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Development of Leadership

Before this program, I had not been sufficiently exposed to having meaningful

conversations about reading with any group other than teachers. In all other aspects of this

reading program, I had had some sort of exposure to what we were learning. However, the idea

of creating tools for school success, analyzing programs already in place in schools, and then

discussing these observations and ideas with administrators had never been something that I had

done. Through this program, I have ben able to grow in confidence and understanding when it

comes to interacting with administration and other faculty in the building. I have also been given

the chance to advocate and reach out to local and state government officials, which is another

experience I am grateful for.

Through this program, I have come to understand how a reading specialist can change the

attitude of an entire school system through engagement, advocacy, and support. This starts with

balancing support for administration and teachers, as well as being willing to provide extra

support with instruction, whether that’s through intervention or when teaching a small group

along with a classroom teacher. With that balance comes the responsibility of using the position

for communication and advocacy. Reading specialists can play a key role in advocating for new

reading programs, finding effective professional development, or creating committees within the

school that can help address common literacy trends. These are just a few ways that reading

specialists can use their leadership role within a school and, when it is done effectively, become

a great support for both teachers and administration. This program has not only introduced me to

ways that reading specialists can be effective leaders within the school, but it has also helped me

understand what I can do as a classroom teacher to help the reading community within my


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