Articel of Black Body Radiation

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Fauziah Rasyid1), Qonita Deifaky Tsauria2), Nur Filzah3), Indri Aeni Asri4), Sofia Septiana5)
Survita Dewi

Laboratorium Fisika Modern Universitas Negeri Makassar


Abstract - Experiments that have been held with the title Measurement of the Radiation Intensity of Black
Bodies as a Function of Temperature (Stefan-Boltzmann's Law) and Newton's Cooling on Friday, September 13,
2019. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the radiation intensity of a black body at a temperature
range of 400ᵒ - 500ᵒ and determine the relationship between radiation intensity and absolute temperature (Stefan
Boltzman's Law). The data is obtained by connecting the experimental device circuit with the production of
Leybold GmBH by the CASSY Lab Program on a computer with a temperature range of 400ᵒ - 500ᵒ. This
experiment uses an electric oven equipped with black body accessories that will function as an ideal black body.
The temperature sensor uses a NiCr-Ni thermocouple that is connected to the CASSY sensor to the computer.
The function of the CASSY program is as a data recorder for electric oven temperature and voltage as a function
of intensity. The results of this experiment produce contants Boltzmann value | 2.86 ± 0.02 | W / m2K4. Based on
the graph obtained a linear relationship between absolute temperature and radiation intensity. The value of the
cooling constant k is | 8.00 ± 0.104 | 𝑥 10−5s-1 based on the results of graph analysis.
Key Word: Absolute temperature, Intensity of black body radiation, Newton's cooling constant, Stefan-
Boltzman Law

At the end of 19th century, like classical mechanics, the electromagnetic theory of radiation
was regarded as the ultimate theory of radiation. At this time when the classical physicswas at the
zenith of its accomplishments, some physicists were facing problems that could not be understood
within the framework of classical physics. The most outstanding problems among themwere (i) the
explanation of line spectrum emitted by elements in gaseous state (ii) the emission ofelectrons when
metals are exposed to high frequency radiation, (iii) the distribution of energy in the spectrum of a
black body. Probably, the understanding of these phenomena indicated a different aspect of the nature
of radiation. In other words, the understanding of phenomena associated with interaction of radiation
with matter requires a fundamental change in our concepts regarding the nature of radiation and the
structure of matter. In this chapter we shall restrict ourselves to the study of those phenomena, which
have direct bearing to the nature of light. We shall see that the explanation of these phenomena
requires that the radiation should be regarded as a stream ofparticles rather than waves. The theory,
which regards radiation as stream of particles (called quanta)is called quantum theory of radiation
Historically the quantum theory originated in an attempt to explain the spectral distribution ofthermal
energy radiated by a black body. We shall, therefore, begin our study with a brief description of
characteristic features of the distribution of thermal energy in black body radiation.
The thermal radiation emitted by a hot body, in general, depends on the composition and
thetemperature of the body. However, there is a class of bodies, called black bodies, which emit
thermalradiation whose quantity and quality depend only on their temperature. For this reason the
radiationemitted by such bodies is called the thermal radiation. Such bodies are named black bodies
becausethey absorb all the radiation that falls on it. Lamp black and platinum black are nearest to
idealblack bodies. When a black body is maintained at constant high temperature, the emitted radiation
iscalled the black body radiation. For experimental purposes a cavity having a small hole can be
regardedas a perfect black body because of its identical behavior with that of the perfectly black body.
If radiation is allowed to enter such a cavity, it is reflected back and forth at the inner walls of the
cavity and at each reflection some portion of energy is absorbed. After suffering a large number
ofreflections at the walls it is completely absorbed in the cavity. Therefore at lower temperature the
hole appears black. When the cavity is maintained at higher temperature the radiation that comes outof
the hole is similar to that emitted by a black body at the same temperature. Thus, a cavity with asmall
hole acts like a black body.
A black body is defined as an object that absorbs all the radiation that comes to it. The ideal
black body is modeled by a black cavity with a small hole. When a beam of light enters the cavity
through the hole, the beam of light will be reflected repeatedly on the wall of the cavity without
having time to come out again through the hole. Light energy will be absorbed by the cavity wall
every time a reflection occurs. Black body radiation is electromagnetic radiation that is emitted by a
black body. The black body radiation spectrum at some temperature (T) is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Black body radiation spectrum curve

Gie et al. (1999) in Sutarno et al. (2017), in 1879 Stefan-Boltzmann conducted an experiment
to find out the universal character of black body radiation. They found that the total power per unit
area (intensity) emitted at all frequencies by a hot black body is proportional to the square of its
absolute temperature,
𝐼 = 𝑒𝜎𝑇4 (1)
The total radiation energy emitted is proportional to the area under the graph at a fixed temperature,
which is

𝐸 = 𝑒𝜎𝑇4 (2)
It appears that the amount of radiation energy is proportional to the intensity produced. This equation
is known as Stefan-Boltzmann's Law
At low frequencies, the energy density based on Rayleigh and Jeans' explanations (classical
theory) coincides with experiments. However, at high frequencies, the graph according to Rayleigh-
Jeans theory greatly deviates from the experimental results. Based on the classical physics theory
described by Rayleigh-Jeans, if f is greater then Ρt (f) is also getting bigger, and will approach the
value of ∞ if f is very large. Large deviations occur at high frequencies or in the ultraviolet wavelength
region, so these deviations are called ultraviolet catastrophe (UV-catastrophe).
The second part to be discussed is Newton's cooling. To determine Newton's cooling laws which are
formulated as:
r = roe-kt (3)
Where r is the relative temperature at time t, and ro is the relative temperature at t = 0. This experiment
objectives to measure the intensity of black body radiation as a function of temperature (Stefan-
Boltzmann's Law) and Newton's cooling. From Stefan-Boltzmann's law states that the total radiation
intensity emitted by an object is proportional to the increase in the absolute temperature of the 4th
rank. While the Newton cooling term explains that the cooling rate of an object's temperature is
proportional to the difference between the object's temperature and the surrounding temperature. This
research was conducted using Leybold GmBH production.

The tools and materials used in this experiment are a set of GmBH leybold production
experiment equipment consisting of: an electric oven for 230 V voltage, black body accessories, safety
connection box with ground, cassy sensor, cassy lab, NiCr-Ni adapter, sensor NiCr-Ni temperature of
1.5 mm, µV box, thermofile moll, shortrod small benc optic, 28 cm V-shaped support, leybold
multiclamp, universal clamp, and 100 cm red / blue paired cable. Then an additional 1 PC with a
Windows 98 or higher operating system, and other recommended equipment: one 12 V immersion
pump, one low-voltage power supply, one silicone tubing, 7 mm ϕ, one laboratory bucket, 10 I.
The thing to do before data retrieval is we must first learn all the components of the tool as shown in
Figure 2 below!

Figure 2. A series of experimental instruments measuring the intensity of black body radiation
After that, it connects all components of the PLN voltage source device including the
computer. After all components are installed properly, then run the distilled water pump and make
sure the rubber pipe from the flow of the distilled water is well connected to the heating oven, before
the heating oven is turned on first, let the distilled water flow for approximately 2 minutes, then the
electric oven is turned on and wait a few hours to heat up the distilled water until the temperature
reaches approximately 500 ℃ which can be observed on a computer screen, but first turn on the
computer that has been provided, then click the CASSY icon on the computer and wait until the
display appears as in figure 3 below!
Figure 3. CASSY menu display and temperature and voltage sensor settings
After that, adjust it until the temperature and voltage readings appear on the CASSY display.
Observing the temperature on the computer, when the temperature reaches 30 ℃ do data recording by
pressing the symbol measurement on the CASSY menu or use the F9 key. Then, when the temperature
reaches 150 ℃ turn off the electric oven to measure cooling. Stop recording data when object
temperature reaches 70 ℃. Save the recording data by pressing the F2 key or use the save symbol on
the CASSY menu. The data analysis technique used in this experiment uses descriptive data analysis
techniques. Where the results of experiments conducted all recorded data are presented in tabular and
graphical form.


A. Heating

Figure 3. Graph of relationship between voltage u and absolute temperature

y = mx + c

M = σ (T4-T04)

M . 10-5 = σ (T4-T04) 107

Based figure 3, obtained:

y = 0,0286x + 7,168

10 −5
m = σ = 0,0286 . W/m2T4

M = 2,86. 10-14 W/m2T4

R2= 0,9942

DK= 100% x R2 = 100% x 0,9942 = 99,42 %

KR= DK – 100% = 0,58%.

𝐾𝑅 𝑥 𝜎 0,58 % x 2,86 x 10−14
Δσ = = = 0,016588 x 10-14 W/m2T4
100% 100%

𝛥𝜎 2,86 x 10−14
SF = 1- log 𝜎
= 1- log 0,016588 𝑥 10−14 = 3 SF

PF = σ = |2.86 ± 0.02 | W / m2K4

Based on the graph of the relationship between temperature and voltage the intensity of the
radiation is proportional to the square of the absolute temperature, from the graph, suppose the
intensity is the voltage so that as a whole it appears that the temperature is directly proportional to
the voltage. Based on the results of graph analysis obtained Boltzman's constant value is | 2.86 ±
0.02 | W /m2K4. So from the experimental results it is said that the quadrilateral temperature (T 4) is
directly proportional to the voltage corresponding to Stefan-Boltzmann's Law in this experiment
approaching the theory.

B. Cooling

Figure 4. Graph of relationship between absolute temperature and time t

y = 𝑒 𝑚𝑥

r = roe-kt
= e-kt

Then, m= -k

Based on figure 4, obtained

y = 453,25 e-8E-05x and R2= 0,987

Then, k = 8.00 𝑥 10−5s-1 is Newton cooling constant.

DK = 100% x R2 = 100% x 0,987 = 98,7 %

KR= DK – 100% = 98,7%– 100% = 0,3%.

𝐾𝑅 𝑥 𝐾 0,3 % x 8 x 10−5
ΔK = = = 0,0104 x 10-5 s-1
100% 100%

𝛥𝑘 0,0104 x 10−5
SF = 1- log 𝐾
= 1- log 8 𝑥 10−5
= 3 SF

PF = K= | 8.00 ± 0.104 | 𝑥 10−5 s-1

Based on the value of the line equation contained in the graph using Newton's cooling law, we
can determine the value of K by looking at the exponential line equation contained in the graph.
The exponential power value on the graph plot is the K value graphically is | 8.00 ± 0.104 | 𝑥 10−5s-1.

The results of this experiment produce contants Boltzmann value | 2.86 ± 0.02 | W / m2K4.
Based on the graph obtained a linear relationship between absolute temperature and radiation intensity.
The value of the cooling constant k is | 8.00 ± 0.104 | 𝑥 10−5 s-1 based on the results of graph analysis.

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