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CSS Solved Past Papers 1994 to 2013 MCQs + Subjective Part Note: This document is intended to be correct and relevant to the subject not guaranteed as 100% accurate. The CSS Point is not responsible for any fact/information mentioned in this booklet. This is a complied/scanned work by The CSS Point. If you lke this document please Purchase original book to support the author. Thank You URE Em: su THE CSS POINT Yes We Can Do It! :T rT - THE CSS POINT Yes We Can Do It! For More FREE CSS Books, Notes and Current Affairs Material Please Visit our Website Join us on facebook i Note: This Booklet and All Books available on are FREE and just for educational purpose NOT FOR SALE! Q : www.thecsspointcom me css rom EVERYDAY SCIENCE 1994 Note: Anempx TEN questons. Al questions early Equal marks. Draw Gagram where necesssry. 1, Which ofthe following statements are true and which are false, (2) Bacteria are parasites. Ans, Tue. ©) Ruby ts an oxide of aluminium. : os Ars, Troe. (6) tn the Australian continent, days are longer than nights In Junk Ans. Fase, (@) Gypsum ts nycrated calcium carbonate chemically. Ans. Fale, (0) Twenty-three moons revolve around Satum. ‘Ans. False. () —_Plutois the coldest planet Ans. True, {g) Chromite ore contains chromium oxide. Ans, True. () Mica Is non-conduetor of electricity. Ans. Tr. © Sunis the biggest starin the universe. Ans. Foxe, Q The carth completes one rotation about its axis in 265.25 days. ‘Ans. False. 22 Write short notes on any two of the following: Structure of est (animal) ‘Ans. _A tving call is composed of a nucleus at the centre and the surrounding cytoplesm. The nucleus contains chromesomes which are composed of DNA and protein. GNA is the heredty moteril which transmits al she information for the development and characters of he ofsprings. The ucleus is surounded by nuclear envelope, “The ced is surounded by 2 coll membrane. The cel membrane conivols all the chemicals ond ‘water which exter or leave the cel. The cytoplasm of the call contains many orgenelies, These oro Imeoshonda, golgl appesive, Weosomes, endopissnic rw, Becomes and micotarants of merolubules. uitocnongria are energy tanséucers. They provide the cell wit energy in the form of ATP or other ‘energy rch moleevtes. Golgi apparatus ea membranous or vesicular structure related with zecretions ofthe cel. Lysosomes are membrane bound grentes having hywelytic enzymes important in digestion of articles sige the col. Endapissmic reticulum is an excensive system of membranes processing of materials. Fitcsomes are granttes inside the ce8 which are important a protein synthesis. Microflameats form a supporting network Insi¢e the cell while microtubules are importa in oe nition cx clin and fagelia of cal’. () Hovering Satelite ‘Ans, A satelite moving around the earth maintains its orbital velocly which ig about 23000 km per hour. ‘Tra time tsken by a satellie lo complete one round around earth i called period. Ite 2 hours at a height of fe he cytoplasm for tansport or Q ‘MmrieeS Gukto S77 Every Day Scionco Solved Papers. 1800 kim. his 24 hours at an abtudo of 35900 km. So if setelie is launches over the equator st hoight of 35800 km and in the same direction as the each is moving ft wil toke the same time 10 cirde around the earth as the earth fake to complete ore retaton. In Bis way f will remain synchroneus with the movement of earth and wit not change positon relative to the east. To an observer oa the surface cf the earth the setalite would appear 2 fixed in the sky. Such satelites are caZed hovering satelites. (iy Water Pottusion ‘Ans. Watar polution is caused by ékenping of toric and hazardous materis's In fresh water as a rasut of turban and indcsttal actvlies. Steame, rvecs and the coesns have been used a3 natural sinks or divenis, foe dumping variors Kins of wastes. Many forms of poSvtants are present in wates. Ciseese causing bacterla come In wzbsn or hospital ‘wastes, An estimated 25,000 people are killod each cay duc to weter bocre czeases. ated sewage and Indutt/twastes are heavy rolluts , Industial wastes contain toxic ratte tore chemicals, acids, peskides, hazardous organic chemica's ond pevoleum products. Oorastc ‘loaning oNeris and Gsease causing micco- ty ie dumped in waters 3. Deseribe briefly any five of the following terms, © Ecosystem W) Laser Gi) Alloy (Polymer (Diffusion (i) Balanced ciet ‘Ans. () Ecosystem: A natura! habitat os ‘heer environment intarace with ere anaths> and exch: ‘cated en ecosystern, {an ecosystem is 3 basic unit of ecology of ving organisms. An ecosystem may be natal Exo 3 ond, lako, stream, rvor, ecesn oF a forest. Itmay be artic ke an aquarkum, an artsclal pond oc an oricuberal fo a ‘An ecosystem is a dynamic system where orgeniams Fuing in the system are always Interacting with one another and thot envzonment. Sirilsiy environmental physical faeter infuence' the Iving orgarisms. The functioning of tha ecocys:em depends uzen acquisifen of energy. The green plants the ecesyciem pertoim photocynthesis to synthesize energy rich compounds. Plants are caled tho producers ct te ecosystem, Animals depend a plants for their food. They are called consumers. (Laser: Laser stands for Eight amsificaton by sliméoted emission cf radiation. These are high energy saciatons weed in varlous operations and research, ‘An arsplifving material such a3 2.955, crystal 0: liquid fs placad ina long tuba between appropriate crérors. Photons from a light beam repeated'y pass through & stimuloting more sad thes increasing thoir umber weh each pass. An enhancing or emplifying coll enhances tho chotors. The additional photons have the saste frequency, phase and direction. A mirorplaoed at tho emerging ond of the tube focusses the beam. This exernal beam can be continuous or pulsed. ‘Three promizent characteristics of laser are monocluomacty, epats! coherence and colimatien.. ‘Monochromactty means that lazer i ofa single colour. Spatial coherence means thst toughs and crests of alle waves are atthe carve postion and collimation :nears that rayt are nearly parallel i one ancther ond verge énly sighty 2s tey travel Thus a laser beam of 1 fock Gismeter when tzowa on the surface ofthe ‘oon in 1982 spraad on an reo of 2 les Gareie. A beam cf erinary Ught would have epfead on en rea of 25000 miles clareter. fg Alloy: £2: oy consists of two or more elements, at least one of which is 3 metal, Itis formes by rising the base metal with an aoying elerient or olements to give required degree of strength, malleabiily s0€ ober propartes, Alloys have many appieations, fom high stengh and highsesstance tee > ight rragnesium based atoys used in the construction of area. Ir practice vary few metals ara used in the pure siate. Metals are characterized by ter densiy. strength, thermal and electrical conductivity and matieabilty (bee easeness by which metats can be shaped into varus stuctures), Sometimes there qualifes are not according to the roqiremen's. Sometimes ecracctinary strength, light weight an resistance {> chercal action is requiced. No single metal con full ‘hese requirements and thus alloys ace ured vhich express corbstion of properias. (Polymer: Polymers are composed of very large rraiccules formed by Seking togetser many males, more simple units eafed monomers. The process of linking together tne monomers and making sn where fring omganioms end physical components of nga materials 0 2¢ to achleve a funcional stability is Q _ PaprestSSOwide S78 Every Day Science Solved Papors polytsas s called polymerization. 2 JA polymer may contain a6 few as Sve or as many as several thousand monamer tits. Typical 185 cf polymers are plastcs, polyethylene fm, a transparent material used in packing, polyrethane feem made into cushions and matiesses, and nylon and polyester fters used i tales. Sychesc resins ‘¢ pants and adhesze are tlz0 polymers. Rubber i s natural atymeslolted from tree native to South Amesca, but now grown moet in ‘sia. More an hat of re rubber wsed nowadays s syne, Ceulose ana starch ave nat! polymers of ‘skcoze. Proters are polymers of amino sci and DNA ss polymer of nuciectses. (0) __Diftusfon: Oifunon is dened as tre moversent of rolecues or ons ofa substance tom an area ‘ef higne: concentration to the area of lover concertrafon Ina system wth free movement k cocnves il the motaculs or ions of solute ora gos are evenly Estbxted roughout the cali, In a system where two solutons re separated by 2 membrane barrat she mavemer! of water moleaes compensstes fo INE rrovement of solute reclecuies. ‘stor molecules move torn a hypotonic soluGon to hypertorse @iigher ceneertraten of solute melee) soluton, Dison is important in many biological processes tke absorpion of water by plants, uptake of CO: or Oz, anc tanspiaten’ of wsier vapors. Gols take wate: tcugh the process of csi. Sinaly toger ie esscivec in water to give 3 syrup Cxough the prooess of cZtuson, (wi) Balanced Diet: Our food consists mainly of protelns, carbohydrates, line, tains and miners. ‘The value of» food ts expressed by Geians in the form of thir Heat values by th unit close. A calor Is ‘be =mount of heat required to reise tha temparature of 1 gram of waler by 1 degree centigrade. when ‘metabolizes inude human body 1 gram of preln produces <.1 caledes, caohyerates give 41 exes and fo gue 0.3 colores. ite preseabing a standard ox balanced diet it should be taken Into consideraon that a balanced ‘rust conten a minimum aracunt of energy. Le. about 3000 exiories fora ran of moderate wert. () A ‘arsty ef food must be inctoced in proper portion: (i) ape, sex, work and conezione of heath of te percons concerned ane climate ofthe fg place shculd be taken info Seeeurk. (v) Tastes and desios of te person ho be consieres. G4. Filintne blanks, {) The espacity to do werk s cated ——, Ans. Energy. (i) The energy possessed by a body due to its positions called — Ans, Potestal energy. Gi)__Kitab-sl-tanazir is 3 publication by a famous Mustim sclentist about. ans. Opies. — usuatty fies in the contre of an snima! cell. Neco. Catclom andre the essentsi elements of bones. Phosphorus. Protsins sr fanned by combination of —— sonia acs, Raia water dissolves sulphur dioxide toform = ——. Suiphsic Ace ‘The set of instructions given toa computers called = ——. ‘Semmand. ‘Chemicais such as penicilin which act on —— are called antibiotics, Bectecarthcn organisms. 3 Comot Shoemaker-Levy 9 hit the planet ——in July this yeer. Ans. Jupiter. 5. Name the zhres major parts of human braln and the functions they control. Make 2 rough lagram of the brain, Ana, Human Brain Human brains contained inthe shu. 38 three major parts: Q Weer cSSeoitdn s79 Every Day Science Solved Papers QS eeeEeeeeee “The cerebrum or bigger bean. The cerebellum or the smater brain, ‘Medulla oblongata orthe spina card e The catenin constiuie me major volume of brain. it consists of two large masses of nervous alertal known as cerebral hemspheres. Humen consciousness, thought, emotone, sight. wil, hearing, sensation of pein, memery and speech are cariered in the cerebrum. Some parts off sico control motor ‘eerves, opening the arms and legs, Tho cerebellum or the smator brain is rolatod with the coordination of action of nerves and ‘muscles. In hls way movemerts of body are managed. Medulla oblongat2 or ind brain cortains he centres {or refex actions in additen to automatic movemenis such os brealhing an¢ walang, Q6. Explain whet is meant by "Non-Conventional sources of energy". Describe any three of these. ; ‘Ans. _Non-Conventional Sources of Energy Nor-oonversional sources of enoray are thove sourens ‘which aze non common use at tes time but are beng consicered or explored to bring to roxtino use the figure. With the extisvzion of conventional sources of energy Use seaich for non-conventional sources of ‘energy has been etensHiod. ‘Conventional sources of energy are coal, gos, of, wood and electicty. These sourcos are in routne use nowadays, ‘Nomrconventionsl sources cf energy are solar enerpy. gecthermal enorgy, wind energy, Kéal power ‘and coaan thera! gradients. Solar Energy: ‘The energy of the sun is called solar energy. it has been estimated that en the average 120.000 towats solar energy falling per square kiometerof tne earth. Solar energy is utized in two ways. A sober fumaca corsaln thousands of mirrors to focus the aun rays. n iis way colar heaters produce heal ved & industy or houses. The heaters heat up water o* ax. Solar energy can alzo be used indirect. Sola: cells ‘made up of panels of semiconductors (usualy sicon) aro used which when ilumaaied by eun generated ‘lecticity. These kind of calls have frequently keen used in space probe. They have not become populsr domosie use due fo high cost, . Wind Energy: ‘Wind mills can be used for ganeration of elecrcty. Previousty he wind mits were used for gracing (of grins. The rotating wings of a wind ral can be atached to a magnet which give an elective cent wih rolaton. Low power, high eest anc uncertainties of weather Rad not made power ganerasen through wind Popeéar. Goothorat energy is the hest anergy procuced inside the earth usually due to radioactivity. Goothernal etecticiy plemt changes the geothernal energy into elocacty. Hot water of springs 3 boing vosed for power generation paricuiaty in USA. Het springs howerer are used as geysers for Neatng tha boxes, Q7. Glue brlef answers for any five of the following: Namo tho two proteins found in milk. Ans. Casein and Loctsloums. (@)—_Whatorgan of human body controls the amount of water and salt in blood. Ans. Kidney. (i) Drugs are classified into five major groups name any two. Ans. Analgesics, AntDlotice, Sedatives, Vaccines (™) How do chromozomes in a male and female enter In a human body. ‘Ans. MaleXY Female XX (Which two gases ¢o you exhale more than you inhale. ‘Ars. Carton dioxide, water vapours. (7) Name any two glands which secrete hormones in human body. Ans, Piutary, Adsena!, Thyroid, Q Tu@ressspouNTe 580 Every Day Scionce Solved Papers ©.8 “Explain any two of the following phenome @ LunarEctipse. (i) Photetyethesis (Ul) Formation of a Ans. Lunar Eclipse ‘The parol or complete obsexration cf light of mocn for an observer en the earth is called lunar eclipse. Lunas ectpse takes place when the eat takes up a positiog between the sun and the moon. {a ‘his wa the shadow ofthe earth is easton the moon and the r-oen does nct get sunlight in this posi. Luna ectiose occurs erly when there is fll moon, Bu thls does nat tappen on every full meen ‘because of inclination cf the axe of earth alts orbit. Photosynthesis 2 is the prccess in which green plants by usi ‘sunlight to synthesize enecgy rch Gucose in the presence of water holosyntness is writen as ‘our! om, their green pigment chlowophy! trap 1nd carbon dioxide. Tha equation for Sangh 6202+ 6140 PT cated genet) +802 Photaamesis i he ony sours of ood for altho ss nd anal In his proces food or _gecoue is producod by using the anergy ofthe sun. The process is aio a photochemical process. Dering istonyntnesis water and carbon dioxide are uted. Oxygen is alzo produced curing photoeyhess. Oxygen §& necessary for tho life of animals and pants as its used ln reepcaton. Photoyntzesi le move Hequent in eeans end tesh water due fo presence of algae. Abou! SC% of photocymbecis takes pce in var, i tion ofa Rainbow Formato: af 2 reinbow isa cooxdrated phesemenan iaving retaction, dsperson and iteral reteccion of sun ight by rops of rin surpended in the ar. Rain stops funcbor Re lage Murmber of gloss Proms sping up tb -omposte entenng them. Viste sun ight I composed of rays of seven colo. inde vis ota vibe in a recto opposite 2 te A rey of Kghtertors a op of water where feiraction ond dapersion take ploce, Unequal ozecion separates the "ays into veven Gout. Reficczon Geterat takes pisce at tne bvck ofthe crop anc dezerzo = tsreased woes ight emerges out ofthe erp. ‘Aer emerging tom the drop the light spit into ts Concttum calosre. Refcion m tho Gop reverses the créer of colours so tht violet ceaurs on the inner side ef ranbow and tee on tre outside. Sine tne positon of all Bose drops which sere minum dove ene hence most ceneenrated rays & tie eye of sn abserver are suated on arcs ofciie, the ranbow appears in he frm cfs Dow. 29. _Ditferentate between any five ofthe following pale Ans. () Veins and arteries Meine ace the blood vessels which cary blood tom 38 parts ef the body to hear. Veins contain Dod which is deficient in oxygen tut cary carbon dioxide except ine pulmonary veine or the veins which E28Y oxygenated blood fom lungs to the nest. Blood contained in veins is called deoxygenated Soed. Yeins are widor as compared with areries and have valves &9 preven! Bock Fow of Blood. Wed of tho veins sare norelante. ries arate blood vesses which cay blood tro: the host to al parts or organs ofthe Body. Thay camry oxygenated blood except the pumonary arteries which cemy deoxygenated blood to lungs. Aries nave tek clase walls andhave no aves. (3) PNP and NPN Transistor Transistor are mace from cystaa cf 9 semi-conductor material tke siican or gemnanium. Tha Conduction of these materisis betweta the sso conductors Ike copper oF iver and non-conduetors fe ood, Sert-conductor can be imparted pecutorolecrcal properties by adn some impuries in the serie ‘Bttctrs. n this procedure elecions can be ecced to the semi-cenducers fo stant @ cutent or electrons ‘canbe retoved io cause the holes In semiconductors. JAea elactons ace added by ming an impurity to conse 9 current an N type semécondocter is When electrons are removed trom a semrconducter a type camsconductor produced. Censin combinatens of Naype and Puiype vemicondectors give transistors the reettying or nrliving properties of vatves. They are made up of tee layers, N-P-N (a p sandwiched between two Ne ‘Ypee} or P-X-P (an N sandwiched Setwoen two P pes), Weotstssanite 581 Evory Day Scionce Solved Papers. Bletonic is based ox integrated crcl wich are mace stom vadous ypes of (8) Electronic Current and Static Electricity 4 Seaiecuretis acon fow of lactens none recon coy. The pa of eens rend inaatey The exckors fw tom eatace wee, ‘Atenating exit is the type of electicty ln which fow of caret er elacrons i ae a one (recion bt ateraos, Nox oftocayswactity is ecnaing COTon 2) genessOy RG pane Static electric charges de not Sow through wires. ‘They are caused by electron being pulled fem sa sure to hat. A carb ntbee on hac someines gro casing sous Ha eae Gn tteccos or lotic charge posucedby sande of caer Jha charges ae essciatc wih cegaive charges en elscons ond poss charges on protons. Pop lore of atracion betwnan opeesie charges ane febsion beiveun car ces Besee teens uf : (WM) Concave and Convex Lenses A cones ters teeta he cee ad bicker sro cated verging tenses A convex les is ihe at ho cente ond tne the tape awe feet point re alsa cated te converging ans, w Fats and Oils Fag are tigveetes, They are ors made up of yc hndof alts) nd eos of tree faty acids. Esters are 2 class of compounds produzed by reaction between aci¢s ang atcohots with tne eration of watt. Faty acite ae lang chan ou aces. Fas ete waualy 20X88 Toon eee, Fotis alee made by seit ty Se An ollis simply a fat that is kqui¢ at room: emparature. The only ditferenoe betweer ic he mating pore (61) Absorption and Adsorpson : ‘zerton a process n nic a substance take up anotor stance, sus a8» tacng pocer (zo aoerting war ba}, Ora pocarsn wich a subeance ‘ates up adatin el ge ean vravlongie ‘Adscgon is procent ia unich 9 schetance adheres to the sure of snomer substance ta ipoan: it seme types of cass, psa wnwre gases acco en mol suis Te feacton{s than mage ease by 8 consequnt lverng of schiansn esate 40. Describe in deta the impact of ecientle Inventions on agree, ns. Agilecitor and Scientiteinvensone Aaseutre hasbeen revluionaed by ecienfe ivenions. Ths inpact is caled be grom swvohton,Bafore te set er the moet prominent protions ‘at te fotoar were Uncen agen ot watt slams, change of wester, rough, Leos, pti, aco, pes Sovasen, Wiser Raga anes plan, slow cutvation, sow harvesting an decrcion of eods ate tieage, Tosay socnca has Seen many ofthese acta trough nay twensons and iaielogy 1. Contre! on Droughts: Exenshe iigzion systems have been éiveloped thoughout te wa ‘There are systems of dams, cona’s and water channels which Provide water for the crops and save agri fen exons ad saroge of as, : 2 Fariisers: Ferae canes wich spp rulers ote plants ab cops hav cresed the Crop yield vorendousy, Ferizas nave made aftr posse tows arts where n39 Pat Bessie io shortage of some vial nicer nutes rieonductors. the rim. lsperses the coming fight and are ‘Those kinds of lenses converge Ught ant 3 Agricultural’ Machinery: Agrcutura! machinery like acters, soning machines, combine henestors and treaahers have made the agrievture very quick and efficient. Machines have made ‘agreullure possibie in vast areas Cutting, harvesting, hushing and slorage have been mace cafe, ‘quick and otfcign:. sticides: A tecge number of pestcides avaisbe x the markets trough the develcpment of Science hae made reesibie to save crops fom the atk of pests. |ssects sod locust were 9 vary big éangor for csors, Mion of ons of crops wae destroyed ty: insodts, Nowa vast vesety of invecicies nave saved the crops fom the attack cf inzects, 9 Resr'eSSS-Ouicto 582 Ever THerbisdes Klis unwanted herbs from erops and save energy of the f ‘and rats which are maior destroyers of stored grate. 5. Improved Seeds: A vatiely of very ofisent and high yiciding seeds have Deen breeding and genevea! techriques. There seeds have temendously incrooses th 6 Disease Froe Plants: Steny varieties of plants have been got oF improved by gonote or other lectrigues which ean coms the cisesses caused by fungus oF viuses. 7. Mote Crops and Rotation: A new machine has bees Inzeduoee by Japan which performs mutiple functions. f prepares ‘o0a emmeciate'y afer cuting one crop for the second crop, drops seed and rises monure. Al these acivcies are performed cimutanecutly and the formers con't have to wa foe many days. a ranapori of Agricultural Goods: Recent means of tanspodatons hove greatly helped the (om to anspor agrcultwal preducts fo ine factories or market. K hos reduced damage by storago 0: stow transpor. 8. Now Varictios: Many sven witsies of plants of craps have been produced. These variates show ony desirable charoeters like high yi and mere resistence 10 weather. 40. Genetic Engineering: Genetic engineering of places have produced many new plants wit very high er desirabie qualites, Those qualtes are high yield, low cost cuitk growth, resistence againet insects, resistant against cough, revision sgairat fingal o val iseaces 274 good quality of food produced. Q.11. What are viruses? Deseribe their structure. Which of the following diseases are csuzed by virus and which are caused by bacteria? Potio (i) Diphtheria AIDS (M Tetanvs ) ‘Smallpox ow Measies ‘Ans. _ Virwsos are the micro-organisms which a7e stictor obligate pavasites of animsl or plant ets, Many of the viruses eso parasiies on bocters A large number of esses cause diseases in plants ond animals. ‘Avvnes consists of two components, a protein coat of the vius peaticte and a core of 2 nudeic acid which is either DNA of RNA. DNA viruses ace cated adcnoviuces and RNA viruses are caled retovinses. ‘The thepe of a vitus is due to its protein enat, Viwses aro of many shapes ie, rode. spheres, vith nexagonal ses or eoschedral. Sometimes their shape is complicated, Viruses replleate inside a ving oe¥ and many vitutes ate synthesized slong wih ther protein costs and nucic 963, The nucteis sed conlsins instructions for me shape of the wins. 1) Polo is chuved by a virus. 1 Diphtheria is not caused by a virus. AIDS is cused by a virus. i) Tetanus is not caused by 8 ius. ¥) Smallpox is causes by a vin. vi) Measles is caused by 2 vin. 212. Describe the principle, construction and working of telephone. : ‘Ans. The wotking of a telephone is bared on Faraday’s induced current. It consisis of coils of five insulated wee wound round the poles of a permacent hore shoe magnet. A sof on sheet cated ‘Gagtvapm fs postioned near the end of Wis magnet. The msgnetic lines of force crossed in this disc and in this wey thelr resrrangement takes place around tie magnet. When zhis diaphragm i= put to vibration by human vocal sound this vibration chenges the number of nes of forces possing through the coll. n this way fuctuating inducod currents passed. IT the terminate ofthe coit wound over the poles of another horse shoe magnet wih a isphragm in font, these varying oxtents produce simzar varlatons in Re magnetic Seld wih the reout that the dsc in tent vbcates exactly 26 does the sc at tranemilting end thos soune Is faithfully reproduced. ‘the stations are very far apen, the electric cents ara weakened. Then variations are imposed on an eloctiic current from a battery In one type of transmitter the voice is delivered in font ofa thin fexiblo carbon plste supported round ils eege. Gehind this is 9 sms! cavity loosely packed with corbon granules and 2 fied cerbon plate at the back, The two cortonplates are connected to a bottery and the recelver at the ‘Geant station, Under tho influence of voice or music the casben gronies ara cornpressed or decompressed ‘varying the cxcut resistance eng tws the current, These variations in current passing through the coll produce the reqvited variations in he cuszent oparatng the distant talophone. Q.43. Which partof a plant do they belong to: Q ‘Maprests Soule 583 Every Day Science Solved Papers (i) Gleger Gi) Reddish: {li) Potato iv) Clanamon (™) Peanut (vi) Saffron (vil) Almond (vill) Chilfies. fi) Spinach &s) Tonate oe een Root Sim wBarotSem Seed) Stgmolfoner as, r i i ? vi) Fruit ap Leaves Wich field of study do the following branches of sclence represent? @Hsematotogy Mi) Cytology i} Morphelogy (fv) Psychology (1 Geology. ~ ) Study of blood and its eonsitvent cots, ) Study of te cots. li) Study ofthe structure of organs of orgariems, x) Study of nature, function and phenomenon of human ming, YW) Study of features and properties ef earth anc ls constivent rocks. Fill In tho blanks with tne correct choice. ® ts neat engine, nest energy Is changed into——— (mechanical energy, magnetic. ‘energy light energy): Mectsrical energy. (Frequency of audible sound in Hertz (Hx) ie —— (20-20,00%z, 20,000-20,000112, 30,000-40,000112) 20.20,000H2. (i) Deficiency of Vitamin 6 cavzes —— (rickets, beribed, night, bindness) Berber, (i) Cheapest source of producing etectrcity I —- (coal, natural gas, water). Water. (The smallest unit of measurement of wavelength Is —— (micrometer, angstrom, manometer). Angetrom, (v) The chemicat generally used in refrigerators is methyl alcohon. Freon. (4) The unit “TON to specity afr concitioners is equal to —— (10,000 8TUMoUs, 412000 BTUMour, 16009 BTUMcur). 12009 BTURo. (vii) Unit of electricity ‘Kilowatt Hour i Work, (x) Period of famous Muslim setentiets is —— (Srd-Sth century, 6th century, 7theisth century). (exnyiene, glycol, freon, theunitof — —. (force, work, power). ‘Ans. Tth-13%h century, Ans. Note: on (2) Heat radistion travels at Light, speed of sound). Speed of ight ‘speed equal to——hsif the speed of light, speed of ‘SOLUTION EVERYDAY SCIENCE 1995 ‘Aniempt eny TEN questions. All questions csxry eqs! marks. Draw Gagrams where mcessary. "Negetive marking woutd be done for Incccteet saswrers in Question No. 1 and 14. Which of the following stataments are true and which are falee? (1/2 each) “f Fererey Fe Ans. Sse 584 Every Day Science Solved Papers. ‘Crypiogame are non-flowering plants: True. Resorve food material ie uaually si False, sored ss st8rch, ‘Steeptococeus is a gram negative bacteria. False, Gram postive. Splnach is 2 good source of Vitamin-K: red as glycogen in plants: Insulla {s-a hormone secroted by the spleen: False, secreted by pancreas. Femur a bone of forearm: False, bene of high. ‘The moon has no atmosphe: True. Exeossive burning of forsil fuels cause acid rain, Tae, “Twenty first of June is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. True. Electricity is a secondary source of energy. “True, coal, petroleum and gas ace peimary sources. Define any five of the following sclentitie terms (f each). (@) Doping {@) immuntzation (6) Pasteurtzation {¢) Medutation (@) Catabotism (9 Reprocessing of reactor fuel. Doping: The troduction of impurties (er vavieus materios) into a erysal tatioe, aNing attored lectica! or other properties tothe crystal. immunization: Any process that develeps reistance (inrauniy) to 2 spectic disease in & host. Pasteurtzation: The process of heating a liquic food or beverage to a contrlled termperature *0 enhance the keening quality and Gestoy harmful micro-organisms, Modulation: The procacs of cnanging the frequency o: pitch of signal caying waves to match the atom of te signats in rod vansmissien. ‘Catabolism: The type of metabotsm er the Diochomica! pathways by which forge organic molecules ae broken down by enzymes ilo their simcler constiuents for acquisition of energy. Reprocessing of Reactor Fuck: The process In which uranium from 9 reactor is recovered, purtfed and rewses {re2yeled) in the reactor age or for making nuclear weapons. Qs. ans. removal of forests, ‘What do you understand by the term “Deforestation”? Discuss its il effects on mankind? ‘Deforestation: Itis the process of deswction of the forests. A number of agents are response fx “These are fires, drought er animals, Tee princips! agent of deforestation is the man ‘ctng forests to colonize the forest arest oF to establish cies. Forests are cut 1 1. Deforestation bas many bad effects on human Ee. Wah destruction of the forest the process of cleening of air ad prouction of exygenis badly affected, 2. Forests are major agents of exaporation and rainfall Wah ceforestation rain £28 is docceased. 3. With esting of forests, potion is increasing e= tne hazardous gases are not completely absorbed by plants. 4. With defecestation carbon cioxide is incweasing which is causing global werming, S) roduction i arva of forest, so? erosion is taking place resulting in foods which sestoy crops and human ie. 6 —_Delorettaton nes basty damaged wild Efe and reduced recreation ses. in the blanks: Q Taareas rou 585 Every Day Selence Setved Papers SSE ES ) @) ‘The Iangest planet of the sotar system is —— uniter, ‘The outermost tayer of the earth is catied —. Cast ofthe earth. Newton is the unltot Force. Radium was discovered by —— ‘Mane Cur n 1898. ‘The memory of the computer is expressed in—— Byes. ‘Quartz is a crystalline form of |-——. ‘$i0z (Sica). AIDS is caused by —. ‘IV vitus (Human Inenune cefciency vir) ‘Chamical name of gypsum is — ‘ Celsium Sulfate, Motten superhot material prosont inside 2 voleane is eatie¢é —. Magma, Richter scafe measures the coverity of — Eanrqusies. ‘Vinat is the composition of blood? Describe six mi Biced i @ Leeve which corssins various types of ces, ‘Abo 55% ofthe Bod i plasma whl <5 aro tho blood cel Red blood cells are biconcave discs conlaining the protel hemoglobin, Haemoglobin is ‘vary important in transporting oxygen to al the cells ef the Body. There 270 approximately milion blood cals in nuns of Blood. Red biood cells have 2 average Sfe span of 120 day "The white blood cats ex Bucccyte ‘aru feerer in number (8000 per men3} as compared with red blood cots. The thi type of ces or ced [products are the psiclols These are Important in eloting of blood. Funetions of Blood: fa 2 3 a 8, 10. 1. 12. as Aas. Bicod Is important in transpox of oxygar to all parts of the body. Blood sizo ronscertca-bon conde or tissue to bocy kings. Bteod is responsible fr taking eigestd fod fom alimentary cons! (ul) fo athe oats ofthe body. iced contains inmunopiodas er aribades which combs! aginst anigens and Geese causa mice organisms. ‘cna gnc post met nomena aa tied wich ae hs ken by Seed ean of ‘he Blood maknsine the vial sat ond wate: bslonce of the issues and oes and also keeps osmotic pressure, maintained. {ulin present in blood help the calls 10 ake up guccse and use “The waste products of the heey Ske urea, excessive alls melabottes and drugs ae taken by Hood to licneys front wnere they are excretee. ‘loos ezeusion proulces pressure forthe Kcnays to ter oct hanm‘ul and swipes substances of the body. Blood contains proteins for cating ofthe blood. “white bleod celsengut or eat up camaged cols, baczeria and thes frign patie, ‘wise bead cals helpin hesing ofthe woxrds. ‘Write shor nates (not more than 180 words) on any two ofthe following. (3) Semi-conductors. {@) Pesticides. (6) Laser. Semiconductors: Tiny elecsosic devices were made possible by the use of semiconductors ‘wilh form integrated excuts. Sem-conductor 1s a materai having prapecties betneen a tre conductor Exe Q Hoare Sonics 586 Every Day Selence Sotved Papers copper snd 3 Tue non-conductor ike ¢'0s8, Semi-condustors hava pecafiar electrical properties because of the presence of trace amount of contain impurities. With one kind of Impusty come free electrons ace Produced which constitize an electric current. This ype of semi-conductor is called n-type semi conductor. ‘With another ing of impurity some electrons are remcwed ftom the semeconductor or holes are produced. ‘This type of semi-conductor e cates a piype verssconduclr, Cembinstion of type ond p-typo semiconductors give semi-conductors rectiying properies or “amplitestion properties like valves. They ace constructed mi 2h errangement Of pp oF n pen. Germano ‘nd tflcon are materials used for semsconducioss. Pesticidos: Pectcides aro vsually the cherscals or synthetic substances which are used to contol esis, Some famous pests a the insects, rodents, herbs, mes, fungus, nematodes and some mammals Insects damage crops, agriestural precucts, lets, wood, fumiture and stored grain. Pestcices sed to kil insects are cated riseciides. Many kis of reecccices are wed to conte insects. Some of tho mcecttides are catec crionnated insectcides, some ore calied phosshorylated insoctcdes wile stl others are called pyrethroids and earbamates. Hetbs are damaging for tho crops belonging to the family greminge tke wheet, moize and sugar ‘cane. Herbicides re the chemmcats whach xl the herbs. Rodents like rate ant mice cestcy foods, crops and other sinvexes. Rodentcktes are tho chamicals of agents which are usec t9 contol cr ki oenis Mies and Uecks are harmiul attopods which act a5 caniors of Esease causing micro-orparisms. Maleces KB mes. Fungi damage plans, crops, wood, fabrics and ether matena’s, Fungledes are the chemicats which ating Nematodes cause ceases in human beings end also camage plants. Nematitides Kal nematodes. Laser: Loser stands for Eght ampfeaton by simtated emission of radiston. Theee are high ‘eneigy feds: esodin various operations and research. ‘An ampliying materiel such 2 9 ges, crystal o* igi is plac in a long tube between approptiaie ‘mizors. Photons fom a Eight beam repeatey pass Uzcugh it simuloing more photons ead thus creasing {hei numbor wih each pass. An eaheneing or enpifying coil enhances tha photohs. Tha addtional photens allave the same frequency, phase and dzecten. A rairor placed atthe emerping end of the tube focusses ‘he beam. This external boara can be continuous or pulsed. ‘Treee prominent chorectetscs of lasers are monochromacty, spatial cohereaca and cotimaton, Monoctromacily means that laser is of @ single colour. Spstialccherence mers that tough and crests of sil waves aro atthe same posison end colnalion means that rays are nearly paralel fo one another and diverge only sghaly as they Vavel. So's laser boam of + foot diameter when sant to he Noon in 1962 fol on an atea of 2 er ameter. A beam of ordinary Bent woud Rave spaad on an sea of 25000 mes ior. 27. Write short notes (not more than 100 words) on the life and works of any two of the following scientists. on AL-Battar. (0) AbBerunl. (¢) tn abtiainem. ‘Ana, ibn AlBaltar Zia-ud.Din tn ALBatar was @ renowmed botanist and pharmacopist of micele ages. He ved ine 13m century AD. He travelled extensively and discovered meay plants. He Cessised the plants and fisted ‘he properties of the plats in his books. Ho was author of a number of books. ‘AiBoruni (873-1048 AD) ‘ALBeruni was one of the most famous scientists ofthe Islamic word. He wrote more than 160 book Chyrafons subjects tke matnomads, payee, gengacty, sstonony, cosmology, achaeobgy, sory, Betogy. geo'ogy, comparative religion, chomiaty, cZiure End cilizaton, He Gsczzsed tie behaviour of ‘each, mon, sim and planets In his Book “Qancon Almasic." He elaborated a method for determination of Jongisce 204 iat of a place on earth, He was bom in Afghaniscan, Ioa-l-Haitham (965-1039 AD.) Abdul Ai, Hassan ibn-lHoittam wos » great scholar of ighysics, mothemotis, medicine, ‘ecgineesing, stronomy ard opts. His famous book "Atab-ubMisnazir cescrbes the netixe of light and Use ‘Bhenemenon of vision. He escrbed te function of eve. He gave 2 formal desraton ofa ray of ght. He was Q nseresssrmssen 587 Every Day the frst sdendst elaborate tho laws of reaction of ght. He was born In Basra. 8. Give brtet explanations for any five ofthe following: (2) The earth bulges out tthe equator. ‘Ans. The earths not a true sphore but an eliprie. ts equatorial ameter e 12758.274 ke while plat Giarietecis 12713.505 km. There Isa diference cf about 43 Kiometes, The rotation of the earth on its at produced a centcugal orce which increases its equotoral cemeter. (0) The sun appears red at the sunset and sunrice. Ant. At suncet of sunise te sun appear red due: scattering of fight by small parsios of dus or mote neat the sures of Use each. In fis siuaton Fgh caye have Zo Vavel a greater catarce. Oust and Ger parcies erate: thor ccious Ge blce sad vile but cot caller red bght, Rec Ugh vel relatively Unhingered and fuss the sun appears red. e (6) Ozone fayor in the upper atmosphere Is necessary for our survival Ans. Ozone (03) lyer is formed in the upper stmaephere under the Intuerca of sun rays (UY radlatons). This ozone iyer is a good absorber of UY raciaton coming from tho sea. acs 2: 3 shield oF seroon against theca raetons. UY radiations are inuious, (or Be. They can Kil come oxpaniens and ceuce matunccioning in otners. kx hummer. beings thay cause skin cancer oF Bending of eyes, ft tis way ‘one lye is necessary whch protects us for dangerous eects of UV radiatons, (@) The aky when viewed from the moon appears completely btack, Ant. The shy looks blue whe elancing on the each curng te day. There are 30 roasors for that tis the air or atmeszhere ofthe each, which refacs blue fight. Noccover cur eye is more sense tobe ight and thus we see te shy 28 Doe. i there had been no stnosphere ofthe earth wo would always have seen the eky Bscs. The moon bas ae maephare, 20 the ey look black or dark evan Giang the day. (@) Australian continent has winter season when we have summer s0ason in Pakistan. ‘Ans. The each on itt axl is oc at a vertical engle to ts ori ite Incined at an angle of about 2.5 degree trom the plane of tho etl this way when the nother hemizghere ofthe earths etined ‘0 the un and geting dioct sz rays, southom hemisphere isinckned aura from the sun and geting less dict 97s. Thus the northern hemisphere while Australia isin the southern hertisphes ‘Austad there is cummer seacon in Pakistan, (Roads are bent inward on curves. ‘Ans. Whee an object tums in a cicle 8 is influenced by 2 centsfugal force which pushes it sway tom ‘center of the cizcie. Wnen vehicies turn on a road they £21 outside under tho influence of oentfugalforen. Ia {Bis way Ueere is danger of fallng oF sipping out of Me road at a tum. Roads ere made in a way tha: these ‘bent ward al the fume to aveid falling outside and 1o prevent accicents, 8. Wrke an essay (not more than 200 words) on ‘rarlation of apparent moon size. diagram to support your description. ‘Ans. Moon ig 2 satelite which orblis arcund the earth, it complatos is round in 27.3 éays. it atwoys koops the same face towards tre earth. This kind of motion is cated synchronous rolaon. During ths cyte the moon rotates along its axis in the care, time as it completes one roxrd around the earth. Ve can see nly 59% ofthe surtaco of the moon iron earth. ‘The moon does not have lis own of ght. Thesit shines duo to refocid sunlight. We sea vasous stages of moon due to reflection from various surfoce regions of mocn. The siages are called variors phases of con. ‘The phases of the moon are apparent phases which sppear due to the postion or angle of the coserver standing or the surface of te earn. Ozherwise about hal ef the moon is sways bagh: Ge to the Fight coming frem the sun. 10. Classify the following animats as reptiles, mammals, birds and fish, (@) Blue whale @)Cobrea—fo)Panda’ (ostrich {6} Penguin (Kit = (g)Shark (RD Alligator. (Dolphin tortoise Ans: (¢) Mammal &) reptile {)Mammet — () Bird theres Somers So8 Every Day Science Soivea Papers: woe rc (Oren Restle Gi Menmst Repite : ail the organs of the excretory system of the human body. Draw a labeled ciagram sn oxplaln the function of each organ. Ans. The excreioy eagans of human body oe Badcer wih ura. ‘Sweat glands prevent on the skin ave other secislory orpant. Sebaceous glands associated with the seats otha ar also excretory in rare. Keneys ave important in keenng aelsce of sels and water inside human body, They sso exree ‘onc substances ofthe body Tho chet ixe substance of he Body a urea wch Is produced by depradaton of prcten. Urea le sercied by Kcneys, Goad enter te tdoe under presse and fered 17 removal of one subeiancet. Sweat glands tecele water ar sats wh sebaceous Gd secrto oly secretion near hairen the stn. ont, kidney which is associated wih ureter and urinary 2.12, Differentiate between the fotlowi (2) Hypoatycemia and Hyperglycemi Ans. Hypoglycemia: Hypogtyoxmia iss physioiosics! conditen in which glucose level (amount of ‘stuocse) in blood cecreased from normal glucose level r Hyperatyeemia: Hypergtyoem & he condo in whien Mood ghcate level increases than te normal (c (©) Epidemic and Endem Ans. Epidemle: Cpideria is a cs which has many Osses in 2 particule: geographic region within a shot tine pered. Endemic: Endemic is = esease naving low incidence but consianty presest in a particular geographic region, {c)_Herbivores and Carnivores. ‘Ans. Herbivores: Herbivores are tnone animals which eat plants of plant matetais hike. grass leaves or vegetenies, Examples are gents cows, deers and giaties. Carnivores: Corvvores are those exits which hunt otmer aaznals or eat ach ke Hons, cats 2n¢ wolves. (6) Photosynthesis and respiration, 589 Every Day Science Solved Papers Protosyntzasis is the photucherscal precess in which green piszis {ood or sugar by using sunlight in the presence of carbon dioxide, water and chiotophyil arccent in green Darts of i plant. Light energy is changed to biocemical energy of sugar er ether olganie esmpoune aad ‘oxygens released during inis process. Respiration: Respiration is tho process in which living organisms or cals break cewn energy sich organic ‘compounds like glucose using oxygen to get energy fer various acthites ofthe cols In this process glucose {a broken down and carbon cexide is produces. (@)Poltination and Fertilization. Ans. _Poltination; Pollinaton is the process of the taster of pollen tram male to female parts in seed plans. itis tho transfer from anthers to stigma ef every. Fertitzation: Fertitzaton is the precess wrich involves union of male, gamete or sperm with the female ‘Gamole or owm to produce a zygote. This is essestil for cenual reproduction. A zygote gels gencSe ‘material ond characters from both parenis 2.13, How do our domestic and Industrial activities potute water? Explain with reference to two important industries of Pakistan. Ans, Water Pollution: Everycay, we use water and rsleaso wastes In cur environment. Similary te industries release thoir wastes which contain huge quently of hazardous ard ‘oxic substances. All these wastes ult=nalcly ‘each fo natural water Bodies tke ponds, iskes, steams and rivers. The mozi prominent example is of rivet Ravi which bas been changea nto a vital cestpoct nest Lahore. Domestic wastes contain scape, detergents, ots, plestcs, cesning solvents and pesticides. All {hess toric cheracals or vaste food maletils pollute catural wstere in ou en Gisaase causing bacteria, wruses and other organisme are siso releases in wwoan wastes. The eslinated ‘eath ate due te disease causing orgerisms troughoul the world is 25000 per ey. Pectcides used i agricuture ave 2 big source of poluion of water, These pesssides paxiouarly ‘he lnsectcides are resctung weter and contaminating it. Ore cf the biggest source of weier polktion is b= {string and feather industry. The industy uses tox’e chrom metal and meny other exe chemicals, ‘These toxins aru releases in natural waters. Eifents of this industry have ported giound woter src wate? of nessby rivers. This industry is frequent in xasur and Siaiket arco, Pesticide indusiy fn Kete Shah Kaku eas Lohero releases huge quontty of aciss, pesticdes and ‘ther cangorous wastes. These wastes are geting ery into a slam Loving nearby. The wotor of te ‘steam is dangecusty potted. This water ultimately goes to the rivers. 44. Flllin the blanks with correct choice: (2) pHof Bloods (, 7.3-7.4, 23.9.4) Ans. 73-74, (0) One of tne countries through which equstor passes is (Kenya, Pakistan, Malaysia). Ans. Kenya. (6) Purest form of iron ts (pig ron, wrought Iron, east ton). ‘Ans. Wrougheizen. (2) Hypo ts a solution of (Sodium ehioriae, Silver nitrate, Socium thiosulfate). Ans. Sodism Thiozvlphat {€)__ God tver oi contains (Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Vitamin 0). Vitamin D. Ans. Vitamin D. : (sorta is an organ of {nervous system, circulatory system, digestive system). Ars. Ciculslory system. {9) Planet Mars has (one, two, four} moons. Ans. Two. (b) Bauxite Is an ore of (Baron, Altiminium, Aluminium, Magnesium). Ans, Aluminium, {)_Giccular aperture which appears 2¢ a dack spotiin the eye is catled (ir, Ars. Pupil @ — Thomon, upil, lens}. at planet In the solar system is (Mare, Pluto, Jupiter), Q WHrGTETOMKTO 590, Every Day Science Solved Papers, Ans.” Phio. 15. _Maten me scientists and sheir discoveriestiaventions given in Cotuznn (a) and ( ® © © Newton Irs of nereity Keys Chiswick ‘Traory of woluton Mendel ase energy conversion equation ®) oe) Ei nase energy conversion equation Roesigen Xeays ‘Chartes Darwen ‘Theory of evolution Chadeiek fautron Mendel Lass ofheresity SOLUTION EVERYDAY SCIENCE 1996 ‘Attempt any ton questions. All guostions carry equal merts. Orew Gogrem where necessary. Nogatere macaing would be Gone fer ncoroct answers m Question No, 1 and 2. ‘Wien of te following statements are rue. Jabie-tone Mayan was the author of the book Kitab Al-Manazit. Faze, tbn-atHaiinam was the avthor of Kile> ADanazir. ‘Abul Qasim AlZahravi wae a famous Mustim mathematician. Fa'so, Abul Qasim was famous in surgery and rodicie. ‘The speed of light is nearly 390,000 kmisec. Tre, Ideally water can be used as 2 car fuel after electrolysis. “Yes, Oxygen and nydrogen can recombine to release energy. ‘A machine help us do more work with tess force. ‘Yee, due to tess fiction. ‘Our eye is very sensi Foe. We can receive TV sound cignal on our FM racioaets. False, Sound can travel through vacuum. No, it requires motedisl medium, Famous Muslim botanist Ibn-Al-Baita Folee, he lve in 13th century AD. Aceramic engine would have greater offciency. Yes, due fo less loss of energy. Fit in the blanks with the correct choice. ‘Al Berunl died in——— AD. (848, 10:8, 1248) 1048. ‘Abu Ail Sina was born in (Wr, Turkey, Spain) to bive light. duting the period 700-900 A.D. ‘Turkey. He was actually bom in adem Uzkckistan, Certral Asis, t that time in Turkish infuence. ‘colour has shortest wavelength. (Bize, Yellow, Green) sive. 3 Q ‘WireTs: FOL 594 Every Day Science Solved Papers (8) ——rrotal has the highest electrical conductivity, (Siver, Tungsten, Copper) Ans. Sve, : (0) Light travels fastest In (glass, vacuum, plastic) ‘Ans. Vacuum, () — Cursolarsystom has about ——satetites. (Thirty-five, fity, ninety six) Ans. Fity (2) The universe is ——. (contracting, expanding. stationary) Ans. Expenceg. (h) The disease, hacmophitla Is caused by the deficiency of vitamin: 4A, KD) ‘Ans. actually it is 8 genetic cicesze but also occurs due fo dofiioncy ef Vitamin K. | *> @ — ——isanatural polymer. (Glucose, Protein, Polyethytene) Ans. Prot @ —_ —— cannot be nominsted for the Nobel Prize, (Physicists, Economists, Astronomers) Ans. Astronomers, Q3. Define any five of the following terms. (@)—_Biogss: Giogas is tne gas which is prosuced by the acthity of micro-organisms on wasted organic matter. Its mam censftverta arb methane ard COs. ©) Geothermal Energy: ‘The energy produced by oc got from znlten lava present under she eruct of earth and also get kom hot springs and geysers. () Vaccines: ‘A Preparation of killed or attenuated (weakened) microorganisms. oF thei components, oF their Products that ie used to induce active immunity agains: a &seese, ° ‘A group of substances in which 2 combination of two or more metals with oxygen confor specist ‘snd certain cesirable quales fe hardness and resistance to temparature ard chemicals. )Uphtyear ‘A light year is a un of cittance wzod to measute dstansce between planets and sla, Itis oqust to the gisvence travelled by Bzht in one yeac. A ight yea ls approxirstely 94,61000 mien km (S37ECOO men, 4, Brlety cizeuss clessiticaton of plents giving sultable example of exch type. ‘Ans. The plant kingdom: i eiviced into two subskingcome, One i subkingdom contains fve phys ef ee. Al sigac contain the gruen pigment chioroptyl. They may aio conan other pigments Est ézingush tre tins of sigan fom one another. Algae sre used os food for animals at ive i water, (Clamydomonas, Kei. Uva and Chava are some names of 520, ‘Tha ether subtingdom of the plart Kingdom is divided inco {two phyfs, the bryophytes and + krackaophyes. The bryoptyte\ phim indudes the moezes and Sverwerts. Beyopites groin al ports of the word on mat land alcng nver backs, on rocks near wate als, and er: damp forest A903, Tne vacheoptnte pintum contains he vecoutr plants. Tracheoptyes have vesces,cr‘ubes that amy food ord water hroughout te plant. Examples of tachoophytes are fer, cane- beanng plants and towering plans. “Trachaopiytes include Plesifophytes which are fers and jebtmosses. Fems are spocebesring, ‘on fowecing plants, Ther eaves are cated trends. Dryortenss fsa common for. Chibmosses are elied {0 foms, They hse a larger spore-teraing gonerstion win condcing vescols wich akernates with a sitll ‘ercergrouns sorual generation. Lycopodium cavatum iss commen hubris. Gymnosperms: Gymncspecms are the plants in which seeds are naked, They ae common 29 ‘everyone in the fom of pines, cyprus and spruce. Gymacsparms include coniers. Mese are tees oc shrvbE Q Tesressronte $92 Every Day Sclence Solved ‘wits leaves that ate neste or scales. The flowers ore Wind. Pees, fre or spruce ate cornmon in Mure Hils, Cyescs are primitive flowatng plaats suporfcisty Fezertling 2 fem or palm but belonging the gemnotpers proup. Cyces fvulute is 2 Comimcn cyead grown in launs fer decoration, ‘Aagiosperms: Anglosperns are fowering plants in which she seeds are enclosed wahin 2n ovary which later forms fru Mest of he herbs, grasses, bushes anc ves in she world belong to angiosperms. Tray are divicec into two greups, the monacotyledons and ccotylesoes. ‘Monseotyledons are tose angiosperms which have only one cotyladon in thelr seed. Cotyfedon ts 4a large: part of the s0ed wich etores {90d for tne growerg seed and somatznes forms fst leaf ofthe young: Slane Monocotyledones have narrow leaves with parote ens and hol o° sof stems. The flower parts are aged In group ef threes, hicst are eral plants “ke giesees, what, supe’ cane, bamboo end malze Bt Some are large tke palms, ‘i Bieolyiecors aro fowering plants in which seeds have two cotyledons. Thais leaves are broad, usually vided inlo two equel parts. They include herbs, shrubs and most cf the trees. Ths group include largest number of plants we see arcund us Le rose, mango vee 0° maple Wee ec. fcnans ere @ close aesocation of a fungus and 2 alga and hove dual nature. The sg produoes ane provides ‘90d tnreugh photosyrtnesis while the fengus sosorbs water and minerals from 208 chs. Lichens are plants of exreme enr/-onmental cordions and grow or rOCKs. ‘wnat are endocrine glands? Name any two. From which part of the ody are the following ‘geeruted: insulin, Thyroxin, Adrenalin, oestrogen, Textosterone, Corti. ‘Ans. Endocrine Glands: Endocrine glands are sectetary tsues (glands) which secrete homones: Grocty inle Ine blocs stream. They are zizo called ducless gionds. Hormones are chemicals that cause cenan chaages wn the bocy, they are eared by blood and help regulate proper tuncioning of the Body. ‘Boemones hove 9 very imporant role i metabolism and develepment of animat ang human body, Pittery Gand a very inporsa! gard which secretes 2 Grosth hormone = edstion to obker Romance. Less Sreauecion er socence of growin hormone leazs to dwariem while excessive praducion causes gigantiom or {allness. Sirdory tryrod Gund is snolher emporiant gland whlch secretes thyford hormone. Name of Hermene Pos of body from where secreted 1. mein Endocine perciess 2 Thyroxn ‘Thyroid gland 3 Acrenats Acrerat gland 4 Onstrogen vari 5, Testosterone Feces 8 Consol Arenal gland 6. What does LASER atsnd for? Dexeribe focr different applications clearly stating their principle ‘Ans. LASENR stands fer Light Amalicatios by Stmuicied (mission of Radiation. itis a intensified beam ofrays. [A gas, crystal o etracive raters is placed between appropsiete mirors, Protons from a beam cf light suesessively pass th-ough the matzrai, genersiing more and more photons, The photons produced is way have the same frequency. phase and direcion. One of the mirror i adjusied in such 3 way that gh energy beam come out of &. Tos beom Is ether continuous cr puvec. The beam can be focusses cn re9e wih gh intersily ‘The mos: prominont ‘atures of LASER are that Lis monosrematic cr single ooloured light iis spatally coterent zo the crests and Loughe of the waves se at seme position ond itis colimote which eans bat the cays ace ceary pevalel to one axctner and diverge only sighily 28 they tovel. Lazer fas got Sppicaten nn chysies, chemistry. pholography, telecommnieation, curvéying and ranging mececine and rudlear actions. ‘ay the result of the action of a force of 1 newton acting in the direction of maton, 138 1Nm Erectteas Energy cnangedinio ——+ Name devices, 1.” Heat leetre heater, ron (press) 2 ght ‘Bulb, tude ight Eoeh light, car head ight ete. : wear’ cS8S-ouido 583 Every Day Science Solved Papers ee 3 Sound Rede, electrical pisro, T.V. ete 4. Nachanical Energy * Electrica! moor. fan. jer, oe. 28. What do the following abbreviations stand for? @ UG TNT (RNA @ cnc () ATP RBC @ EG () Pvc @ Raw a crc _ Ans. (a) LPG: Liquotied Petcieum Gas. ® rotate. ® ibonuciele Ao (6) CNG: Compressed Nstural Gos. . (e) ATP: Adenosine-Tighesphste, {9 RBC:Red Brood Col. {g) ECG: Electrocardiogram. (8) PVC: Polyvinyl Chioriee. (RAN: Random Access Memory. CFC; Criecotuorocarton 2.8, Write short notes on any two ofthe following. (2) Arg Ra (2) Greeahouse affect, _(c) Ozone depletion: ‘Ans. Acid Rain: Precigzaton (in, vapors) re with acidic chemicals ofthe atosphere lower the oH of rainwater and shus cause 96 rin, Ao ran is a hazard forte on ho oar. "Bumlng of cos, gas evtomodee exhausts and ole industial provesses release sur Sense and nizogen orides inthe air Thaso gases wen mised with atmospheric mcstue oF water cause acid rit. fein cova seo fre ac. Up Ging an ako peor ie oes wes 2 in. “Amoephetie Indust! polutents are the moin couse of aid rain, Acid rin le éamaying forests, ants and agrewture, rising the acs level i lakes end ponds, klling fen and aquatic He and damaging aman haath ‘The most prominent Gepule between USA and Canada = cu to somehow US industisl pabwzats ze ding to Canada and are cavsing acd inas made many Candin tates actle ad coused hing of fan and Gsorders ofthe acoiglcal system. Sisal ling of fa by oc ain has Geen zeportes m Norway, Sweden and north easiem United Sates, Pure rain wate has 2 pH of cut 6.6, Tis fs Because tne rain combines with the carbon dioxide in tbe a Carbon diode is 2 waste produc: of tuming and other fe processes. Water ad exrbon diode form an acid cated carbonic ed. Ot polulants make woles more acidic, ln the last 25 years tbe average pict in be oor eae Unie Snes Pas zest 1, aceon he pines aan at ows ‘Acid fain s commonly found in lege cies, areas of lige population end in industrialized areas, “This ls because hese areas Uszaty Nave more air pollution. But wind can cary pollutant far from their source, Thus acid rin ean fal in any area of the country of word. ‘etides the health hazsscs to many ‘orm of lfe, aid rain causes other problems. h comrades, oF ‘weers away, metal, peinied surfaces, and oven stone buikings ond mecuments. Sculptures Suit in Gesmeny 2 Carly 22 1702 shewee no corrosion In 1898 photographs. Phologrophs taken in 1960 shoWed noticaable corrosion, ‘As the energy isis continues, moce and more cos! is bumed for energy. So the problem of sr polktion contiwes to Decome mora serious. Some environmentaSsts belive that acid rain would cortinae {fo be 2 msiec envanmnectal problem for any years to come. Greonhouse Effect: Global weather motoring scientists have reported that the temperatura of the otmosphere of tre earth is rising groctaty. This increave in temperature i Cue to grothouse eFoot, “The name of the phenomenon is detived from » glass butt house of enclosure in which plants ere grown ‘Sun rays pass through glass stuelcs to reach tho plants (for photesynthesis) but the heat coming from sun cannot come ext of the greenhouse and tus the tempecstute of tho greenhouse rises. Recently it Is | GQ wwtthecsspointcom E Every Day Sclence Solved Papers feeresssourre 94 ry Day Sclence: ape feponed tt the lempersture of ta atmosphere of ho earth has risen by 1 Gegree centigrade, This vend of temporatire rite i cali global warming. . Groonhouse effec i riniy caused by an incwose in tre amount of greenhouse gazes. There gases are carbon dioxide, nizous oxide, methane, chiorefuerccarbens and benzene in the atmosphere. Scontits nave estimated that the concentration of carbon diorde in the aimesphere before the dustrial + Tevoluten was between 275 and 285 parts per mation and after it by 1080 it had riven to 338 parts pet rill, This Inreaze is due to burning of fess fuel and ceciucion of foress Even a sell amount of carton dinxide produces an important greeahause effect. Much of ne solar ‘diason that reaches tho zurace of the cart is absorbed in he ground. As a resuR the surface fs heated up nd in num ens its owm racion of very long wavelength. Atmospheric cazbon oxide acts 2s a shield 10 {here heat woves, so that some of the oulgoing radiaicn is Lapped, causing the eartn’s serfoce to heat up ail futher, i has been estimate thet the greenhouse effoct warms the eamts surface by as mazch 96 1S dogroe centigroce. : Almost ail of the radiation i sont back into space and temperature does net five, Actually tie carth {s in s state of iecmal equilum which zeeps the suruce fomperature fay constent This equitorium is, howaver. cstutbed by te gradual increase of atmospheric carbon oxide es a resut of nevetializaton. It | noticeable tha ne highast intensity of greenhouse elfect is eissovered on the planet Venus. Tha planet is ‘wrappes ina tick blanket cf carson dioide, I ls not the planet nearest fo ine cun, Mereny is te pianet ‘saarost fo the sun but 18 not the hotest planet. Venus is the notestplanel with is surface temperatire 400°C. Tres hich temperature it due 10 the greenhouse etlect on the planet caused by very high ‘coneantation of catben Goxide i its ezmosphere Garton ciexice is not the only gas to cause greenhouse effect. Chlcofuorocartens (CFCs) trap bet 10,000 umes as dioxide. They are most used in replacaasie hates Ixe ai condibaners perfumes ad fos food contacers. They ore of are alzo leading Cesoyer of Ozone layer n to unser atmocphete the art. Alszned by 2 series of droughis and heat weves, a Dan has boon suggested on CFC production by {a and ofthe cantury, Ik woxéd probably cut greenhouse warring — afer alag— by Up 0 15% Czone Desietion The composition ofthe sicsshere is sity corsiant up to Ozone Depletion about 30 miles above the eart’s surface with the exception of ozone yshich is cencestraled in an stncepberc leyer called ‘Svatesphore. This layer extends between 10 to 33 mies above the eath, Ozone is 2 cesivatve of exygon. in tre uppe: atmosphere molecules of oxygen (Oxon & 3 orivatwe were broken down by utravclet radiaten {coming fom the 2} single ators (0), and some of mese atoms combined with molecuet of oxygen (02) to form Ozone (Os). Ozer an unctable gas. Its Molecules are goed absorber of ultraviolet radiation. In thecules (03) process, chey are usualy broken eve again into oxygen mele and single aloms (0). This reversible rescion continuas we verisbe rate epending on amount of wraviclet ight The quonty of utravolt light in turn depends on sunspot actvty, tne seaccn and presence of day or eight. Sunspot is an acthvty cn the surface of tha sun axzociatec with excden bursts of energy. lceme unexpectedly end suddenly, In 1985, Brin simospheric acertets surveyiig in Antarctica ‘anounced a more than 40 per cent decreane in tre amount of atmospheric ozone over Halley Bay between 1977 anc 1964, The frst report wes contimed by other investigators and It was shown that the rogion of (zone dopieton was wider than the continent of Ancarctca at the eouth pote ofthe earth extended roughly ftom 12 t0 24 Rlomaues in atbtude 10 to 30 mes). Leer it was menboned 5 an ozone hole in tha polar The discovery upset the scientists and the publ alke 3s X suggested that stotosphertclayar of zone s=reunding the earth might be in greater danger than stmospheric models were predicting. An accelerated decina of me czone concentration would be dissstious. I wes announced on 7.10.08 tha the ‘zone hole which was 18 milion kt has expanded to 26 mon kr ‘Occne depletion states have concluded that polbtants are erasing the ozone layer. The pollutants ‘%e chorofuorocartone, =irogen diode, methane ard other indusinal gaset contazing chotine. Ozone sets a3 2 shitia agansl dangerous ultrevioletragiotion coming from tha sun. High energy WV is absorned by ozone present in uoper layers of the etmocphore. Win the thining of azone, UN's reaching the sutace ofthe earth and damaging Ef on the oar and in pons, lakes oc other water bodes. 2.10. Vinatare the threo components of the CPU In computer? What Is the functlon of each? * Q | ) WihoreTET OMe 595 Every Day Science Solved Papers, ‘Ana, Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the par of computer which records and read progremmes, reads ‘Gaia end pecionns operations en data according tothe programmes. It has the folowing components. . ALU (Arithmetic 2nd logic unt). ALU contains zhe funcsmenta! operations or the instructions whic are appliad 10 process dat. 2, Electronic Cloex: Electronic lock coordinates the functions of CPU through its pleas. 3. Programme Counter: t moriors the programme being executed. 4. Controt Unt: I erganizes or manages the processing of deta, tne progremmes and operations. Registers: These sre the components wfuch atsor: and arrange the results and categorize, the ota, % 14. Draw clearly the vertical section of a human tooth indicating various parts, How are Seute homan teeth elessified. s ‘Ans. There are 32 ‘eeth, 36 in the upper jow and 16 in he lower jaw. The formuts of hufhan seath is writen 95 follows: = 2123 Unpe: jew he ars in the font, 2 canines, & premolars, iwo on each se and © molars, 9 an 20h side Its the same forlower aw. 12 Breny describe the principle and function of a camera. Mention fs exzental parts along with bref comparison with an eye Ans. Camera: A cameras an instrment used to preserve images of uate objects isa ight tight koe wah 3 canes lone o the font orate beck of the aporture end an arrangement for heksng a serie Szreen of fi at the back. The aperture at tbe anterior side can bo oponed er coed wit he help of 3 shutter. tat an adjustment for focussing the image by chenging the posicn of te, he fens. Wien 2 shutter & opered, refected ight passes trough te lens and an image is foamed on the photogrepic fm. This image & real and iwortec. Tho timo of expocute is vated to adjust ight or is insartaneaus. The. photograph ie Bock end wtita ce in colours depending urcn the nakxe ofthe fm. Camera and Human Eye: The sinuciure ard functioning of camera is sia t the Rncton of an eye win some ctlerences. 4. Theeyehas lone and eo te camera, with sinar functions. 2 The puplof the eyes simder to the aperture of camara in uncton. 3. Eyes alzo chamber xe casing of camera. 4 Thoratina ofthe eye hat pholotensiive cells ike the photographic fim. Both are st the back so. 5. nage fermation in eye is on rete ind in comera on the Rn. However image i edusied in the ‘av and human beings see te objects in Vc rah pesto Q.43, Explain briefly, the formation of day and night. How do seasonal variations cecur on our Q feeresssoume 536. "Every Day Science Solved Papers se ee? ; is,” Formation of Day and Night: , Alte cola bes aen sat of moton. Te sun wih family of planets orate roving scound the corre oh ky Wey gong”. The ea movag murs sen ad Sa son eed round ie ear The exh uncergoes tongs of motors esto on te as and al poser aed the crit arund tre su. The art ros tom wont eae on fe Geapeayy tae THe ae erosion mal he cn ad lars velo eo weet heatoohes ofthe Gah nea ean ok 1 cay while fe hovaphare aca Sway fon sun how ihe nis way hao tne each lee a oat chal hanna > The arth complete is rotate n2¢ hers Formation of Seasons: : The orth revotes around the sun i en ei ort. Itcompltes ls revlon a 365'U4 days, ‘Tha ofthe esti Sed ‘owarc thw plane olsen tan Sole of 2 10 eqiee The aes aes olnts towards ta same faxed point in space ~the pole sia’. Due to these. arrangements seasons are formed td he ong of cays ond gh vary sna. ‘The ss oftaton of ear rensis tne 235° tovads the plane of exit This as of Iiaign remains inesoed ot be sume ana Szoughou the revoke. n Cis way Sie ay be Sak on diderenrpars ofthe earn carne ootye oars 4,» Dilferentatebetwoon any five of te fllonsng: (3) Thermoplasics and thermoseting plastics, (2) Lunar ectpes ond solar cio, (©) Asteroid and meteorite, (@ Renewable and nonevewable enarpy resources, {e) Endothermic and exothermic reactions, 1) Strand planet 3) Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. ‘Ans: Thameposies ean be rapenledlysotened by nesting and hardened by cookg, ‘Themosatig plastics ae shape by heat ely once ag then caret ve steed by Net (©) Lahareciose takes pleco en the ea comes Betreen the si and moon nila var ela tikes place when ren comer Beoean the each an sun Deshg nar sean besos een While Curing solar eclipse sun's surface becomes cim. (©) Astercis arw minor planets which a only afew metzes in ameter. They orit mei betwoea Dias and Sante, Meteorite is a meteorets consisting of Broken fragments oxiginatng from ether comets asteroids penerbe ta surtace ef ta each (Renewable energy resources are the resources which are regenersted and weed again and again Ike sgtculral praca or forests. Non-tenewable energy resources are used only ence and cannot be roused Ske coal, gas and (2) Endothermi: reaction is that reaction which uses or consumes heat energy while exothermic fearon is that reaction which releases heat enesgy, a (9 Stars glow with teir own (etic) fight or eat energy while planets glow by the refected fight Coring from sun, Stee 2c larga in ize wie planes are smaller. @) ‘Nuclear fission is breaking of atomic nucleus with release of nuclear energy while nuctear fusion is combination of nucle win release of nuclear ener sy. 15. Flin tho blanks with correct sclenic ter. (a) =~ 2 biological catalysts which have multiple functions in the body. Ans, Enzymes. ()__The eitferonce between eletical charges at the two ends of a conductor's called ——. Ans. Potential cterence, (©) The branch of Zoology which deals witn me study of Insects ix called ——. Q Keeressronee 597 Every Day Science Solved Papers. Ans. Entomology. {¢) Electric current is measured by an . Ans. Ammoter. (©) Dry ee is sol6——. Ana. Carton doxise, (—_Fuois fanned from animal and plant matter that lived thousands of years ago are known ss Ans. Fossil fools, (a) Ugh with larger wavelength than that of the red colour is called ——, Ans. tirared. E (%) —_Peniciltin waa discovered by, ‘Ana. Alexander Fleming. {)__Medutia Oblongata connects the —— with the spina! cord. : ‘Ans, Cerebobum (smater bran). @ The pH of normat human blood is. Ans, 738, SOLUTION EVERYDAY SCIENCE 1997 Note: Ancmpt aay TEN questions. At questions cay equa! marks, Craw ciagcem where necessary. Negative marking would Be done for incorrect answer in Question No, 13.8 14. @4, Discuss the role and achievements of Muslims physlciate during the 10th century. Ans: (Bee Musim Scientists) Q.2 Explain tne structure of earth and its atmosphere. Ans: External Structure Earth Is sn oval sphere structure but not a complete be Earth atthe pees is fattened and bulges out at te equator. Intemal Structure Earth is an almost sphecisl body about 3,950m (6,370 kam) 's equstorisl radius. The cent ‘occupled by a core, which Is 2 sphecical and hae radius of abou? 2,160n (2.475 km). ‘The upper pert cf earth on which wo Eve consiats of three typos of rocks: ‘8. Ignaous rocks. b. Seaimentary rocks. & Metamorptic rocks. {nsernal pox of tha oarth Is vezy bot and in molten form. This molten material known as "Wagma" ‘whan & comes on the upper surface and cools cown and resus in the formatien of igneous rocks. Atmosphere of Earth (Outer atmosphere Is divided into four divisions. 18 Troposphere D. Stratosphere ¢.Mescsphere d. Thermosphere/encsphere Composition of Atmosphere Na (78%), 02 21%, ‘Az (0.09%), COs (0.03%) ‘and other trace cempononts like Os, H:O, CO, Xe, Ne. He otc. Troposahere excends from surface ef esrh to an stitute of 40,000 f. All storms and procticaly all lous are restricted to troposchere. ‘Stratosphere 114s rom 20-80 km above the earth surface. Environment conditions in this sea are such that there sno movemaont of very era movemonts. Ozone layer is presant in tis pan. Mesosphere ‘A$ ls present in between the thermosphere and sistoschore. ©, 598 Jonosphere/Thermosphere Extend (rem 50-250 mies above tne surace of earth, iors oF ionosphere. 3. Write a shortnote on any two of the following: ‘Solar Eetipse, Thermoplastic, Non-renowable Energy Resource, ‘Ans: SolarEclipse (See Sot Systems) ‘Thermopizetic ‘Material, which Is plaste of moukizble when hosted, © known as thermoplaste. By using dye we can give any shape to this material, Non-renewable Energy Resources + “Those energy resources, which cornet be rencwod, se called non-renewable energy resources. Example: Pevoleum, coal biogas, water, winds and naclear rasowees cannot be renewed and ore ‘known 28 non-renewable reeourcas, 6. What are pesticides? Discuss their classification commonly use in the agronor ans: (Sve pesticides) QS. Differentiate berween the fotiowi Bito Byte, ROM, C.Y, ALU, and Hardware! Software. Ans: (Gee Computer) 5. Explain any five of tho fottowing terms. (Not more than four fines each): Osmosis, Glycolysis, Photo Taxis, Transpiration and Spenification: Ans: Osmosis ‘Mevernant of solvent molecules ‘rom the tees concert ‘permeble membrane (uch 38 epg membrane) is known as osmesis. Glycolysis : The process by which glucose is oxidised non-oxycatively (without axygen) into 2 molecules of pyruvic acid is knoten 02 glycols. Photo Taxis “The rotation of the earth causes the sunrays to move constant The plants ae in direct need of eurtight for tei food. Henea tiey change thet Girection in oes to have opfonal amount of sunSghe Gung photosynthesis. Ths i called photo taxis. ‘Transpiration ‘Loss of water tough the surtoce of heat through stomata i know as transpiration, ‘Sponification 2 Spomitication is a ptocess by which animal fat react wih caustic soda Gia:CO2). It if known -spenifeaion. Emulsion this a Gspersed system in which both the cispersed phase and zpersion modium are Equids; mk is a nateraly occuring erulsion. Q7. Filinthe blanks. ‘Anst a. A sheet of muscles cated diaphragm separates the chest from sbdemon, In buman bedy, blood-coting factor is prodscad by the platelets. Human blood is able to cary lege smocnt of oxygen beroute of chemical haemoglobin. Unde part of plant cell is composed of 2 nuctous and cytoplasm. ‘The pattem for building peoteln motecule ie stored in the nucleic acid. ‘Aa end stirup are he name of bones prasert in the ear. +The font ofthe eye i covered witha tough transparent matedal called cornea. ‘The young plant inside a rain of wheal is called the Embryo plant, Inbom behaviour that involves only one part of the body is cated reflex action. “The smatest branches of artery load io tiny blood vessels calles capillaries. te high concectration through sem: ang trrens Q leseresssrmuNte im 599 Every Day Science Solved Papors, Q8, What are the Ekoctine glands? Give name of eny two along’ with name of their secretions. ‘Ans. These ordinary glands release thei secretions by means of duct for transmiting their secretions, ‘These are known as ductess gland. Glands Secretion B. — Sepactous Glands Sedum & _Lacrimal Glands Tears Salivary Glands Saiva Sweat Glands Sweat Q9. What quantity of following unit mesures? Ans: Unit Guansity 2 Vor Votoge b. Coulomb Charge of electieity (Wat Power Ohm Resi te Ampere Current £ Dyne Force. 9 Joxte Energy he Calorie Host 0.10. Give the sclentific reasons for the followin; ‘Ana. a, Meat takes longer to cook on mountar Because of fow pressure et mountains os a rasuit bolting temperature size decreases fast is why ‘eat takes mace te to cook on mountain. b. — Waterremains coo! In earth pitches, In earthen pot pore are present. Wier gots evaporated through pores. Ia doing 20 it gets more heat fom water anc gets cooked in tum. Metal or glass container hes no pores and therefore does ot permit the evaroration of water, which does nct get :o cooled. © lee and salt mbcure Is used 2s a freezing agent by making ice cream. ‘Sat reduces the terrperature cf ice by decreasing #s freezing point. d. tis not advisable to sleap under trees during night. ‘As plants release CO: end take up oxygon at right tis dangerous for heath. ©. Green house operstors also psint their roof white in summer. ‘As white absorb less ght 22 compared fo other colcurs. Q.11. Which part organ of the human body does the following belongs. Ans: Name Parts 2. Eustachian tube Ear b. Cartage Connective tissue © Aariclo Hear P 4 Tendon Mosca Denites Newone Briefly describes the solar system. Name its members, outing main characteristics of any to. (Gee Sotse System) Fil in the blanks with correct choice. a1 Ans: ans. Ans: o 1) w 04 “ Insulin is produced in the human body by the pancreas. (Liver, gall blader, pancre2). {In an animal cel protein is synthesised in the ribosome. (nucleus, mitochonda, foeome) ‘Chemical Sngemats are made up of protein. (carbenydrates, protein, minerals). ‘Muscla stffneas is symptom caused by the disesso tatanus. (polo, tetanus, rab). Animals, which obtain their food from dead organiem, are cxlec scavenger. (camvores, Q ELSTON 900 Every Day Sclence Solved Papers, "scavenger, seprophytes) (vl) Riboflavin is not affected by cooking. (ascarbic. acid, (vi) Rickess is ured by the deScieney of vitaren D. (A, D.K) (si) The number of encomosome in the spermatozoa is 23. 22, 23, <8) (he) The fatin our food is gested by the enzyme lipase, (Ipaze, lactose, type) (®) The rmect abundant element in the taxman body ls oxygen. (carbon, hydrogen, oxyger). G14, Which of the following statements is false and which is true? > Hbot Ans: (@) —_Soundis a form of anergy. (ove) (©) Afracton ef sanight ts refracted when Renters the eash's srmosphere, * toe) (6) Te cnergy possessed by a water‘alis Kinetic energy. (fase) (©) Rainbows are produced bythe refecion of fight tough raindrops, (fase) (@) __Ught svitehes in our homes are connected in parallel sere. * Gre) (Generators convert mochanical energy ino eeetcty. Gre) {@) Modem incandezcent bbe contain flaments made cf copper. (fase) (2) —_-Asteam engine cannot be powered by fossil foes, (ase) —_Nuclevs energy is cheap source of abundant alacziy (ev) @ __Oilbums cleenar ond tess demaging tothe emvironment sian coal as 3 fuel (rue) G15. Matenwords of fist of with List. Ans: Ust A Proton Carotene Bevite Hemsite Casein Pancreas Quartz * ‘Chierofuoracarber: Urea Narogen, SOLUTION EVERYDAY SCIENCE 1998 Note: Attempt any TEN questions. Al questions camy equal marks. Q4 Earthquakes have helped a great ceal In describing the Intemal structure of the earth. ‘Comment on these statements. ‘Ans: The each is never free ftom eechquakes for long and moce than 50,000 of them are recorded ‘annusty. Minor earth tremors caused by gente waves of vibration within the earth's crust occur every few ‘ibctoz, Major earthquakes, utvaly caused by movement along faults, can be very disastrous particulary Ey ‘ensely populsied areas. Earthquakes themselves ray cause only resiicted damage in the regions of ‘occurence, bu! their atter-offects can be very colsttronise. They produce gigantic Udal waves, called {eonarns by the Japanese, which flood towns and crown Prousands of people. Fie break out beyond contre 2s gos maine ace shattered and buildings collapze. in severe eartiquakes, fissures gape opt, and the ‘ound writhes and undulates in the passage of the ‘surface waves’. A wave height of 7 mm (a quarter of 29 Ifeh) in the upheavel Is sufScient to bring down most ordinary buildings. Roads, radways and bridges sre ‘bucked and nidsted: telecommunications are cut when the cables aro snapped. Hils are #0 thaken that {andalides are widespread. As the vibration thins out atthe edges Ike the veces of wares set up by 2 stone town into the water. damoge is greatly reduce¢. Only the highly sensitive selsmograph can record the movements of earthquake waves, 22 Dosorbo in preci eatements various insiruments, wich are being used In exploring the Wastes SSwsio 601 Every Day Science Solved Papers aa In detail tho fission end fusion processes, which of these processes is source of Solar Energy. ‘Ans. Fusion process is source of Soler Energy. (Soe paper 2001) Q4. Describe Global warming and Its possible effects on life. What measures have been taxen by various nations to tackle this problem? ‘Ana, (See Globel Wer Q5. Give chemical name of one nitrogenous and ene phosphorus containing fertiisors. What is theroe of itrogen, phoephores nd pots in grows a cevelopmen of various pars ot a ‘Ans: (See Fectlsers) Q6, Write # short note on the following: ‘Conductor, Resistor, Seml-Conductor, Thermlstor, Transistor. A ‘Ans: Conductor A substance, which conducts elect, is known 3s conductor. Substances heving comserathely {eater thermal or eieccal condiuctvy are called good conductors of heat or elec. While those Noving fe conduetaty are called bad conductors. Thaco substances, which donot conduct elacticiy cr haat, are called non-eonductar 5 Resister Its metalic wire, which offers resistance tothe low of clocticty. ‘SembConductor {t ts crysiailine material in which the clectrizal conductivity increases with temperature. Sicon is a ‘sers-conductor most widely used. Thermistor PAN, sanction uses this device to increase or decrease ine elactical curent. Current increszex when transistor i forward bias and cecreases when kis reversed bi ‘Transistor ‘This device is usse to amply he curent and for pectoning other fection performed by the thermionic wave. 7, Write short notes on five of the following ‘Antibody, Blood, Carbon cycle, Nitrogen cycle, Scavengers, Reaction Time, Photosynthesis, Starfish. Ans: a. Antibody — See blood b. Blood — See bioos = Carbon eycle — See carbon eye. 4. Nevogen cyclo — Soe Nitrogen cycle. & Scavengers Animas, which obtain ner food trom dead rganisms. f. Reaction Time It fs tation of reacton o wach the Eqeibivm Site. 9% Photosynthesis ‘The process by which plant synthesised hei fod is knowns photosyrthesis. Fr this purpove fourshings ae roquied: (€) Ghlerophy he Starfish . ‘This sea snimal belongs to phytun echinodermeta. It has spiny shin and they have five eam ane BesressS6uite 602 Evory Day Scier ve the appearance of star that is why callod as starfish, has remarkable abty of regeneration, QB. Whien of the following statements is True and False? ana. 3% Tretisafeh (Fase) bE iphytos are a pant that grows upon another ptant, ‘rv © Hepatitis s Intammation of membeane surrounding brain, (Fale) Meningitis itamestion ever, (Falco) © Equinaxis the tine when sun appears vericaly overhead 2 noon atthe equate Tne) {.—_Droughtisa long period of rein. Fake) §. Jove Aspen isthe mavenicrof cement. (irve) h _ Neurology is sclence of Nervous Systor. Gre) 1. Diometryis application cf statistics In te study of bolooy rue) i Avioatute is ecience of resting animals. ete) 28, Name te quantities, which are measured by following units. Ans: Units Quantity Newton Force > Jote ‘iors, energy © Wen Power evo Bacticty Lightyear Distance travelled by ight in one year. £ Agstom ‘Wavelength 9 Acrosoot Volurre he Bocquord Redoactivty i Hentz Frequency 1k Cuseos Rate of ow of water 240, Match the causes of disease. ‘Ans: Disease Cause Rickets Detiioncy of tain D Gotre lodine deficioncy * Typhola Stimoneta Marasmus Protcin doscioney QA, Whatare the functions of each of the following in a moter car? Gear Box, Battery, Carburettor, Radiator. Ane: Gear Bex Gearbox has 4 to § gears. which sre used to cecreaze or crease the speed cf motorcar. High (goar varsmits less and lows gear high force, Battery Batery produces eiectca! powers to spin a mote, which then rotsos, ard start an engine, Al the: lighs and otter systems ere proviced with blocs fem bater Carburettor This chamber in motor cor sucks pet (gas) and clesr sir end mices itn proper portion ang ‘conveys & o combeston chambers end cylincers. then bars the petrol and coucses motion that rotates the crane shat of engine. Radlator I a system of pies of wale that un trough engine to colt dow with the help of fn, Gavipates heat proguced by the engine, ay. 242 Explain the following: 2. Blood Groups b. Short Ctreuit ; ® WEGSEOS Nie 803 Every Day Science Solved Papers ‘Ans: “a. Blood Groupa é (See Blood) b. Shoe Cireutt 1 te curest fons diwcly between 20 polnis maiisining 2 potenti diterence between ‘Bemtetves the Grou belnewn Leese fo poms is said io be shor oxeut Shor Sightedness ‘This isan eye defect in which a person cannot soe clearly the distant object. is procuces cue to unusualy elongated eyee which causes th image of estan object 0 be foamed before rena, and hence the objects mescad by retna and can be oveeome by te use of concave lens. International Data Line = oe Ibis an imaginary tne around longitude 180 — west vihen irveters cies tis line fom west est bey goin day. cvasing from westio east ney lose 2 dy. Plaster of aie Calcium sulphate is when mixod with water i forms a pase, whch soities and ees cannot r- . Why is our breath visible in cold but notin hot weather? ‘Ans: Owing ta condensation of water vapours prevent in broath. Ris vse _ Whatls chemleal composition of eiamond? ans: Pure carton 4. Name the vaccine that protects a acs. f. Name the disease of iver that causes the patient totum yellow. Jaundice Fillin the blanks, 8 _Blackshole Is 2 hypothetical region of space having a gravzational pull so great tat no tater oc raéson con excape Koma Fungicides are used agaist moulds and tung. “The scence, whic desis win beeciy, is known as Genetics. Insulin a used forthe uestment of eabetes. YYurigagrnis fir: space man Pluto s the farthest fom the sun ia solar systom. The distance between earth and sun scaled ashonomical unit (AU). ‘Study of chemical process of fing organiem scaled biochemistry, “The frat computer vires invented by tao Pakistani bothers is ca3ed Brain virus, Severe ceficsency of viamin C resuts in scurvy. 15. _Ditferntiate between any five ofthe following: Artery & Vela, Hardware & Software, E Wail & Snail Mal, Apes & Monkeys, Hydrastatstcs & Hydrodynamics, Comet & Meteor, Barrage & Dam, sobar & Isotopes, Autopsy & Biopey. ‘Ans: AteryiVeln {See pape: 2001) HardwaresSoftware (S00 paper 2001) EMail E-Mail represents electronic purposes. Snail Mail This term used for orinary eal hat usualy sons though other slow massa, Inst tuberculosis. vreyersane Q 60s Every Day Science Solved MONKEYS, Adbexeal Face tomenhat fat win slighty raised nose. Brow sges are heavy and prctectes. ‘Brow ridges tin and not protectod Forehead anc skullis Sat Forehead is rounded and domes shaped skull Head movement is litt Head movement is of wide range. Forelimbs lange: han hind lircbs. Hind's Embs ete longer then foe limbs. Hydrostatios ‘Study of physical behaviour of Iquid is cated hydrostatics. *. Hydrodynamics ‘Study of physical beteviour f Iquld th motion is calle hydrodynamics, Comet and Meteor (Soe Solar Systor) Barrage/Dam {See Paper 200%) Electron Nepstively charged particles move in outer oti ef an atom. Isobaricotopes {S00 Peper 2001) . Autopsy Itis the post mortem exarination of body organ. Blopsy {tis a surgical procedure in which 2 surgeon removes a suspected part of body for study. SOLUTION EVERYDAY SCIENCE 1999 Noto: Aitempl ony TEN questions. Allquestons amy eq! mac 1. Discuss in bret, the contribution of Muslim Sclonsts in the Rel of Biologleal-Sclences. ‘Ane: (See Muslim Scents) G2. Bere, nro statement, varous nsmerts, wich ae being ted nenpeng he verse. Ans: Microscope: Kis wed to magriy minuto objects by see sytem, Sextant: Ths stumert is used for messing si atudes and altudes of ether Insccesise heavenly bodes. Telescope: ts used fo observing sitar abies. Spectrometer: tf used to Gecover new elerant. Selamometer: tis used fo recorcing eocthauate shocks. ’ : Barographs lis ured for ecaring atmosphere presse. Cameras: ris use fr gating photographs of ferent heavenly bodes, 1s used for meesuring specif grovty of auld. PCR: iis uso for tee study of ONA struct Grevimeter: tis weed for recording measurement under water and to determine the presence of ol deposits ‘and water. 3. Explain the solar system and unifying characteristics, which the sun and its plant have, ‘Ans: (See Solar System) Hesranssoute 605, Every Day Science Solved Papers Q4, “How solar and tuner eclipses are caused? 7 ‘Ans: (Sco Solar and Linar Eefipses) * QS. What's ozone sphere? Discuss the human technologies, which are eausing its depleson. ‘What harm to man this deplotive state would cause? ‘Ane: (See Ozone delation) Q6. Describe the principal and make up of a Television. ‘Ans: (Soe Television) 7. What is Escape Velocity? How Satetites are launched and what are their uses. Ans: Escape Velocity . Escape velocty means the velocity needs to Uwreugh a ssteite avay tom eants'ec. Sette are used fora variety of purposes, i Fer glcbel commaricaton purposes the saleites launched into a orbit around the earth must be gupetongus. W means that they musi keep ier postion sac relative to te earth This Is posse when ie orbital velocty f the ssleite matches with the spinning veoaly of tna earth. The sateen which 3pp0ars to hovar motoniess sbove the same polnt on each ara caied havering satelites, and tel ors ara tamed geostationary orbits. These are severo! hundred of communication sod weather estlies in ‘Beoctationary eri at various locations sround ine earth 36000 km sbowe the equator Modem cemramicaton salelites are eten powered by colar oes which conver the sun's rodiant ergy into ecticity. Nuclear energy is azo utized to provide power to operate communication satettes, These in are eqppad wih necessary vophisictod electronic equipment and eresty fr the receation sec \namission of thousands of tlaphone conversations simultaneously, Thay ae seo designed for TV transmissions to cover the esr wer. Highrpower, highizectne, land-based tranemiters send wide band miccowave tiga: to the ‘eumanicatlon sata above the transmis, Toy receve th iransmisse, smplty and rowranems to ‘2 e3zow region on the earth below. Infact threa geestatonary communication saveates placed Hr equatorial {i 3t 120" Kom one another can cover portal the whale popdttes land ofthe woe. 28, _ Explain Earthquakes and volcances. how volcanoes help in the formation of marth onvst? ‘Ana: Earthquakes: ‘A sudden roing, shsting or verbag ofthe vars crest, caused by the breaking and movement Of rocks or by volcanic action. Mast earthquakes take ploce slong bells whore new munis, ond volcanoes have been formed. The longest of theca bets i the cecum-Pacic belt Another major belts the ‘Aine be8, which runs through souhem Curope and Asia, The majecty of earthquakes oorit Unde? Ore cons. Voleances: (Ap opening in the eart's crust though which magma is forced up. tothe surface. The magma that flows oxt s eBled lava, As the voicaric motedais pile up around the venta typical conical hil s formed. An cb volcano is one tal erupts rogulany, an extinct vokana ls ane hal hs nck erupted ace he baying of Fecorced history snd is consequently regercad as dead a cormanl veleano fs one that has been gue for song pari bet may sll be active, Fels generally beSeved that volcan activity is due largely to the conversion of rocks in the deeper layers of the Esrh’s cust fom the sold to 8 moan state. These rocks are lorced up tough cracks or {eseres uncer presage, reaching the suraee as lava, aches, bot gates and sieam. As move lava comes 19 the surface, i pes up io form a lar volcano. 28. How charactors are tranemitted from parents to oftspring? ‘nst Heredity isthe passing on of characters fr parents to ofeping. Mortals the davalopment of 'ncivdual erganizms and determines how wll hay acapt to thelr eivonment. How Cheracierisies ate inhetied. Horodtay choracteriates are casted by ty panicles called Shromasemes. Chromosomes . are. in tho nucet of ceks and carry larga numbers of gones, which se Segnenis of & substance called decxyribonucoic acid (ONA). DNA cotiains the coded inforstion that eleamines the various charactrsis of the organism. Aoog onmale and higher plants, each body cal has an identical double set of chromosomes, Offspring inhale set of chromosomes from each parent. ‘The chromosomes ate trenamitee during sexual reroducion. Egg ools and sperm cets are forned i special way and have only one sol of Gamesores. A sperm ferize: an eg dung the feprosucive Q emrests>Ouite 608 Evory Day Scienca Solved Papers ‘recess, and the feniizee egg then contains tw vets of chromesomes. ‘As the ferilized egg, cell beings to grow, cach chvemosome in the mcieus of ine call duplicates ‘elf, Tho chromasome and ils Cupteate lie next to osch other in pairs. Whan the cxll divides into two calls, 0 of each pair of chromazomes goes into each of the new cells, Thus. the twa cel, contain chromosonies that are ientical with those Ia the eviginal col. This process of growtn through cell division continues weil i thas produced ai the celis tast make up an erganitm. ‘of kidneys In the humsa body? Soe in Q.7% Paper 2995. What are the deficiency effects of the foltowing nutrients in the human body: (tes (b) Iodine (@Peurine —(@) Vitamin (@) Vitamin ‘Ans: (See Balanced det) Q42, Whst are the constituent of human blood and their characteristics? ‘Ana: (See blood). 0.43. Diffarentiato benween the foltowing: Netrones and Neutron, Mitosis and wetosts, and Climate and weather, Heavy Water and Hard Water. ‘Ans: Neurons ‘Neurons are structural and functional units of nervous system, Neurons are of tae types: 4. Sencory rewron 2. Motor nevzon, 3, Associative neuron Neutron ‘Sebstomic panicle of about the same sizes and masses a proton but having no electrical charge. Heavy WaterfHard Water (See Paper 2001) miosis Type of cel division in which 2 cell divide In such m way thal from a single cod two cells are produced which have same rember of chromosome as in the parental cel, takes place m somatic col. tis important for growth and also for healing of wounds, Melosis Tyzcs of cull Guixion in which from single cell four cets are produced which have half number of chromosome as compared to parental ces. ecours planets during spore formation and in snimats during gemetes formation. Itis enportant 1. Maintaining chromosome renber conctont generation ater generetion. 2. —_Preduce genetic variably, Ctimace (Ckmate is neimner general coneitions nor 9 fay large area of the coh surtace, cbserved curing a Period of 8 year. 1. Raintad b Atitode Sunshine ele. Weather Day fo day or hour-to-nour condition of an atmosphere of any partculer area Is called weather: texiperature, procritabon, cs, wind, visibaty etc. Q.14. Fillin the blanks. ‘Ans: 1. Plantcolls manufacture their food due to presence of chlorophyll (chlorophyll, vacuole, cell walls) 2. The metochondiis's in a coll are constituent of cytoplasm. (nucteus, eytopiaem, call smembrer0). 3. Aitozl ls type of coll Exision where in the neember of chromosome in daughter cets are ‘same. (same, bef, dude), Blood cols are cf three types. (wo, tree, fox). 5. The ultraviolet rays cause sunburn and suntan, (ulraviciet rays, alpha particles, gamma. deorsas route 807, Every Day Science Solved Papers ——erirearsor—————_S07_Evary Day Science Solved Papers. ‘adiations) 2.15. Which of the fotiowing statement is true and which are fals0? Ans: 4. Xylem end phioem are conducting tssues, (eve) 2 Carbohycrates are cheapest aod most ready source of energy. Grae) 3. Enzymes are responsible fer chamical digestion of food. (ne) 4, _Plasmaisfuld port of ood in whieh ceils are suspended. (True) 5. Hacrnopiobin combines with exygen and tenspor to dierent ces ofthe body. (Trve) ©. Neuron is nogative charged particle etoms, (Fets0) 7. Hesen is Bghtest noble gas. (ut Lightest gas is hycroges) = Teve) 8. Venus is the smazest place! of sata system. aise) 9, Image of an objects formed en the retina of te eyo, (True) 10, Barometer is used for messuring the current. Fotse) SOLUTION EVERYDAY SCIENCE 2000 24, Write a comprahensive note on a3ty two of the following: {2) Contribution of muslim Scientisa in te field of biology. (©) Water pollution. (€) Semiconductors. ‘Ans. (2) See Chapter Muslin Contibution in Biology. (©) Soe in Chapter Pobuton, @ — 19050.No8. (2.2 Describe the various type of movements ofthe earth. What are the etfects ofthese movements? Draw simple dlagrams to llustrato your answer. ‘Ans. See in Chapter of each. 23. Explain the foliowing using suitable examples: (@) Feed bok mechanism ef hursan system, ©) Ecosyss (©) Moningzis. ‘Ans, Feed Back Mechanism of Human System {balance in human body is postly malnisined by the fovd back ‘etfect of hormones. i. a system hereby Information’ is ied back to a source Yeeting i about events in Dre body and so enading ito adjust i oxtpet accordingly. A ptuitery herone stimulates the tyrolc t9 procuce thyroxine, bet thyronne rodution Is kept in check by the fact that when thyroxine reaches the pititary via tha crculison procucson Of thyroia, stimateting hormone is suppressed. The feed back of thyroxine 10 the plluitary regulates tho Cudput of the later. The ovarian folices are stimulated to produce estrogen by folic stimesting hormone. FSH) from tha pitty but when the estrogen in the blood reeches a certain leve! it suppresses te ECOSYSTEM “Troposphere is he lows poron of the almosphere and ts average height above the sutsex of {Re carts supposed obo 7imles. Bute height of tis orton is moe st the equa: tan al the poles At he equstr tis vision extencs fo height of 10 mee bul atte pees is extent Is ony about xr mien. 2) Maer eSSS-Gxi6e 608 Every Day_ Science Solved Papers. (Miday Getacen the two, atthe lattude of 45° itis about 6 mies. ‘Winn tis region the temperature fals oz the elovation increases, For every elevation of 1.000 feet, The temperate fate by B.3°F. Wahin tne ‘werlcal az cureats are formed and itis heated fas wall es covled by conduction, radiaten and convection. Howover. aoe car horetge: IIs sco known 28 be conwectiorsl sone, [icin tis very pardon that Gal and ‘Seasonal changes of lempercture are experienced. “Ata covain altace two fing and cooling 2x currents ave at 9 terpercture which is the serve os that ofthe az sbove. This level is Keown 23 (he “Tropopause” othe colng ofthe Troposphere. TR's He Pet tne above which isthe second ragion of the almosphe‘e stratosphere, stom roaring Couss, Tpniing ond each ctr atmospheres ae Inte to the Foposphere, As we croxs te Wopopevee; ‘he disturbances are no longer visbie, Carbon Cycle, 1999/8 . (@)— Meringiste: ‘Tes ia florsmaton ofthe messings, the covering which, tke a tsyer of pasts, fies over te Brain and the spinal cord, Various gerims may cause meringis. Gut. What is excretion? Name the excretory organs In man. Deseribe the structure and function ‘of human Kidney for the excretion of urine. Ans. Seen Q.1 1 Papor 1995. 5. _ Describe tho Principle, construction and working of telephone, ‘Ans. (Soo Telephone) Gis. Wnet aro lattudes and longitudes? How can the centat line of taitude and longitude be ‘used to Find the location of a place? ‘Ams. n orges to encerstang the reztions betwees CMferent places on the earth and their exact locedion. we. Aus to understand the pestion Beir distance from aay fixed point jas aleo their exact civection. In oxcer 10 raserstand she potion, ezecton and direcfon east on west or norh anc south 9 set of imaginary Ross Hee reer Gdopled, The sudace of Ive each hat been suppoced to be crossed and recroased by nee OF ta eet toast and again ftom north {0 south. These art known, 9¢ lines ofaitudes and longitudes. Lefteces are smal dries that ceparste tho sphere ino two unoguol par. These run paratel oe coqstor that cut te sphare ofthe ea ko swo hemisphere — the nachern ha! and the southern net They Saad parle of latiude and represeat the angitar Gstanca north and south of equator, TMs core RES. Se's ron of cqvator and seuthIntzude is zouth of ton the ether hand, eogtudes are oreat cies ¢3t Gide the sphere ino two equal parts. Theze pass ground the each through the poles. The fu8 ces Det those bai cade Iying between the poles are kniewn 2s icriipts otfongitave. For the lotzude tee ining point was the equater wale for ariving at he mericéans of Logiude, we nave to esanteh e sing point, The meridian pscsing through Grean which England is generally accepted aoe ectng poms Kis known ae Pine Meriian. This anguior distance earth o: west of this merian Frgun ae longaude, East longitda means east wards frm the prime mariéan and west ongrude means ‘west ware from it. Q7. Differentiate between: {2} Cardiac Muscles and Skeletal Muscles, (o)Hazeandsmog. (¢) Enzyme snd Hormone. {6) Sedimentary Rocks and Igneous Rocks. (@) Producers and Consumers, ‘Ans. Cardiac Muscles: ‘Thase tissues are diferent trom both volustary and involuntary muscles, Its rhythmic contractor een take plana without nenous simeation akbough the heart teat Is under the consol of the cearat Fee tee nl mace tes con conceal ths propery is of paricdorImpocanoe shee the nalony of Rees ere rect contact wih nerves, The impulse that Ceices the rele cats to contain unison Is ‘conducted by the calls themselves, “The Skslotal Muscle ‘The skeletal muscles must be atached tothe imb bones st one end in order to produce movement Q MaprbstSS Guide 609 Every Day Science Solved Papers ‘but in edailon: they must have @ nga artechment a: the civer end so that only ene part of the tb moves, ‘when the muccle contracts sometimes the ‘etatocary' end is attached to the upper part of the Ss e.g. the ‘exianser murcles which exiand the foot are attached to Ine top of the thie of lower end of the ferme, The ferzax, howover stiached lo the pelvic girdle. Bones frequently hax projection: atached. ity cose to the eart's surface. A of cust smoke. #21. or other particles that reduces vi than 0.6 rales (1 kr). braze is seid o exist when sibility less than 1.25 miles (2 km) but mor ‘Smog: Parioulates are Say parties of sold or liquid mater. Ono of the most common forms of air ‘pollution is smog, that is mature of smoke end fog. . {) Enzyme and Hormone. (See scientific terms cstinguisnec). (€) Sedimentary Rocks and Igneous Rocks: ‘Seeimentary Rocks: The rack have Deen formed by the agency of water wind ond ice. These agers break arc eroce tne wgreous rocis, zransport these broken fragments and deposi them at certain pisces, ‘Tre deposi of two Ene matenal often occurs the form of layers or states and therefore, they are known a3 ‘sedimentary rocks. Igneous Rocks: ‘Are those which have beon formed by the cooling of the molten maar of the eaxth. This motien mater Is formes in the interior of the earth 2n3 igneous rocks are fermec when te maten matter either ‘cools down on reaching te surtsce of the eart 9 {e) Producers and Consumers 1981. ‘See in Q.5 Paper 1588. Q8, Define the following terms: @) RAM {b) Byte (c}lcons, ()Noure (@) Sofware {)Control Unit (9) LAN @)Mocem maw ) Rosisters. ‘Ans. See m Cnspter Computer. 2. Discuss the structure of a typlcal animal cell in deta. Ans. See Col. 10. Filin te blanks with appropiate words (@) _Menamer of protene are Amino Acids, ©) Watertranszer in plonis occurs vith in xylem. (©) —_Untergrouna hartzenta ters are cated Rhizomes. (Inthe eye only Resina contains ceceptrs for ight energy. (@) Plant Hamones contol pier reponse to envirrmenial simu (Mitochondria are often called the powarhcuses of the ext. {@) _Therate atwhicn a current changes direction is caledits frequency. (©) The energy of elecrons atthe negative terminal ofa botery is called electical potentsh __Olamond s an atovopic form ofthe element Carbon, tt. What aro plastics? Name theie different types and processes by which they are manufactured, Discuss the impact ofthe use of plastics onthe environaent. Ans. See Posies : 0.12. Wich of the following statomonts are False and whieh are True: (2) atte creulator system two pulmonary arenes tae biced from the le vente tothe kngs-(lz0) (©) Anaphace i the state of mitosis curing which tha eaughtsr chromosomes move towards the coposte pos. ees) (Tre Mctor neurons eaty nerve impulses ern the cental nervous systomtothe electors: (Th) ‘ NereS5S-Guvt0, 610 Every Day Scioneo Solved Papers (0 Cochiea is a par of the micete ear, (Fie) (©) Tides happen cue to the moor's gravtatienal pul Ta) (9 Heavy water contains sats a Caloum and Mzgnesiuen. atse) (6) Allrnor-motas exist n gaseous state, aise) (%) A parachute can be used by a spacoman to help landing on the moon. Fase) © Tho gem stones ruby and Sepptires are compezed of Aumintem Oxice. (Tree) Q ___ Ina chemicet batiory chemical energy is crecty converted into mechanics! enargy. (False) Q43. Choose the correct answers. Don't reproduce the questior (Speed of the wind Is measured by: Anomometer (a) Barometer (6) © Hygremete —(c) Perimeter.) Anemometer (@)None cf hese. “ (i) Ligament connects the muscle with the bong (e)Catiiage 2) Ligement (Tendon Oise {€) Nene of these, (ia) Pollo is cousod by-a: Virus (a) Beciein (>) Vins (e) Fungs (Deficiency of vitamin (©) Nono of these. Wy) The coldest planet of the solar system Is Pluto (o) Ean ®) Venus, (mars © Phto (©) None of tase. (7) None of these le 2 vitamin, (@)Ciicens —(&) © Tattaricacid (Carton (4)—Sretein () None of these. (vi) An ogg shell is composed of None of these (a}iron @} —) Starch (Ascorbic acid (6) (€) None of meso, p (vi) The most abundant eloment in earth's crust ls: Oxygen ()Nitogen —()Siicon, (@) Carbon (©) Oxygen (@) None cf these, (vii) The main constituent of Biogas is Methane (a)Ktethane —(e)—Hyerogen Oxygen (@)-—=—Carbondiexice (e) Note of trese (x) Stalagmites are deposits of Caleium carbonate (8) Catcium oxice (©) Calcium sulphate (©) Calcium hydroxide (a) Calcium carbonate _(e) Mixaure of 23 sats. (6) Gigantism te the recitt of a Myperpitutartsm (@Mypotnyrotsm ==) Recessive gene (@hyperstuitarem —_(@)__ Varin Ddefciency (@) None cttheso 43. What are the causes of Earth Quakes? How have Earth Quakes helped in deciphering the intemal atructure ofthe earth? ‘Ans: Wiherover aa earthquake occurs, wave ste< travel in all drectons from the scizce of the Gsturbance. These are generaty three main ypes of waves by earthquakes. The pracy OP wave makes, {2 partetes along it pa" move along the path fowards and backwards. This type of wave isthe fasest to ave! and therefere in ne frst to arrive at any plaée. The secondary or S waves make the parScles move Depencicuar to the path of the ray. Serilar to waves on the surfaco of Water and travel a Bie slowet ean wares. The S waves. tree. eah placa ate ne P waves eh oe of waves are te surtsca waves snd as te name leat travel along the surface 3. These ar Slowest waves ane reach a paca ast of ofa thee waves can eanhy ted ana sosmoonh : : Q ri i on Every Day Scionce Solved Papers record E22" GY Ricasuring the difference of arrival times of these weves it is possible to estimate the distance of the source from Ihe observing place. Combining visiar exiinstes from 2 number of places the ‘exact Iecaton of the earthquakes con be determined. tis in this manner thatthe mapping of the earthquake belth nas been made from iastment. In addivon zo tha three main types of waves mertioned above, the setsmogrephs aio record a large number of other waves by whuch arte atthe plsce after either reflection oF refraction at one or mere scents inside the eat. A study, of these waves enabies us to dot epth and nate of these iscontinies. The study of seismograph records has tus enables us 10 infer me conditens Inside the earth. Q.14, What!s the endocrine system? Write the names and function of any elgh ‘Ans: See Endocrine system. SOLUTION EVERYDAY SCIENCE 2001 G4, (a) What wore the special characteristics of Mustim St (©) What were the contributions of the following Muslim Sclentists: Umar AlKnayyam fi Abu All Sina )) bir Ibn Mayan (vy tba atessitar () — Zakarlya ALRazi. Ans. (See Muslim Soenists) a2 a) renviate clearly between Cyclone, Hurricane and Tomado. (©) {Name two minerals which are exported from Pakistan. Name some gemaminerals used in Jewellery, Whats dead sea, Gv) Why doos the Sun appears orange-red at the time of Sunrise and Sunset. (¥) Why does the total Eclipse e2n happon only at time of the new Moon. Ans. (3) Cyclone: ‘A region of low atmospheric pressure in which wines spirat inward towards the center of towest preceuze. In the Norhem Hemisphere the wines blow antilockwise. In temperate regions eyclones are ‘coed depressions, n tropical regions they are mace violen, and 2 are cated typhoons ex huricanes. Hurricane: ‘A sevare zroplca cyclone ‘hat blows occasional aver the West indies and the Gull of Klexica, Hunicanes ongnsie m mic-Aiianiic, and generally move first westwards and then rorth—castwares. (A wind Foree 12 or mare on the Beaufort Wind Sc2te, TORNADO: ‘A smal, extremely violent whirtnine moving destuctively across county 2 20 to 40 mph (20 10 60 kph), At ts canter, the wind hss a velocity of more tan 200 mph (220 kph). The tomado forms 3 Deavy Black cloud frem which 2, tasting funnel evetches down to the gound. Tomodoes occur mos! frequent int the Middle Wester Unted States, ©} (i) Chromite, Gypsum, Salt Name some gem minerals used in jewellery. ‘Ans. Dimond, Emerald. Rudy, Opal, Sepphize, Topaz; Gamet i) What is dead Sea? ‘Ans, This is a sally water lake present on the borders of Jordan and Israel. It is so salty that no Ing thing can lve in x ts up musts $0 huge that no body can even éfown in (iv) Winy does the Sun appears orange-red at the time of Sunrise and Sunset. ‘Ana. At the time of sun Ase and sun cet he sun azpears red because the red colox= waves have long, , Q 612 Every Day Scionco Solved Papers, wave IBRgLE THES the short wavelength waves 22 to pass thrcugh the thickness of i ond these rays of Jong wavelength seater through that aimoepliere and looks red beth at the tie of sn rise and sunset (Wl Why dose the total Betipee can happen only at time of the new Moon. ‘Ans, _ Tho ‘ota! Scipse can happen al te time of new moen becouse the sun the moon and the earth ara zed up ina streight wave the moon comes between the earth and the sun and thés presence beluten earth ‘and the sun ‘or the Ue being blocks sun rays and reculs isthe total Eclipse. 3. (@) —_Name-popular forms of Energy. Write five various sci ‘one type of energy into another form of energy. (0) Write meaning of the following uatts: ® Bare! Joule Buu @) KW Newton, ‘ tific dovices used to convert Ans. (2) _ ( Coal, (i Petoleum, (@) Nats! ges (x) Geothermal energy (¥) Solar energy (vi) Hycrcetectic (vi) Nuclear energy (vs) Wind energy (ix) Becticily. “The scientific devices that can change one type of energy lo snot () Battory G@) Generator. (i) Texbewes, (x) Windmis ard (v) Bletic Furnace ete. Btw KW (Newton. Barret: This isthe uit to measirepotroleum end iis equal to 306 pounds. Joule: Ris 8 unt of energy of werk. Biv: (Brgah tera ot of energy). ih: Ktowat-—hour, Practical unt of Blectic Power 1KVih = 36% 10° Joules. ()_ Newton: Unit of force. Q.4. Write short notes on any THREE ofthe following: @ Smtzate Polymers @aver @ Pestzises (9) Fission and Fesion {@)Paramagressm and Diaragnetsn ans. Synthetic Polymers Ikis chenveat union of two or moro molecules of te same compound to form larger maleate rasvting Inthe formation of 2 new oompaund ofthe seme erngrcal formula but of grester molecular weight any Important products, sucn 9s plasice and tee fabrics cenest of polymeric substances. (Laser (Gea Laser) (it) Pesticides (See Pestixces) Gv), Fission snd Fuston Q.44 Peper 1995. () __ Paramagnotiam and Dlamagnetism Paramagnstism: is 2 process whereby weakly attracted substances orient emselves toward the zone where the ‘magnetic field is oct intense. 5 Diamagnetiam: ? is a process whereby cicmagnedis substances (those replelled ty magnetic force) orient ‘Perpondicular fo the force nes when placed in a magnotic Ses. Q5, Write difference botween (@ Microcomputeraan Minicomputer = = Q MeEress Pore 613 Every Day Science Solved Papers: {) Main frame and Super computer i) Hardware and Software (iv) Byte and Word () Ram and Cache memory. Ana, ()—Mlerocomputer and Minicomputer Microcomputer: Mico computor is sito known as Persenal Compiter (PC) or sazie user computer or Desktop Cormputer. Thove are most commen type of computers, aco easily atedobla for a user. (aM made tne et ‘lerocomattar in 1620. These are paving a kmied processing speed sand slorage capacty. around 20% Beople are working with miccosomputers. These machines exe veod in smal Busnes, organizations, and ‘ico athomes. These systems are avatavie variety of sizes and snapes. Minteomputer: ‘These computers we tome as mantomes, but emale in size having less cost, lete speed and Jess copecty then airames. These systems itroduced by DEC (Dighs! Elecronios Gorperasen) a rid 196¢s, These have less number of users comparatively smathorgarizations and companies instal The ‘market of mboi ram compusere has dimtished because duyers moved towares lass expencive But ingreasingty powerful personal computers. The pices ef eve computers ace fow thousance dotars 20.1 ‘nin colars dopencog upon these of the comput. Major manufacturers of min frame campulers are CEC, 10M fniemavonel Business btochines) NCR. NEC (Natoral Electronics Corporation) HP (Hewat Packard), ICL, Sen Necroeystems, Fujitsu, Teas Instuments and many more. (i) Main frame and Super computor Main Frame: Very targe and expensive computes are called raintame computers. These sre capable of Processing data st very high speed usually measured in MIBS (Nation Instone Per Sosone) ane Now ‘Beoees to billions of characters, of ezta. The pice ofthese large dysloms can vaty Fem severe nundred ‘ousand to mary milions of dotors. Their piciple uze ofthese systems le processg vast sfsourt ef Sata BEG, £0 somo of the customers ere big Orparizalons, Sands, Aaiees, Inewance Companies, isizaled Rosorvalons Systems, inforntion Agencies and Nuclear Research Concert Gi. ‘Teta computers are goneraty found in computer rooms where envirenmental factors such 23 temperate, humiGty and dust are covoly monitoree. Proper Backup poner surciysirsngeryonts mut! oe ‘made, These can process hundreds of diferent programs and control the data of mace ign 1000 users ‘Super Computer: ‘Tho fastest, most powrertd and mot! expensive compulers used for very special purgres 2e ates supar compuier. These con process bilions ofincirucons per tecond aria Pico second (1 ich federal goverment, wercusde weather forecasting deparments oil exploration agencies and ‘eepon fesoarch corpanios that requited much mexe accurate, reigble ond senciive recut use Seve ‘These are muliprocersor machines meant that more nan more processor: of data. Thousands of users can access the machine simstaneously, Largo ameunk these machines nornaly goes up to 5 GB n seme advanced supcrcomputers. is price ranges from 3 milion dotars ‘0 <0 milion dolars depending upon the size of ie computer. Major manufactorers in America are Gray Research, Gooc-year Aerospace, Floating Point systems, ia. and 'BU. Japanese manufacturers NEC, Hitachi are also volved to manufacturers quatty machoes (ii) Hardware and Sofware : (Seo Sciensie Terms distinguish (v) Byte and Word Byte: Ikis@ single unit Information handed by 3 compzter, usually, 8 bt, Word: A computer word is a group of bts tho length vasies from machine fo machine. tts tenge: may be 36 9 Mosecessreune ei4 Every Day Sclence Solved Papers tong as 60 Bits of a6 short 85 8 bits. (¥)_ Ramand Cache momory. Ram: RAM is the lemporary storage of computer Ut holes instructens and date for ute. These are Read: Wile crioe, Tre esta can be soocssed In an easy snd speecy manner. when power is shutoff the data is feat Cache Memory: Caching is a technique that uses 2 felsively sme emeunt of sericonducter memory ‘lied a cache. 10 speed up the pecforance of 9 disk. G6, Deserlbe briefly the principle and working of any TWO of the following: (Pressure cocker @)_~—=CTetevision =) Microwave Oven, = (hv) Radar (9 Tepe recorder, Ans. : )—Prossure Cooker in a pressure cooker, on account ef increase of pressure, the Being pois is raised, so the food ‘gets cooked quicker than In an ordinary vessel. A pressure cooker is very useful on high mountains where, Gn accourt oflow pressure and hence low boling poi, tne vegetables caanct be cooked propedy. (li Television {n 2 tolovision nchwexk Images of objects, whether moving or staticnary. are transmited along with coud over elecromagnetic cartier waves ffor ore place and are received 2t snother distant place. etevslon tochnology hex now been standardized and finds an Increasing uve in the realm of entertsmest, ‘education, ieusty and space exploration. Working: Fer giclure tranemission, 2 TV camera is fecssed on the object othe scone to be televisad. The ‘convex lens ofthe comers produces an image of the abjactiscene on a thin photo—sentiive plate cated tho rossie, ln the camera tube, The material ofthe mosaic screen has the ability to emit elecrons when Bg Sikes % Where tre Bit is strongest more electrons ate given off making the raters! positve at thet Toceson. A boam of elections from a electron gun In the camera tote i made t0 scan the rare surtoce of the mosaic screen along successive horizonial Enes on it Fig. This is achieved by means of a speci! magsetec deficeion system Incorporated in he camers tube. When the beam hits on aroa with high postive ‘Charge, fov of the negative elecsrons aze fepezed. When there is only a Etie positve charge, more of te eectons are repelled. These electrons se collected, and converted into voltoge putses. This is how & pictere fe cbaverted inte vollage pulsas, called video signa’s. Sound is also converted into elactic puises, Known 23 audio signals. cmplited viceo and auo sigra's are Usad to modulate very high frequency carrier ‘Signals belore being radiated throught an antenra inthe form of electromagnetic waves, ‘When the modulated electromagnetic waves zent by a TV station stike the antenna cf the TY set, they induce uctuating attemating ouents In i. The elecironle czeuits in the TV set sepersie the audio 22d ‘video signals, such as then srplfed, The audio signals are sent lo the loudspeaker which changes ther back info socnd waves. Video signals are sent to the electron gun of the plciuro tube to produce = weak ‘eeatron beam for darker paris and a strongez beam for brighter pars ofthe televised picture. The screen of the picture tise i coated with a fluorescent mtertal which emits Sight when election hit In this way ww ‘ean sre the pice on the TV set slong with the sound. {( Microwave Oven Cocks food by using shon radio waves thal penetra, the food and make is molecules vibrate, Fiction among the moving molocdes produces heat which cocks tre food, Microwaves pass through glass. pape: and most kinds of China without heating ther. Therefore, consziners made of those materials may be ‘used to held food in a rricrowave oven. ‘Ths is electronic vecuum tite called 2 magnetron nat produces mictowaves travel through a metal tude 10 the metal Bades of 9 ster @ devico sar to an elecatc fon. The moving blades, scatter he microwaves ito the oven: which has metal wals the waves bounce tom ws fo wall und they enter the food in tho ovea. It takes less tme for cooking. (vp Racar Q.10 Paper 1988. (vi) Tape Recorder this an instrument which convests sound waves into electncal impulses which are, recorded 23 & 9 Waser SSSS7BUNE 615 Every Day Science Solved Papers weny groove on the tape. fn a tape recorder, the tape is passed acess the face of recording head. which consists of 9 sma olgciromagnet. The clectical signal from the microphone is passed to the col ef tis electromagnet, causing a varying magnaticfiels. The sSgament cf ne particle of the pasting tape eller to atch the vecying magnetic Feld, ‘To’hesr ne reccrding, the recorded tape is drawn past a playback head, sims to the recorcing ‘head (on head may sometime Serve Doth funcdons). The magnetic "patiam” in the signed oxide parties on the tape induces en elecrical signal ix the coil of the playback hesd, The signal is amplified and fed to a loudspeaker, which reproduces the erigina! und. az. : (DNA and RNA Brass and Bronze (ti) Btood and Lymph ((v) Hard water and Hoavy water - (0) Small pox & Moastes {i Pig Iron and Stainioss Steel. {vil Alloy an Amalgam {ill Isotopes and Isobars: {lx Artery and Vein (8) Barrage and Dam, DNA and RNA, DNA and RNA: (See Scientific terms Distaguished) RNA Chapter of Coll o ‘roacar an toy of copper and Gi) Blood and Lymph (S00 Scienti terms Cistnguished) (v) Small pox & Meastes (Gee Scientific toms Dissngushod} () — Pigironand Stainiess Stool. : ig ron: (See Scent tems DisitGuizhec) Stainless Steol: (Sea Sclentc toms Distnguiched) (Alloy and Amalgam (See Scien terms Cistnguizhee) (1) Isotopes and isobars 'satopes: A form of an element estnguished bythe nuclear mass ofits atoms though chemically idertical with ote forme. Hence, atoms of the seme element which afer in forms. Hence, atoms of the sare slement which dite mass znber are enowm 22 topes ofthat element, ric weight. They may & may not have tho (il) Artery and Vain: Arany: ‘Aciories are the biood vessels which transport blood sway frem the heart 10 the various parts of the ‘body Arteries have thick muscular wal, Areries cary oxygenated blood witn tie exception of pelmonary, ery. The insica bore of lumen of areros fs rartow, The bigges: erry Is aoc with a ameter of an inch the smallest artery 3 called arteriole about 0.2 mm in diameter. Walls of atores are e!zstc and msde up of ‘hoe layers. Ovier layer Is thick coat of frou connective tissue. Middle layer is ‘made up a smocth ‘muscles and elastic issue. The imner layer consists of elzstic endothetil Enng, ve Veins camy Neod from body tissue back 0 head Veins carry deoxygenated blood with the e

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