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Philosophy of Education

Every person has a different view on what teaching and learning should look like. As I

have learned when discussing with peers is that sometimes people have fundamentally different

opinions on how to effectively teach. In my mind, I believe that education holds the key to the

future. Educators give students the ability to unlock unknown potential and a great educator

encourages students to go out and become lifelong learners. Teachers, students, and parents must

unite as a team for the common goal of securing a learner’s future.

I believe the purpose of education and the educator is to enlighten and equip students

with the tools and skills to see the issues in the world and make better, well thought out decisions

through critical thinking abilities. Teachers should constantly be looking back on their teaching

to evaluate what consistently is working and what is not. I am a big fan of self-reflective

journaling to objectively look back on previous encounters to see how I could change or fix an

outcome. With this, educators can grow with their students. The instructor should model the

behavior they want from students. People learn from others as an example. How could I ask my

students to show me respect when if I don’t show them respect? I have found that in my high

school experience teachers that showed little respect to the students then in turn received little

respect. Teachers must be enthusiastic about what they teach to engage learners. A teacher that

does not care will not have students that care.

The student’s job is to use the tools and skills provided to be better adept to face

challenges as an informed person to navigate through life. Every student learns differently and as

an educator I want to be able to meet the needs or provide resources to each student. I want

students to have a say in what we do as a class. I think students are more engaged when they feel

involved in some of the decision-making processes of what they will be reading or writing about
for a school year. This allows students ‘first hand’ discoveries to construct their own personal

understanding. I believe all students want to be acknowledged and made feel good about

themselves as they grow academically. In my internship rather than calling out a student that is

talking, the teacher will commend the student next to them for behaving so well. This provides

positive reinforcement for the other student while still correcting the others without publicly

shaming them. Students should try hard in school not for great grades but to improve themselves

and see how far they can go.

Parents serve a role within the community to provide guidance, and protect the students

learning. Parents should work as a team with their students and their instructor to inspire and

create a learning environment outside of the classroom. Parents can make a massive difference in

the educational development of their child. Without parental support and guidance, a student

does not have a strong base to grow from.

The community also holds an important role for education. The community whether it be

the area the school is in or the people it makes up must foster the growth of education. The

community needs to be a safe learning environment that places a great value on learners and

gives many opportunities for success. The community nurtures the development of students and

ensures that educational needs are met for learners.

As a whole, teachers, students, parents, and the area the school resides in is a community

that must work together to ensure the prosperity of growth for each person. Respect breads

respect. Education allows students to think critically and change their lives. A good teacher is the

key to imparting knowledge, responsibility and ethics unto a young mind. They are related to the

wellbeing of a student both emotionally, mentally and professionally. With the growth of

education, we can grow as a community.

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