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As a profession, nursing requires that’s its members processes a significance amount
of education. Most nurses agree that nursing education is important to practice and
that it must respond to change, in health care created by scientific & technological
advance. There are various education preparations for the registered nurses.
Nursing education is a professional education which is consciously & systematically
planned and implementation through instruction and discipline and aims the
harmonious development of the physical, intellectual, social, emotional, spiritual
and aesthetic power or abilities of the student in order to render professional nursing
care to people of all ages, in all phases of health and illness, in verity of settings, in
the best or highest possible manner.
Development nursing education
Basic general nursing midwifery education
Training of dais (birth attendant)
 the Dai training continued past independence
 the goal was to train one Dai each village and ultimate goal was to train the
entire practicing Dais in country
 duration of training was 30 days.
 no age limit was prescribed, training include theory and practice, more
emphasis on field practice.
 This training was done at sub center and equipment provided by UNICIE.F .
Auxiliary nurse midwife
 In 1950 Indian nursing council came out with some important decisions
relating to feature patters of nursing training in India.
 One of the important decisions was that there should be only two standard of
training nursing and midwifery, subsequently the curriculum for these courses
was prescribed.
 The first course was started at. St Mary Hospital Punjab; 1951.
 The entrance qualification was up to 7/8 years of schooling.
 The period of training was 2 years which include a 9 month of midwifery and
3 month of community experience.
 In 1977, as a result of the decision to prepare multipurpose health worker and
vocationalization of higher secondary education, curriculum was revised a
designed to have 1.5 year of vocationalized ANM program md six months of
general education.
 The entrance qualification was raised from 7th passed to matriculation passed.
 Under multipurpose scheme promotional avenue was opened to senior ANMS
for undergoing six-month promotional training for which course was
prescribed by INC.
Lady Health Visitor Course
 Training of LHV course continued post-independence.
 The syllabus prepared and prescribed by INC in 1951.
 The entrance qualification was matriculation
 The duration was two and half years which subsequently reduced to 2 years.
General Nursing and Midwifery Course
 GNM course existed since early year of century.
 In 1951, syllabus was prescribed by INC.
 In 1954 a special provision was made for male nurse.
 In 1954 public health was integrated into basic nursing course.
 First revision of course was done in 1963.
 In 1964-65 psychiatric nursing was included in curriculum
 The duration of course was reduced from 4 year to 3.5 year.
 second revision was done in 1982.
 The duration of the course reduced to 3 year.
 The midwifery training of one-year duration was gradually reduced 9 months
and six months, finally three-year integrated programme of GNM was
prescribed in 1982.
Post-Basic /Post Certificate Short-Term Course and Diploma Programmes
 During 1948-50 four nurses were sent to the U.K. by govt. of India for mental
health nursing diploma.
 During 1954 manzil medical health center.
 Lucknow gave psychiatric nursing orientation course of 4-6 weeks duration.
 In 1951 one year course in public health was started at college of nursing
 Govt. of India felt urgent need for psychiatric nurses during 1953-54; this
resulted in first organized course at all India institute of mental health.
 In 1962 diploma in pediatric nursing was establishment at JJ group of
hospitals, present there are many other courses of three monitored
and recognized by INC.
 The ultimate aim of the entire post-basic / post certificate programme is to
improvement of quality of patient care and promotion of health.
1. Basic B.Sc. Nursing
 First university program started just before independence in 1946 at
university Delhi and CMC Vellore in 1949, on recommendation of
university education committee and education commission (1964-66)
and conference & workshop held by TNAI, the WHO and UGC, some
more college came up in different state affiliated to different state
 INC prescribe the syllabus which has been revised three time, the last
revision was done on basis of the 10+3+2 system of general education.
 At present the B.Sc. nursing program which is recommended by the
INC is of four years and has foundations for future study and
specialization in nursing.
2. Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing
 The need for higher training for certificate nurses was stressed by the
mudaliar committee in 1962.
 Two year post basic certificate B.Sc. (N) programme was started in
December 1962.
 For nurses with diploma in general and midwifery with minimum of 2
year experience.
 First started by university of Trivandrum.
 At present there are many colleges in India offering Pc B.Sc. (N)
3. Post Basic Nursing by Distance Education Mode.
 In 1985 Indira Gandhi national open university was established.
 In 1992 post basic B.Sc. nursing programme was launched, which is
three-year duration course is recognized by INC.

4. Post Graduate Education-M.Sc. Nursing

 First two year course in master of nursing was started at RAK college
of nursing in 1959 and in started in CMC Vellore.
 At present there are many colleges imparting M.Sc. nursing degree
course in different specialties.
5. M.Phil.
 INC felt need for M.Phil. programme as early in 1977, for this purpose
committee was appointed.
 In 1986 one year full-time two-year part time programme was started
in RAK college of nursing Delhi.
6. Ph.D. in Nursing
 India nurse were set abroad for Ph. D programme earlier.
 From 1992 Ph D in nursing is also available in India.
 MAHI is one of the university having PhD programme.
Current Educational Pattern in Nursing
1.Non university programme
Basic – ANM-GNM
Advance-Post-Certificate Diploma
2.University programme
Basic- B.Sc. (N)
Post-Basic B.Sc. (Regular)
Post-Basic B.Sc. (N). IGNOU
Advance’s (Nursing)
Trend in nursing education changes from basic general nursing service to decorate
education in nursing.
Development of Nursing Education in India: Pre-Independence
 Nursing originate independently, exited many centuries without contact with
modern medicine.
 the member of the family at home met the nursing need of the sick.
 Evolution of medicine, surgery and public health into complicated technical
area requiring many procedures by persons specially trained an having
understanding of scientific principles, which brought two professions closer
and together.
Nursing in Pre-Historic Times.
 There is no historical evidence available in ancient history on nursing
care of sick in primitives times discovered through myths, songs and
 To get rid of ‘evil spirit’ unpleasant conditioning like beating, starving,
magic rites, nauseous medicines, loud noise sudden fight are used
 Primitive man had the skill of massaging, fermentation bone setting,
amputation, hot and cold bath, heat to control hemorrhages.
Role of Nurse in Primitive Period
 women were protecting and caring for their children, aged, sick
members of the family.
 Nursing evolved to response to the desire to keep healthy as well as
provide comfort to sick.
 This was reflecting in caring, comforting, nourishing and cleansing
aspect of the patient.
 These love and hope were expressed in empirical practice of nursing.
Nursing -Vedic Period (3000 B.C – 1400 B.C)
 India medicine are found in the sacred books of “Vedas”.
 The ‘ayur-veda’ is thought to have been given by brahma.
 1400 BC sushruta, know as ‘father of surgery’ in India wrote a book on
surgery years later ‘charaka’ wrote a book on internal medicine.
 By these writings we can learn that those days surgery had advanced to
a high level, also had 4 wings of treatment ‘chatushpada chikitsa’.
Nurse- upacharika (attendant – anuraktha)
Therapeutic drug – dravya
Patient – adhyaya
Characters of upacharika (nurse)
Shuchi – pure or clean in physical appearance and mental hygiene.
Daksha – competency
Anuraktha – willing to care
Bhuddhiman- co-ordimator with the patient and doctor/ intelligent.
Nursing Post Vedic Period (600 BC-600 AD)
 Medical education introduction in ancient universities of ‘Nalanda’ and
 King Ashoka (272-236 BC) constructed hospitals for people and
 Prevention of the cleanliness of the body was religious duty.
 Doctors and midwives were to be trust worthy and skillful.
 They should wear clean cloths and cut their nails short.
 Lying rooms were kept well ventilated.
 Religious ceremonies and prayer precede co-operation.
 The nurses were usually ‘men’ or ‘old women’.
 Women are restricted activities at home and cared for sick member in
the family during 1AD period superstition and black magic replaced
more in daily practice.
 Medicine are remained in the hand of priest – physicians, who refuse
the touch the blood and pathological tissue.
 Dissection was for bidden.
 Other religious restriction and superstition practices probably declined
the development of nursing.
Nursing in Mogul Period (1000 AD)
 ‘Unani’ system of medicine developed during the Arab civilization.
 It was practiced in indo-pakistan subcontinent.
 The basic framework are consists of blood, phlegm, yellow bile and
black bile.
 Temperature, strengthening of body and nature are the real physician.
 Not believed in eradication of disease greatly depend on defense
mechanism of the body and self-care and positive health habits.
 Therefore, it becomes part of India medicine practice.
British Period (16th Century Onwards)
After the mogul period the nursing in India hindered due to various
reasons like low state of women, system of “pardha” among Muslims,
caste system among Hindu, illiteracy, poverty, political unrest,
language difference and nursing looked upon as servant work.
during the 16th century, nursing development in India taken three
1. Military nursing
2. Civilian nursing
3. Missionaries nursing

 Military nursing born during 1st world war but developed very slowly.
 British office informed need of nurses to take care British official and
soldiers in India.
 On 1888 feb.21st -10 fully qualified certificate nurses from Florence
nightingales, arrived to Bombay to lead nursing in India.
 This pave the way to develop one of the best nursing in the word.
 1894 regular system of training for men for hospital work (orderliness)
 Medical officers given lecturing to them.
 Some men were voluntary did the course and applied for the nursing
 After two months of practical posting to ward, on the account of
supervised sister’s report, first time hospital ‘orderliness’ issued
certificate and had official status.
 This system laid the possible foundation to existing system of training
and higher education.

 1927- description of Indian military nursing services formed with 12

matrons, 18 sisters, 25 staff nurses.
 They are responsible for supervision, instruction training of nursing
service for entire Indian hospital crop.

 2nd world war expanded nursing service to India and overseas under the
direction of chief principal matron.
 3-year training carried out is selected military hospital preliminary
training schools.
 After completion sent to military hospital for training.
 After successful training certificate issued as “Registered Nurse and
they are members of Indian Military Nursing Services Auxiliary
Nursing Services

 Shortage of trained nurses in India after the 2nd world war, the Govt.,
initiated short course of intensive training in1942 which held in
Auxiliary Nursing. Services.
 Basic training for 6th month is selected civil hospital after passing
examination at military hospital in India sent to overseas to serve in
the capacity of ‘assistant Nurses’ 3000 women given axillary training.

Civilian Nursing in India

 1664- East India company-built Government General Hospital at Madras for
 1871-this hospital undertook training of nurses.
 On 1854 midwives training school granted certificates of ‘diploma in
midwifery’ for passed student and ‘sick nursing’ for failed students.
 First time 6 nurses came out as Diploma in midwifery Nurses.
Missionary Nurses

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