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Andrea Long Chris Long Yuwipi Songs

Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota language

1 - Pipe Filling Song Translation:

Kola le Cele cun wo My friend do it like this

Kola lecelecun wo My friend do it like this
Hecanuki nitunkasila waniyang u ktelo When you do it this way the
Grandfathers will come down to see

Canunpa wanji yuha ilatake ci With this one Sacred Pipe sit down
Miksuya opagi yo Remember as you fill the pipe
Hecanuki taku yacinki iyecetu ktelo When you do it this way what you
want will happen

Kola lecelecun wo My friend do it like this

Kola lecelecun wo My friend do it like this
Hecanuki nitunkasila waniyang u ktelo When you do it this way the
Grandfathers will come down to see

Hocoka wanji yuha ilotake ci In this one Sacred Circle sit down
Miksuya opagi yo Remember as you fill your pipe
Hecanuki taku yacinki iyecetu ktelo When you do it this way what you
  want will happen
Andrea Long Chris Long Yuwipi Songs
Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota language

2 -  Song to tie Translation:

Anpetu ki le mitawa yelo This day belongs to me

Anpetu ki le mitawa yelo This day belongs to me
Anpetu ki le mitawa yelo This day belongs to me
Anpetu ki le mitawa yelo This day belongs to me
Andrea Long Chris Long Yuwipi Songs

Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota language

                             3 - Yuwipi Altar Song Translation:

Kola hoye wayin kta ca namah’un yelo           Friend, I will send a voice, so hear me
Kola hoye wayin kta ca namah’un yelo Friend, I will send a voice, so hear me
Kola hoye wayin kta ca namah’un yelo Friend, I will send a voice, so hear me
Kola hoye wayin kta ca namah’un yelo Friend, I will send a voice, so hear me

Wiohpeyata tunkan sapa wan kola In the west I call a black stone friend
 taku wayelo      

Kola hoye wayin kta ca namah’un yelo           Friend, I will send a voice, so hear me
Kola hoye wayin kta ca namah’un yelo Friend, I will send a voice, so hear me

Waziyata tunkan luta wan kola taku wayelo         In

  the north I call a red stone friend

Kola hoye wayin kta ca namah’un yelo           Friend, I will send a voice, so hear me
Kola hoye wayin kta ca namah’un yelo Friend, I will send a voice, so hear me

Wiohiyanpata tunkan zizi wan kola    In the east I call a yellow stone friend
taku wayelo    

Kola hoye wayin kta ca namah’un yelo Friend, I will send a voice, so hear me
Kola hoye wayin kta ca namah’un yelo Friend, I will send a voice, so hear me

Itokagata tunkan ska wan kola taku wayelo   In the south I call a white stone friend

Continued on next page

Andrea Long Chris Long
Yuwipi Songs
Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota language

                   3 - Yuwipi Alter Song cont.                                       Translation:

Kola hoye wayin kta ca namah’un yelo         Friend, I will send a voice, so hear me
Kola hoye wayin kta ca namah’un yelo Friend, I will send a voice, so hear me

Wankatahan Wanbli Gleska wan kola Above, I call a spotted eagle friend
taku wayelo  

Kola hoye wayin kta ca namah’un yelo         Friend, I will send a voice, so hear me
Kola hoye wayin kta ca namah’un yelo Friend, I will send a voice, so hear me

Maka takiya Wahinheya wan kola On earth, I call a mole friend

taku wayelo

Kola hoye wayin kta ca namah’un yelo Friend, I will send a voice, so hear me
Kola hoye wayin kta ca namah’un yelo Friend, I will send a voice, so hear me
Andrea Long Chris Long Yuwipi Songs

Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota language

 4 - Stone Song Translation:

Wakan oyate wan waniyang u ktelo A sacred nation is appearing

Wayankaya yo Come and see

5 - Stone song Translation:

Wankata peta wanlakelo Up above you have seen a spark

Henake tunkan pica wanlakelo They are stones that you have seen
Wankata peta wanlakelo Up above you have seen a spark
Henake tunkan pica wanlakelo They are stones that you have seen

6 - BLACK TAIL DEER SONG Translation:

Le miye ca tanin ya nawajin yelo This is me visible I am standing

Le miye ca tanin ya nawajin yelo This is me visible I am standing
Sinte sapela le miye ca tanin ye The black tail deer, visible I am
nawajin yelo standing
Le miye ca tanin ya nawajin yelo This is me visible I am standing
Sinte sapela le miye ca tanin ye The black tail deer, visible I am
nawajin yelo standing
Andrea Long Chris Long Yuwipi Songs

Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota language

 7 - MOLE SONG Translation:

Maka takiya taku wakan wan u welo From the earth something
sacred is coming
Maka takiya taku wakan wan u welo From the earth something
sacred is coming
Wahehela wan u welo A mole is coming
Wani yanku yelo It is coming to see you
Taku wakan wan echela There is nothing not sacred
Wana u welo He is coming
Wana e yelo He is here
Wani yanku welo It is coming to see you

8 - BAT SONG Translation:

Hanhepi ki mita wayelo The night belongs to me  look

wayankiye yo this way
Hupakiglake wan heya u welo A bat has come, saying this
Andrea Long Chris Long Yuwipi Songs

Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota language

 9 -  PRAYER SONG Translation:

Iwayeci namah’un ye Hear what I have to say

Iwayeci namah’un ye Hear what I have to say
Iwayeci namah’un ye Hear what I have to say
Iwayeci namah’un ye Hear what I have to say
Makasitomniyan hoye All over the world a voice I send
Iwayeci namah’un ye Hear what I have to say
Iwayeci namah’un ye Hear what I have to say
Iwayeci namah’un ye Hear what I have to say
Iwayeci namah’un ye Hear what I have to say

10 - DOCTORING SONG Translation:

Wanktahan wau welo Up above I am coming

Wanktahan wau welo Up above I am coming
Wanktahan wau welo Up above I am coming
Wicatancan piya wakaginkta ca A body I am going to make well,
wau welo so I am coming
Wanktahan wau welo Up above I am coming
Andrea Long Chris Long Yuwipi Songs

Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota language

11 - AURORA BOREALIS SONG Translation:

Makpiya tahin ki le miyelo The aurora borealis this is me

Makpiya tahin ki le miyelo The aurora borealis this is me
Wamayankiyo, inyan wasicun ca nape Behold the power stone of a
wayelo dreamer is my healing hand
Makpiya tahin ki le miyelo The aurora borealis this is me
Wamayankiyo, inyan wasicun ca nape Behold the power stone of a
wayelo dreamer is my healing hand

12 - STONE DOCTORING SONG Translation:

Ilelea tipi ghi le camu welo Within glittering sparks, I have done this
Ilelea tipi ghi le camu welo Within glittering sparks, I have done this
Ilelea tipi ghi le camu welo Within glittering sparks, I have done this
Ilelea tipi ghi le camu welo Within glittering sparks, I have done this
Tunkan tatioblecha wan The lodge of the stones
Ilelea tipi ghi le camu welo Within glittering sparks, I have done this
Ilelea tip i ghi le camu welo Within glittering sparks, I have done this
Ilelea tipi ghi le camu welo Within glittering sparks, I have done this

13 - MEDICINE SONG Translation:

Pejuta wan cicu ktaca A medicine man I am going to give

wayankiyeyo you, look this way
Andrea Long Chris Long Yuwipi Songs

Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota language

14 - SPIDER SONG Translation:

Wankata hot anin kun le miye Up above my voice is heard,

wamayankiyo ewaye namah’un yelo behold me, so listen to me
Wankata hot anin kun le miye Up above my voice is heard,
wamayankiyo ewaye namah’un yelo behold me, so listen to me
Wankata hot anin kun le miye Up above my voice is heard,
wamayankiyo ewaye namah’un yelo behold me, so listen to me
Wankata hot anin kun le miye Up above my voice is heard,
wamayankiyo ewaye namah’un yelo behold me, so listen to me

15 - SPIDER SONG Translation:

Iktomni wan tahia mani u welo A spider comes walking,

tahia u welo tahia mani u welo He comes walking, he comes walking
Iktomni wan tahia mani u welo A spider comes walking
Tahia u welo tahia mani u welo He comes walking, he comes walking
Iktomni wan tahia mani u welo A spider comes walking
Andrea Long Chris Long Yuwipi Songs

Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota language

16 - THUNDER BEING SONG Translation:

Leciya ya tuwa maki pan pelo Over here they are calling for me
Leciya ya tuwa maki pan pelo Over here they are calling for me
Wiohpeyata wakinyan oyate wan To the west a thunder being
Kola maki pan pelo My friends are calling for me
Leciya ya tuwa maki pan pelo Over here they are calling for me
Wiohpeyata wakinyan oyate wan To the west a thunder being
Kola maki pan pelo  My friends are calling for me

17 - THUNDER BEING SONG Translation:

Oyate hanta po itateya mawani yelo People move aside, I walk in the wind
Oyate hanta po itateya mawani yelo People move aside, I walk in the wind
Oyate hanta po itateya mawani yelo People move aside, I walk in the wind
Tehi ya wamiconza pe A difficult time is predicted for me
Oyate hanta po itateya mawani yelo People move aside, I walk in the wind
Oyate hanta po itateya mawani yelo People move aside, I walk in the wind
Andrea Long Chris Long Yuwipi Songs

Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota language

18 - THUNDER BEING SONG Translation:

Leciya ya tokeya mawani yelo Over here I walk first

Leciya ya tokeya mawani yelo Over here I walk first
Leciya ya tokeya mawani yelo Over here I walk first
He wamakaskan wanji gyi I make some animals’ hearts
Cante eiyapa wayelo beat
Leciya ya tokeya mawani yelo Over here I walk first

19 -  THUNDER BEING SONG Translation:

Wankata taku wakan Up above something sacred

ke he wanla ke you have seen
Wankata taku wakan Up above something sacred
ke he wanla ke lowan you have seen
Makasitomniya kola All around the world
ceyakiya pelo wan you have prayed to him
Wankata taku wakan Up above something sacred
ke he wanla ke lo   you have seen
Andrea Long Chris Long Yuwipi Songs

Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota language

20 - CALLING SONG Translation:

Tunkasila wamayank uyeyo Grandfather come and see me

Tunkasila wamayank uyeyo Grandfather come and see me
Tunkasila wamayank uyeyo Grandfather come and see me
Ikce wicasa ta canunpa wan With the people pipe
Yuha hoye wayelo I send a voice
Mitakuye ob wani ktelo So I may live with my relatives
Heyaya hoye wayelo I keep sending a voice

21 - STONE SONG Translation:

Hot anin ye Hot anin ye Voices are heard, voices are heard
Wankata hot anin ye Hot anin ye Up above voices are heard, voices
are heard
Wankata hot anin ye Hot anin yelo Up above voices are heard, voices
are heard
Wankata inyan wan Hot anin ye Up above a stone, voices are heard,
Hot anin ye voices are heard
Wankata hot anin ye Hot anin yelo Up above voices are heard, voices
are heard
Andrea Long Chris Long Yuwipi Songs

Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota language


Cokata wankan y mica kta ca

Cokata eya ya nawajin yelo
Kola ehek’un lecun we yelo
Kola ehek’un lecun we yelo


He is preparing a sacred center for me

I am standing in the enter sending a voice
My friend, you have said this, do it this way
My friend, you have said this, do it this way

23 - DANCING  SONG Translation:

Waci yau welo wayankiyeyo Take a look as I come dancing

Waci yau welo wayankiyeyo Take a look as I come dancing
Waci yau welo wayankiyeyo Take a look as I come dancing
Inyan wasicun ca waci yau welo The white stone spirits, take a look
wayankiyeyo as I come dancing
Waci yau welo wayankiyeyo Take a look as I come dancing
Andrea Long Chris Long Yuwipi Songs

Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota language

24 - PIPE OFFERING SONG Translation:

Wayankiye, wayankiye, wayankiye, Take a look, take a look, take a look

Canunpa kile wakan yelo wayankiye This pipe is sacred
Wayankiye, wayankiye, Take a look, take a look
Canunpa kile wakan yelo wayankiye This pipe is sacred, take a look

25 - OFFERING SONG Translation:

Lenake wayang u yelo Look, all of these I have given you

Lenake hiyo uye Come take what I have offered you
Waunye ki lena hoye miciciyiyo With this cloth I have pledged myself
to you
He mitakuye ob wani wacin yelo With my relatives I want to live
Tunkasila omakiyayo Grandfather help me
Canli pahta ki lena hoye miciciyiyo With these tobacco ties I have
pledged myself to you
He mitakuye ob zaniya waon wacin With my relatives in good health I
yelo will live
Tunkasila omakiyayo Grandfather, help me
Andrea Long Chris Long Yuwipi Songs

Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota language

26 - OFFERING SONG Translation:

Hoye yayo, hoye yayo Sending a voice, sending a voice

Hoye yayo, hoye yayo Sending a voice, sending a voice
Tunkasila le ampelo Grandfather on this day
Ikce wicasa ta canunpi ki leyuha A common man is holding this pipe
Hoye yayo, hoye yayo Sending a voice, sending a voice
Tunkasila le ampelo Grandfather on this day

27  - CLOSING SONG Translation:

Tunkan unsi unlapi yelo Stone spirits have pity on us

Tunkan unsi unlapi yelo Stone spirits have pity on us
He mitakuye ob wani kta ca With my relatives I will live
Lena cicu welo So I give you these offerings
Andrea Long Chris Long Yuwipi Songs

Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota language

28 - CLOSING SONG Translation:

Hot aninyan kin najin pelo As we leave our voices are heard
Hot aninyan kin najin pelo As we leave our voices are heard
Tunkasila ta wokonze ca It is Grandfather’s will
Lena cicu welo That I give you these offerings
Hot aninyan kin najin pelo As we leave our voices are heard

29 - ENDING SONG Translation:

Kola lena cicu welo wayankiyelo My friend, I have given you these.
Behold them
Kola lena cicu welo wayankiyelo My friend, I have given you these.
Behold them
Anpetu okihica cicu welo The day has made it possible to give
you these offerings
Kola lena cicu welo wayankiyelo My friend, I have given you these.
Behold them
Andrea Long Chris Long
Yuwipi Songs
Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota Language

30.  Black Tail Deer Song 2

Performed by Chris, Andrea, and Uma Long

Maka kic’un pi, They wear their earth,
maka kic’un pi, they wear their earth,
sinte sapela maka kic’un pi, black tail deer wear their earth.
tuwa eheha wayelo,
Maka kic’un pi, Someone I have made say they wear their earth,
sinte sapela maka kic’un pi,  black tail deer wear their earth.
tuwa eheha wayelo

31.  Stone Calling Song

Performed by Chris, Andrea, and Uma Long

Hoyemakiyayo cemakiyayo, Send a voice to me, pray to me,
Taku ya chinkia iyece tu ktelo, What you want will be given to you
Tunkan sabicya eya ce hoye wakiyelo.  A blackened stone, you have said
So a voice I send to you.
Cemakiyayo hoyemakiyayo, Pray to me, send a voice to me,
Taku ya chinkia iyece tu ktelo, What you want will be given to you
Tunkan sabicya eya ce hoye wakiyelo. A blackened stone, you have said
So a voice I send to you.
Yuwipi Songs
Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota language
Andrea Long Chris Long ​

Yuwipi Songs
Ceremonial Songs in the Lakota language

1. Canunpa Olawan- Pipe Filling Song

2. Song to Tie
3. Yuwipi Alter Song
4. Stone Song 1
5. Stone Song 2
6. Black Tail Deer Song
7. Mole Song
8. Bat Song
9. Prayer Song
10. Doctoring Song
11. Aurora Borealis Song
12. Stone Doctoring Song
13. Medicine Song
14. Spider Song
15. Spider Song 2
16. Thunder Being Song 1
17. Thunder Being Song 2
18. Thunder Being Song 3
19. Thunder Being Song 4
20. Calling Song
21. Stone Song 3
22. Spider Untying Song
23. Dancing Song
24. Pipe Offering Song
25. Offering Song
26. Offering Song 2
27. Closing Song 1
28. Closing Song 2
29. Ending Song

Extra Tracks
30. Black Tail Deer Song 2
31. Stone Calling Song

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