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Section Properties for complete section ...

Overall dimensions height = 150.0 mm

width = 98.59 mm

Centroid coordinates x = -0.005 mm

y = 2.0E-13 mm

Cross section area = 400.9476 mm²

External surface area = 571.54 mm²/mm

... about global centroidal axes:

Second moment of area Ixx = 1371143.6 mm4
Iyy = 236414.87 mm4
Section modulus Zxt = Ixx /(ymax -y) = 18281.915 mm³
Zxb = Ixx /(ymin -y) = -18281.92 mm³

... about principal axes:

Second moment of area Iuu = 1508663.4 mm4
Ivv = 98895.056 mm4
Section modulus Zut = 17412.16 mm³
Zub = -17412.16 mm³

Angle from xx to uu (anticlockwise) = 18.1995°

Section Properties of individual elements (about local axes)

Elem. ymin to o/a Ixx Iyy Iuu Ivv Angle
ref centroid height xx - uu
mm mm mm4 mm4 mm4 mm4 degrees
1 75.0 150.0 1371143.6 236414.87 1508663.4 98895.056 18.1995

Section properties about global axes (through x=0,y=0):

Element Centroid coords Ixx Iyy
ref x y
mm mm mm mm4
1 -0.005 2.0E-13 1371143.6 236414.88

Section Weights and Perimeters

Element Section Surface Weight
ref Area Area
mm² mm²/mm kN/mm
1 400.9476 571.54 3.0873E-5


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