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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS UNISA lier ETH306W MaylJune 2019 Inclusive Education B (Educational Themes 306) Duraton 2 Hours 100 Marks: EXAMINERS FIRST DR JMC MOTITSWE SECOND MR IL MKHUMA Closed book examination This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination venue INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER ONLY THE APPROPRIATE QUESTIONS, AS INSTRUCTED BELOW Instructions: ‘+ Ensure that your student number 1s correct and that it appears on the front cover of your examination answer book + Ensure that your answers are numbered correctly ‘+ This question paper consists of 9 (nine) pages + There are three sections © Section A This section is compulsory and consists of a multiple choice, True/False question and short questions © Section B Students registered for the ECD/Foundation Phase must answer questions 5 and 6 © Section C Students registered for the Intermediate/Senior/FET Phase must answer questions 7 and 8 [TURN OVER] ETH306W MAY/JUNE 2019 Section A- Compulsory for All Candidates QUESTION 1 Choose the best option from the four possible options provided. Write the number of the question and the letter of the correct answer only, for example: 1.1 b 1.1 The causes of barriers to learning and development include: a) Extnnsic factors, intrinsic factors, flexible curriculum, appropriate teaching and learning methods Physical and physiological impairment, inadequate environmental influences, inflexible curriculum, language of learning and teaching Attitudes, flexible curriculum, language of leaming and teaching, safe school b) °) environment d) Socio-economic factors, parental support, inflexible curriculum, unsafe school buridings 1.2 Which of the following are examples of intrinsic factors? a) Socio-economic background, inflexible curriculum, negative attitudes b) Unsafe school environment, disability, emotions, heredity ©) Impairment, behaviour, genetic factors, prenatal, perinatal and post-natal brain damage d) Epllepsy, sensory imparments, inflexible curriculum, lack of parental involvement 1.3 The term “learning problems” does not refer to: a) Learning problems which are primanly the results of visual, hearing or motor impairment, or intellectual impairment, or that arise as a result of emotional, environmental, cultural or economic circumstances 5) Learning problems related to the psychological processes involved in the understanding and using of language, both spoken and written ‘An imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, wnte, spell or to do mathematical calculations °) [TURN OVER] ETH306W MAY/JUNE 2019 4) Issues affecting learners who have problems in acquiring certain skills which are necessary to make a success at school 1.4 Learners with problems find it difficult to break words into syllables or to put them together again. a) motor manifestation b) perceptual motor manifestation ©) perceptual mantfestation d) spatial perception 4.5 Alearner with would prefer to sit at the back of the class a) astigmatism b) myopia ©) hyperopia ¢) albinism 1.6 Down syndrome develops as a result of a deviation in the genes of the chromosomes. a) eighteenth b) twenty first ¢) thirteenth, d)a,b, andc 1.7 Inclusive Education aims to .. a) address the needs of all students b) address the needs of students in full-service schools, ©) address the needs of students in mainstream schools 4) specifically address the needs of learners with visual and auditory impairments [TURN OVER] ETH306W MAYIJUNE 2019 1.8 The sense of touch is also known as sense. a) tactile b) physical ©) kinaesthetic d) residual 1.9 Choose the correct combination of options. Transformation in the education system with regard to learners who experience barriers to learning is vital for the following reasons: 1 Where these leamers are, in fact, accommodated in ordinary schools, access to the curriculum will not be problematic 2. Where there 1s good cooperation between special schools and ordinary schools, these learners will not be excluded 3. Its estimated that approximately 70% of learners with disabilities of whom the majority are black disabled learners in rural areas, are currently outside the formal education system 4° Leamers in rural areas are currently outside the formal education system It would seem that learners who experience barners to learning suffer a greater degree of exclusion in the early childhood development phase a) 1,2,3 b) 2.3.4 c) 1,2,4 d) 1,3,4 41.10... ... has a separate grammar which is not based on spoken or written language. a) Signing b) Sign language {TURN OVER] ETH306W MAY/JUNE 2019 ©) The one-handed alphabet ) The two-handed alphabet 1.11 Which of the following are signs of possible auditory problems? “A learner who ... a) speaks monotonously, avoids oral activities, is often inattentive, finds tt difficult to associate with frends b) speaks too quickly or too slowly, 1s often inattentive, refuses to participate in ball games, confuses letters of similar shape ©) avoids oral activities, is prone to swiftly changing moods, relies heavily of gestures, speaks too softly or too loudly d) tums his or her head to listen, moves his or her head when looking at pictures, refuses to participate in ball games, speaks too loudly or too softly 4112... .. language is the language in which one thinks. a) Inner b) Receptive ©) Expressive d) Non-verbal 1.13. Which of the following are the cognitive characteristics of a person with Down Syndrome? a) Weak short term memory, good at remembering the sequence of a process, finds st difficult to transfer knowledge to a new situation b) Understands the literal meaning of words, weak long-term memory, finds it difficult to transfer knowledge to a new situation ©) Good short-term memory, limited abstract thinking, understanding of verbal or wnitten instructions 1s apparently advanced than the actual ability d) Limited abstract thinking, finds it difficult to remember the sequence of a process, does not understand the literal meaning of words [TURN OVER] ETH306W MAY/JUNE 2019 1.14 Sensory disability includes .. a) auditory and visual disabilities b) autism and visual disability ¢) autism and Down's syndrome d) auditory and physical disabilities 1.15 The elements of written language are: a) reading, composition, linguistics b) composition, spelling, handwriting ©) spelling, phonetics, reading d) composition, handwnting, phonetics 15) QUESTION 2 Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Write only the number of the sub-question in your examination book and next to it your answer, (TRUE or FALSE) for example: 2.1 False 2.5 True 21 Learners with auditory impairments usually rely heavily on gestures 22. Learners with hyperopia would prefer to sit at the back of the class 23 Epilepsy is a discharge of normal electric activity in the brain 24 Disguised epilepsy may manifest in children through sudden spells of aggression, vandalism or bad temper 25. Inclusive Education is based on the philosophy that ALL leamers can learn and ALL learners need support 26 In some cases, antisocial behaviour in learners can be directly ascribed to authontarian and prescriptive parents [TURN OVER} ETH306W MAY/JUNE 2019 27 Leamers with intellectual disabilities do not perform at school to an extent which is in keeping with their potential 2.8 Quadnplegia is when all four limbs of a person with cerebral palsy are affected 29. Inclusive education 1s a policy which deals ONLY with disability and special schools in South Africa 2.10 Physical impairment is an example of an extnnsic barner [10] QUESTION 3 3.4 You are an inclusive education specialist and have been requested by the school principal to develop other teachers in identifying and supporting learners with sensory impairments 3.11 Descnbe five characteristics of visual impairment 5) 312 Provide advice to teachers on how they can support learners with visual impairment (5) 32 One teacher indicates that a medical report on one of her learners shows that he has a sensorineural hearing loss 321 Explain to the teachers what causes sensorineural heanng loss (6) 322 Provide advice to the teacher on how to accommodate and assist the learner with hearing impairment ) [20] QUESTION 4 Education White Paper 6: Special Needs Education — Building an Inclusive Education and Training System was published in 2001 as a policy on inclusive education in South Africa. 41. Name five reasons why South Afnca accepted the Education White Paper 6 policy on Inclusive education (6) [TURN OVER] ETH3OEW MAY/JUNE 2019 42 In our schools, diferent leaming needs anise from a range of factors Discuss what extrinsic causes of barriers to learning are and provide examples (10) (15) SECTION B Students registered for the ECD/FOUNDATION PHASE must answer Questions 5 and 6. QUESTION 5 “Learning difficulties refer to problems learners experience with their academic subjects” 51 Descnbe the ways in which reading problems may manifest in foundation phase learners (5) 52. Discuss five strategies that can be used by a teacher in Foundation Phase/ECD to ‘support learners who experience difficulties in reading 6) 53 Define the following perceptual- motor abilities and indicate what problems a young learner can expenence in school if these abilities are not well developed 531 Gross motor abilities @) 532 Fine motor abilities ) 533 Spatial perception ) 534 Lateralty ) 535 Lateral dominance ) [25] 8 [TURN OVER] ETH306W MAYI/JUNE 2019 QUESTION 6 61 What ts Down's syndrome and why should a teacher know about it? ) 62 Name the types of motor skill problems that a learner with Down's syndrome might have 8) 63. What strategies can a teacher employ to support a learner with Down's syndrome who expenences motor skill problems? (4) 64 Describe how a young leamer's quality of development with regard to behaviour and imagination as part of the so called “Tnad of Impairments” can give a teacher an indication that the leamer is autistic. 6) 115] SECTION C Students registered for the Intermediate/Senior/FET Phase must answer Questions 7 and 8. Question 7 71 Having a child with impairments affect parents in different ways Discuss this statement by referring to four parental attitudes that may be experienced before there 1s acceptance (8) 72 Asa teacher you have the responsibility to identify the needs of leamers that may cause barners to learning at a later stage Discuss the following needs that learners have and the support strategies that you will use 721 The need for love and security 4) 7.22 The need for belonging 4) 723 The need for new expenences 4) [20] 9 [TURN OVER] ETH306W MAY/JUNE 2019 QUESTION 8 81 What is the difference between paraplegia and quadnplegia? 2) 82 Whats cerebral palsy? @ 83 Asa teacher, what assistance could you give to a learner with a physical impairment in your classroom? 6) 84 What should you, as the teacher, do ifa leamer has an epileptic sezure in class? (10) [20] Total: [100] unisa 2019

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