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May 2, 2019
Table of Contents
3.1 Briefing ............................................................................................................................ 3
3.2 Information Technology being used at Google .................................................................. 4
3.3 The usage and application of software in Google .............................................................. 4
3.4 Competitive Advantages of using these systems ............................................................... 5
3.5 Challenges of using these software .................................................................................. 6
3.5.1 Different desktop managers lead to a fragmented experience ................................................6
3.5.2 Too many package managers make Linux hard to learn and master.........................................6
3.5.3 Lack of software ....................................................................................................................7
3.5.4. Hardware compatibility ........................................................................................................7
3.6 Different type of cloud systems being used ...................................................................... 7
3.7 Security Policies adopted by Google ................................................................................. 8
3.7.1 Multi-Tenant System..............................................................................................................8
3.7.2 Two Step Authentication Mechanism .....................................................................................9
References .......................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Briefing

Google is a multinational publicly traded tech giant which is famous for its search engine.

Apart from a search engine, other enterprises include cloud computing, internet analytics, Web

app, and development of other operating systems, browsers and advertising agencies (Google,


The company was founded way back in 1995 when two graduates of Stanford University

Larry Page and Sergey Brin collaborated in a research project that leads to the search engine. In

the start it was known as BackRub because of backlink analysis, it developed the interest in the

research community but didn't get any offer from vendors. Those were early days of struggle,

and most of the people rejected their idea. By borrowing sufficient funds in September 1998, the

founders started the operation in a garage in California. Just in short span of 4 months PC

magazines recognized Google as one of 100 search engines and websites of the year 1998

(Google, 2012).

Name of Google was inferred from the word googol which depicts the number 1 followed

by hundred zeroes which are a reference that there is vast information in the world and Google is

capable enough to cover that. Google mission statement is “To organize the world’s information

and make it universally accessible and useful” (Google, 2012). After a few years in the industry,

Google competed with AltaVista, Excite, Lycos, and Yahoo. In a short period, Google gets so

famous that it became the synonym of web search and the word Google started considering as a

verb for search. Rather than saying they are searching something people are likely to stay they

3.2 Information Technology being used at Google

Google Chief Information Officer stated in an interview that employees are given full

authority to choose whichever hardware or software system they want to use if any software or

hardware is contributing positively they can download and use it. He further added that if you

think it may breach the security, it would be wrong. In an interview to The Wall Street, he said

that it is the matter of choice even if the choice is less cost-efficient. Google approach is different

while looking into this matter they don't want to standardize one thing and lock the problem-

solving skill of employees.

Google uses the LTS versions because the two-years between releases is much more

workable than every six-month cycle of ordinary Ubuntu releases. Besides, Google also tries to

update and replace its hardware every two-years so that syncs nicely as well.

Google uses Linux in servers as well as on desktops. People consider Ubuntu Linux as

Google's desktop, but it is not commonly known that what roles Ubuntu Linux plays in a

company (Fagioli, 2013). Bushnell, the tech leader of the distribution group who is managing the

distribution of Linux to the Google corporate desktops, stated that Google is using LTS of

Ubuntu which means that if you have downloaded the latest version of Ubuntu you are running

Goobuntu. Google is working on the latest version LTS because the period of two years is

workable rather than a short cycle of six months for ordinary Ubuntu release (Fagioli, 2013).

Furthermore, the company also used to update its hardware every two years so it won’t lead to

any glitch.

3.3 The usage and application of software in Google

Ubuntu is a widely used operating system at Google whereas employees can use Mac and

Windows. Googlers are encouraged to use those tools which enhance efficiency. For instance, if
they don't want to work on Gmail, they can use Pine which is a Unix shell based e-mail. People

aren’t forced to use Ubuntu rather Goobuntu is suggested, and all the developments revolve

around Ubuntu.

Employees are asked to use Windows, but it is a complicated operating system having a

particular security problem and require strict permissions before usage. Moreover, the major con

of using windows is that they are heavy and inflexible

Ubuntu is even preferred on OpenSuse and Fedora and company is using Debian because

basic software packages of Debian are way more ahead than RPM, SUSE, and Red Hat default

package management systems. Furthermore, it is even considered superior over other Debian

Based Linux distributions because Canonical and its release cadence offer better support. Google

doesn't use and contribute to the development of Ubuntu; Google is paying for advantage support

program of Ubuntu to Canonical.

3.4 Competitive Advantages of using these systems

Discussing the unity use the desktop users are all over the globe when it comes to the

interface usage including KDE, X-Windows, X-terms and Gnome. Some people use unity

because it is like mac to some extent so one can say mac lovers are switching to unity. As there

is no particular Goobuntu interface. Considering the widespread usage of Ubuntu even outside

Google can be accessed from the fact that there are tens of thousands of Goobuntu users

including people from the managerial background, engineers, sales managers, and graphic

designers. To deal with all the Goobuntu desktops, Google uses Puppet desktop administration

tools. In this way Google team become more empowered and autonomous as they can control

their PC's in a really quick time, this is of key importance because a single robot can cost a

substantial amount to do so.

Furthermore, it can deal with problems very well, and one must design computers in a

way to deal with the failure because only hoping that computers won't fail is just a matter of

hope, but in the real world, there is need of a proper mechanism to cope with failures.

3.5 Challenges of using this software

Linux is not fully perfect, and it also has some drawbacks, and few top challenges are

listed below

3.5.1 Different desktop managers lead to a fragmented experience

There are pros and cons of every system, for instance, people like Gnome desktop

environment and on the other hand don't prefer KDE, similarly, in Linux, there is a diversity of

Unity, Cinnamon, and XFCE (Fagioli, 2013).

Considering the challenges the freedom to interface uses is a positive aspect, but it can

also be negative, from the viewpoint of troubleshooting it is uphill or even in some cases

impossible to direct its user via instant message by knowing the distribution. One more acute

issue is that when a user is looking for help via Ubuntu, one can't say whether are on Unity,

Gnome or KDE which lead to the ambiguity (Solomon, 2018).

3.5.2 Too many package managers make Linux hard to learn and master

New users start working from Ubuntu because of its easy interface and smart design. In

command or terminal usage, these new users will go through the apt packages in commands of

managers. The problem here is that these newbies will consider apt package the only package

offering, but there are many others like Pacman and Yum (Solomon, 2018). Moreover, these

packages have an entirely different set of commands which leads to confusion.

Generally, it is fine if they don't switch to any other package software but if they do they

will be frustrated because the keys and commands they love won’t work.
3.5.3 Lack of software

The Loyal Linux users and purists will always pinpoint the best available alternatives, for

instance, Gimp at a place of Photoshop, LibreOffice rather than Microsoft Word. In many cases

and at the basic level this software really works; however professional can't risk and trust other

software's easily as it's the matter of reputation and career (Solomon, 2018). In this case, open

source is ideology is best to adopt for instance Microsoft Office will create more professional

files. Similarly, there are photo editing tools in Linux but they are non-existent, and one needs to

use Mac or Window for this (Vaughan-Nichols, 2012).

3.5.4. Hardware compatibility

Linux has better hardware compatibility, or one can say that it offers improved out of box

services the Mac or Windows for detection (Vaughan-Nichols, 2012). However, hardware will

work after kernel release, and some of the hardware won't have the required software to an


3.6 Different type of cloud systems being used

With the technological advancement Cloud computing is gaining the position of standard

operation for tech companies to access software, hardware and infrastructure resources (Ogren,

2008). Companies can use cloud computing to increase their IT functionality or capacity without

having to add software, personnel, invest in additional training or set up new infrastructure.

Below are the major types of cloud computing (Ogren, 2008):

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

3. Software as a Service (SaaS)

4. Recovery as a Service (RaaS)

The type of cloud services widely used by Google is PaaS which is similar to the IaaS but

is comparatively more advanced. It provides the computing platform and solution as a service.

It's IT infrastructure comes with run time system libraries, operating system, programing

language, and user interface (Bernazzani, 2018). PaaS services are mostly used by companies

that need to develop, test, collaborate and deploy cloud solutions for particular applications

(Bernazzani, 2018). However, the hosting of the application is done by a third party, i.e., the

PaaS provider.

This type of cloud is mostly used by the companies which need to test collaborate,

develop and deploy cloud stations. Google provides a fully arranged sandbox and environment

for users to test and deploy their applications (Rouse, 2011).

Cloud computing solutions are adding value to the business and are bringing benefits for

organizations and for achieving better disaster recovery. Almost all the leading firms are using

cloud services. Once the management decides to implement cloud services the IT professionals

must decide which computing to opt but it is pertinent to mention that most of the companies use

a combination as each of the services provides its kind of solution, and it is the consent of IT

experts to decide which one to use to deal with particular problem (Ogren, 2008).

3.7 Security Policies adopted by google

3.7.1 Multi-Tenant System

Google employed hundreds of people to ensure the security of data assets, and

there are so many authorization and authentication steps to avoid any vulnerable and

unauthorized access. Google has a multi-tenant setup in which rather than dividing the user's data

in one or set of machines. Google single users or business users and even the Google own data is

segmented into common infrastructure consist of the same machines and placed at the different
data center of the company (Godwin, 2018). Google issue unique user ID to every employee

which is used to recognize the person and his/her activities including access to particular data or

software. This unique account is used for any activity and to access any system (Godwin, 2018).

This ID is assigned at the time of hiring by the HR department.

If any employee quit the job the person's access to the Google Network is

disabled by the Human Resource department. Passphrases and passwords are used for the

authentication process to sign in to workstations and other systems. These authentication systems

reinforce the password policies, expiry of password, secret questions, strength level of it and

restrictions (Godwin, 2018).

3.7.2 Two Step Authentication Mechanism

Google is using a two-step authentication process generally in the organization such as one-time

password creation and certification. Two-step authentication is required widely in every

operation regardless of the nature of access. The third party which is using Google apps for

business are also using this dual step mechanism. Authorization rights and levels depend on the

history of employee and experience of working in a particular field. There are few default

permission which is granted to the employees including internal portals and e-mails. Also,

certain specifics of access to the resources is granted to employees based on a particular job

function (Bernazzani, 2018). Request for the provision of special access starts with a formal

process followed by request, approval from the data manager and it will be granted considering

the security policies of the company.


Bernazzani, S. (2018). IaaS vs. PaaS vs. SaaS: Here's What You Need to Know About Each.

Retrieved from

Fagioli, B. (2013). The top 5 problems with Linux. Retrieved from

Godwin, D. (2018). Cloud Computing: The difference between IAAS, PAAS, and SAAS.

Retrieved from


Google. (2012). Google’s Approach to IT Security. Retrieved from


Ogren, E. (2008). Google's IT Department To Google Staff: Use Whatever Hardware And

Software You Want. Retrieved from


Rouse, M. (2011). Google (the company). Retrieved from

Solomon, J. (2018). Understanding different types of cloud computing and their benefits.

Retrieved from

Vaughan-Nichols, S. J. (2012). The truth about Goobuntu: Google's in-house desktop Ubuntu

Linux. Retrieved from


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