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Student no: 59808322

Assignment no: 02
Unique no: 609095


*The learner often faces problems with auditory memory
*The learner in the classroom will often misinterprete instructions
*The learner speaks monotonously and relies more on gestures
*The learner is often inattentive in the classroom and finds it difficult to locate the source of
*The learner will often watch the teachers lips and cannot understand if the teachers lips are

*The learner is unable to see distant things clearly
*when reading the learner often holds the reading material unusually close to the eyes or
unusually far away from the eyes
*The learners book has poor spacing when wring
*when looking at pictures or when reading takes place in the classroom the learner moves
the head
*The learner often squints eyelids together or frowns when looking at things from afar

1.2 When dealing with learners who have hearing impairment in the classroom the teacher
can support the learner in the classroom environment by speaking clearly in a normal tone
of voice and at a moderate pace, repeating and summarizing the main points or information
that is presented orally ,giving the learner test directions, assignment and lecture outlines in
writing or on paper, using visual aids to gain the learners attention and lastly rephrase
content and questions to make it understandable to the learner. In a case of visually
impaired learners the teacher can support the learner by allowing learners who are near
sighted to sit in-front and those who are far sighted to sit at the back far from the board, use
magnifying glasses, give the learner recorded tapes of textbooks if the learner finds it
difficult to see what’s written in their textbook.

1.3 If possible as a teacher can provide washing facilities in the classroom to accommodate a
learner who wheels themselves in a wheel chair, as a teacher is important to also build the
learners self-esteem , make the classroom and other areas of the classroom especially
where learners would like to go easy accessible, if the learners difficulty is in their
handwriting the teacher can remedy the situation by spending time with the learner
teaching the learner how to type using typewriter.

2.1) inclusion focuses on recognising and respecting the differences between all learners
and supports the system as a whole which is inclusive of all learners and educators in order
to meet the full range of learning needs, it emphasises on good teaching strategies that will
benefit all learners and aims to overcome barriers that are in the system that prevent the
system from meeting a full range of learning need it also focuses more on the teaching and
learning factors. mainstream focuses more on the learner and is about getting learners to fit
in into an already existing system and gives some learners who need extra support to be
integrated into the normal everyday classroom routine and focuses on changes that need to
take place in learners so that they can fit in and the learners are assessed by specialists who
diagnose and remedy the situation by placing leaners in different programs
2.2)Extrinsic are barriers that are not within the learners themselves but outside such as
their environment one of the factors that cause barriers is lack of parental involvement
where parents show little interest in the activities of their children at school in true reality
they are not so concerned hence they don’t attend school functions, nor encourage their
child and hence it ends up affecting the learners attitude about school. Another factor is
negative attitudes that teachers show towards learners where teachers are stereotypical
about learners, prejudice and show discriminatory attitudes towards the learner which
includes labelling and name calling the learner in front of other learners thus affecting the
learners self-esteem and perception about school ,inflexible curriculum meaning that a
curriculum that puts certain learner in advantage and others disadvantaged due to the fact
that it does not provide for diverse needs of all learners in the class such as inadequate
trained teachers and inadequate learning styles and teaching methods that support the
diverse needs of all learners thus making failure in learning possible , inadequate access to
resources where such as public services such as transport and health care services as well as
study materials which may lead to other learners being affected physically and emotional
thus being a barrier to learning. Intrinsic barriers are barriers that are within the child
impairment where by a learner is physically or mentally disadvantaged are usually socially
excluded and given less support or no support at all as well as personality problems where
they are extremely shy and lack confidence to ask questions about things they don’t
understand in class, some have a poor self-image about themselves and lack the inner
strength to do well, some are faced with emotional problems where the learner is depressed
or sad thus making the learner loose focus on educational work.

4.1) When parents are faced with living with a child who has an impairments one has to
acknowledge that different parents portray different attitudes some or react differently to
the situation some parents feel guilty about the impairment of their child they either blame
themselves or each other for child’s condition and question or rather regret having the child,
some parent are often in-denial of their child’s impairment and tend to believe that if they
do nothing about the issue faced with everything will come right by itself, other parents
tend to show an attitude of rejection towards their child they reject the child by physically
avoiding contact with them and separate themselves from the child in the following ways by
placing the child in an institution or school at a great distance from the child’s home and at
the same time allowing themselves to be preoccupied with various responsibilities to avoid
the child. Some parents are overprotective of their child and this may be caused by the
mothers self-esteem of herself and her concern of how others view her in the hope of being
the best mother from the child thus the mother being overprotective causes the child to
become dependant on others and never get to be independent of others.
4.2 The need for self-actualisation
At home the parents face power struggle where they are usually faced with an issue of a
child who cannot distinguish between a parent and them and are usually disruptive in class
by seeking attention and dependant on others. The teacher can assist the learner to develop
their potential abilities
*The need for sharing and respecting
At home the learners are often rebellious and disobedient towards brothers, sisters and
parents basically everyone at home, at school the learner is resents other learners who
interfere in her activities and hates conforming to others ways. The teacher can give the
learner an opportunity to express themselves
*The need to be free from intense feelings of guilt
At home the child is extremely obedient and at school the learner is shy in class self-
conscious and very forgetful and very forgetful and wanting reassurance of whether their
work is acceptable. The teacher can avoid placing unreasonable expectations on the learner
and avoid reminding learners of their past mistakes.
Total = 78 / 100 (78%)
1 Consider mark allocations when responding to questions!
2 Good luck with your exams!

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