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Positive Beliefs:

“Life is my teacher.”
“I am not my addictive programming.”
“I am lovable.”
“I am the master of my life.”
“I don’t need to control people.”
“I can accept what is.”
“I don’t need other people’s approval.”
“It’s okay to make a mistake.”
“It’s okay to be me.”
“I don’t need to hide.”
“I have nothing to fear.”
“I can let go and just be.”
“I love myself.”
“It’s okay to make a fool of myself in public.”
“Rational mind -- stop sending me that stuff.”
“I am enough.”
“I accept my here and now.”
“I don’t have to reject myself when I (whichever applies) am angry, make a
mistake, feel jealous, am not loving.”
“It’s OK to be right where I am.”
“I am getting free.”
“I don’t have to be a robot.”
“I don’t have to be uptight when this happens.”
“I don’t have to get caught up in his/her programming.”
“I can love him/her just the way he/she is.”
“It’s all US.”
“I don’t need (whichever applies) outside acceptance, approval, respect, love,
special attention, romantic love, close relationships, to control, to manipulate,
to be addicted, to be afraid.”

-“I’m tired of
being outside of it all.
-I want to learn to love everyone
-no more duality and
separateness for me.
- I’ve got to learn how to love unconditionally -- without demands.”

-“Idon’t have to feel angry when I feel people aren’t meeting agreements.”

“Idon’t need to put myself through all of this turmoil.”

“People don’t have to live up to my models.”

“I can enjoy what I do have.”

I can reprogram this addiction.

I don’t need to get uptight over this situation.

It’s just my programming that is making me uptight.

I can change that programming.

That programming doesn’t serve me in any way.

I don’t need it for anything.

I don’t need to hold on to that emotional reaction.

Love is more important. I am creating this suffering in my mind.

It’s all in my mind.”

I consciously need to discharge the emotions for the purpose of getting rid of them

being criticized is not really a threat to you or harmful in any way. You may begin to perceive
criticism as valuable feed back which may help you improve your performance.

To reinforce this new attitude toward criticism and make it a permanent part of your
programming, it is valuable to reprogram yourself with such phrases as
“Criticism is really useful, not harmful”
"Criticism will help improve my performance"
“I can welcome criticism”
“I don’t need to get defensive when someone criticizes me.”

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