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Artificial Intelligence and the future

What is AI? Why is Machine learning a hot topic these days in the tech world? How does it
affect us and to what extent we have used it till today? Do you know that many of the websites
like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are somehow powered by AI? They all have those
functionalities that would not have work without the use of AI.

So, basically, we are using AI everyday.AI means Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is
the intelligence shown by Machines that mimic human intelligence. AI is growing and is
increasingly used in many social networking websites. The text prediction in your keyboard
when you type something is an example of AI. Instagram and Pinterest have been using AI to
recognize images based on people and places. A professor in Georgia Institute of Technology
in the United States has created an AI teaching Assistant to cut the load on his other TA's. And
that’s only one way we could use AI, imagine the other possibilities of its potential use. One of

the most important applications of AI in big companies is advertisement’s recommendation

based on the user's interest.

Advertisements are the real money-maker for these big companies like Google, Yahoo,

Facebook, etc. With the help of deep learning techniques and machine learning, Google, Bing
and other search engine sites have implemented and experimented using the internet to

increase their revenue in ads. They find suitable ads according to your interest. The better the
ads, the more they earn in revenue. You may see the term Machine Learning, Deep learning

and Neural Network apart from AI. They are in simple explanation all part of AI. Machine

learning is a part of AI. It is about making machines learn things by themselves. The machine is
provided with raw data of information and made to learn a particular thing about the information.

For example, making them learn a, b, c by giving paragraphs of words. Scientist’s has
successfully even made an AI that plays Chess and has even defeated some of the worlds’
best chess players. The AI learns more and more moves as it plays and can adapt very
efficiently if it needs to change its strategy. Deep learning is another catchphrase related to
Machine learning. It is a part of Machine learning which uses neural networks. Neural networks
are neurons like in the human brain.

It is the making of a brain for a machine. It means taking the idea of how human brain works
and implementing that in Machine with algorithms and neural networks. Algorithms are a
complete step by step instructions, like a recipe for a cooking dish that leads to the answer of a
problem. It has been successfully implemented in areas like Driverless technology, Image
Recognition, Voice Recognition, etc.

We are yet to see the full potential of AI in our generation, but the future generation will have AI
technology. Almost everywhere AI will be a significant part of their lives. The way research and
development are progressing would eventually lead to the technology we haven't had yet and
the ones we fantasize about. For example, driverless cars, driverless flying cars, and drones,
etc. Though they aren’t successfully employed yet in the present, they could be a means of
transport in the future.

AI is nothing but futuristic. Man plans to colonize Mars, and so far, we haven't done yet. Maybe

AI will help in achieving this feat. AI is so broad that it will not leave any stone unturned.
Everything we now see may one day be obsolete, our present technology could be obsolete.
Our smartphones, computers and yes, even the so-called supercomputers will be inferior to
what AI can bring about changes in the way we do things and compute. As we see it, computers
have become more and more advanced and that being said, with AI in mind we will need faster
and complex computers.

The world is not yet to see the true outcome of AI. Some people think that the advancement in
AI will put a risk to human vulnerability. One day, this AI will control or at least be so
indispensable that we can't do anything without it. It could affect us in ways we don't know. It is,
of course, a long way till we can have that technology where AI can learn self-consciousness.
But that is exactly what researchers all over the world are trying to make and develop.

So, it is a challenge for the human race and as far as human history is concerned, man will
always find its way and somehow do the impossible.
We are already in the world where technology affects every part of our lives. Truth be told we
can't live a second without technology. Every day we use technology and we somehow take it

for granted. But it will not likely be that for AI. Because the use of AI will have its consequences.

Every second research is going on about AI and Machine learning. All this to what end? Every
blessing is a curse in disguise but is it for AI and Machines learning. The future is unknown and

we will see soon.


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