric Representation
A point field is considered

{P} E body volume V (2.2-1a)

at two points of time

t and f (2.2-1b)

in the
isoparametric representation

coordinates of P in the points of time t and f (2.2-2a)

gab metric tensor in the point of time t , (2.2-2b)

gab metric tensor in the point of time f. (2.2-2c)

The difference of the square of the linear elements is the primary

deformation measure

ds 2 - ds 2 = (gab - gab) dqa dl = 2 Dab dqa dqb (2.2-3a)

with the
deformation tensor:

Dab = (gab - gab)/2 = Dba. (2.2-3b) Lagrangian Representation

The Lagrangian representation is achieved by introducing the position
vectors for the isoparametric representation (2 .2-2):

Xi. ( qa) = Cartesian coordinates of the P( t)

in the system S ,
Xi.(qa) = Cartesian coordinates of the P(t)
in the system S == 5,
by means of which the
12 Chapter 2. Deformation Theories

displacement vectors in S == S are defined as follows:


For the
metric tensors

gab = Xi,a Xi,b , (2.2-5a)

the relation

gab = gab + Xi,a Zi,b + Xi,b Zi,a + Zi,a Zi,b , (2.2-5b)

is obtained, through which the

deformation tensor to

( Xi a Zi b
+ Xi b Zi a
+ Zi a Zi b)/2

Cab + Zi,a Zi,b/ 2 ,

(Xi,a Zi,b + Xi,b Zi,a) /2 , (2.2-5d)

results. Of special importance from a practical point of view is the

case of
small displacements,


to which applies sufficiently precisely the

linear deformation tensor

Dab:::::: Cab = (Xi a Zi b

+ Xi "b Zi a)/2. (2.2-6b)

By transforming the deformation tensor (2.2-5c) into Cartesian coor-

dinates, one obtains with the introduction of the
displacement tensor

2.2. Three-Dimensional Deformations 13

Cartesian deformation tensor

tJ. := ctJ
". + Vik' Vik'J. /2
t. = D Jt.
·· (2.2-7b)



With (2.2-7b, c) and with the

tensor of rotation


the tensor of displacement to

v... -
tJ . -
c ..
c"tJ. - <,tJ. (2.2-7e)

results. The deformation measure (2.2-3a) is given the form

· · dx t'. dx J.' (2.2-7f)

~ 2Cij. dXi.dxj. for small displacements. (2.2-7g)

Special representations of rotations are

c ..
<"J. = C"k
tJ . dk . (2.2-8a)

and with

Vi. := dZi./ dt ,

W·t . (2.2-8b)

vorticity, eddy (vortex), rotation of VI.: . •

14 Chapter 2. Deformation Theories

2.2.3 Special Deformation Measures

The two most important deformation measures are

q (ds - ds) / ds = linear elongation , (2.2-9a)

ij (dV - dV) / dV = volume dilatation . (2.2-9b)

From (2.2-3a) it follows directly for the

Linear elongation
in the direction of r a := dqa / ds bzw. rio := dXi./ ds :

q =(1+2D a brarb)1/2 _1=(1+2D oo

r S. r J. )1/2_1
o o
, (2.2-10a)

and in the case of small displacements (2.2-6) these formulas simplify

themselves as follows:
a b
q = £abr r = £ij. riorj .. (2.2-lOb)

For the volume dilatation (2.2-9b) the representation of Duschek and

Hochrainer (1965-1968) §43 is adopted. In this case, the 'first, second,
and third scalar of the deformation tensor' are





+1 if i, j, k are cyclic,
- 1 if i, j, k are anticyclic, (2.2-11d)
o if i, j, k are acyclic,

are the permutation symbols for the Cartesian coordinates. For the
permutation symbols of the ellipsoidal coordinates see (2.3-27d).
With (2.2-11a-c) one obtains for the
volume dilatation (-depression):

2.3. Surface Deformations 15

In the case of small displacements (2 .2-6) , (2 .2-11a-c) simplify them-

selves as follows :
D (l) -- Con.
c ·.

by which (2.2-12a) goes over into

q = Cii. = 9 ab cab·

2.3 Surface Deformations

2.3.1 Preliminary Remarks
If one considers only the internal Riemannian geometry of surfaces and
the deformations referred to it, then the pertinent theory is formally,
to a large extent, identical with the three-dimensional deformation
theory dealt with in section 2.2. This is directly apparent from the
following sections and However, as regards the ap-
plications, the embedding of the surfaces into the three-dimensional
Euclidean space is of interest, which means the change resulting from
surface deformations of the external geometry, the fundamentals of
which are treated in section 2.3.3.

2.3.2 Internal Surface Deformations Isoparametric Representation
Here, a two-dimensional point field
{P} E surface F (2 .3-1a)
is at two points of time
t and l (2.3-1b)
in the isoparametric representation
coordinates of P in the moments t and f , (2.3-2a)

metric tensor in the moment t , (2.3-2b)

metric tensor in the moment l, (2.3-2c)

16 Chapter 2. Deformation Theories

taken into account analogously to (2.2-1). The difference of the squa-

res of the linear elements is the primary
deformation measure


with the
surface deformation tensor:

(2.3-3b) Computations on the Basis of the

Gaussian Surface Representation
The position vectors

Xi.(UO') = Cartesian coordinates of the P(t) E F

in the system S ,
Xi.( uO') = Cartesian coordinates of the P(f) E P
in the system S == S
are introduced into the isoparametric surface representation (2.3-2),
by means of which the
displacement vectors in S == S are formed:
Z·t. (uO') := X't. (uO') - X·t(uO')
. '. (2 .3-4b)

For the
metric tensors

f 0'{3 = Xi,O' Xi,{3 , (2.3-5a)

the relation

10'/3 = f 0'{3 + Xi ,O' Zi ,/3 + Xi,/3 Zi,O' + Zi ,O' Zi,{3 , (2.3-5b)

is obtained, which leads to the

2.3. Surface Deformations 17

surface deformation tensor


= CO/{3+ Zi,O/ zi,(3/2 ,

(Xi,O/ Zi,{3 + Xi,{3 Zi,O/) /2. (2.3-5d)
small displacements

the linear surface deformation tensor
applies sufficiently precisely

DO/{3 ~ cO/(3 = (Xi,O/ Zi,{3 + Xi,{3 zi,0/)/2 , (2.3-6b)

and according to (2.2-lOb, 12b) the internal surface-deformation-
measures for small displacements result as follows:
Linear surface elongation q and the scale of distortion m
in the direction of rO/ := duO/ / ds :

q := (ds - ds)/ds = EO/{3rO/r{3 ,m = 1 + q, (2.3-7a)

Surface dilatation (-depression):
ij = 10/{3 C0/{3 . (2.3-7b)
For the
main deformation directions orthogonal to each other

n E {I, 2} , (2.3-7c)
which are identical with the directions of the principal axes of the
linear deformation tensor cO/{3, one obtains starting from (2.3-7a) as
the conditional equation the quadratic equation
ao v 2 + al v + a2 = 0, ao = El2 122 - C22 h2 ,
al = Ell 122 - C22 111, a2 = Cll 112 - Cl2 111
The two solutions of the quadratic equation generally read

VI } = [1/( 2ao)] [-al ± (ai - 4aoa2)1/2] . (2.3-7e)

18 Chapter 2. Deformation Theories

For the computation of the quadratic equation (2.3-7e) the special



VI -l- 0 ,

are of interest. Another special case for

£12 -l- 0 and iI2 -l- 0

is given if also locally the main deformation directions coincide with
orthogonal coordinate lines. To the main deformation directions (2.3-
7e, f) belong the direction vectors

T(n) = (1, V(n))a /1(1, v(n))i31 ,

1(1, v(n))i312 = fai3 (1, V(n))a (1, V(n))i3 .

Owing to (2.3-7g) one obtains the components of the direction vectors




If these are inserted into (2.3-7a) the

extreme values of the linear elongations and distortion scales

m(n) = 1 + q(n) , n E {I, 2} (2.3-7j)

and the distortion vectors


2.3. Surface Deformations 19 Computations in External Surface

Normal Coordinates
In (2.3-4a) the position vectors are replaced by external surface normal
coordinates (2.1-6), which leads to the following isoparametric surface
representations for the points at time t and i

[u l , u2 , H( UC¥) ja ,
[ ul ( UC¥), u2( UC¥), fIe UC¥) ja . (2.3-8a)

To the displacement vectors (2.3-4b) correspond here the

displacement coordinates


Only the case of small displacements (2.3-6a) is considered, for which

with (2.3-8a)


With this accuracy one obtains in the qa-system :


and it is

Xi,c¥ Zi,{3 = q~c¥ (z~ + r~1 q~{3 zl) 9cd . (2.3-9c)

According to (2.3-5a) it follows for the

metric tensors


of F and P the relation

Jc¥{3 = Jc¥{3 + [q~c¥ (z~ + r~1 q~{3 zf) (2.3-lOb)
+ q~{3 (z~ + r~f q~c¥ zf) + ... j 9cd,
so that the
20 Chapter 2. Deformation Theories

linear surface deformation tensor to

COt(3 = [q~Ot (z~ + r~f q~(3 zf) + q~(3 (z~Ot + r~f q~Ot zf) 19cd/ 2 (2.3-10c)
results. The first derivations of the qC according to the surface coordi-
nates result on the basis of (2.3-8a) to

For the internal surface deformation measures here also apply
(2.3-7a-k). Computations in Ellipsoidal

For the surface coordinates (2.3-8a) geographical coordinates are se-

aE{1,2}, (2.3-11a)

so that the surface representation for successive points in time t and t

with (2.1-6) to

[A, </>, H( uOtW

[~( u Ot ), 4>( u Ot ), H( uOt)t (2.3-11b)

and the displacement coordinates (2.3-8b) to


result. The metric of the geographical ellipsoidal coordinates is deter-

mined by

gab = (Rl + H)2 cos 2 </> 6! 6l + (R2 + H)2 c5~ c5~ + c5~ c5~ (2.3-12a)


Rl = ejV, R2 = ejV3, e = a2jb,

a = semi major axis of the ellipsoid of revolution,
b = semi minor axis of the ellipsoid of revolution, and
V = (1 + e,,2 cos 2 </»1/2, e,,2 = (a 2 - b2) / b2 .
2.3. Surface Deformations 21

The first partial derivatives of the metric tensor (2.3- 12a) resulting
from taking >., </> and H read
911 ,1 0
911,2 -(R1 + H)(R2 + H) sin 2</>
911,3 2(R1 + H) cos2 </>
922 ,1 o (2.3-12b)
922,2 3R 2(R 2 + H)( e" /V)2 sin 2</>
922,3 2(R2 + H)
933,1 933,2 = 933,3 = 0
e" 2 = 2nd numerical eccentricity of the ellipsoid of revolution (2.3-
12a) .
From (2.3-12) one obtains the Christoffel symbols of the 2nd kind
needed in (2.3-9c)
r~b = 9cd (9ad,b + 9bd,a - 9ab,d) / 2, (2.3-13a)
as follows:
rb = -(R2 + H) tan </> / (R1 + H) ,
rb = 1/ (R1 + H) ,
r 121 --r 12'

r 31
1 - r1
- 13'

n1 = (R1 + H)
sin2</> /2(R2 + H) ,
n2 = 3R2(e" /V)2 sin 2¢ / 2(R2 + H) , (2.3-13b)

r~3 = 1/(R2 +H),

r 32
-- r 23,

rr1 = -(R1 + H) cos 2¢ ,

r~2 = -(R2 + H) .
The other components of the Christoffel symbols of the 2nd kind,
which are not included in (2.3-13b) equal to zero. For (2.3-9c) it
follows from this, using the assumptions (2.3- 9a, b) with the displa-
cement coordinates (2.3- 11c), in geographical ellipsoidal coordinates
22 Chapter 2. Deformation Theories

[Z~l + (r~a + r~aH,l) Za] gl1

+ [Z~l + (ria + r~aH,l) Za] H,l ,

[Z~2 + (r~a + rjaH,2) Za] g11

+ [z1 + (r~a + r~aH,2) Za] H,l , (2.3-14)

Xi,2 Zi,1 [Z~l + (r~a + r~aH,l) Za] g22

+ [Z~ + (ria + r~aH,l) Za] H,2 ,

Xi,2 Zi,2 = [Z~2 + (r~a + r~aH,2) Za] g22

+ [z1 + (r~a + r~aH,2) Za] H,2.
With the aid of the law of transformation of the metric tensor
J.Ot{3 = q,Otq,{3
c d gcd ( 2.3-15 )

one obtains the metric tensor fOt{3 in the first point of time t in the
isoparametric surface representation (2.3-2)
fOt{3 = [(Rl+H)2cos24>+(H,1)216~6b (2.3-16)
+(6~ 6~+6~ 6b)H,1 H,2+[(R2+H)2+(H,2)2l6~ 6~.
Thus, all relevant quantities have been determined to be able to com-
pute the metric tensor JOt{3, (2.3-10a) for the second point of time t,
and the linear surface deformation tensor fa{3, (2.3-10c). The linear
surface elongation and the surface dilatation (-depression) result
according to (2.3-7).

2.3.3 External Surface Deformations Computations on the Basis of the
Gaussian Surface Representation
External surface deformations are primarily determined by the chan-
ges of the first and second fundamental tensor
la{3 - f a{3 , (2.3-17a)
2.3. Surface Deformations 23

For small displacements (2.3-6) the

change of the first fundamental tensor can be computed accor-
ding to (2.3-5) as follows:

D/OI{3 = JOI{3 - /0I{3 = Xi,a Zi,{3 + Xi,{3Zi,OI + ... = 2cOI{3 , (2.3-17b)

D/ = J - / + 122 O/n - 2 iI2 OiI2 + .. .

/11 0122 (2.3-17c)

2 ( /11 C22 + 122 cn - 2 h:. ~12 + ... ) .

With this result for the second fundamental tensor of F and F

LOI{3 = ni. Xi,OI(3 = Cijk. Xj,1 Xk,2 Xi,OI{3 /-1/2 ,
LOI(3 = ni. i\OI{3 = Cijk. Xj,1 Xk,2 Xi,OI{3 J-1/2
and for the
change of the second fundamental tensor in linearized form

Cijk. [Xj,1 Xk,2 Zi,OI{3

+ (Xj,1 Zk,2 + Xk,2 Zj,1) Xi,OI(3] / l/2 - LOI(3 D/ /(2J) ,

DL L-L (2.3-18c)

For oL no linearized formula according to (2.3-17c) can be used becau-

se the DL OI (3 may be of the same order of magnitude as the L OI {3' This
is particularly important as regards the computation of the change of
the Gaussian curvature (2.3-21d).
On the other hand the external surface geometry, which is more gra-
phic, is determined by the
normal curvatures
in the directions rOl := duOl / ds :

"'N = 1/ RN = L OI (3 rOl r(3 , (2.3-19a)

24 Chapter 2. Deformation Theories

mean curvat ure

and the
Gaussian curvature

defined here as geometrical mean, by

According to the 'Theorema egregium by Gauss' K can also be repre-

sented by itself as a function of the internal geometry (see Heitz 1988,
Chapter 2)
For the principal directions of curvature orthogonal to each other

n E {I, 2} , (2.3-20a)
which are identical with the directions of the principal axes of the
second fundamental tensor L a {3, one obtains starting from (2.3-19a)
as conditional equation the quadratic equation

bo v 2 + b1 v + b2 = 0 , bo = L12 122 - L22!I2 ,

b1 = Lll 122 - L22 111 , b2 = Lll 112 - L12 In
(see (2 .3-7) and Heitz 1988, Chapter 2). The two solutions of the
quadratic equations generally read

V(1) } = [1/(2b o)] [-b 1 ± (bi - 4bo b2)1/2] . (2.3-20c)


In this context the special cases

V(1) -+ 0 ,
Ib2 1 ~ Ibll and Ibol ~ Ibll
2.3. Surface Deformations 25

are of importance. The second special case is given if

L12 -+ 0 and 112 -+ 0,

i.e. if the principal directions of curvature coincide locally with the
orthogonal coordinate lines. To the principal directions of curvature
(2.3-20c, d) belong the direction vectors

r(n) = (1, 1I(n)yl! /1(1, 1I(n»),61 ,

1(1, 1I(n»),612 = 10/,6 (1, 1I(n»)0/ (1, 1I(n»),6 .

According to (2.3-20e) the components of the direction vectors

rt1) = 1/ (1 + 11(1»)1/2 , rt2) = 1/ (1 + 11(2»)1/2 (2.3-20f)



can be determined. If these are inserted in (2.3-19a) the principal


n E {I, 2} (2.3-20h)

are obtained, and together with (2.3-20e, f) the principal curvature

0/ 0/
KN(n) = KN(n) T(n) • (2.3-20i)

These results (2.3-20a-i) are formally true also for the deformed sur-
face P with

JO/f3 = 10/f3 + a 10/f3 , (2.3-21a)

If the V(n) and T(n) have been computed analogously to (2.3-20a-i),

one obtains starting from (2.3-20h) the
changes of the principal curvatures
KN(n) - KN(n) =
L0/,6 T(n)
-0/ -,6
T(n) -
L 0/ ,6
0/,6 T(n) T(n)

a LO/,6 r(n) rfn) + LO/,6 (2 T(n) + ar(n») arfn) , (2.3-21 b)

26 Chapter 2. Deformation Theories

These changes of the principal curvatures are generally not identical

with the extreme values of the changes of curvature. As further exter-
nal surface deformation measures, the
changes of the mean curvature

8H = fI - H ( px{3 LOi{3 - fOi{3 La{3 ) /2 (2.3-21c)

= f a {3 8La{3 + La {3 6r{3
and the
change of the Gaussian curvature

8J( = I? - J( = (L/ J)I/2 - (L/I)I/2 (2.3-21d)

can be used. It is generally not possible to linearize (2.3-21d) according

to (2.3-17, 18) for the reason given on (2.3-18d). Even with small
changes of curvature, the changes of the principal curvature directions

may turn out to be large.

To represent the external surface deformation, the rotations of the
surface elements can be referred to in addition to the surface curva-
tures dealt with before. Their computation is appropriately performed
in the internal surface normal coordinates pa = (u a , h) according to
(2.1-8d), in which with

Xi,a {}Xi.!{}pa =: bi.a, bi. := {}pa /{}Xi. , (2.3-22a)

Zi,a {}Zi.! {}pa

holds in particular in the surface points


In so far as it serves a better distinction, quantities defined in the

system pa are provided with a tilde"'.
For the displacement tensor one obtains in Cartesian Coordinates (2.1-

2.3. Surface Deformations 27

and hence in internal surface normal coordinates

Vab = Za ;b = Xi,a Xj,b Vij . = Db( 3 -
bi .a Z i,{3 =: Eab - ~ab . (2.3-23b)

In the system pa results the

symmetric portion of the displacement tensor to


Its 'tangential components' form the

linear surface deformation tensor


The skew-symmetric portion of the displacement tensor is the so-

tensor of rotation


whose 'tangential components' form the

normal tensor of rotation


With (2.3-22b, 25b) one obtains for the

symmetric portion of the displacement tensor the special rep-

(2.3- 26a)

Analogically, the
tensor of rotation (2.3-25a, b) with (2.3-22b) can be described as


infinitesimal rotation vector pertinent to the tensor of rotation
28 Chapter 2. Deformation Theories

constitutes in Cartesian coordinates while taking into account (2.3-

dk. = (1/2)Eijk.~ij. = (1/2)
a b -
= (1/2) Eijk. bi. Zj,a= (1/2) Eijk. bi. Zj,OI .
In the internal surface normal coordinates pa holds
d = (1/2)gabc tab = (1/2) gabc Zb;a = (1/2)gOlbc bi.bZi,OI
C (2.3-27b)
and, separately according to 'planimetric and altimetric components':
d-0I -f--
- 1/ 2 ( - z,,2 . )OI b·/2
. , Z"l ,.3 , b·,.3 - . ,
- n,.
(13 = J-1/2 (bi.! Zi,2 - bi.2 Zi,1)/2 ,
the permutation symbols for the ellipsoidal coordinates
9 if d, e, f are cyclic,
-9 if d, e, fare anticyclic,
o if d, e, f are acyclic; (2.3-27d)
1/9 if d, e, f are cyclic,
-1/9 if d, e, fare anticyclic,
o if d, e, f are acyclic,
9 = 19abl = 911922, (see 2.3-12a).
The partial derivations of the Cartesian rotation vector (2.3-
27a) according to the surface coordinates rf3 = q/3 = u/3 are
dk,/3 = ( bl./3 (2.3-28a)
= (l/2) Eijk.[( -tfi'Y bI +.Lfi ni.) Zj,OI + bi. Zj,a/3] ,
and for the covariant derivations of the covariant rotation vec-
tor (2.3-27b, c) one obtains
(1~fj =,/3 (2.3-28b)
= (1/2)Eijk.bk.[(-tfi'YbI + .LfindZj,a + bi. zj,a/3]'
(2.3-28a, b) are functions of the second partial derivations of the dis-
placements, and hence of the changes of the normal curvatures due to
surface deformation.
2.3. Surface Deformations 29 Computations in External Surface

Normal Coordinates
With the Gauss-Weingarten equations for the surface theory

Xi,~ == Xi,a q~ ,


the representations (2.3-18a) for the second fundamental tensor of F

and F in the external surface normal coordinates qa go over into
e 1 (d
L Ct{3 -- cde1 q,l q,2 q,Ct{3 + rdab q,Cta q,{3b) j-1/2 ,
L- Ct{3 = cde1
- - e -1 (-d
q,l q,2 q,Ct{3 + r-dab q,Ct
-a q,{3
;;;b ) j--1/2
For the computation of the change of the second fundamental

according to (2.3- 18b) (2.3- 30b)

the first and second partial derivations of


are needed in addition to (2.3-29) with respect to the surface coor-

dinates (u Ct ) as functions of the derivations of the qa . These result
. -_ Ct..c (Z,Ctc + rcab q,Ctb Za)

Zi,Ct{3 = Ci.e {z~Ct(3 + r~b(q~{3z~Ct + q~CtZfi) (2.3-31b)

+ [r~b q~Ct{3 + (r~b,d + r~d r~b) q~Ct q~] za }

Owing to (2.3-10d) for the second partial derivations of the qC with

respect to the surface coordinates one obtains

(2 .3-31c)

Taking (2.3-29-31) into account, all curvature computations (2.3-19-

21) can be carried out in the external surface normal coordinates qa.
30 Chapter 2. Deformation Theories

To compute the rotations of the surface elements (2.3-22-28) one

starts again from the assumptions (2.3-8, 9a, b). Contrary to the re-
flections on the section the h-component in the direction of the
surface normals must here also be considered with the internal surface
normal coordinate system. The use of the external qa-system as well
as of the internal pa-system necessitates providing the indices of the
latter generally with a tilde '" . Thus, the following representations
b·~.a = 8x· j8pa = c·t.e qC_,a'
b~t. = 8paj8x· t.
= ct.y pa,C' (2.3-32a)
and owing to (2.3-31a) one obtains

zi,b = Ci.d ( z,bd + rdef q,be Zf )=.. Ci.d o{3b ( z,iJd + rdef q,jje Zf ) . (2.3-32b)

The second form meets zi:3 = 0 according to (2.3-22b). For this it

follows '
zd.. -
,3 -
_rdef qe_,3 zf -- _rdef n e zf . (2.3-32c)

To (2.3-9c) corresponds here the equation

bt..a zi,b- -- q,a
C f:{3 ( d
ub z,iJ + r ef
d e
q,iJ Zf) 9cd· (2.3-32d)

If it is put in (2.3-24a, 25a) one obtains for the

symmetric portions of the displacement tensor

gab = [ q~a o~ ( zj + r~f q~iJ zf ) (2.3-33a)

+ q~b o~ ( z~ + r~f q~ci zf ) ] 9cdj2

and for the
tensor of rotation

~ab = [q~a o~ ( zj + r~f q~iJ zf ) (2.3-33b)

- (b o~ ( Z~ci + r~f q~ci zf ) ] 9cdj2 .

One starts from the assumption (2.1-8d), so

with which the transformation matrices between the qa-system and
the pa-system result as follows:
2.3. Surface Deformations 31

= 01'ex ,
q3,a -- H ,0',
(2 .3-34c)
qd..,3 cd1. n'1. = nd = gcd cabc qa.,1 qb_,2 f- 1 / 2

J Ot(J = q,aa q,iJb gab , (2 .3-34d)

ni. = bi,3 = normal of the reference surface of the pa - system.
For the transformation matrices between the pa-system and the qa-system
inverse to this applies

(2.3- 35a)


PI',a= 01'ex , p3, = hOt, = -H,Ot/n3 ,

P~3 = bf. mi. = ih d = ( 0 , 0 , 1/n3)
mi. = Ci.3 = normal of the reference surface of the qa - system,
ni. according to (2.3-34d) .
The real difference as to the results (2.3-10b, c) lies in the fact that
the transformation matrices q~ are taken into account . If one consi-
ders only the 'linear surface d~formation tensor' (2.3- 24b), which will
generally be the case, (2 .3- 33a) goes over into (2.3-10c).
However, for the 'rotation tensor' (2.3-33b) the three-dimensional rep-
resentation in the pa-system is important because only this represen-
tation allows the complete representation of the
infinitesimal rotation vector (2.3-27b):
d C (1/2)gabc[ab = (1/2)gOtbcbi.bzi,a (2.3-36a)
( 1/2) gOtbc q9_,b (zd_,C< + r ef
d qe_ zf ) g
,Ot d9 .
In the case of restriction to the 'normal rotation tensor' (2.3- 25b) ,
only the normal component of the rotation vector (2 .3-36a)

(2 .3- 36b)
32 Chapter 2. Deformation Theories

has to be computed. The covariant derivations of the contra-

variant rotation vector (2.3-36a) corresponding to (2.3-28b) can
generally be computed in the form

= (1/2)gabc [qg_,b (zd_,a + rdej qe_,a zj)gdg ] ;/3 .
The result must be identical with (2.3-28b) if there the Cartesian
coordinates are eliminated. In this way first

is obtained, in which according to (2.3-32d) is


and starting from (2.3-32b) one obtains

c ( z d-{3-
+ rdejqijz(3-
j + rdejq e-(3-z j + rdejoqijq{3-z
,0 ,
j) gcd


(2.3-37b, c) are to be substituted in (2.3-37a) and the transformation

matrices are to be computed according to (2.3-34, 35). Computations in Ellipsoidal

For the representation of the external surface deformation theory in
geographical ellipsoidal coordinates, it is started from the results of
section The partial derivations of the ellipsoidal coordinates
qa = (A, </>, H) according to the internal surface normal coordinates
iP = (A, </>, h) result in conformity with (2.3-34b, c). By this and ta-
king into account the Christoffel symbols of the 2nd kind (2.2-13) all
quantities (2.3-30) pp., (2.3-36) pp. relevant to deformation studies
can be computed. A further solution of the tensor multiplication offers
no advantages for programming because the Christoffel symbols have
only relatively few zero components.
2.3. Surface Deformations 33

2.3.4 Deformations and Stresses

In this paper the general aspects of the solution of boundary value
problems of elastostatics are not examined. In the following only a
short insight into the local stress-deformation relations at the
Earth's surface is given, which show quite interesting correlations
between the internal and external deformation measures of the surface
F and pertinent stresses and changes in stresses.
All reflections refer to a test point P E F, and they are realized in the
internal surface coordinate system § spanned in P according to
pa = (U CX , h)a ,
ua = surface coordinates of the reference surface
with the metric tensors

Jab = Xi ,ii X·" b- , Ja{J = fa{J = Xi,a Xi,{J . (2.3-38b)

The computations simplify themselves considerably if in this local sy-
stem S Cartesian coordinates

axis 1. in the direction of the u 1 - line,

axis 2. in the tangential plane of F ,
axis 3. in the direction of the surface normals ni. = Ci3.
are introduced. In the following the tilde '" over the vector symbols
is generally omitted in as far as this may lead to confusion. The
transformation matrices are
Xi,1 f11 Cit.,
( f12' fl/2, 0).,. f- 12
Xi,2 11 / ,

Xi,3 Ci3.
a f- 1/ 2 Ca (2.3-39b)
P,1 11 1,

(f12 , -f11 , ot (f f11)-1/2 ,
a C3 ,
34 Chapter 2. Deformation Theories

If the internal surface deformations have been determined, the sur-

face-deformation tensor ['Yo, (2.3-6b) is known and can be transformed
by means of (2.3-39b) into the Cartesian local system:

a, {3, ,,6 E {I, 2} . (2.3-40a)

With this the three Cartesian components ell., e12., e22. can be assu-
med as given. A further precondition consists of the disappearance of
the surface stresses

Si.3 = (Jij. nj. = (Ji3. = 0 ; (2.3-40b)

Concerning the dynamic fundamentals needed here and in the followi-

ng, please (cf. Heitz 1980-1983).
An isotropic, linear-elastic state is assumed, for which the parameters
of elasticity

A, J..L = Lame's parameters,

J..L = shear modulus,
v = Poisson's parameter,
E = 2J..L(1 + v) = Young's parameter,
are used. Thus, Hooke's law according to Heitz (1980-1983) (8-33,
49) reads


From this follows the combination with (2.3-40b)

(Ji3. = 0 = 2 J..L ei3. + Aekk. 6i3 .• (2.3-41c)

A direct result is

e13. = e23. = 0 , (2.3-41d)

so that the surface normal constitutes a principal deformation and

stress direction. The two other principal directions thus fall on the
tangential plane 1.-2., and in addition to (2.3-41d)

e12. =0 (2.3-41e)
2.3. Surface Deformations 35

is assumed, which is always possible by an appropriate orientation of

the coordinate axes 1., 2., then the principal axes coincide with these
axes. Further, one obtains from (2.3-41c)

C33. = [,,\/(2/1)] qV = [v/(l- v)] q (2.3-4lf)

with the volume dilatation qV and the surface dilatation q :


With these results the horizontal stresses can be computed on the

basis of Hooke's law, and it is

Si.1 = (Til. = 2/1 {cl1. + [v/(l - v)] q, C12., 0h

Si.2 = (Ti2. = 2/1 {c12., C22. + [v/(l- v)] q, 0 h..
On the condition of (2.3-41e), it applies that

S1.2 = S2.1 = 0 . (2.3-4li)

Now follow computations of changes of stresses at the Earth's

surface F, which result from the deformation F::} F. To do this one
starts from the differential equations of elastostatics in the simplest
form in the Cartesian local system S (2.3-39a)


This corresponds to Heitz (1980-1983) (8-105d) neglecting gravity

changes due to the deformations. Dissolved according to normal deri-
vations (2.3-42a) reads


The derivations of the right side are to be formed on the basis of

Hooke's law (2.3-41b):

(Ti1,o: = 2/1 {ci1,o: + [v /(1 - v)] q,o: Dio:.} , a E {I, 2} (2.3-43a)



When substituted into (2.3-42b) it results that

(Ti3,3 = -2/1 {ci1,1 + Ci2,2 + [v /(1 - v)] ( q,l Dil. + q,2 Di2. )} . (2.3-43c)
36 Chapter 2. Deformation Theories

So far all formulas are rigorous. For the further evaluation of O"i3,3
the approximations are done in the neighbourhood of the test
point P
F == tangential plane of F in P ,
F = curved surface,
which are justified with the assumption of small displacements (2.3-
6a). Hence, the following simplifications apply

f = I ,
Xi,c.{3 =0 , (2.3-44b)
Lc./3 =0 j

Zi,3 =0 , Zi,3c. =0 j
fc./3 = oc./3. + zc.,/3 + z/3,c. = oc./3. + 2 Ec./3. ,

of = 2 (Zl,l + Z2,2) = 2 (En. + E22.) (2.3-44d)

Lc.{3 = 0Lc./3 = Z3,c./3 .

If the axes 1., 2. are identified with the principal directions of curva-
ture, then it applies that

OL12 = Z3,12 = 0 , (2.3-45a)

and owing to (2.3-2Ic-e) one obtains

OKN(n) = oL(nn) = Z3,(nn) , (2.3-45b)


With this the components of (2.3-43c) can be represented as follows:

0"13,3 = -2/1 {cll,l + E12,2 + [vl(l - v)] q,d ,


0"33,3 = -2/1 oH , (2.3-46b)

The horizontal components O"i3,3, i E {I, 2} are determined only by

the internal surface deformations. The gradients needed in (2.3-46a)
2.3. Surface Deformations 37

of the Cartesian surface-deformation tensor are obtained on the basis

ofthe 'curvilinear components' £-yo, (2.3-10c) determined originally, as
a rule, through transformation according to (2.3-40a) in the following
-y 0 v-
POI Pf3 PI-' c-YOj v , (2.3-47a)

with Ct, /3, ... (; E {I, 2} .

The vertical component 0"33,3, (2.3-46b) is a function of the change
of the mean curvature (2.3-21d)

6H = iI - H , (2.3-47b)

so that it is determined by the external surface deformations.

Chapter 3

Geometric Modelling

3.1 General Fundamentals

In chapter 1: Introduction the importance regarding (1-5) and (1-
7) of geometric modelling of surfaces and their temporal variations
by interpolation functions for the observation quantities in discretely
distributed observation stations (1-6), namely the point and displa-
cement coordinates
has already been pointed out. Here, only surface normal coordinates
(2.1-6) are used, which includes also the special Gaussian surface re-
presentation in Cartesian coordinates (2.1-4). With this and taking
(2.3-8) into account, (3.1-la) are to be substituted by
These height and displacement coordinates are in the following
generally referred to as
and the special designations
points of source (3.1-2a)
stations with observed values Yq ,

test points (3.1-2b)

stations with values to be interpolated yp:= y( u~)
40 Chapter 3. Geometric Modelling

are introduced. The determination of an interpolation function y( uQ'),

(3.1-2b), with the points of support (3.1-2a) is described as interpo-
lation or approximation, depending on whether the Yq-values are
exactly observed or approximated only to minimize residuals. Here,
the designation 'interpolation' is generally used for both cases. If be-
sides the observations (3.1-2a) there are no additional data for the
field quantities y( uQ') to be interpolated, e.g. in the form of dynamic
models, which is assumed here in any case, purely geometrical mo-
dellings or interpolation procedures are concerned. These must
in general meet the following conditions:
• the observation stations (3.1-3a)
or points of source (3.1-2a) are to be selected so densely
that a linear interpolation between neighbouring stations
ensures the accuracy achievable or aimed at
• the selected geometric interpolation function (3.1-3b)
must according to (1-7b) ensure an approximately linear
interpolation between neighbouring observation stations.
The accuracy achievable with a given density of observation or sour-
ce points can be estimated relatively simply. For individual test points
linear interpolations on the basis of differently selected, neighbouring
'source triangles' are carried out. The differences of the interpolation
results following from this one and the same test point are a measure
for the accuracy of the approximation. If it is not sufficient for the
particular formulation of the problem of geometric modelling, an ap-
propriate densification of the observation points must be made.
Basically, it is possible to meet very well the requirements (3.1-3a, b)
• Graphic interpolation, (3.1-4a)
on the basis of the isolines drawn in a map of the function
values y( uQ') .
However, such 'linearly discretized interpolation functions' are not com-
puter-compatible. Therefore, they are substituted by completely or
piece by piece
3.1. General Fundamentals 41

• Analytic interpolation functions, (3.1-4b)

which besides having to fulfil (3.1-3) must be two times
continuous according to the UCX in order to allow the com-
pletely analytic computation of the internal and external
surface deformation measures,
i.e. according to (1-7b).
Here, only linear interpolation procedures as to (3.1-4b) are con-
sidered. With (3.1-2) the result of a linear interpolation can generally
be represented in the form

YP = Y; + L apq (Yq - y'{) (3.1-5a)



apq coefficients
functions to be determined of u~, {Yq, u~} , (3.1-5b)

Y; trend function
known function of u~ . (3.1-5c)

As trend functions polynomials of relatively low degree n' enter

above all into consideration:
n; n~
Y; = Y;o +L L bnln2(ultl(u2t2 , (3.1-6a)
nl =1 n2=1
with order n' = ni + n2 .
For smaller interpolation areas the mean value

yJ = yJo = (LYq )/nq , nq = number of the Pq (3.1-6b)


is often a suitable trend function.

Various linear interpolation or approximation methods dif-
fer from each other only by the determination of the coefficients a pq
in (3.1-5a). If for different methods the conditions (3.1-3) are com-
plied with in the same quality, the results for the coefficients (3.1-5b)
can in each case differ only slightly for one and the same test point Pp •
42 Chapter 3. Geometric Modelling

A good survey of the analytic interpolation methods (3.1-4b) can be

found in Abramowsk and Muller (1991). In any case, polynomial
interpolation must be mentioned first, which is described in chap-
ter 3.2. This is formally the simplest method. The oscillations with
higher degrees of polynomials has a disadvantageous effect which may
lead to coarse violations of the approximation requirement (3.1-3b).
This may be counteracted by, among others, the interpolation by
spline functions. Spline functions are piece by piece continuous po-
lynomials of a low degree (e.g. bicubic) over rectangular sectors of the
coordinates, for which at the boundaries continuity in the first, second
or higher derivations according to the coordinates is required (cf. Ab-
ramowsk and Muller 1991, Chapter 4 and 5) . The spline technique
is formally relatively complex and depends on a regular source point
grid. A procedure more advantageous for the problems under conside-
ration here constitutes the interpolation by collocation, dealt with
in section 3.3, called also interpolation according to the least squares.
The covariances of the function values assumed as being known, which
are generally considered as solely distance-dependant, form the basis
of this method.
The spline and collocation techniques constitute always interpolation
methods in the stricter sense of the remarks after (3.1-2b): in the
source points applies: fig = Yg. On the contrary, polynomial interpo-
lation is often used as a method of approximation.
The subdivision by finite triangles treated in section 3.4 constitu-
tes a special case of the interpolation methods, with which the surface
F is decomposed into triangles with the corner points coinciding with
the observation stations (3 .1-2b). For each triangle separate interpo-
lation functions (3.1-5) are used.

3.2 Interpolation by Polynomials

A point field
{P} E region F of the Earth's surface 0 (3.2-1a)
was observed at two points of time
t and
3.2. Interpolation by Polynomials 43

As a result surface normal coordinates (2.3-8) are available, i.e.

[u 1 , U2 , H(ucx)]a ,
[ ii,l( U CX ), ii,2( U CX ), H( ucx)]a , (3.2-2a)

and thus the displacement coordinates


For the region F of the Earth's surface and the displacement field
observed, one starts from analytical functions in the form of a
Polynomial for the height q3 == H :

n~ n~
H(u CX ) ~ L L hn1n2 (U1tl (U 2 t2 (3.2-3a)

and of
Polynomials for the displacement coordinates za :
n~ n;
za( UCX) ~ L L c~ln2 (u 1 tl (u 2 )n2 • (3.2-3b)

The Determination of Coefficients


is done on the basis of the H - and za-values (3.2-2a, b), i.e. gener-
ally by a formal application of the adjustment according to the least
squares method. After the determination of the coefficients (3.2-3c)
all measuring quantities treated in sections 2.3.2 and 2.3.3 can be
computed with regard to the internal and external surface deformati-
The degree of the polynomials

n' = n~ + n~ (3.2-4a)

is composed of the degrees of development differently assumable in the

two surface coordinates

n~ = degree in u 1 , n~ = degree in u 2 • (3.2-4b)

44 Chapter 3. Geometric Modelling

If n~r is the larger and nkl the smaller one of the degree numbers ni, n2
the number of coefficients amounts to:

A special problem of the representation of polynomials consists in that

they tend to oscillations between the source points, which con-
tradicts the requirement of linearity (3.1-3b). This occurs particularly
with higher degrees of polynomials, and no generally valid rules can
be given to avoid oscillations. The following requirements are to be
observed in any case:

• the observation stations (3.2-5a)

or source points (3.1-2a) are to be selected nearly equidi-
• the degree of development of the polynomials n' (3.2-5b)
is to be selected so low that an over-determination as large
as possible of the coefficients (3.2-3c) is ensured.
Both postulates present no difficulties as regards the interpolation of
the terrain model represented by the H -values since this is subject
only to relatively low accuracy requirements. The H -values can in
principle be taken from topographic maps at problem-adapted sca-
les. With the za-values which, as a rule, have to be determined very
precisely, a 'densification of the observation' can be obtained without
further observations just by adding
• linearly interpolated za-values (3.2-5c)
for source points Pq , between neighbouring observation sta-
tions Pq (triangular or rectangular meshes).
The polynomial degrees are to be selected such that the number of
coefficients (3.2-4b) becomes
N nl n2 ~ number of observation stations Pq • (3.2-5d)

3.3 Interpolation by Collocation

The interpolation by collocation method was applied for the first time
by Moritz (1973) to geodetic problems as 'Least Squares Prediction'
3.3. Interpolation by Collocation 45

and has since developed into a mathematical instrument widely used

in geodesy (d. especially Moritz 1973, 1980; Moritz and Siinkel 1977).
Here, the collocation is needed only in its original form as 'interpolati-
on according to least squares', the essential features of which are given
in the following.
This theory starts from the interpolation formulation (3.1-5), which
can also be interpreted as linear autocorrelation. With the assump-

- - -T (3.3-1a)
YP := YP - Yp ,

the linear autocorrelation of the YP , Yq reads generally


YP = E apq Yq , nq = number of source points. (3.3-1b)


If a trend function in the form of a polynomial (3.1-6) is introduced

where coefficients are determined according to the method of least
squares, then it applies with the designation generally used in the
< !k > := (E fk)/n mean of the fk (3.3-1c)

< Yq > = 0 => < YP > ~ 0 . (3.3-1d)

For the functions (3.1-1b) to be interpolated, the autocorrelation for-

mulations (3.3-1b) have the special forms

Hp = Eapq Hq , H:= H _H T , (3.3-2a)


(za)p = E(b~)pq (ZC)q , za := za _ (za)T . (3.3-2b)


(3.3-2b) represents a linear vector function which brings about a cor-

relation of all three components (za)p, respectively with all three com-
ponents (ZC)q in the source points, which is also designated as 'cross
46 Chapter 3. Geometric Modelling

correlation'. However, this complex approach can, as a rule, be redu-

ced to a simple autocorrelation of the single vector components among

(za)p = L bpq (za)q . (3.3-2c)

The law of autocorrelation is in any case to be selected such that the
coefficients (b~ )pq tend asymptotically to zero with increasing distance
Pp-Pq [ef. (3.3-5)] and that the three source points Pp located nearest
to the test point Pq have the main influence on (za)p. If one assumes
for this 'source triangle' a (nearly) linear interpolation according to
the postulate (3.1-3b), then the correlation formulation (3.3-2c) [ef.
section 3.4.2, (3.4-4b)] results for this, which is certainly also justified
with respect to the source points lying outside the neighbouring source
For the determination of the correlation coefficient of (3.3-2a,
c) through collocation or interpolation according to least squares, one
may start from the general formulation (3.3-1a, b). If YP are the true
function values in the test points Pp , then it results for the approxi-
mation errors

oyp:= YP - YP = YP - Lapq Yq (3.3-3a)

Their mean square sum can be represented by introducing the cova-
riance functions

C pq = C qp := < YP Yq >, C o := < YP YP > ~ < Yq Yq > (3.3-3b)

in the form

nq nq nq

C o -2 Lapq Cpq + L L apq apt Cq/,

q=l q=l/=l
q, 1 source point indices, nq = number of source points.

The Least-Sq uares-Post ulate

3.3. Interpolation by Collocation 47

leads to the conditional equations

(3.3- 4b)

for the coefficients apq , which when applied to (3.3-3c) read fully:

Lapq Cql = Cpl , 1=1,2, ... n q • (3.3-4c)

This is a system of nq linear equations with a symmetrical matrix of
coefficients C pq = Cqp , by which the nq coefficients apq are in general
determined unambiguously:

apq = LC~1 Cpl ,

(3.3- 4d)
C~1 = inverse of the covariance matrix Cql .

(3.3-3c) goes with (3.3- 4c) over into


(Mp)2 = Co - L apq Cpq . (3.3-4e)

If Pp is identified with a source point Qn, then (3.3- 4d, 3a) give the
0 for n of. q
a nq = 8nq = { 1 Jor
n = q
=> Yn = Yn . (3.3-4f)

The covariance function C pq is selected as a function of distance

Spq (distance between the points Qp and Qq). (3.3-5a)

Qp, Qq are the foot points of Pp, Pq in the reference surface of the
surface normal coordinates. A representation of the covariance functi-
on that is in general well adapted to the specific requirements can be
achieved with exponential functions:

C1 exp( -d 1 S;q) + C2 exp( -d 2 S;q) , (3.3-5b)

Co, d 2 <t: d 1

(cf. Heitz 1968). The first exponential function describes the cova-
riance for the near zone and the second one must ensure a sufficiently
strong decrease in the distant zone in order to avoid singularity of the
48 Chapter 3. Geometric Modelling

equation system (3.3-4c). This can in any case be achieved with a

nonstationary covariance function only if (3.2-5a) is fulfilled:
• Observation stations (3.3-6a)
or source points (3.1-2a) are to be selected nearly equidi-
(3.3-6a) can be achieved analogously to (3.2-5c) through a completion
of the observations Yq by
• linearly interpolated j}q-values (3.3-6b)
for source points Fq between neighbouring observation sta-
tions Pq (triangle or quadrangle meshes)
These 'local linear interpolations' on the basis of three or four neigh-
bouring values of observations can again be realized by means of col-
location or polynomial representations.
To compute the internal and external deformation measures presented
in sections 2.3.2 and 2.3.3, the first and second partial derivatives of
YP according to the surface coordinates u a

are needed. Due to (3.3-1b, 4d) one obtains generally

nq nq

Yp,a ... =L apq,a ... Yq apq,a ... = L C;/ Cpl,a .... (3.3-7b)
q=l q=l

For the covariance function (3.3-5b), the partial derivations result to:


-[ c1d1 exp( -d 1 S;q) + C2d2 exp( -d2 S;q)] S;l,a ,

[cld~ exp( -d1 S;q) + c2d~ exp( -d2 S;q)] S;l,a S;I,{3
-[ c1d1 exp( -d1 S;q) + C2d2 exp( -d2 S;q)] S;I,a{3 ;

Spl,a{3 .=
• £l2 2 / £l a £l {3
Spl uU uu
U .

In Cartesian coordinates one finds

3.4. Subdivision of a Surface by Finite Triangle Elements 49

and therefore

S~q,l = -2 (X1.q - X1.p) , S~q,2 = -2 (X2.q - X2.p) ,

S~q,l1 = 2, S~q,12 = 0, S~q,22 = 2.
In ellipsoidal coordinates one may start from the following approxima-

S;q R 2 {[(Aq-Ap)COs<Pm]2+(<Pq_<pp)2} , (3.3-9a)

<Pm (<pq + <pp)/2, R = mean ellipsoidal radius (Rl R 2)1/2


S~q,l1 = 2R2 cos 2 <Pm , (3.3-9b)

S~q,22= 2R2 .

3.4 Subdivision of a Surface by Finite

Triangle Elements
3.4.1 Preliminary Remarks
Seen from a general point of view, the Finite Element Method
(FEM) constitutes a numerical method for solving initial boundary
value problems of partial differential equations on the basis of a prin-
ciple of variations. It has gained, among others, great importance
for the solution of problems in continuum mechanics (see, e.g., Heitz
1980-1983; Zienkiewicz 1972). Here, only a partial characteristic of
the FEM is needed, namely the geometric modelling of a surface in
the form of a subdivision by finite elements or a triangulation,
which means the spanning of a surface by means of small but finite
partial surfaces, i.e. the so-called finite elements, which at their boun-
daries meet certain conditions of continuity. The simplest element is
the plane or curved triangle element, for which an unambiguous
linear interpolation of the corner or node values of the heights and
displacements is possible. In the following only this triangulation is
treated and applied, since besides its mathematical simplicity it has
50 Chapter 3. Geometric Modelling

the outstanding feature that it can be applied particularly well directly

to inhomogeneously distributed observation stations.
Two applicabilities of the triangulation of a surface are possible wi-
thin the scope of the problems being discussed in this book, Le. the
determination of internal and external deformation measures of sur-
faces. On the one hand the subdivision by finite triangle elements
may serve to create a rigorously or approximately equidistant con-
trol point net, on the basis of which interpolation by means of po-
lynomials or collocation are possible according to the representati-
ons in sections 3.2 and 3.3 [cf. in particular (3.2-5a) and (3.3-5b )].
In this way the subdivision by finite triangle elements continuous-
ly differentiable in pieces is transformed into a geometric modelling
which is analytical in the whole area, so that the deformation mea-
sure discussed in section 2.3 can be computed directly for any choi-
ce of points. For this purpose the foundations of the subdivision by
finite triangle elements treated in the following section 3.4.2 are suf-
ficient. On the other hand one may dispense with analytical model-
ling for the whole area if on the basis of the subdivision by finite
triangle elements suitable discrete deformation measures are defined,
which will be dealt with in section 3.4.3.

3.4.2 Triangle Elements

The surface region F is decomposed into non-intersecting triangles
whose corners coincide with observation stations Pq , (3.1-2a). Here,
the designations and fundamentals introduced in section 3.1, also hold
true, which are in each case to be applied to one
finite triangle ~:

corners Pq , q E {1,2,3} (3.4-1a)

test points Pp E ~ (3.4-1b)
a linear interpolation procedure (3 .1-5a) is used:
YP = L a pq Yq , Y•p•. -_ y'T
y. _ Y
q.- q -
q , (3.4-1c)
3.4. Subdivision of a Surface by Finite Triangle Elements 51

for which the collocation as well as the representation of polynomials

are suited in principle. The latter is chosen because it can in this case
be used easily and clearly. Within a finite triangle Ll the heights as
well as the displacement coordinates (3.1-1b, c),


are determined unambiguously by a polynomial of the first degree:


The coefficients C , c{3 and ca , c~, respectively, are computed via the
conditional equations in the corners Pq


which may be applied ana.logously to the computations represented in

Heitz (1980-1983) for three-dimensional tetrahedron elements. With
the introduction of the e-tensor


the following results are obtained:

if p = L apq H q , (3.4-4a)
3 3
(zb)p I:(a~)pq (ZC)q = I:apq (i)q (3.4-4b)
q=l q=l

apq [bq +(b{3)qu{31ID,

bq -( -1)qe{3')' (u{3)q+l (U')')q+2 ,


if q + n > 3, then q + n =: q + n - 3 ,
52 Chapter 3. Geometric Modelling

Besides this representation the interpolation formulas (3.4-2b) that are

explicit in the test point coordinates uf3 are of interest in this context.
For the coefficients one obtains with (3.4-4c):

3 3
C = L[bq/D] Hq , Cf3 = L[(bf3)q/ D] Hq ,
q=l q=l (3.4-5a)
3 3
ca = L[bq/ D] (za)q , Cp = L[(bf3)q/ D] (za)q .
q=l q=l
The partial derivations of the heights and displacement coordinates
according to the test point coordinates uf3 result from (3.4-2b) with
the mode of designation (3.3-7a) in:

iI,OI = COl , iI,OIf3 = 0 ,

z,OIf3 = .

The boundary lines of the finite triangles ~ are chosen such

that in the reference surface of the surface normal coordinates linear

d + df3 uf3 = 0 (3.4-6)

apply to them, whose coefficients are determined by the coordinates

(uf3)q of the corners Pq. The interpolation values (3.4-2b, 4a, b) are
continuous at the 'triangle sides'.
As a rule, the triangle surfaces are curved, but if Cartesian coordi-
nates are used according to (2.1-4) they are planes, the triangle sides
in this case being straight lines.

3.4.3 Discrete Deformation Measures

Taking into account (3.4-5b), the linear surface deformation ten-
sor according to (2.3-10b) can be directly computed for a finite trian-
gle ~ (3.4-1):

cOlf3 = {t,01 [cdf3 + r ef

d qe (c f + cf u'Y)]
,f3 'Y

+ (f3 [c~ + r~f q~OI (c f + c; u'Y)] } 9cd/ 2 (3.4-7a)

3.4. Subdivision of a Surface by Finite Triangle Elements 53

and the infinitesimal rotation vector according to (2.3-36b):

dC= (1/2) gQbc q~ [c~ + r~1 q~<i (c1 + c; u'Y)] 9dg . (3.4-7b)
Both results depend in general on the selection of the
test point Pp( u'Y) E ~ (3.4-Sa)
Only in cases that Cartesian coordinates are selected as external sur-
face normal coordinates, in which the triangle surfaces are planes, this
dependence does not apply.
If the sides of the triangle ~ are small as compared to the radii of
curvature of the reference surface, then the dependencies on (3.4-7a,
b) are also small. In this case it is in general sufficient to select a mean
test point PI::. with the coordinates
(u'Y)1::. := (1/3) L (u'Y)q ,
Pq = corner of the finite triangle ~.

As internal surface deformation measures are appropriately com-

iiI::. r{3 CO/{3 (3.4-9a)

surface dilatation in PI::. according to (2.3-7b) ,

n E {1, 2} (3.4-9b)

extreme values of the linear elongation in PI::.

according to (2.3-7g) ,

cQ{3 according to (3.4-7a) .

To represent the external deformations of the surface, the changes of
surface curvatures mentioned in section do not enter into consi-
deration with the subdivision of a surface by finite elements. To judge
the changes of the external surface geometry, the infinitesimal
rotation vectors (dC)1::. calculated for the mean test points PI::. accor-
ding to (3 .4-7b) can be used, if they are transformed to the local bases
of the corners Pq of the triangles Do:

mean rotation vector of ~ transformed to Pq •

54 Chapter 3. Geometric Modelling

In the local bases of the corners Pq the rotation vectors (de)q(n) of

the adjoining triangles ~(n)' n = 1,2,3,4 ... are comparable, and
from their differences external deformation data can be derived. As
another possibility for the description of the changes of the external
surface geometry, the change of the bends between the neighbouring
triangles can be used.

3.4.4 Determination of the Change of the Bend

Between the Neighbouring Triangles
After spanning the investigation area in the triangles by the selecti-
on of three noncollineatory points, for each triangle the normal unit
vector ni, which is perpendicular to each point in the triangle, can be
determined (Fig. 3.1):
€ijk Xj.12 Xk.13
ni = .,..-:'-----"-----,. (3.4-11a)
I€ijk Xj.12 Xk.131

with Xi.12 = Xi.2 - Xi. 1 und Xi.13 = Xi.3 - Xi.1.

The relation between the normal unit vectors of two neighbouring

triangles Dl and D2 is given with
the cosine of the angle
ni.Dl (t) ni.D2(t) )
cos O! = ( (3.4-11b)
Ini.Dl (t)ll n i.D 2(t)1
or with
the sine of the angle
• (I€ijk nj.D1 nk.D21)
SIn O! = Ini.D II ni.D I ' (3.4-11c)
1 2

where the unit vectors are Ini .Dll = Ini.D21 = l.

According to (3.4-11b, c) the change of the bend between two neigh-
bouring triangles for the observation time t and t results to (Fig. 3.2)
If the change of the bends for all neighbouring triangles are determi-
ned, the changes of the external form of the investigation area can be
3.4. Subdivision of a Surface by Finite Triangle Elements 55

B~__nt-i._ _-:::;~ C

Fig. 3.1. The normal unit vector ni which is perpendicular to each

point in the triangle

Fig. 3.2. The change of the bend between the triangles describes the
changes of the external form of the investigation area
Chapter 4


4.1 Deformation of the Earth's Crust

All points of the Earth's crust are subject to deformation. The most
important causes for the permanent and temporal displacements of
points on the Earth's crust are plate tectonic motion, tidal effects,
atmospheric, hydrological, ocean loading, and local geological proces-
ses (see, e.g., Melchior 1983; Heitz 1980-1988). For precise geodetic
applications of the satellite techniques, plate motion and tidal effects
are to be taken into consideration for the definition of the absolute
station coordinates of a reference frame as well as in the modelling of
orbits, at least to the extent that the network is located on a simple
plate. The remaining effects induce short-term temporal changes of
the station coordinates, influences which for a small investigation area
can be reduced by using a long time span for GPS observations, e.g.
24 hours observations for each session.
The realizations of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame
(ITRF) as well as the European Terrestrial Reference Frame 1989
(ETRF89) are accomplished for precise geodetic applications (see, e.g.,
Boucher et al. 1992, 1993, 1994; McCarthy 1996; Altmer et al. 1995,
1997a, 1997b; MiSkovic and Altmer 1997; Seeger et al. 1998). The
World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) agrees with the ITRF and
ETRF89. The differences between the WGS 84 and the ITRF are in
the em-range worldwide (see NIMA 1997). For control and promotion
of such a reference frame, continuous observations through permanent
stations distributed at a worldwide level are necessary (Fig. 4.1). The-
58 Chapter 4. Application

Fig. 4.1. Tracking IGS stations (Schneider 1998)

se continuously performed observations on permanent stations allow

us to determine plate motion precisely, to compute the Earth rotation
parameters, and to investigate the reaction of the Earth as a deforma-
ble body due to the attraction by the Moon and the Sun.
From the sixties onwards the movement of the Earth's lithospheric
plates has been described on the basis of the analysis of global ocean
floor spreading rates, transform fault systems, and earthquake slip vec-
tors (see, e.g., Kent 1976; Miller 1992). According to this theory, the
Earth's crust consists of 14 to 16 major lithospheric plates, floating
on the fluid asthenosphere (Fig. 4.2). On the basis of the point of
action the forces moving the lithospheric plates can be classified into
two groups. One group consists of those forces acting on the whole
plate. These forces arise from convection cells in the upper mantle.
The second group consists of the forces that act on the boundaries of
the plates. At the mid-oceanic ridge hot magmatic material emerges,
cools and forms new rocks, spreading the ocean floor apart. By this
spreading the plates are shifted on their boundaries and begin to move.
The forces subducting the plates also belong to the second group. As a
result of these motions, energy is released, the magnitude of which de-
pends on the size and thickness of the plates and on the rate of motion.
4.1. Deformation of the Earth's Crust 59

Some models dealing with global plate motions were published in (De-
Mets et al. 1990, 1994; Argus and Gordon 1991; Seno et al. 1987,
1983; Wilson 1993a, 1993b). These models describe plate motions by
a rotation vector (Euler Vector) of the plate based on a pole of rota-
tion. The NUVEL-1 model describes motions between 14 major rigid
plates relative to the fixed Pacific plate (Demets et al. 1990). The
NNR-NUVEL1 model (no net rotation) gives absolute angular velo-
cities of the plates (Argus and Gordon 1991). Due to recent revision
in the paleomagnetic time scale, the angular velocities of these earlier
models are multiplied by a recalibration factor of 0.9562 (DeMets et al.
1994). These rescaled models are known as NUVEL-1A and NNR-
NUVEL1A global models. As an example, the angular velocities of
the lithospheric plates in the NUVEL-1A model are given in Table 4.1
(Demets et al. 1994).

Plate Lat. Long. W Wx Wy Wz

° [N] ° [E] o/Myr rad/Myr rad/Myr rad/Myr
Africa 59.160 -73.174 0.9270 .002400 -.007939 .013892
Antarctica 64.315 -83.984 0.8695 .000689 -.006541 .013676
Arabia 59.658 -33.193 1.1107 .008195 -.005361 .016730
Australia 60.080 1.742 1.0744 .009349 .000284 .016252
Caribbean 54.195 -80.802 0.8160 .001332 -.008225 .011551
Cocos 36.823 251.371 1.9975 -.008915 -.026445 .020895
Eurasia 61.066 -85.819 0.8591 .000529 -.007235 .013123
India 60.494 -30.403 1.1034 .008180 -.004800 .016760
North America 48.709 -78 .167 0.7486 .001768 -.008439 .009817
South America 54.999 -85.752 0.6365 .000472 -.006355 .009100
Nazca 55.578 -90.096 1.3599 -.000022 -.013417 .019579
Rivera 31.000 257.600 2.4500 -.007880 -.035800 .022020
Scotia 49.100 -89.400 0.6600 .001100 -.007500 .008700
Juan de Fuca l 35.000 26.000 0.5100 .006510 .003170 .005080
Juan de Fuca 2 28.300 29.300 0.5200 .006710 .003770 .004150
Philippine 3 0.000 -47 .000 0.9600 .011400 -.012200 .000000
Philippine 4 -1.200 -45.800 0.9600 .011600 -.012000 .000300

Table 4.1. Angular velocities of the NUVEL-1A model (DeMets et

al. 1994): 1} The Juan de Fuca plate is recalibrated from Wilson
(Wilson 1993a); 2} The Juan de Fuca plate is recalibrated from the
more recent estimate of Wilson (Wilson 1993b); 3} The Philippine
plate is recalibrated from Seno (Seno et al. 1987); 4} The Philippine
plate is recalibrated from the more recent estimate of Seno (Seno et al.
60 Chapter 4. Application



-150 -100 -50 o 100 1:50


Fig. 4.2. Major tectonic plates and plate boundaries

On a spherical Earth the velocities of a station on a plate are given by

Zi.s = Rwp [
COS ¢p sin Ap sin ¢s - sin ¢p cos ¢s sin As
cos¢s cos¢ssin As -.cos¢psin¢scosAp
1, (4.1-1)
cos ¢p cos ¢s sm(As - Ap)
where (A, ¢)s are the coordinates of the station on the plate, (A, ¢)p
are the coordinates of the rotation pole of the plate, and R is the
spherical Earth's radius. w describes the angular velocity of the plate.
Xi.s(t) = Xi.s(tO) + Zi.s(t - to) (4.1-2)
one obtains for the observation epoch t the corrections of the stati-
on's coordinates due to the global plate motion relative to a reference
epoch to. Gravitational attraction of the Moon and the Sun on
points on the Earth's crust, illustrated in (Fig. 4.3), is not constant
because the Moon and the Sun change position due to the rotation
of the Earth. This changing attraction of the Moon and the Sun is
the main cause of oceanic and solid Earth tides. For the modelling
of the tidal effects (see, e.g., Melchior 1983; Heitz 1980-1988; Va-
nicek and Krakiwski (1986); Sovers and Jacobs 1994; McCarthy 1996).
4.1. Deformation of the Earth's Crust 61

!!. ..
- II:·

moon Greenwich
'--_ _ _ rotation angle
,, UT1
90' western equator ,.
longitude cP vernal equinox

Fig. 4.3. Tidal effects cause temporal and permanent displacement

of the stations (Schneider 1998)
62 Chapter 4. Application

4.2 Geodetic Contributions to

Deformation Analyses

The horizontal motions of the litospheric plates generally range from

a few to more than 150 mm/yr; smaller motions are expected in the
vertical direction. The measurement of such small relative movements
between points far away from each other has been made possible by
the development of the space techniques (VLBI/Very Long Baseline
Interferometry, SLRjSatellite Laser Ranging, and GPS). Such mea-
surement could not be achieved by classical methods over the plate
boundaries and faults due to the limited distance measurement of the
electronical distance observers. It is now possible to measure motions
of less than a few millimetres per year from space over a time span of
a few years.
The contribution of geodesy to plate tectonics and to the investigation
of the Earth's crust movements can be seen in the determination of
the changes of the geometry of the selected points of a body as well as
the computation of forces necessary for these movements. In classical
deformation analysis, displacements relative to a stable reference are
checked for statistical significance by means of a hypotesis test (see,
e.g., Pelzer 1971; Koch 1985; Caspary 1987; Hekimoglu 1997).
In a strain analysis the displacements are considered as continously
differentiable acoording to the surface coordiates u iX • The strain ten-
sor components determined by means of the positional changes of the
observation stations can be used for the computation of the compon-
ents of the stress tensors taking into account the properties of the
available materials within the investigation area, which are generated
due to the geometric changes of the point raster as a resistance against
the force within the body that acts against the body. Therefore, the
strain analysis can be considered as a basis of a dynamic model, whe-
reas the classical deformation analysis is similar to a kinematic model
(see, e.g., Fliigge 1972; Means 1976; Grafarend 1977; Brunner 1979;
Bock 1982; Welsch 1989; Ghitau 1998). Chapter 4 has been dedica-
ted to the applications of the geometric fundamentals of the analytical
surface deformation theory elaborated in chapters 2 and 3. For the
application, the coordinate differences in a mean epoch between the
CRODYN'94 and CRODYN'96 campaigns, were used (ITRF94, epoch
4.3. Tectonic Development of the Adriatic Sea Area 63

1995.6). Internal and external deformation measures were determined

for the description of the surface deformations within the area covered
by the GPS network, which is established in 1994 in the surroundings
of the Adriatic Sea area. Only these results are the subject of the
examinations described in sections 4.4 and 4.5.

4.3 Tectonic Development of the

Adriatic Sea Area
Seismological and geological studies indicate that the tectonic deve-
lopment of the Adriatic Sea area is dominated by the collision of the
African plate with the Eurasian plate. The anti clockwise rotation
of the African plate causes a northward movement of the northern
part against the southern flank of the Eurasian plate. This northward
movement of the African plate causes a great change in the tecto-
nic evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean, giving rise to the Aegean
extensional regime and it is the main cause of the eartquakes in the
Adriatic Sea area (McKenzie 1972; Udias 1982; Anderson and Jackson
1987; Geiss 1987; Jackson and McKenzie 1988; Mantovani et al. 1992;
Drewes 1993).
From the sixties onwards, this area was focused on by many scientists
for the investigation of the present tectonic features. The investigati-
on of the seismicity of the Mediterranean, the reinterpretation of the
results evaluated, especially with the addition of the new knowledge
about the latest earthquakes, were the basis for many publications
dealing with the tectonics in this area. The results of these investi-
gations can generally be summarized in two different directions. A
group of scientists assume that the Adriatic Sea is a promontory of
the African Plate (Channel 1979; D'argio and Horvath 1984; Manto-
vani et al. 1992; Babbucci et al. 1997). Mantovani et al. (1992) assert
that this promontory moves in a northnorthwest direction with a ma-
gnitude of approx. 5 mm/yr (Fig. 4.4, page 64). Another group of the
scientists describes the Adriatic Sea as an independent microplate and
they refer this assumption to the concentration of the earthquakes in
the land area, see Fig. 4.5, page 65, as well as to the recent tectonic
style and crustal structure of this area (Celet 1977; Giese and Reutter
64 Chapter 4. Application

5mm/ ~

Fig. 4.4. The Adriatic Sea area is a promontory of the African plate
and movement of this promontory in a north-northwest direction is
about 5 mm/yr. AR: Arabia; AN: Anatolia; BS: Black Sea; AE: Aegea;
AD: Adriatic block; PA: Pannonian basin; TY: Tyrrhenian basin; BA:
Balearic basin; BB: Bay of Biscay; GM: Gibraltor-Morocco block;
RGs: Rhine Graben system (Mantovani et al. 1992)

1978; Vandenberg and Zijderveld 1982, Anderson and Jackson 1987).

Anderson and Jackson (1987) explains the earthquakes covered by the
sea area as an internal deformation of the Adriatic microplate.

4.4 Geometric Modelling

4.4.1 Interpolation Methods Applied
The selection and observation of stations for the analysis of deformati-
ons of the Earth's surface are generally subject to constraints which in
part lead to significant deviations from the requirements founded theo-
retically. This is also the case with projects treated here. Due partly
to difficult topographic conditions it was not possible with the funds
available to achieve a sufficiently homogeneous distribution of stations
in the areas to be investigated. Therefore, for the observation area,
height and displacement values were computed by interpolation in suf-
ficiently dense, homogeneous grids. To do this the collocation method,
4.4. Geometric Modelling 65



'1, '
. 0;;" . 44

. &
.;. ~o

0- Ston (5th Sept.. I 996.

Richter 5COIe; 6 .0)

• Bovee (I 2thApOi .. 1998.

L _ _~_Rl~ch_te!_SCOIe--,-_:_S ...:
. ~: •

14 IS 16 17 18 19

Fig. 4.5. Earthquakes occurred in the last 500 years III the Adriatic
Sea area (Skoko and Mokrovic 1998)
66 Chapter 4. Application

as described in sections 3.1 and 3.3, was used. The heights and velo-
cities were also interpolated by the spline method for the comparison
of both results. In this case, the differences between the coordinates
interpolated by the spline and collocation methods were very small
and can be disregarded.
The method of the subdivision by finite triangle elements or trian-
gulation is well suited for the computation of internal deformation
measures [cf. (3.4-7a)], as well as for the densification of observation
stations, because in this case only the functions themselves are conti-
nuous at the triangle sides, but not their derivatives. However, for the
determination of the external deformation measures, the collocation
method can be applied in a considerably simpler and clearer way, sin-
ce it provides interpolation functions that can be differentiated in the
whole area of interpolation two times continuously according to the
surface coordinates uOt. Their application then allows us to compute
directly all internal and external deformation measures on the basis of
the formulas presented in sections 2.3.2 and 2..4-3.
Computation of the internal deformation measures was performed on
the basis ofthe formulas (2.3-4a-10d) from sections and
taking into account the ellipsoidal coordinates [cf.section]. In
contrast to this, the formulas (2.3-17a-37c) from sections, and were used to compute the external deformation

4.4.2 Explanations of the Graphic

Here, the general fundamentals for the graphic representations of the
following sections are discussed. The observation values and deforma-
tion measures for the Earth's surface F to be demonstrated, present
the following characteristics:
• Single data on the reference ellipsoid:
one value is to be represented per point

Z = Z{"\, ¢) . ( 4.4-1 a)
4.4. Geometric Modelling 67


R 8qS

p----R1 COSqS8A~
Fig. 4.6. Representation of displacement coordinates

• Vector data on the reference ellipsoid:

three values are to be represented per point

za = za(,X, qS) , aE{1,2,3}. (4.4-1b)

• Vector data in the tangent plane of F:

two or more pairs of values are to be represented per point

(J E {1,2}, n E {1,2 ... }. (4.4-1c)

The single data representations (4.4-1a) comprise in particular

height representations of the Earth's surface F (2.3-11a, b)

H = H('x, qS) ( 4.4-2a)

as well as representations of the surface dilatation (2.3-7b) and of the

changes of the mean curvature (2.3-21c)

ij = ij('x, qS) , bH = bH('x, qS) . (4.4-2b)

For this isoline representation as well as point grids with indi-

cation of values, are suited.
The visualized displacement coordinates (2.3-11c),

( 4.4-3a)
68 Chapter 4. Application

constitute vector representations (4.4-1 b). A possibility is three

separate isoline representations for

o,X(,x, 4» , o4>('x, 4» , oH('x, 4» . ( 4.4-3b)

On the other hand graphic vector representations are also suited

for this according to Fig. 4.6. The metric values

Rl cos 4> . o,X(,x, 4» , ( 4.4-3c)

of the horizontal components in the form of two-dimensional vectors

are appropriately traced in the drawing on map plane and the height

oH('x, 4» ( 4.4-3d)

is drawn in a line representation in the direction of </>- positively up-

wards and negatively downwards.
In the cases (4.4-1c), that is, with the representation of tangent
vectors, it is appropriate to perform a visualization in the tangent pla-
nes in order to avoid distortions. An example to this is the distortion
vectors (2.3-7h) in the tangential planes of F


which can be represented according to Fig. 4.7. With this q(n) is, as a
rule, to be marked off in an enlarged form starting from the unit circle
additionally represented

m(n) = 1 : no distortion. (4.4-4b)

Thus, with the enlargement factor v > 1 constitutes

m(n) =: m(n)v = 1 + v . q(n) ( 4.4-4c)

instead of ( 4.4-4a) the line length in the drawing. Further, the tangent
vector to the contour in the test point P('x, 4>, H)

( 4.4-4d)

is indicated in the illustration. It is parallel to the reference ellipsoid

and thus also to the basic plane of the representation so that it can be
entered in the real direction. The computations required for this are
explained in the following:
4.4. Geometric Modelling 69

Fig. 4.7. Representation of distortion vectors

t a is appropriately selected as unit vector so that the metric tensor

(2.3-12a) applies

( 4.4-5a)

Moreover, for the tangent vector to the contour the condition


must be met . By these two equations (4.4-5a, b), the components

( 4.4-5c)



with v = -(H,A/ H,</» can be determined. If lex are the components

in the tangent plane, one obtains on the basis of the transformation

( 4.4-5e)

the relations

( 4.4-5f)
70 Chapter 4. Application

the second equation in accordance with (4.4-5b). For the representa-

tion of the vectors (4.4-4a) in the tangent plane their components in
the [0/ direction and those perpendicular to this direction are needed,
which can be computed as follows:

( 4.4-5g)

with the metric tensor fO/f3 according to (2.3-16). It is

f3 --
E"( (f"(1 V2
f:f3 - f "(2 VI
f:(3) f- 1 / 2 (4.4-5h)
the two-dimensional E-tensor (cf. Heitz 1988).
To visualize the changes of the principal curvatures (2.3-21 b):

OKN(n) = K,N(n) - KN(n) , (4.4-6a)

the vectors


are appropriately represented. For this purpose only the original di-
rection vectors r(n) are used; a representation of the directions of mean
curvatures f(n) does not seem appropriate. In contrast to the positive-
ly defined distance conditions the changes of curvature may be positive
and negative.

4.5 Surface Deformations in the

Adriatic Sea Area
4.5.1 GPS Observations
The global plate tectonic models, described in sections 4.1, were deve-
loped on the basis of the ocean floor spreading rates, transform fault
azimuths and earthquakes slip vectors which obtained generally on the
plate boundary zones. Motions given in these models are an average
of the plate movements in a time span over the past few million years
(Myr). Therefore, the investigation of the present tectonic activities
by the global plate motion models in an area as Adriatic Sea with
complex movements can not give satisfactory results. For that reason,
4.5. Surface Deformations in the Adriatic Sea Area 71

to study the present-day deformations in the Adriatic Sea area a GPS

network was established in 1994 in co-operation among the Bundes-
amt fur Kartographie und Geodasie, Frankfurt am Main, the Geodetic
Faculty of the University of Zagreb, the State Geodetic Administrati-
on in Zagreb and the Surveying and Mapping Authority in Ljubljana.
The network consists of 22 stations which are distributed over Croatia
(17), Slovenia (3) and Italy (2). The average distance between the
points in the network amounts to 30 km. In 1996, the network was
extended towards the south and west with 7 new stations (3 in Italy
and 4 in Albania) in order to focus on present tectonic activities within
the sea area (Fig. 4.8, page 72).
Within the CRODYN'94 campaign the first GPS observations in this
network were carried out between June 7 and June 10, 1994 in three
session with a session length of 24 hours (Table 4.2, page 71). The
data were collected with an elevation cut-off angle of 15 degrees and a
sampling rate of 15 seconds (Altmer et al. 1995). Because of variations
in the phase center of different receiver antennas, all stations, except
for two stations in Italy (Bassoviza and Trieste, Leica SR 299 recei-
vers), were occupied with Trimble 4000 SSE and SSI receivers (see,
e.g., Wubbena et al. 1997; Kaniuth et al. 1998). The second cam-
paign in this network were conducted from September 9 to September
12, 1996 within the CRODYN'96 campaign with the same strategy as
in 1994 (Altmer et al. 1997b).

Year Day Duration of observations Sampling

number duration of a session rate

from - to of sessions from (UT) - to (UT) in seconds

1994 158 - 160 3 9:00 - 9:00 15

1996 253 - 255 3 7:00 - 7:00 15
1998 247 - 249 3 8:00 - 8:00 15

Table 4.2. Duration of observations and average number of received

72 Chapter 4. Application



Bosnia and Herzegovina

Fig. 4.8. GPS network in the Adriatic Sea area

4.5. Surface Deformations in the Adriatic Sea Area 73

4.5.2 Processing Strategy of the GPS Data

The processing of the data obtained by the CRODYN'94 and CRO-
DYN'96 campaigns was completed using the Bernese GPS Software
(Rothacher and Mervart 1996). The CODE orbits (Center for Orbit
Determination in Europe) were used as precise orbit in the processing
(Table 4.3).

Campaign Orbit Reference Frame

CRODYN'94 ITRF92, epoch 1994.7

CRODYN'96 ITRF94, epoch 1996.7

Table 4.3. The individual reference frames of the CODE orbits used
in the processing

The coordinates of the IGS sites (International GPS Service for Geo-
dynamics) Graz (Austria), Matera (Italy), Zimmerwald (Switzerland)
and Wettzell (Germany), which are included in the processing to de-
fine the datum of the reference frames, were shifted to the individual
observation epochs of the CRODYN'94 and CRODYN'96 campaigns
using the coordinates and velocity values published in the IERS Tech-
nical Notes for the ITRF92 and ITRF94.

4.5.3 Data Processing

In a first step of the data processing the obtained raw data were conver-
ted from the receiver format into the Receiver Independent Exchange
(RINEX) format and antenna heights measured in the field were cor-
rected on the basis of the L1/ L2 antenna phase center of the antenna
types used (Gurtner et al. 1989). In a second step, using pseudoran-
ge data the receiver clock correction for each observation epoch were
performed by the single point positioning solutions and then stored in
the phase zero difference files. After that, single differences for phase
data were performed using the shortest baseline strategy. After for-
ming single differences, cycle slips were removed using the L3 linear
74 Chapter 4. Application

combination of L1 and L2 phase measurements in a baseline by ba-

seline mode. In the same step, a priori coordinates were improved by
the triple difference screening. With these a priori coordinates a free
campaign solution (no ambiguity resolution) was conducted to check
the processing strategy and to improve the a priori station coordinates
(except the coordinates of the IGS stations used in the processing).
After that, the L1 and L2 ambiguities were resolved using the Sigma
A mbiguity Resolution strategy of the Bernese software for the very
short baselines and the Quasi-Ionosphere-Free Ambiguity Resolution
strategy for the other baselines. About 95% of the initial L1 and L2
phase ambiguities were resolved successfully.

4.5.4 Checking of Data Quality

In order to check the data and processing quality daily solutions for
each individual campaign were determined separately. For the compu-
tation of the daily solutions a priori uncertainty (standard deviation)
of 1 m was introduced for the station coordinates (free network so-
lution). The resolved L1 and L2 phase ambiguities were taken into
consideration as known parameters and pre-eliminated before the in-
version of the normal equations was computed. Zenith delay parame-
ters for each two hours were computed by means of the Saastamoinen
standard model (Saastamoinen 1972). The general characteristics of
the adjustments for the daily solutions within the CRODYN'94 and
CRODYN'96 campaigns are given in Table 4.4 and 4.5.

CRODYN'94 RMS (in M) No. of No. of No. of

Day [Single Difference] Observations Parameters Coordinates
158 0.003 532566 359 69
159 0.003 501872 378 75
160 0.003 423729 375 72

Table 4.4. Characteristics of the adjustment for the daily solutions

within the CRODYN'94
4.5. Surface Deformations in the Adriatic Sea Area 75

D Lat.
- Lon .

~ 5

n +---'---
158 159 160


Fig. 4.9. Daily repeatabilities of coordinates for the CRODYN'94

campaign, derived by estimating 7 Helmert transformation parameters
each day using the free solutions

CRODYN'96 RMS (in M) No. of No. of No. of

Day [Single Difference] Observations Parameters Coordinates
253 0.003 591161 586 90
254 0.003 606569 599 90
255 0.004 511890 538 84

Table 4.5. Characteristics of the adjustment for the daily solutions

within the CRODYN'96

Campaign RMS (in M) No. of No. of No. of

Solution [Single Difference] Observations Parameters Coordinates
CRODYN'94 0.003 1458167 971 73
CRODYN'96 0.003 1709620 1552 93

Table 4.6. Characteristics of the adjustment for the free campaign

solutions within the CRODYN'94 and CRODYN'96 campaigns
76 Chapter 4. Application

a laI.

6 • Lon.



253 254 255

Fig. 4.10. Daily repeatabilities of coordinates for the CRODYN'96

campaign, derived by estimating 7 Helmert transformation parameters
each day using the free solutions

The normal equations from each daily solution were combined using
the ADDNEQ program of the Bernese software to create a free cam-
paign solution with 1 m a priori standard deviations for all station
coordinates (Table 4.6). On the basis of a 7 Helmert transformation
parameters , the station coordinates of the daily solutions of each in-
dividual campaign were compared separately with the results of the
free campaign solution. The standard deviations for the station coor-
dinates derived by the 7 Helmert transformation parameters are less
than ±3 mm for the horizontal components and approx. ±5 mm for
the vertical component (Fig. 4.9 and 4.10).

4.5.5 Multi Campaign Solutions

The velocities and mean coordinates of the stations were determined
using ADDNEQ by combining the normal equations from each cam-
paign (Brockmann 1996). Assumed that all estimated parameters of
4.5. Surface Deformations in the Adriatic Sea Area 77

the campaigns have the same quality and are uncorrelated, the obser-
vations of the coordinate components y can be modelled as a linear
function of time y + e = at + b = XB with D(y) = 0'51 (Brock-
mann 1996). The unknown parameters B = (a, b)T can be computed
according to the Gauft-Markoff Model (XTpxfj = XTpy) with its
variance-covariance matrix D(fj) = &2(XT p X)-I, with n number of
observations, u number of unknown parameters, f3 vector of unknows
(ux1), X matrix of coefficientes with full rank rgX (nxu), y vector
of observations (nxl), e vector of residuans (nxl), P positive definite
weight matrix, 0'2 variance of unit weight. In this case, the modelling
of y as a linear function of time can be interpretated as a model of
linear regression.
For the computation of the accuracy for the station coordinates the
transformation of the Cartesian error components to the ellipsoidal
components were made by means of the position vector (xiJ

Xi. = [( clV + H) cos B cos A, (ciV + H) cos </> sin A, (4 5

. -la)

(biV + H) sin </>J,

and the coefficient matrix X cf!-I .

using the formulas

X =[ -
-sin A I N 1
cos A sin </> I N 2 -
cos A I N 1
sin A sin </> I N 2
cos </> I N 2
1 (4.5-1b)
cos A cos</> sin A cos </> sin </>

with Nl := cos</>(R l + H), N2 := (R2 + H) and a, b, c,

according to (2.3-12a).
In the inverse situation, for the transformation of the ellipsoidal error
components to the Cartesian components the coefficient matrix
X = Ci.a = OXi . loqa were determined with

- cos A sin </> N 2 cos A cos</>

- sin A sin </> N 2 sin A cos </>
1 • (4.5-lc)
cos </> N2 sin </>
All station coordinates computed were referred to the mean epoch
1995.6 (ITRF94). Two different multi campaign solutions were per-
formed to describe the velocity field of the investigation area and to
compute internal and external deformation measures. The standard
78 Chapter 4. Application

deviations of the estimated velocities are of the order of about ±2

mm/yr for the horizontal components and about ±4 mm/yr for the
vertical component. Absolute Coordinate Solution

For the computation of the absolute station coordinates as well as the
velocity field in the network 4 IGS stations were introduced in the pro-
cessing. The orbits used in the processing of the data collected within
the CRODYN'94 and CRODYN'96 campaigns refer to the ITRF92 for
the CRODYN'94 and to the ITRF94 for CRODYN'96. Therefore, the
absolute coordinates of the IGS stations were computed in the different
realization of the ITRF. The determination of the velocities by the ab-
solute model, illustrated in Fig. 4.11 and 4.12, were made through the
fixing of the coordinates and velocities of the 4 IGS stations [Wettzell
(Germany), Matera (Italy), Graz (Austria) and Zimmerwald (Swit-
zerland)]. In this case, the results give the velocities of the stations
within the CRODYN network relative to the fixed IGS stations on
the Eurasian plate in the ITRF94, epoch 1995.6. The magnitudes of
the horizontal velocities vary between 1.5 and 2.5 cm/yr and show a
north-east direction. The value of the height changes is in the order
of 1 em/yr. Relative Coordinate Solution

In the relative method, the station's velocities were determined relati-
ve to the fixed coordinates and velocities of the station Graz, which is
the IGS station closest to the CRODYN network. The results of the
velocities obtained by the relative method are illustrated in Fig. 4.13
and 4.14.
The magnitudes of the horizontal velocities relative to the station Graz
are in the range from 0.5 and 1.5 cm/yr, increasing from north to south.
The stations in the southern part indicate a north-south direction whi-
le those in the northern part turn more to the west. The changes of
the vertical components vary between 0.5 and 2 cm/yr. In this case,
a rising of the area have been observed.
4.5. Surface Deformations in the Adriatic Sea Area 79

4.5.6 Internal Surface Deformations

As the velocities obtained by the absolute model depend on the mo-
tions assumed for the fixed stations, only the results of the relative
model were taken into consideration for the determination of defor-
mation. In order to determine the internal and external deformation
measures for the investigation area, an area-wide grid was defined on
the basis of the existing observation points with a grid increment of
0.10 in the region between 42.4 0 and 46.4 0 in latitude and from 13.6 0
to 17.6 0 in longitude.
The interpolation of the heights, horizontal and vertical velocities, as
well as the required derivatives of the heights and velocities with re-
spect to the surface coordinates u Q for the grid points were determined
using the collocation method.
For surface dilatation the sign of q indicates the nature of the defor-
mation. A positive sign indicates the regions where distances become
longer (regions of extension), a negative sign describes the regions whe-
re distances become shorter (regions of compression).
The results of deformation analysis based on the analytical surface de-
formation theory, described in sections 2.3.2 and 2.3.3, indicate three
different deformation zones (Fig. 4.15). The maximum deformation
was observed in the north-western part. This area is a dominant ex-
tension area. The values of the extensions are in the order of 2 mm/yr
per 10 km. The results of the surface elongation of this area lead to
extensions as shown in Fig. 4.16. In this part, a south-northwest and
northwest-southeast extension has been found.
Another main extension area can be seen in the eastern and in the
south-eastern part of the investigation area. There, the extensions
are smaller than in the north-western part. In this area, the values
of the extensions amount to 0.5-1.0 mm/yr per 10 km, and show a
south-northwest direction.
Between the two extension areas, a compression area has been obser-
ved (Fig. 4.15) . The values of the compression are in the order of 1-2
mm/yr per 10 km, and north-south and north-southeast compression
can be seen. The north-eastern part of the investigation area can be
assumed as stable.
80 Chapter 4. Application

4.5.7 External Surface Deformations

The external surface deformations are described by means of changing
of the mean curvatures (6H) according to (2.3- 21c) which are compu-
ted as changes of the first and second fundamental tensor (2 .3-17a),
and the results are represented as isolines in Fig. 4.17. The maximum
changes of the mean curvature were observed in the north- western and
in the southern part of the investigation area. The north- western part
is a sinking area, and there, the mean Earth's radii are decreasing.
Another sinking area can be seen in the surroundings of Split . The
southern part of the investigation area, in the surroundings of Dubrov-
nik, is a rising area. There, the mean Earth's radii are increasing.

Prof. Dr. Kresimir Colic (right), Geodetic Faculty of the Universi-

ty of Zagreb, and Dipl.-Ing. Zlatko Medic Head of the Department
Land Surveying of the State Geodetic Administration in Zagreb are
controlling the eccentricity of Antenna at station Makarska during the
CRODYN'98 campaign
4.5. Surface Deformations in the Adriatic Sea Area 81

4.5.8 Figures of the Adriatic Sea Area






Fig. 4.11. Horizontal velocities computed within the CRODYN'94

and CRODYN'96 GPS campaigns. Coordinates of the IGS stations
Wettzell, Graz, Matera and Zimmerwald were fixed
82 Chapter 4. Application








40 ~
10 15 20
Longitude 2.0 em / yeor

Fig. 4.12. Vertical velocities computed within the CRODYN'94 and

CRODYN'96 GPS campaigns. Coordinates of the IGS stations Wett-
zell, Graz, Matera and Zimmerwald were fixed
4.5. Surface Deformations in the Adriatic Sea Area 83


• Croz


] 45

42 L -__~____L-__~____L-__~____L -_ _~_ _~~
12 14 16 18 20

Fig. 4.13. Horizontal velocities computed within the CRODYN'94

and CRODYN'96 GPS campaigns. Coordinates of the IGS station
Graz were fixed
84 Chapter 4. Application


• CrOl


44 ~
43 ~
42 ~ __ ~ ____- L____ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~ ____L-__ ~ ____ ~
12 14 16 18 20

Fig. 4.14. Vertical velocities computed within the CRODYN'94 and

CRODYN'96 GPS campaigns. Coordinates of the IGS station Graz
were fixed
4.5. Surface Deformations in the Adriatic Sea Area 85








14 15 16 17

Fig. 4.15. Surface dilatation (depression). The results are given

in J..Lstrain. A positive sign indicates the region of extension, and a
negative sign describes the region of compression
86 Chapter 4. Application


.................. ,

, , ............. '\ \

,, ~ ..... . ............ " .... ,


, .
·0 ,. •Brosnik'
............... .
" ...
" ...

, \ ......:

'\ ,""\

......... , \ 1 l'
......Nll...........,-...,,"""'\""",. · ~~" ~ ... "'\ l,\'l""\



43 .,"0c

14 15 17
Longitude .25 ~train/year

Fig. 4.16. Surface elongations. The arrows indicate the direction and
magnitude of extension. The lines show the direction and magnitude
of compression. The results are given in J.lstrain
4.5. Surface Deformations in the Adriatic Sea Area 87



o Brusnik

;.> I
"4 ''""

44 I



:.. a:I
O· ·0 ' :51 ......
'<=:r=:oti\~~ 1 c:E - ·\..? , ~~ ~

14 15 16 17

Fig. 4.17. Changes of mean curvatures. The results shown are

multiplied by 10 7 • A positive sign shows the region of sinking, and a
negative sign means the region of rising
88 Chapter 4. Application

4.6 Summary
The frequencies of earthquakes occurences in the Adriatic Sea area
show that the seismic activity is concentrated especially in the nor-
thwestern part and southern part of the investigation area. The last
earthquakes in Croatia and Slovenia in 1996 and in 1998 can be seen
as supporting this statement. A comparison of the results derived on
the basis of the analytical surface deformation theory with the results
of the seismological and geological investigations in the same area in-
dicates a good coincidence between two results. The concentration
of the earthquakes in the Adriatic Sea area covers the area with the
maximum surface elongations computed within the CRODYN'94 and
CRODYN'96 GPS campaigns.
The maximum deformations derived in the north- western part of the
investigation area with an extension of 2 mm/yr per 10 km in the
north-western and south-eastern directions could be seen as an indi-
cation of the magnitude 5.8 earthquake in Bovee (Slovenia) on April
12, 1998. A magnitude 6.0 earthquake in Ston occurred on September
5, 1996 in the southern Croatia, also an area where maximal extensi-
ons was observed.
Preliminary results obtained from two GPS campaigns support the
opinion that the Adriatic Sea is a promontory of the African plate
(Fig. 4.15 and 4.16). A south-north compression of 1 to 2 mm/yr
per 10 km across the regions of extensions is consistent in direction
and magnitude with the movement of the African plate in this area
(Mantovani et al. 1992).
Concidering the short duration of the investigation period, the que-
stion of whether the Adriatic Sea is a promontory of the African
plate or exists as an independent microplate cannot be answered se-
riously. Moreover, for the elimination of the model errors and influ-
ences of local geological processes on the station's coordinates and
velocities, the results of a third GPS campaign are to be taken in-
to consideration. Furthermore, for a seriously assertion about the
present tectonic activities in the Adriatic Sea area by means of the
GPS, a long investigation period from 8 to 10 years is to be covered.

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bend, 54 depression, 17
first fundamental tensor, 23 dilatation, 17
Gaussian curvature, 26 direction, 17, 18
mean curvature, 26, 87 elongation, 17
principal curvature, 25 external, 9, 22, 25, 80
second fundamental tensor, 23, internal, 15, 17,79
29 measure, 11, 13, 16
stresses, 35 representation
Christoffel symbols, 21 isoparametric, 11, 16
CODE,73 Lagrangian, 12
coefficient, 43 tensor, 11,12,14,16,17
collocation, 44 Cartesian, 13
compression, 79 linear, 17
continuum mechanic, 49 depression, 14
coordinate derivation equation, 8
Cartesian, 7 dilatation, 14, 35, 85
curvilinear, 7 direction vector, 25
derivation, 20 displacement
displacement, 19 permanent, 57
geographical ellipsoidal, 9 small, 14, 17
geometry, 7 temporal, 57
surface normal, 9 tensor, 13
external, 9, 19, 29 distortion scale, 18
internal, 9, 26 dynamic model, 62
transformation, 8
coordinate solution Earth tide, 3
absolute, 78 earthquake slip vector, 58
relative, 78 elongation, 14, 86
Index 99

ETRF, 57 lithosphere, 58
Euclidian space, 1 local stress-deformation, 33
Euler vector, 59 local system, 33
exponential function, 47 Cartesian, 34
extension, 79
mean curvature, 24
Finite Element Method, 49 measure
first fundamental tensor, 22, 23 primary, 4
function method
covariance, 47 approximation, 41
exponential, 47 collocation, 66
spline, 42 interpolation, 41
trend, 41 spline, 66
GauB-Markoff Model, 77 geographical ellipsoidal, 20
Gaussian curvature, 24 metric tensor, 7,9, 12, 16, 19,33
geometric modelling, 39 first derivation, 21
geometry transformation, 22
Euclidean, 7 microplate, 64
external, 1 mid-oceanic ridge, 58
internal, 1
GPS network, 63 NNR-NUVEL1A, 59
gravitational attraction, 60 normal curvature, 23
normal unit vector, 54
Hooke's law, 34
NUVEL-1, 59
IGS, 73 NUVEL-1A, 59
stations, 58
interpolation ocean floor spreading, 58
collocation, 42, 44
polynomial, 42
elacticity, 34
spline, 42
partial derivation
interpolation function, 40
first, 29
analytic, 41
second, 29
isotropic, 34
permutation symbol
ITRF, 57, 73
Cartesian, 14
kinematic model, 62 ellipsoidal, 28
law of transformation, 22 African, 63
Least-Squares-Postulate, 46 Eurasian, 63
linear plate boundaries, 60
deformation plate motion, 57
tensor, 12, 20 plate tectonics, 3
interpolation, 41 polynomial degree, 43
100 Index

principal curvature, 25 time-variant geometry, 1

principal direction, 24, 25 topography, 1
promontory, 63, 64 transform fault system, 58
quadratic equation, 17, 24 matrice, 30, 33
special case, 17, 24 triangle elements, 49, 50

reference frame, 57 vector

rigid direction, 18
body, 2 displacement, 16
system, 2 distortion, 18
rising area, 80 position, 16, 77
rotation, 13 velocity
tensor, 13,30 horizontal, 81, 83
vector, 31 vertical, 82, 84
rotation vector, 28,54 VLBI,62
vortex, 13
second fundamental tensor, 22, 23 vorticity, 13
sinking area, 80
SLR,62 WGS 84, 57
Euclidean, 7
Riemannian, 7
spherical Earth, 60
strain analysis, 62
strain tensor, 62
stresses, 33
horizontal, 35
horizontal components, 36
vertical component, 37
continuum, 5
external, 9
internal, 15
tensor, 16
stresses, 34
surface element rotation, 26
surface representation
Gaussian, 8, 16

tangential plane, 36
test point, 33
Theorema egregium, 24
tidal effect, 57, 61
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