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Oral communication is a prepared, purposeful presentation designed to increase knowledge, to foster

understanding, or to promote change in the listeners' attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors.

Criteria Levels Points

Organization: 2 - 1.51 points 2

Overall Capstone 4

Organizational pattern (specific introduction and conclusion, sequenced

material within the body, and transitions) is clearly and consistently
observable and is skillful and makes the content of the presentation

1.5 - 1.01 points


Organizational pattern (specific introduction and conclusion, sequenced

material within the body, and transitions) is clearly and consistently
observable within the presentation.

1 - 0.51 points
Milestones 2

Organizational pattern (specific introduction and conclusion, sequenced

material within the body, and transitions) is intermittently observable within
the presentation.

0.5 - 0 points
Benchmark 1

Organizational pattern (specific introduction and conclusion, sequenced

material within the body, and transitions) is not observable within the

Language: 2 - 1.51 points 2

Overall Capstone 4

Language choices are imaginative, memorable, and compelling, and enhance

the effectiveness of the presentation. Language in presentation is
appropriate to audience
Criteria Levels Points

1.5 - 1.01 points

Milestones 3

Language choices are thoughtful and generally support the effectiveness of

the presentation. Language in presentation is appropriate to audience

1 - 0.51 points
Milestones 2

Language choices are mundane and commonplace and partially support the
effectiveness of the presentation. Language in presentation is appropriate to

0.5 - 0 points
Benchmark 1

Language choices are unclear and minimally support the effectiveness of the
presentation. Language in presentation is not appropriate to audience.

Delivery: 2 - 1.51 points 2

Overall Capstone 4

Delivery techniques (posture, gesture, eye contact, and vocal expressiveness)

make the presentation compelling, and speaker appears polished and

1.5 - 1.01 points

Milestone 3

Delivery techniques (posture, gesture, eye contact, and vocal expressiveness)

make the presentation interesting, and speaker appears comfortable

1 - 0.51 points
Milestone 2

Delivery techniques (posture, gesture, eye contact, and vocal expressiveness)

make the presentation understandable, and speaker appears tentative.

0.5 - 0 points
Benchmark 1
Criteria Levels Points

Delivery techniques (posture, gesture, eye contact, and vocal expressiveness)

detract from the understandability of the presentation, and speaker appears

Supporting 2 - 1.51 points 2

Material Capstone 4

A variety of types of supporting materials (explanations, examples,

illustrations, statistics, analogies, quotations from relevant authorities) make
appropriate reference to information or analysis that significantly supports
the presentation or establishes the presenter's credibility/authority on the

1.5 - 1.01 points

Milestone 3

Supporting materials (explanations, examples, illustrations, statistics,

analogies, quotations from relevant authorities) make appropriate reference
to information or analysis that generally supports the presentation or
establishes the presenter's credibility/authority on the topic.

1 - 0.51 points
Milestone 2

Supporting materials (explanations, examples, illustrations, statistics,

analogies, quotations from relevant authorities) make appropriate reference
to information or analysis that partially supports the presentation or
establishes the presenter's credibility/authority on the topic.

0.5 - 0 points
Benchmark 1

Insufficient supporting materials (explanations, examples, illustrations,

statistics, analogies, quotations from relevant authorities) make reference to
information or analysis that minimally supports the presentation or
establishes the presenter's credibility/authority on the topic.

Central 2 - 1.59 points 2

Message Capstone 4

Central message is compelling (precisely stated, appropriately repeated,

memorable, and strongly supported.)
Criteria Levels Points

1.58 - 1.29 points

Milestone 3

Central message is clear and consistent with the supporting material.

1.28 - 0.79 points

Milestone 2

Central message is basically understandable but is not often repeated and is

not memorable.

0.78 - 0 points
Benchmark 1

Central message can be deduced, but is not explicitly stated in the


Total 10


Interviewing People of the Cayman Islands


Integrative learning is an understanding and a disposition that a student builds across the curriculum
and co-curriculum, from making simple connections among ideas and experiences to synthesizing and
transferring learning to new, complex situations within and beyond the campus. Evaluators are
encouraged to assign a zero to any work sample or collection of work that does not meet benchmark
(cell one) level performance.

Criteria Levels Points

Connections to Experience 4 - 3.01 points 4
Connects relevant experience and Capstone 4
academic knowledge Meaningfully synthesizes connections among experiences
outside of the formal classroom (including life experiences
and academic experiences such as internships and travel
abroad) to deepen understanding of fields of study and to
broaden own points of view
3 - 2.01 points
Milestones 3
Effectively selects and develops examples of life experiences,
drawn from a variety of contexts (e.g., family life, artistic
Criteria Levels Points
participation, civic involvement, work experience), to
illuminate concepts/theories/frameworks of fields of study
2 - 1.01 points
Milestones 2
Compares life experiences and academic knowledge to infer
differences, as well as similarities, and acknowledge
perspectives other than own.
1 - 0 points
Benchmark 1
Identifies connections between life experiences and those
academic texts and ideas perceived as similar and related to
own interests.

Connections to Discipline 4 - 3.01 points 4

Sees (makes) connections across Capstone 4
disciplines, perspectives Independently creates wholes out of multiple parts
(synthesizes) or draws conclusions by combining examples,
facts, or theories from more than one field of study or
3 - 2.01 points
Independently connects examples, facts, or theories from more
than one field of study or perspective.
2 - 1.01 points
Milestones 2
When prompted, connects examples, facts, or theories from
more than one field of study or perspective.
1 - 0 points
Benchmark 1
When prompted, presents examples, facts, or theories from
more than one field of study or perspective.

Transfer 4 - 3.01 points 4

Adapts and applies skills, abilities, Capstone 4
theories, or methodologies gained in one Adapts and applies, independently, skills, abilities, theories, or
situation to new situations methodologies gained in one situation to new situations to
solve difficult problems or explore complex issues in original
3 - 2.01 points
Milestone 3
Adapts and applies skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies
gained in one situation to new situations to solve problems or
explore issues.
2 - 1.01 points
Milestone 2
Uses skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one
situation in a new situation to contribute to understanding of
problems or issues.
1 - 0 points
Benchmark 1
Uses, in a basic way, skills, abilities, theories, or
methodologies gained in one situation in a new situation.
Criteria Levels Points
Integrated Communication 4 - 3.01 points 4
Capstone 4
Fulfills the assignment(s) by choosing a format, language, or
graph (or other visual representation) in ways that enhance
meaning, making clear the interdependence of language and
meaning, thought, and expression
3 - 2.01 points
Milestone 3
Fulfills the assignment(s) by choosing a format, language, or
graph (or other visual representation) to explicitly connect
content and form, demonstrating awareness of purpose and
2 - 1.01 points
Milestone 2
Fulfills the assignment(s) by choosing a format, language, or
graph (or other visual representation) that connects in a basic
way what is being communicated (content) with how it is said
1 - 0 points
Benchmark 1
Fulfills the assignment(s) (i.e. to produce an essay, a poster, a
video, a PowerPoint presentation, etc.) in an appropriate form.

Reflection and Self-Assessment 4 - 3.01 points 4

Demonstrates a developing sense of self Capstone 4
as a learner, building on prior experiences Envisions a future self (and possibly makes plans that build on
to respond to new and challenging past experiences) that have occurred across multiple and
contexts (may be evident in self- diverse contexts.
assessment, reflective, or creative work) 3 - 2.01 points
Milestone 3
Evaluates changes in own learning over time, recognizing
complex contextual factors (e.g., works with ambiguity and
risk, deals with frustration, considers ethical frameworks).
2 - 1.01 points
Milestone 2
Articulates strengths and challenges (within specific
performances or events) to increase effectiveness in different
contexts (through increased self-awareness).
1 - 0 points
Benchmark 1
Describes own performances with general descriptors of
success and failure.

Total 20

Final Presentation

Criteria Levels Points

Oral Executive Summary 10 - 7.51 points 10
Student offers an Overview of the Seminar Excellent
experience and offers insights as to how the Summary generated excitement, was brief, provided
experience has impacted their world view an overview of the overall experience, and outlined
main points.
7.5 - 5.01 points
The summary was brief, provided an overview of the
overall experience, and outlined main points.
5 - 2.51 points
The summary was brief, provided an overview of the
overall experience, and outlined some main points.
2.5 - 0 points
The summary was brief and provided only an
overview of the experience OR an outline of main

Content 7.5 - 5.64 points 7.5

Exceptionally well-presented and argued; ideas are
detailed, well-developed, supported with specific
evidence & facts, as well as examples and specific
5.63 - 3.76 points
Well-presented and argued; ideas are detailed,
developed and supported with evidence and details,
mostly specific.
3.75 - 1.89 points
Content is sound and solid; ideas are present but not
particularly developed or supported; some evidence,
but usually of a generalized nature.
1.88 - 0 points
Content is not sound

Industry and market analysis 7.5 - 5.64 points 7.5

Analysis identified and described target consumer and
competitors, as well as industry and/or product
5.63 - 3.76 points
Analysis identified and described target consumer and
Criteria Levels Points
3.75 - 1.89 points
Analysis identified target consumer and competitors.
1.88 - 0 points
Analysis failed to provide at least one aspect of
required information.

Evaluation of Different Ethical 7.5 - 5.64 points 7.5

Perspectives/Concepts Excellent
The student states a position and can state the
objections to, assumptions and implications of and can
reasonably defend against the objections to,
assumptions and implications of different ethical
perspectives/concepts, and the student's defense is
adequate and effective.
5.63 - 3.76 points
The student states a position and can state the
objections to, assumptions and implications of, and
respond to the objections to, assumptions and
implications of different ethical perspectives/concepts,
but the student's response is inadequate.
3.75 - 1.89 points
The student states a position and can state the
objections to, assumptions and implications of
different ethical perspectives/concepts but does not
respond to them (and ultimately objections,
assumptions, and implications are compartmentalized
by the student and do not affect the student's position.)
1.88 - 0 points
The student states a position but cannot state the
objections to and assumptions and limitations of the
different perspectives/concepts.

Presentation 7.5 - 5.64 points 7.5

Team members are professional, confident,
comfortable, speak clearly, and make eye contact.
Team members are dressed appropriately.
5.63 - 3.76 points
Team members are professional, speak clearly, and
make some eye contact. Team members are dressed
3.75 - 1.89 points
Team members speak clearly and make some eye
contact. Team members are dressed appropriately.
Criteria Levels Points
1.88 - 0 points
Team members are unprofessional, do not speak
clearly or make eye contact, or are inappropriately

Overall Effectiveness of assessment 10 - 7.51 points 10

This is the section where the student details how Excellent
they are able to use the technology covered in the The concept presented was highly effective in
topic (can be/is being ) used as a tool to help the describing the technology/Concept and its
advancement of society, or aid individuals to operations/elements, as well as eliciting support and
better participate in or benefit from the society. establishing a foundation growth.
7.5 - 5.01 points
The concept presented was effective in describing the
technology/Concept and its operations/elements, as
well as establishing some support for growth.
5 - 2.51 points
The concept presented described the
technology/Concept and its operations/elements but
didn’t establish much support for growth.
2.5 - 0 points
The concept presented lacked overall effectiveness, as
it failed to describe escribed the technology/Concept
and its operations/elements or establish much support
for growth.

Total 50
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