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Nuns from shedra Pema Choling (Bhutan)

for the first time in Europe

27 – 30.04.17 Darnkow,
chod Khandro Gé Gyang by Jigme Lingpa
According to the wish of Ven. Gangteng Rinpoche, this year Yeshe Khorlo Association (in
cooperation with Khorong Association) is pleased to playing host to four nuns from Pema
Choling shedra. Polish part of their visit will take place in Khordong Gompa in Darnków,

Whole european programme:

7 April - Geneva, a lecture
10 – 20 April - France: 11 - 12 April, a concert and a lecture in Strasburg; 14 – 18 April, Pema Yang
Dzy, Chod and Tara retreat, explanations on Rain of Blessings practise
22 – 24 April - Munich, a lecture and teachings
27 – 30 April - Darnków, Drophan Ling Gompa - Chod retreat according to Jigme Lingpa
Khandro Gé Gyang; dakini songs, teachings, pujas and rituals on request.
1 – 3 May - stay in Praque - informations on Tibet Open House fb page.

Information about our quests: Anilas from shedra Pema Thekchok Cheling, started in 2001 (in
number of 100, from 12 to 70 y.o., many of them hold a lopyn title). After completing studies (9
years – long academic program) some of them start a live long retreat. The main practise is
Chod. Their education, according to Gangteng Tulku's words „ is often better and more deep,
and their realisation more vast and larger than those achieved by monks - men”. Shedra for
women in the middle of Tang Valley is fulfillment of XVth century prophesy by Pema Lingpa,
who predicted the formation of women's institution. It has been established by IXth Gangteng
Tulku Rinpoche.
A detailed schedule of Darnków retreat ( 27 - 30 April ) will be announced at the place.
Note: nuns performs rituals on request, so they can be ask for it. We have established that it
will be:

1. Lagug Tsegug (restoration of life force)

2. Yang Drub (Norlha deities)
3. Medicine Buddha

Retreat application form:

About the main practice: The Loud Laugh of the Dakini (Tib. Khandro Gé Gyang) is the Chod
sadhana of Longchen Ningtik. Propagated as terma by Rigzin Jigme Lingpa (1729-1798), who
received the teachings of the Great Longchenpa - a Drop of Essence of Longchenpa`s Heart,
Longchen Ningthik - in the form of a vision. Longchen Ningthik become the most famous and
widely practiced cycle of Dzogchen.

Jigme Lingpa Great Longchenpa

We will try to prepare teksts to buy or rent at Darnków. To order an english tekst of Khandro Gé
Gyang, please write to:
It is also good to take (if you have) tekst of: Riwo Sangche, Mahakala Maning puja and Rain of

Below link to the puja performed by the nuns of Pema Cheling:

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