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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS. ~— om. UNISA lezen ETH305V May/June 2019 Multicultural Education (Educational Themes 305) Duration 2 Hours 100 Marks EXAMINERS : FIRST MR ND NOWANOWE SECOND DR LM LUVALO Closed book examination. ‘This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination venue This paper consists of 8 pages INSTRUCTIONS: ‘Answer ALL 5 questions ETHS05V Mayfjune 2019 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING COMPULSORY MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS. WRITE THE ANSWERS IN YOUR EXAMINATION ANSWER BOOK. Example: 1. 3 Question 1 1 4. The classroom culture is an example of: 1) Macro cutture 2) Micro cutture 3) Monoculture 4) Popular culture od as .. The term ‘gender’ in multiculturalism is best desc 1) the empowerment of women through policies 2) the physical and non-physical factors that idenufy people as male or female 3) __ a form of discrimination based on sex. 4) the equality between man and women A teacher requests that learners write an essay in their first language, but one learner submits an essay about her mother written in her second language. This 1s. an example of: 1) Cross-cultural communication 2) Miscommunication 3) Non-verbal communication 4) Communication failure The responsibility for limited English proficiency (LEP) learners ina multicultural school lies with . 1) the school principal only 2) English teachers only 3) the dominant language parents who must volunteer to help 4) all the teachers: The implicit component of culture 1) 18 the recognisable and highly visible aspects of culture 2) does not include beliefs, values and attitudes 3) _1s composed of food, art and dress among other things 4) 18 the hidden and discreet aspects of culture % 10, ETH305V May/June 2019 ‘The potential for conflict in the classroom increases when learners ... 1) share the same culture 2) and teachers share the same culture. 3) __and teachers do not share the same culture 4) belong to lower socio-economic classes School rules can be described as .. 1) the inflexible prescnptions that forbid or enforce certain actions in a school 2) assetof aims and objectives of a school. 3) _ a statement which spells out the school's reason for existence 4) the spint and convictions that characterise a schoo! A teaching style Is best described as... 1) a consistent pattern of behaviour with which a learner approaches and masters content 2) —_aglobal-analytic approach to grasp new information 3) _personaltsed rewards to strengthen the relationship with other learners 4) consistent personal approach to teaching irrespective of the media or method that is used ‘The following is true about cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) except that it... 1) consists of the visible aspects of language, such as pronunciation only 2) takes more than five years for L2 learners to master it 3) _ allows learners to process abstract ideas efficiently 4) ts needed to perform higher cognitive operations requisite for success at school ‘The following are direct benefits for learners whose parents are Involved in their learning activities: It ... a) improves the academic achievement of learners b) promotes a positive attitude of leamers towards the schoo! ©) improves parent-teacher relations 4) reduces the drop-out rate of learners. 1) a), b)andc) 2) a),b) and d) 3) a),c)andd) 4) b),c)andd) [TURN OVER] 1. ETH305V May/June 2019 The instructional behaviour of a field-dependent educator includes the following: a) Encouraging learning through modelling b) Expressing confidence in the leamers’ ability to succeed ©) Encouraging cooperation and the development of a group feeling d) Maintaining relations that are strictly formal with learners 1) a), b) and c) 2) a), b) and d) 3) a), ) andd) 4) b),c) andd) 12. The following are common causes of misbehaviour among learners: 13. 14, a) Curosity b) — Aposttive self-concept ©) Anneed for recognition (a sense of belonging) ¢) — Aneed for power or contro! 1) a), b) and ¢) 2) a),b) and) 3) a),c) andd) 4) b), c) anda) A teacher can use the following to counter racism among learners: a) Being an example of harmonious race relations b) Avoiding the grouping of learners according to race ©) Challenging racist stereotypes. ) Avoiding topics on race relations 1) a), byandc) 2) a), b) andd) 3) a),c) anda) 4) b),¢) and d) The following can help reduce racism, prejudice, xenophobia and correct stereotypes. a) Additional education b) Contact between the stereotyped and those who form stereotypes ©) Reduced contact between the diverse social groups in society 4) Accurate portrayal of individuals and groups in literature ITURN OVER] 15. 16. 7. ETH3O5V May/June 2019 1) a), by ando) 2) a), b)andd) 3) a),c)andd) 4) bj, c)andd) Multicultural education ... a) encourages acculturation and cultural preservation b) encompasses many dimensions of human difference ©) can only be achieved through reforming the hidden curriculum 4) encourages mutual interaction and cooperation 1) a), b) and) 2) a), b) and) 3) a), c) andd) 4) b),c) andd) ‘The fotlowing were once used as strategies to undo educational segregation in the United States: a) Busing of learners, b) Creating magnet schools ©) Paring schools d) Creating mono-ethnie schools 1) a), b) and o) 2) a), b) and d) 3) a), c)andd) 4) b),c) and) The learning areas of mathematics and natural science ... a) are not neutral or value-free b) have no need for a multicultural approach in their teaching ©) require teachers to be selective about the textbooks and learning matenal they use ¢) are rooted in Asian, African, European and Arabic cultures 1) a), b) andc) 2) a),b) and d) 3) a),c)andd) 4) b),c) anda) [TURN OVER} ETH305V May/June 2019 18. The following are recognised approaches to discipline: a) b) °) da) 1) 2) 3) 4) Global-analytic approach Democratic approach to discipline Constructiist approach Humanistic approach a), b) and 0) a), b) and d) a), ¢) and d) b), ©) and d) 19. To develop reading skills among English Language Learners (ELLs), the following strategies can be employed: a) b) e 4) 1) 2) 3) 4) 20, The report of the Gender Equity Task Team (1997) entitled, “Gender equity Encourage learners to read silently from chosen books every day ‘Avoid using volunteers to read to the learners Allow learners to read aloud without being corrected from time to time Encourage learners to read multicultural ficton a), b) and c) a), b) and d) a), ¢) and d) b), ©) and d) education a) exposed the lack of gender equity in schools b) exposed the level of violence agaist women that still existed in society ©) _ explored the deeply rooted ideologies used to perpetuate the subjugation of giris d) promoted the elimination of racism. 1) a), byando) 2) a), b) and) 8) a), c) and d) 4) bj, c) and d) [20] ‘Question 2 a) Define the following terms and give an example of each ‘) Multicultural schoo! (3) u) Prejudice 3 [TURN OVER] ETH305V May/June 2019 i) Assimilation @) b) —)_Desenbe any two social groups of leaners at the school where you teach or at a school that you know of. 4) 1) In-your opinion, do the two groups enjoy the same quality of education? 4 ©) Explain how a teacher could promote prejudice reduetion in multicultural education (3) [20 Question 3 a) "South Afnca does not need mutticultural education” Support or disagree with this statement by giving two points of argument @) ») Explain how the following can influence your teaching. Give one example in each case. ) language (3) ») family structure 8 ©) Explain two ways in which you could assist new learners to adust to their new school ‘environment, 4) @) In tests and examinations English Language Leamers (ELLs) struggle with instructional verbs Create a glossary with simple definitions of the following instructional verbs for ELLs ) define @ ") explain (2) nm) discuss 2) 20) Question 3 a) Distinguish between explicit and implicit facets of culture by giving examples of facets. (4) b) Give two differences between Jackson and Crawiey's ready-to-sign cultural contract and the co-created cultural contract @) ©) Define the term ‘social values" Give two core values of your society ©) [TURN OVER] ETH305V May/June 2019 d) ) Explain the term “cultural relativism" and give an example 3) 1) Discuss ONE danger of cultural relativism in school, @ [20] Question 4 a) Discuss how you would organise effective classroom meetings in a multicultural a b) __List four sources of prejudice for learners “ ©) _ Explain how you as a teacher would deal with the following situations 1) Racist comments by a leamer duning a class discussion. 4 DD} Derogatory name-calling directed at learners during a class discussion (4) ti) statue that most learners find offensive, but that forms part of the school's history 3 Question 5 a) Discuss any two sources of conflict in a mutucultural class © b) Discuss the role of the following in the creation of a language-rich environment at a multicultural school: 1) The schoo! management team and the school governing board 4 1) The general school climate or ethos: @) ©) Give one example of each of the following. 1) one-way communication 2 ") non-verbal communication (2) iu) miscommunication (2) [20] TOTAL: [100] ° ‘unisa.2019

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