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13 Name: Georgi Beck

Lesson Title: Reduction Prints Grade Level: 9-12

National Standards:
VA: Cr1.2.Ia: Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using
contemporary practice of art or design
Va: Cn10.1.Ia: Document process of developing ideas from early stages to fully
elaborated ideas
Vocabulary: Line, Color, Space, Balance

Overall Lesson Objective:

I: Given personality tests, teacher example, art examples, and teacher presentation,
students will create a 3-4 layer reduction color print around the theme of a portrait,
animal, animal human hybrid, or subject of their choice.
II: Given teacher presentation on design in printmaking, practice sketch with colored
pencils and sharpies, group activity, and art examples, students will develop a fully
planned print that includes 3-4 colors and places main subject in a space using line or
I: Given predrawn line animal by teacher using animals of student’s choice, students will
use sharpies on top to create a sketch that teacher will then carve into linoleum block.
II: Given precut linoleum block students will work with aides and teacher to choose color
and print 3 prints (1-2 a day).

Daily Objectives:
Whole Class
-Students will complete drawing intention sheet to wrap up previous unit
-Students will complete 2 personality tests and document results to serve as beginning
part of brainstorming for print
-Teacher will introduce basic project outcome and walk through teacher example based
on personality test results
-One student will have aide assist in the personality test and help her document basic
results, other student will be given sharpies and sketchbook and circle templates to
continue drawing her favorite circles

Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments.
-Students complete tests and document results in sketchbooks

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments. &
Computer, projector, teacher example sketch, teacher example layer cuts in color and by
Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:
Student Chromebook, pencil, sketchbook

Teacher Activities Student Activities

Students will be asked to fill out Drawing This intention sheet is made by CT and I
Intention sheet from previous unit. Students as the ST have been leading the
will be asked to write completion of this previous project.
-What was your intent in choosing this
-What do you want others to see when they
look at your drawing?
Students will be given 6 minutes to write.

Teacher will project written website names Who doesn’t love finding out about
for personality tests on screen. Teacher will themselves? This exercise will serve as a
explain that the next project will be personal exploration of self and students
introduced in full the following week but will use this as brainstorming for theme
today we are doing the beginning part of our of project.
brainstorming. Since this day falls on
Homecoming Pep Rally on a Friday, this
class will be used to engage students in
researching themselves. Students at this age
love learning about themselves and traits
that they have.

Teacher will ask students to complete one

test at a time and document results. Teacher
will walk around and monitor. Students will
most likely want to talk about their results,
so conversation is more than allowed on a
Friday as long as noise level is monitored.

Teacher will interject after first test and ask

students to share out results, showing
students that similar or different
personalities can exist in one classroom.

Teacher will remind students of the theme
for the project and ask them to clean up.

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
Since class had two students that needed modifications, the test worked well for one
student, but other student would not have been able to complete test even with help. For
her I would have printed coloring pages of animals and portraits to draw on that are still
showing the theme of the next project.
2.13 Name: Georgi Beck
Lesson Title: Reduction Prints Grade Level: 9-12

National Standards
VA: Cr1.2.Ia: Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using
contemporary practice of art or design
Va: Cn10.1.Ia: Document process of developing ideas from early stages to fully
elaborated ideas
Vocabulary: Line, Color, Space, Balance

Overall Lesson Objective:

I: Given personality tests, teacher example, art examples, and teacher presentation,
students will create a 3-4-layer reduction color print around the theme of a portrait,
animal, animal human hybrid, or subject of their choice.
II: Given teacher presentation on design in printmaking, practice sketch with colored
pencils and sharpies, group activity, and art examples, students will develop a fully
planned print that includes 3-4 colors and places main subject in a space using line or
I: Given predrawn line animal by teacher using animals of student’s choice, students will
use sharpies on top to create a sketch that teacher will then carve into linoleum block.
II: Given precut linoleum block students will work with aides and teacher to choose color
and print 3 prints (1-2 a day).

Daily Objectives:
-Teacher will introduce project and presentation will include what is printmaking and
relief, history of printmaking, historical and contemporary printmakers, process of
reduction, art examples, and final project objectives
-Students will start working on sketching 3 examples for a subject of their choice
-Students will be turning in projects from last unit and matting them and will be
reminded they have until Wednesday to work in class on them

Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments.
-Students produce a fully-fledged plan for their print that includes 2-3 colors and white
of the page and places subject in a space using line or landscape
-Students produce multiple examples to find best design for their subject choice

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments.
Computer, Projector, Reduction Linocut Presentation, teacher example sketch, teacher
example layer cuts in color and by cut

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Sketchbook, pencils, sharpies, colored pencils, matte block stencil
Teacher Activities Student Activities
Remind students of what we did the
previous Friday (personality tests, project

Introduce next project (PowerPoint):
-What is printmaking?
-Compare to drawing (benefits &
-History of Printmaking:
Practice in various countries
How technology changed access to art
-What is Relief?
History of relief in art and in society
-Current practice of woodcut v. linocut
(reminder of linocut in younger grades)
Historical: Durer & Hiroshige
Contemporary: Brian Reedy, Cally Conway
-Linocut v. Reduction
Color unit
Animals, portraits, Animal hybrid
-Outline theme and objectives of project

Students will then have goals of the day

-Work on completing drawing
-If you are finished matte and then work on
sketching for next project (3 ideas)

Students with aides will have access to
geometric stamps, paper, and ink pads.
Students will be given two different colors
each day. Students will have help from their
aides to cover pages with the stamps, and
then can draw on top of these shapes.

Students will clean up materials

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
This was a transition week so outlining those overall goals were the key to students
understanding time frame. I could have explained weekly goal of completing 3 sketches
for students to understand they should be working on completing drawing by
Wednesday to keep them on schedule for the next project.
3.13 Name: Georgi Beck
Lesson Title: Reduction Prints Grade Level: 9-12

National Standards
VA: Cr1.2.Ia: Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using
contemporary practice of art or design
Va: Cn10.1.Ia: Document process of developing ideas from early stages to fully
elaborated ideas
Vocabulary: Line, Color, Space, Balance

Overall Lesson Objective:

I: Given personality tests, teacher example, art examples, and teacher presentation,
students will create a 3-4-layer reduction color print around the theme of a portrait,
animal, animal human hybrid, or subject of their choice.
II: Given teacher presentation on design in printmaking, practice sketch with colored
pencils and sharpies, group activity, and art examples, students will develop a fully
planned print that includes 3-4 colors and places main subject in a space using line or
I: Given predrawn line animal by teacher using animals of student’s choice, students will
use sharpies on top to create a sketch that teacher will then carve into linoleum block.
II: Given precut linoleum block students will work with aides and teacher to choose color
and print 3 prints (1-2 a day).

Daily Objectives:
-Students will continue sketching for print
-Students who haven’t finished drawing will continue to work and matte final drawing
-Students will be checking drawing bag supplies and teacher will be making note of what
is missing in each

Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments.
-Students produce a fully-fledged plan for their print that includes 2-3 colors and white
of the page and places subject in a space using line or landscape
-Students produce multiple examples to find best design for their subject choice

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments.
Computer, Projector, Reduction Cut Examples for teacher example (color and what is
being cut each layer), printed objective slide from presentation

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Sketchbook, pencils, sharpies, colored pencils, matte block stencil

Teacher Activities Student Activities

Students will have daily tasks lined up for
-Today and tomorrow to work on finalizing
drawing from previous unit in class
-3 sketches by Friday

Students will be released to work on tasks as
needed. Teacher will round on individuals
to check in on progress to
-finalize drawing
-sketch for printmaking unit
And teacher will help student’s matte as they
finish their drawing

Students with aides will have access to
geometric stamps, paper, and ink pads.
Students will be given two different colors
each day. Students will have help from their
aides to cover pages with the stamps, and
then can draw on top of these shapes.

Students will clean up materials

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
This was a transition week so there was a lot going on during one day
4.13 Name: Georgi Beck
Lesson Title: Reduction Prints Grade Level: 9-12

National Standards
VA: Cr1.2.Ia: Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using
contemporary practice of art or design
Va: Cn10.1.Ia: Document process of developing ideas from early stages to fully
elaborated ideas
Vocabulary: Line, Color, Space, Balance

Overall Lesson Objective:

I: Given personality tests, teacher example, art examples, and teacher presentation,
students will create a 3-4-layer reduction color print around the theme of a portrait,
animal, animal human hybrid, or subject of their choice.
II: Given teacher presentation on design in printmaking, practice sketch with colored
pencils and sharpies, group activity, and art examples, students will develop a fully
planned print that includes 3-4 colors and places main subject in a space using line or
I: Given predrawn line animal by teacher using animals of student’s choice, students will
use sharpies on top to create a sketch that teacher will then carve into linoleum block.
II: Given precut linoleum block students will work with aides and teacher to choose color
and print 3 prints (1-2 a day).

Daily Objectives:
-Students will be filling out final drawing rubric (6 minutes)
-Students will be doing critique of drawing unit in hallway (some will be displayed some
will need to be pulled out so all projects are seen
-Students will go do a quick walkthrough of homecoming gallery
-Students will watch timelapse of reduction print
-Flex learning assignment will be to complete one sketch at home

Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments.
-Students produce a fully-fledged plan for their print that includes 2-3 colors and white
of the page and places subject in a space using line or landscape
-Students produce multiple examples to find best design for their subject choice

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments.
Computer, Projector, teacher example sketch, teacher example layer cuts in color and by

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Sketchbook, pencils, sharpies, colored pencils, matte block stencil
Teacher Activities Student Activities
Students will have rubrics on tables and
teacher will direct students to fill it out for 6
minutes. Teacher will walk around and
monitor. Teacher will also gather drawings
in last minute to be taken out to hallway
where other final and matted drawings are
displayed in cases. Teacher will ask students
to flip over rubrics when completed and
place in middle of table.
Students will be given a few minutes to walk
into hallway and view all drawings that
teacher will be setting up along floor/wall.

Students will be asked:

1.Knowing that this unit was about line and
value, which is broad and could have ended
in just about anything
2.Who went the extra mile for developing
strong line?
3.Who went the extra mile to develop value?
4.Which pieces stand out to you and why?
Teacher will make sure all examples are
pointed out with a positive statement since
this is a beginning class.

Students will be asked to walk down to

student gallery that was made for
homecoming to see their flipbooks that they
made in the first few weeks of school.
Teacher will monitor and then lead students
back to class for last 7 minutes.

Students will watch reduction linocut

timelapse video. Teacher will point out:
-Use and size of line
-Lack of development of space and how they
could include visual interest
-How colors are applied (light to dark)
-How reduction is done in small layers at a
-Reminder that once a cut is made there is no
going back
Students will be given flex assignment to
complete one sketch at home to be checked
in class tomorrow.

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
Class was 35 minutes for flex learning day
5.13 Name: Georgi Beck
Lesson Title: Reduction Prints Grade Level: 9-12

National Standards
VA: Cr1.2.Ia: Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using
contemporary practice of art or design
Va: Cn10.1.Ia: Document process of developing ideas from early stages to fully
elaborated ideas
Vocabulary: Line, Color, Space Balance

Overall Lesson Objective:

I: Given personality tests, teacher example, art examples, and teacher presentation,
students will create a 3-4-layer reduction color print around the theme of a portrait,
animal, animal human hybrid, or subject of their choice.
II: Given teacher presentation on design in printmaking, practice sketch with colored
pencils and sharpies, group activity, and art examples, students will develop a fully
planned print that includes 3-4 colors and places main subject in a space using line or
I: Given predrawn line animal by teacher using animals of student’s choice, students will
use sharpies on top to create a sketch that teacher will then carve into linoleum block.
II: Given precut linoleum block students will work with aides and teacher to choose color
and print 3 prints (1-2 a day).

Daily Objectives:
-Students will complete watching reduction print video from previous day
-Students will be working on 3 sketches to be checked on Friday for reduction print, and
can start using colored pencils and sharpies to plan line and colors

Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments.
-Students produce a fully-fledged plan for their print that includes 2-3 colors and white
of the page and places subject in a space using line or landscape
-Students produce multiple examples to find best design for their subject choice

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments.
Computer, Projector, matte block stencil, teacher example sketch, teacher example layer
cuts in color and by cut

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Sketchbook, pencils, sharpies, colored pencils

Teacher Activities Student Activities

Teacher will ask students to pull out
sketchbooks and teacher will walk around
and check for the flex day sketch completion

Students will start the day with finishing the
video from the previous day. Teacher will
point out:
-Use and size of line
-Lack of development of space and how they
could include visual interest
-How colors are applied (light to dark)
-How reduction is done in small layers at a
-Reminder that once a cut is made there is no
going back

The previous day was a half day so a

reminder of what was done the previous day
is a good way to reorient to work.

Teacher will lay out tasks of the day:

-We are not working on drawing anymore,
you have a week outside of class to complete
-Work on sketches, 3 are due by Friday
-Color choices
-Overview of how colors are printed (light to
-Teacher example review for colors
-Walkthrough of how colors/prints are

Teacher will remind students that the line

thickness they should aim for is as thick as a
sharpie, and they can practice on their sketch
with colored pencils and sharpies
Teacher will round on individuals and check
-design quality
-how subject is placed in space
-start thinking about color choices
Students with aides will have access to
geometric stamps, paper, and ink pads.
Students will be given two different colors
each day. Students will have help from their
aides to cover pages with the stamps, and
then can draw on top of these shapes.

Students will clean up supplies

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
Examples of what happens when a print is not printed from light to dark. Modified
lesson had fun with the stamps, but working on big paper would be ideal for 3rd day to
make a separate large-scale piece.

6.13 Name: Georgi Beck


Lesson Title: Reduction Prints Grade Level: 9-12

National Standards
VA: Cr1.2.Ia: Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using
contemporary practice of art or design
Va: Cn10.1.Ia: Document process of developing ideas from early stages to fully
elaborated ideas
Vocabulary: Line, Color, Space, Balance

Overall Lesson Objective:

I: Given personality tests, teacher example, art examples, and teacher presentation,
students will create a 3-4-layer reduction color print around the theme of a portrait,
animal, animal human hybrid, or subject of their choice.
II: Given teacher presentation on design in printmaking, practice sketch with colored
pencils and sharpies, group activity, and art examples, students will develop a fully
planned print that includes 3-4 colors and places main subject in a space using line or
I: Given predrawn line animal by teacher using animals of student’s choice, students will
use sharpies on top to create a sketch that teacher will then carve into linoleum block.
II: Given precut linoleum block students will work with aides and teacher to choose color
and print 3 prints (1-2 a day).

Daily Objectives:
-Students will complete line activity and apply concepts learned to their own design
-Students complete with sketches and approved design will start carving their first layer

Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments.
Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments.
Computer, Projector, line activity handout, teacher example sketch, teacher example
layer cuts in color and by cut

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Sketchbook, pencils, sharpies, colored pencils

Teacher Activities Student Activities

Students will have line activity page placed
at each table group. Students will walk
through examples of artists working with
line or landscape to place their subject in a
space. Talking points will include:
-What types of lines do you see?
-How would you describe them? (thick, thin,
dynamic, calm)
-How does the linework match the subject

Students will work as a small group to fill in

the blank space around a line drawn subject
using line or landscape to place their subject

Students will be led to ask to develop a space
for their subject matter in their sketch using
line or landscape. Students will be reminded
that they need to consider the space around
their subject in order to have a fully
developed plan for their print. Students will
be reminded they need to develop 3 sketches
that experiment with design for the subject
matter of their choice. Students will be
reminded that the hardest part of printing is
developing a strong plan because it is a
reductive process.

Students who have had design with color

approved at this point will be allowed to
start carving. Students were ready at this
point if they had finished their final drawing
earlier in the week. These students will be
pulled into small group to demonstrate
proper carving technique and how to
transfer their sketch to their block. Students
will be reminded that the only thing they are
carving is what they want to keep white.

Each student will have line activity to
complete with their aide using pencils or
sharpies. This will also serve as practice for
students to draw on top of premade animal
image the following day. They will also
continue once the exercise is done with
geometric stamps and new colors.

Students will clean up materials

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
Students doing the line activity for a subject that was not their own was ideal, and
small groups are better because individually they may not be interested. For modified,
moving onto different stamps on day 3 would be ideal since they worked very quickly
and were not as interested in filling in the shapes
7.13 Name: Georgi Beck
Lesson Title: Reduction Prints Grade Level: 9-12

National Standards
VA: Cr1.2.Ia: Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using
contemporary practice of art or design
Va: Cn10.1.Ia: Document process of developing ideas from early stages to fully
elaborated ideas
Vocabulary: Line, Color, Space, Balance

Overall Lesson Objective:

I: Given personality tests, teacher example, art examples, and teacher presentation,
students will create a 3-4-layer reduction color print around the theme of a portrait,
animal, animal human hybrid, or subject of their choice.
II: Given teacher presentation on design in printmaking, practice sketch with colored
pencils and sharpies, group activity, and art examples, students will develop a fully
planned print that includes 3-4 colors and places main subject in a space using line or
I: Given predrawn line animal by teacher using animals of student’s choice, students will
use sharpies on top to create a sketch that teacher will then carve into linoleum block.
II: Given precut linoleum block students will work with aides and teacher to choose color
and print 3 prints (1-2 a day).

Daily Objectives:
-Students will be printing first layer or carving first layer
-Students will be working on sketchbook assignments while waiting for printing space

Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments .

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments.
Computer, Projector, Reduction Linocut Presentation

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Sketchbook, pencils, sharpies, colored pencils, printmaking ink (water soluble), palette
Knifes, brayers, bench hooks, gouges, newsprint, tablecloth, printing press, linoleum
block stencil, printmaking paper

Teacher Activities Student Activities

Students will begin printing. Students will
be reminded that goal is to get first layer
printed by Tuesday.
Teacher will review and remind students
because this is a Monday after a weekend:
Proper gouge use
Purpose and how to use bench hook
How to use transfer paper
They are only carving what they want to
keep white

Teacher will pull students ready to go and
demo in small groups. Students will be
paired to work together. Mini demos will
-How to lay out ink
-Sound to listen for with ink
-How to use brayer
-How to load block and how much ink is
-Using linoleum stencil and placing block
and paper
-How to use press
-Reminder to work in pairs to print and then

Teacher will then walk around to finalize

designs with other students

Students will be reminded that if they are

waiting they can work on sketchbook
assignments (given by CT)

Students will be given predrawn line
drawing of an animal of their choice (in this
case the aides helped select an animal they
thought best represented the students).
They were then given sharpies to draw on
top. These were then taken and developed
on a linoleum block by the teacher since the
cutting part is hard with lack of fine motor
skills for these students.

Students will clean up materials

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
We only did the drawing for one day for modified students, but it might have been ideal
to work on it for two days, or for students who worked fast have two made up even if
she is not able to choose one for the final print
8.13 Name: Georgi Beck
Lesson Title: Reduction Prints Grade Level: 9-12

National Standards
VA: Cr1.2.Ia: Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using
contemporary practice of art or design
Va: Cn10.1.Ia: Document process of developing ideas from early stages to fully
elaborated ideas
Vocabulary: Line, Color, Space, Balance

Overall Lesson Objective:

I: Given personality tests, teacher example, art examples, and teacher presentation,
students will create a 3-4-layer reduction color print around the theme of a portrait,
animal, animal human hybrid, or subject of their choice.
II: Given teacher presentation on design in printmaking, practice sketch with colored
pencils and sharpies, group activity, and art examples, students will develop a fully
planned print that includes 3-4 colors and places main subject in a space using line or
I: Given predrawn line animal by teacher using animals of student’s choice, students will
use sharpies on top to create a sketch that teacher will then carve into linoleum block.
II: Given precut linoleum block students will work with aides and teacher to choose color
and print 3 prints (1-2 a day).

Daily Objectives:
-students will be printing first layer or finish carving first layer
-Students will be carving second layer if first layer is complete
-Students will work on sketchbook assignments while waiting for printing space

Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments.
Teacher examples

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Sketchbook, pencils, sharpies, colored pencils, printmaking ink (water soluble), palette
Knifes, brayers, bench hooks, gouges, newsprint, tablecloth, printing press, linoleum
block stencil, printmaking paper

Teacher Activities Student Activities

Students will continue printing. Reminders
-First layer done by end of class today
-proper gouge use
-Only cutting white

Teacher will pull students ready to go and
demo in small groups. Students will be
paired to work together. Mini demos will
-How to lay out ink
-Sound to listen for with ink
-How to use brayer
-How to load block and how much ink is
-Using linoleum stencil and placing block
and paper
-How to use press
-Reminder to work in pairs to print and then

Teacher will then monitor both carving and

printing process

Students will be reminded that if they are

waiting they can work on sketchbook
assignments (given by CT)

Students will be given animal stamps to use
with ink blocks in their sketchbook. These
students blocks will be ready but will need
to wait another day if printing is going slow.

Students will clean up materials

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
At this point with the time limit we had students were going slower than expected and
would be paired up but then turn around and try to print by themselves which slowed
the process. So if this were to be done again I would remind students that working in
pairs is the only way to keep process going on time. We ended up having to switch to
barren to keep students on time for the layers following the first.
9.13 Name: Georgi Beck
Lesson Title: Reduction Prints Grade Level: 9-12

National Standards
VA: Cr1.2.Ia: Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using
contemporary practice of art or design
Va: Cn10.1.Ia: Document process of developing ideas from early stages to fully
elaborated ideas
Vocabulary: Line, Color, Space, Balance

Overall Lesson Objective:

I: Given personality tests, teacher example, art examples, and teacher presentation,
students will create a 3-4-layer reduction color print around the theme of a portrait,
animal, animal human hybrid, or subject of their choice.
II: Given teacher presentation on design in printmaking, practice sketch with colored
pencils and sharpies, group activity, and art examples, students will develop a fully
planned print that includes 3-4 colors and places main subject in a space using line or
I: Given predrawn line animal by teacher using animals of student’s choice, students will
use sharpies on top to create a sketch that teacher will then carve into linoleum block.
II: Given precut linoleum block students will work with aides and teacher to choose color
and print 3 prints (1-2 a day).

Daily Objectives:
-Students will be printing second layer or carving second layer
-Students will be working on sketchbook assignments while waiting for printing space

Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments.
Computer, Projector, Reduction Linocut Presentation

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Sketchbook, pencils, sharpies, colored pencils, printmaking ink (water soluble), palette
Knifes, brayers, bench hooks, gouges, newsprint, tablecloth, printing press, linoleum
block stencil, printmaking paper

Teacher Activities Student Activities

Students will continue printing. Reminders
will include:
-If you are done with first layer then you are
carving anything you want to keep the color
of your first layer
-If you haven’t printed your first you are
going first
-If you are ready to print your second, I will
do a mini demo once I get the first layer
students going I will do a mini
demonstration for using the barren

Students will then be released to work on
their next step

Students will be printing their first print
today once the first layer students are done
with the assistance of aides and teacher. We
will get them to do 1-2 prints in any color of
their choice, they will not be doing a
reduction but will create a small series of
different colors. Once they are done printing
they will be given animal/plant/bug/or
autumn themed stamps.

Students will be reminded that if they are

waiting, they can work on sketchbook
assignments (given by CT)

Students will clean up materials

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
Switching to the barren was great for time, I could set up students along the counter to
print but the press stretched the paper and lining up the block with the edge of the
original print proved difficult with impatient students. Coming up with a system to line
with the barren would be ideal, or making sure the original print lined up with the
stencil (paper was bouncing from either student jostling paper or old press)
10.13 Name: Georgi Beck
Lesson Title: Reduction Prints Grade Level: 9-12

National Standards
VA: Cr1.2.Ia: Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using
contemporary practice of art or design
Va: Cn10.1.Ia: Document process of developing ideas from early stages to fully
elaborated ideas
Vocabulary: Line, Color, Space, Balance

Overall Lesson Objective:

I: Given personality tests, teacher example, art examples, and teacher presentation,
students will create a 3-4-layer reduction color print around the theme of a portrait,
animal, animal human hybrid, or subject of their choice.
II: Given teacher presentation on design in printmaking, practice sketch with colored
pencils and sharpies, group activity, and art examples, students will develop a fully
planned print that includes 3-4 colors and places main subject in a space using line or
I: Given predrawn line animal by teacher using animals of student’s choice, students will
use sharpies on top to create a sketch that teacher will then carve into linoleum block.
II: Given precut linoleum block students will work with aides and teacher to choose color
and print 3 prints (1-2 a day).

Daily Objectives:
--Students will finish printing second layer or finish carving second layer
-Students will start carving third layer is second layer is complete
-Students will be working on sketchbook assignments while waiting for printing space

Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments.
Computer, Projector, Reduction Linocut Presentation

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Sketchbook, pencils, sharpies, colored pencils, printmaking ink (water soluble), palette
Knifes, brayers, bench hooks, gouges, newsprint, tablecloth, printing press, linoleum
block stencil, printmaking paper

Teacher Activities Student Activities

Students will be given reminders
-goal is to have second layer done by today
-remember only to carve what you want to
keep the color you just printed

Students will be released to work as needed.
Students who have not had barren demo will
be gathered to watch. Teacher will then
monitor and round on students to keep
students on track.
Students will be reminded that if they are
waiting they can work on sketchbook
assignments (given by CT)

Students will be printing their first print
today once the first layer students are done
with the assistance of aides and teacher. We
will get them to do 1-2 prints in any color of
their choice, they will not be doing a
reduction but will create a small series of
different colors. Once they are done printing
they will be given animal/plant/bug/or
autumn themed stamps.

Students will clean up materials

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
11.13 Name: Georgi Beck
Lesson Title: Reduction Prints Grade Level: 9-12

National Standards
VA: Cr1.2.Ia: Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using
contemporary practice of art or design
Va: Cn10.1.Ia: Document process of developing ideas from early stages to fully
elaborated ideas
Vocabulary: Line, Color, Space, Balance

Overall Lesson Objective:

I: Given personality tests, teacher example, art examples, and teacher presentation,
students will create a 3-4-layer reduction color print around the theme of a portrait,
animal, animal human hybrid, or subject of their choice.
II: Given teacher presentation on design in printmaking, practice sketch with colored
pencils and sharpies, group activity, and art examples, students will develop a fully
planned print that includes 3-4 colors and places main subject in a space using line or
I: Given predrawn line animal by teacher using animals of student’s choice, students will
use sharpies on top to create a sketch that teacher will then carve into linoleum block.
II: Given precut linoleum block students will work with aides and teacher to choose color
and print 3 prints (1-2 a day).

Daily Objectives:
-Students will be printing third and final layer or carving final layer
-Students will be working on sketchbook assignments while waiting for printing space

Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments.
Computer, Projector, Reduction Linocut Presentation

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Sketchbook, pencils, sharpies, colored pencils, printmaking ink (water soluble), palette
Knifes, brayers, bench hooks, gouges, newsprint, tablecloth, printing press, linoleum
block stencil, printmaking paper

Teacher Activities Student Activities

Students will be reminded:
-Final layer done by tomorrow
Teacher will monitor carving and printing
process. Teacher will help set up barren
stations on counter as needed.

We will get them to do 1-2 prints in any color
of their choice, they will not be doing a
reduction but will create a small series of
different colors. Once they are done
printing, they will be given
animal/plant/bug/or autumn themed

Students will clean up materials

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
12.13 Name: Georgi Beck
Lesson Title: Reduction Prints Grade Level: 9-12

National Standards
VA: Cr1.2.Ia: Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using
contemporary practice of art or design
Va: Cn10.1.Ia: Document process of developing ideas from early stages to fully
elaborated ideas
Vocabulary: Line, Color, Space, Balance

Overall Lesson Objective:

I: Given personality tests, teacher example, art examples, and teacher presentation,
students will create a 3-4-layer reduction color print around the theme of a portrait,
animal, animal human hybrid, or subject of their choice.
II: Given teacher presentation on design in printmaking, practice sketch with colored
pencils and sharpies, group activity, and art examples, students will develop a fully
planned print that includes 3-4 colors and places main subject in a space using line or
I: Given predrawn line animal by teacher using animals of student’s choice, students will
use sharpies on top to create a sketch that teacher will then carve into linoleum block.
II: Given precut linoleum block students will work with aides and teacher to choose color
and print 3 prints (1-2 a day).

Daily Objectives:

Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments.
Computer, Projector, Reduction Linocut Presentation

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Sketchbook, pencils, sharpies, colored pencils, printmaking ink (water soluble), palette
Knifes, brayers, bench hooks, gouges, newsprint, tablecloth, printing press, linoleum
block stencil, printmaking paper

Teacher Activities Student Activities

-Final layer done by today
-Sketchbook assignments while waiting

Students who need to print will get set up
with partners to complete their final layer

Students who have finished will be given

mini demo on how to edition their print and
cut matte for their final print.

Students will be reminded that if they are

waiting, they can work on sketchbook
assignments (given by CT)

Students will be reminded that if they are

waiting, they can work on sketchbook
assignments (given by CT)

Students will clean up materials

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
13.13 Name: Georgi Beck
Lesson Title: Reduction Prints Grade Level: 9-12

National Standards
VA: Cr1.2.Ia: Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using
contemporary practice of art or design
Va: Cn10.1.Ia: Document process of developing ideas from early stages to fully
elaborated ideas
Vocabulary: Line, Color, Space, Balance

Overall Lesson Objective:

I: Given personality tests, teacher example, art examples, and teacher presentation,
students will create a 3-4-layer reduction color print around the theme of a portrait,
animal, animal human hybrid, or subject of their choice.
II: Given teacher presentation on design in printmaking, practice sketch with colored
pencils and sharpies, group activity, and art examples, students will develop a fully
planned print that includes 3-4 colors and places main subject in a space using line or
I: Given predrawn line animal by teacher using animals of student’s choice, students will
use sharpies on top to create a sketch that teacher will then carve into linoleum block.
II: Given precut linoleum block students will work with aides and teacher to choose color
and print 3 prints (1-2 a day).

Daily Objectives:
-Students will complete final print or have final matted print
-Students will fill out self-assessment rubric
-Students will participate in mini-critique
-Students will fill out teacher assessment

Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments .

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments.
Computer, Projector, Reduction Linocut Presentation

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

Sketchbook, pencils, sharpies, colored pencils, printmaking ink (water soluble), palette
Knifes, brayers, bench hooks, gouges, newsprint, tablecloth, printing press, linoleum
block stencil, printmaking paper

Teacher Activities Student Activities

Students who have not printed final layer
will print their final layer.
Students who are finished will be cutting
mattes for their final print choice and edition
Students who have done both will work on
sketchbook assignments

Once students have printed the final layer
(take about 15 minutes) students will be
given self-assessment rubric and will be
given 6 minutes to complete it. This rubric
will reflect on the printmaking process as a
whole and have them look at their final
print. Students will be asked to flip the
rubric and place at center of table.

Students will place their final print on the

table and then students will walk around
and check out all other students prints.
Students will be asked:
-This unit was a color reduction print
-Who did a good job choosing colors that
matched their subject?
-Who did a good job developing a space for
their subject?

Students will then be given teacher

assessment (final day of student teaching in
this class)

Students will be asked to give all final prints
and rubric pile at teacher desk (to display
and finalize all matting and grade)

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)
If I were to do this lesson again
-1 extra day for printing
-Think about for modified having them print with different materials (bubble wrap,
crumbled paper, string)
-For modified think about having them print B&W with pattern/solid color paper
-Have to work out rubric a bit more. Tried holistic rubric for the first time but it’s not as
robust as it could be
-Work out registration and do ONLY barren for reduction. For first print press would
be great, but for reduction doing it all on press was complicated

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