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There are two versions about the history of Lomo

Saltado, one that says that it is a dish created only
by Peruvians, without any influence from
Chinese-Peruvian cuisine and the best known is
that which states that Lomo Saltado is a dish that
was created in the fonds of oriental food, also
known as Chifas, where two dishes that already
existed called Lomo de vaca and Lomo a la
Chorrillana merged and gave rise to what we now
know as Lomo Saltado.
The first Chinese immigrants arrived in Peru in
the mid-nineteenth century to work on the farms
of the Peruvian coast, along with them they also
brought their customs, meals, utensils and much
more. Many of them were very good cooks and
their recognition was known in Peru at the time.
Thanks to that good acceptance, it is that some
decided to open their own Chifas restaurants to
offer their dishes adapted with the earth's own
ingredients. In this way, Peruvian-Chinese food is
born and with it Lomo Saltado.
The Lomo Saltado is undoubtedly among the
main and most requested dishes of Peruvian
cuisine. It occupies a special place in the endless
list of Peruvian foods that are born thanks to the
fusion of Peruvian cuisine with other cuisines of
the world, in this case, Chinese oriental cuisine.
There are variants in this dish, since depending on
the taste, some ingredients have been substituted.
The Lomo Saltado is one of the most consumed
dishes in Peru.

The initial name of this dish was lomito a la

chorrillana (because of the onion strips it carries),
sauteed tenderloin or beef tenderloin, finally we
all end up knowing it as Lomo Saltado. And with
that name it has become popular.

600 gr. of meat
1 sliced red onion
2 sliced tomatoes
1 teaspoon ground pepper
5 stalks of Chinese onion
1 yellow chili pepper cut into strips
Vegetable oil
800 gr. cooked white rice
400 gr. of french fries
200 ml beef broth
100 ml of soy sauce
chopped parsley
50 ml of vinegar
1 teaspoon ground garlic
ground oregano
Salt to taste

1-The Lomos Saltado is a dish that should be
served immediately, that is why I recommend
having the fries ready or frying them,
calculating the time so that they are ready just
before finishing the Saltado Loin. French fries
are preferably yellow potatoes because of
their flavor and how crispy they are.
2-Cut the meat into more or less thick pieces
and season with ground garlic, cumin,
oregano, salt, pepper and a spoon of vinegar.
Let stand about 10 minutes to take flavor.
Heat the pan over high heat with a little oil,
then add the meat and fry it for a few seconds,
the time will depend on how hot the pan is.
Then reserve it in a container and cover it to
keep it warm

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