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The aim of the practical is to explore individual’s perception about his/her characteristics and
abilities about himself/ herself in different aspects of self.

All persons are not equal. Every person has some characteristics with differentiate him/her from
others. These characteristics form the basis of different nature of persons.
Self- concept is a dominant element in personality pattern, therefore the measure of self-concept
becomes essential. Self- concept has been referred by Louce as one’s attitude towards self.
Paderson defines self as an organized configuration of perceptions, beliefs, attitudes and values
which the individual views as a part of characteristics of him. Saraswat and Gaur (1981)
describes self-concept as ‘the self-concept is the individual’s way of looking at himself. It also
signifies his way of thinking, feeling and behaving”.
Adolescence is a period of life with its own particular characteristics of himself and problems of
life. An attempt has been made in this questionnaire to provide the different concept of self-

Self Concept Questionnaire

The self-concept inventory provides six different concept of self-concept:
Physical: Individual’s view their body, health, physical appearance and strength.
Social: Individual’s sense of worth in social interactions.
Temperament: Individual’s view of their prevailing emotional state.
Educational: Individual’s view of their prevailing emotional state in relation to school, teachers
and extra-curricular activities.
Moral: Individual’s estimation of their moral work, i.e., what is right and wrong activity.
Intellectual: Individual’s awareness of their intelligence and capabilities of problem solving and
Each dimension contains eight items.
Further, the test also gives a total self-concept score.

Self-Concept Code No. Item No.

Physical A 2, 3, 9, 20, 22, 27, 29, 31
Social B 1, 8, 21, 37, 40, 43, 46, 48
Educational C 4,10, 14, 16, 19, 23, 24, 28
Temperamental D 5, 13, 15, 17, 25, 26, 30, 32
Moral E 6, 35, 34, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47
Intellectual F 7, 11, 12, 18, 33, 36, 38, 39

Educational Qualification-
1. Self-concept questionnaire form.
2. Pencil and eraser
3. Key
4. Manual for SCQ

Following instructions have to be given to the subject:
 This is a self-concept inventory. It has 48 items in it. Against each item there are five
responses which are to be read carefully and respond to it by marking a tick on any one of
the five responses, which goes describing you well. There is no right or wrong answer.
The right answer is only what you feel about yourself.
 Give responses according to what you feel about yourself with reference to that
statement. Your answers will be kept confidential.
 There is no time limit for answering the items. Be calm and natural. Answer as honestly
as possible.

 Rapport formation is done with the subject and made comfortable so that he/she can act
naturally. The subject is ensured that the results would remain confidential.
 The subject is given all the necessary details and instructions thoroughly.
 After the conduction of the test, the subject is thanked for their time and cooperation.
 Scoring and assessment of the answer sheet is done.
 Results are interpreted and shared with the subject (along with suggestions, if any).

Reliability of the inventory was found by test-retest method and it was found to be .91 for the
total self-concept measure. Reliability coefficients of its six various dimensions varies from .67
to .88


The following table represents the scores of the subject on different dimensions of self-concept
along with its description.
Code Self-Concept Dimensions Score Interpretation
A Physical
B Social
C Educational
D Temperamental
E Moral
F Intellectual

From the above table, it can be concluded that:

 Factor A: The subject scored ___ on the dimension of Physical indicating _______ self-
concept. It implies that________.
 Factor B: The subject scored ___ on the dimension of Social indicating _______ self-
concept. It implies that __________
 Factor C: The subject scored ___ on the dimension of Temperamental indicating _______
self-concept. It implies that __________
 Factor D: The subject scored ___ on the dimension of Educational indicating _______
self-concept. It implies that __________
 Factor E: The subject scored ___ on the dimension of Moral indicating _______ self-
concept. It implies that __________
 Factor F: The subject scored ___ on the dimension of Intellectual indicating _______
 Overall total self-concept score is ______ indicating _________ self-concept. It implies
that __________

1. Environmental factors must be controlled. For ex- the environment around the subject
must be calm.
2. The subject must be comfortable and should understand each question properly that
he/she ticks right response.
3. Try not to pressurize the subject and give him/her about 20-30 minutes to fill the

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