Anthropology Is The Study of Humans and The Ways They Live

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Anthropology is the study of humans and the ways they live.

Sociology studies the

ways groups of people interact with each other and how their behavior is
influenced by social structures, categories (rage, gender, sexuality), and

While both fields study human behavior, the debate between anthropology vs.
sociology is a matter of perspectives. Anthropology examines culture more at the
micro-level of the individual, which the anthropologist generally takes as an
example of the larger culture. In addition, anthropology hones in on the cultural
specificities of a given group or community. Sociology, on the other hand, tends
to look at the bigger picture, often studying institutions (educational, political,
religious), organizations, political movements, and the power relations of
different groups with each other.

Key Takeaways: Anthropology vs. Sociology

• Anthropology studies human behavior more at the individual level, while

sociology focuses more on group behavior and relations with social
structures and institutions.
• Anthropologists conduct research using ethnography (a qualitative
research method), while sociologists use both qualitative and quantitative
• The primary goal of anthropology is to understand human diversity and
cultural difference, while sociology is more solution-oriented with the goal
of fixing social problems through policy.
Definition of Anthropology
Anthropology studies human diversity. There are four primary sub-
fields: archaeology, biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, and linguistic
anthropology. Archaeology focuses on the objects humans have made (often
thousands of years ago). Biological anthropology examines the ways humans
adapt to different environments. Cultural anthropologists are interested in how
humans live and make sense of their surroundings, studying their folklore,
cuisine, arts, and social norms. Finally, linguistic anthropologists study the ways
different cultures communicate. The primary method of research anthropologists
utilize is called ethnography or participant observation, which involves in-depth,
repeated interactions with people.

A defining feature of anthropology that makes it unlike many other fields is that
many researchers study cultures that are not "their own." Thus, people pursuing
PhDs in anthropology are required to spend a lengthy period of time (often a
year) in a foreign country, in order to immerse themselves in a culture to become
knowledgeable enough to write about and analyze it.
Early in the field's history (the late 19th/early 20th centuries), anthropologists
were almost all Europeans or Americans who conducted research in what they
considered to be "primitive" societies that they believed were "untouched" by
western influence. Because of this mindset, the field has long been critiqued for
its colonialist, condescending attitude toward non-western people and its
inaccurate representations of their cultures; for example, early anthropologists
often wrote about African cultures as static and unchanging, which suggested that
Africans could never be modern and that their culture did not undergo change, as
western cultures do. In the late 20th century, anthropologists like James Clifford
and George Marcus addressed these misrepresentations, suggesting that
ethnographers be more aware of and upfront about the unequal power relations
between themselves and their research subjects.

Definition of Sociology
Sociology has several principal tenets: individuals belong to groups, which
influence their behavior; groups have characteristics independent of their
members (i.e., the whole is larger than the sum of its parts); and sociology
focuses on patterns of behavior among groups (as defined by gender, race, class,
sexual orientation, etc.). Sociological research falls into several large areas,
including globalization, race and ethnicity, consumption, family, social
inequality, demography, health, work, education, and religion.

While ethnography was initially associated with anthropology, many sociologists

also do ethnography, which is a qualitative research method. However,
sociologists tend to do more quantitative research—studying large data sets, like
surveys—than anthropologists. In addition, sociology is more concerned with
hierarchical or unequal power relations between groups of people and/or
institutions. Sociologists still tend to study "their own" societies—i.e., the U.S.
and Europe—more than those of non-western countries, although contemporary
sociologists conduct research all over the world.

Finally, an important distinction between anthropology and sociology is that the

former's goal is to understand human diversity and cultural differences, while the
latter is more solution-oriented with the goal of fixing social problems through

History of Anthropology and Sociology

• Anthropology ‘“ human beings have been observing and recording the behavior of others
since the dawn of civilization. Some credit Herodotus and Tacitus with being the first
anthropologists. However, it wasn’t until the late eighteenth century that a codified
study of other cultures began. Traditionally, anthropology has been about Westerners
studying the culture of less technologically advanced peoples. In some instances the
study of anthropology led to racist theories about the overall advancement of difference
• Sociology ‘“ has also been practiced since the Greek period as a study of one’s
surrounding society. However, it wasn’t until the late nineteenth century that sociology
was recognized as an academic discipline and became part of university curriculum.

Focus of Anthropology and Sociology

• Anthropology ‘“ is interested in the overall culture of a group of people. This includes
social institutions, art, history, mythology, and common mores, among other traits.
Anthropologies now study societies all over the world, but look for overarching themes
that are reinforced through case studies. It also includes archeology, and due to a great
amount of substantive speculation is thought to be a softer science than sociology.
• Sociology ‘“ is a quantitative social science. Most theories are based on polls, statistical
analysis, sampling, and large collections of life histories. Sociologists strive to be as
impartial and scientific as possible as they gather data. The data analyzed by sociologists
is often used by government officials and market researchers alike.
Sociology and Anthropology differs from each other:
1. Sociology studies modern, civilized and complex studies.
2. Sociologists more often study parts of a society and generally specialize in
institutions such as family, marriage or processes, such as social change
social mobility .
3. Sociologists study small as well as large societies.
4. Sociology makes use of observation, interview ,social survey
i. Anthropology concerns itself simple, uncivilized or primitive and non-literate
ii. Anthropologists tend to study societies in all their aspects as whole. They
concentrate their studies in each culture.
iii. They concentrate on small societies such as those of nomads.
iv. They directly go and lie in the communities they study. They use make direct
observation and interviews.
sociology and anthropology have different emphases—one examines social
structures, the other focuses on culture—there is much that they have in common.

Both look at the "big picture," are interested in the way society influences people's
lives, and strive to promote understanding. Recognizing these similarities, our major
blends the two areas of study. For those with a strong interest in one discipline or the
other, it is possible to select courses with a primary focus in either, but we encourage
our majors to explore and draw on the insights from both disciplines.

Having two disciplines in one department allows us to offer unique learning

situations. Our curriculum includes a number of courses that combine sociological
and anthropological thinking, including courses on social movements, health and
healing, global interdependence, religion, family, and social justice. There are a
number of opportunities at Gustavus to develop a better understanding of the social
world we live in through a variety of study abroad, internship, and volunteer activities.

1. Anthropology and sociology are both fields of social science that study the
behavior of humans within their societies.
2. Traditionally anthropology dealt with the study of cultures different from
one’s own, especially those less advanced while sociology was used to
understand one’s own society.
3. Today anthropology tends to look at the big picture of human culture
while sociology spends more time analyzing data from a specific study.
4. Anthropology is considered to be a softer science than sociology as it
bases more of its conclusions on case studies than hard data.

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