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Past HSC Questions & Answers
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Free-to-download HSC Exam with answers





General Instructions Total marks – 100

• Reading time – 5 minutes
Section I Pages 2–28
• Working time – 3 hours
75 marks
• Write using black or blue pen
Black pen is preferred This section has two parts, Part A and Part B
• Draw diagrams using pencil Part A – 20 marks
• Board-approved calculators may • Attempt Questions 1–20
be used
© PASCA L PRESS 2014 ISBN 978 1 74125 473 0

• Allow about 35 minutes for this part

• A data sheet, formulae sheets and
Periodic Table are provided at Part B – 55 marks
the back of this paper • Attempt Questions 21–30
• Write your Centre Number and • Allow about 1 hour and 40 minutes for this part
Student Number where required
at the top of
pages 13, 17, 19, 23, 25 and 27 Section II Pages 29–39
25 marks
• Attempt ONE question from Questions 31–35
• Allow about 45 minutes for this section

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Section I
75 marks

Part A – 20 marks
Attempt Questions 1–20
Allow about 35 minutes for this part

Use the multiple-choice answer sheet for Questions 1–20.

1 The diagram shows a device connected to a meter.


0 2


What device is shown in the diagram?

(A) AC motor
(B) DC motor
(C) AC generator
(D) DC generator

2 What is currently used to define the standard metre?

(A) The speed of light

(B) The signals from GPS satellites
(C) The wavelength of light from a krypton lamp
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(D) The distance between two lines on a platinum iridium bar

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3 What part of a cathode ray tube allows a person to observe the position of an electron

(A) A maltese cross

(B) A heated filament
(C) A fluorescent screen
(D) A uniform magnetic field

4 The graph shows how the gravitational potential energy (Ep ) of a satellite changes with
its altitude.

Altitude (km)
0 5000 10 000 15 000 20 000




Ep (109 J)







What is the change in gravitational potential energy of the satellite when its altitude is
reduced from 14 000 km to 4000 km?
© PASCA L PRESS 2014 ISBN 978 1 74125 473 0

(A) –8.8 × 109 J

(B) –2.8 × 109 J
(C) 2.8 × 109 J
(D) 8.8 × 109 J

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5 Which of the following could be added to a crystal of silicon to create a p-type


(A) Carbon
(B) Copper
(C) Gallium
(D) Phosphorus

6 The diagram represents the electric field around a negative charge.

If the magnitude of the charge were doubled, which diagram would best represent the
new electric field?

(A) (B)

–2 –2

(C) (D)
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–2 –2

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7 In moving-coil galvanometers, the coil experiences a torque because of the current

flowing through it.

What ensures that this torque is directly proportional to the current flowing through the

(A) A return spring

(B) A radial magnetic field
(C) A laminated soft iron core
(D) A constant cross-sectional area of the coil

8 A current-carrying wire passes through a region of uniform magnetic field, magnitude

0.05 T, and as a result experiences a force of magnitude 0.03 N.

0.2 m


What is the current I?

(A) 1.5 A
(B) 1.7 A
(C) 3.0 A
(D) 6.0 A

9 Compared to a geostationary orbit, which row of the table correctly describes the relative
© PASCA L PRESS 2014 ISBN 978 1 74125 473 0

properties of a low Earth orbit?

Orbital velocity Orbital period

(A) Higher Higher
(B) Higher Lower
(C) Lower Higher
(D) Lower Lower

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10 Which of the following ideal transformers could be used to convert an input voltage of
20 volts AC to an output voltage of 2 volts AC?

(A) (B)

4 turns 10 turns 20 turns 3 turns

(C) (D)

20 turns 10 turns 3 turns 30 turns

11 Which of the following is correct about the forces acting during a rocket launch?

(A) Equal and opposite forces act on the rocket. This enables it to continue to accelerate
even in the vacuum of space.
(B) The engines exert an upward thrust on the rocket. This thrust exceeds the
downward force of the engines on the air.
(C) The rocket engines exert a downward force on the gases being expelled. These
gases exert an upward force on the engines.
(D) The expelled gases exert a force against the launch pad. The launch pad then exerts
an equal and opposite force on the rocket causing it to accelerate.
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Use the data below to answer Questions 12 and 13.

Orbital period of the Moon around Earth 2.36 × 106 s

Mean orbital radius of the Moon 3.83 × 108 m

Mass of Earth 6.0 × 1024 kg

Mass of the Moon 7.35 × 1022 kg

12 What is the centripetal force experienced by the Moon due to Earth’s influence?

(A) 2.0 × 1020 N

(B) 1.6 × 1022 N
(C) 4.7 × 1026 N
(D) 7.6 × 1028 N

13 What is the orbital period of an Earth satellite having an orbital radius half that of the

(A) 5.9 × 105 s

(B) 8.3 × 105 s
(C) 1.2 × 106 s
(D) 7.5 × 106 s

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14 The graph shows variation in magnetic flux through a coil with time.


Which graph best represents the corresponding induced emf in the coil?

(A) Induced

(B) Induced

(C) Induced

(D) Induced

15 A magnet can be levitated above a superconductor, when the superconductor is below its
critical temperature.

Which statement best describes how this occurs?

© PASCA L P RESS 2014 ISBN 978 1 74125 473 0

(A) All of the magnet’s field is absorbed by the superconductor.

(B) The superconductor creates currents in the magnet, resulting in a repulsive force.
(C) Cooper pairs are exchanged between the superconductor and the magnet through
its field.
(D) Some of the magnet’s field is excluded by the superconductor, resulting in a
repulsive force.

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16 An ideal electric motor connected to a DC voltage source rotates at a constant rate of

200 revolutions per minute. There is no load on the motor.

Which of the following is a correct statement about the operation of the motor?

(A) The applied voltage must exceed the back emf in order to keep the motor running.
(B) There is no back emf because it is only produced in AC motors due to the changing
(C) The back emf is equal to the applied voltage because no work is being done by the
(D) The back emf must exceed the applied voltage to prevent the motor’s speed from

17 The following equipment is attached to a DC power supply.

– +

Copper wires

2.00 mm 1.00 m NOT TO


Liquid conductor

What current must be flowing through the wires to result in a force of 2.50 × 10–3 N
between them?

(A) 0.224 A
(B) 5.00 A
(C) 12.5 A
(D) 25.0 A
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18 The gravitational force, due to Earth, on a mass positioned at X is Fx and on the same
mass positioned at Y is Fy. The diagram is drawn to scale.



What is the value of ?

(A) 1.5
(B) 2.0
(C) 2.25
(D) 4.0

19 The diagram represents an induction cooking system.

Base of the cooking pot

Ceramic cooktop

AC voltage source

Which row in the following table shows the set of conditions that would result in the most
rapid heating of the base of the cooking pot?

AC voltage frequency Electrical resistance of pot base

(A) Low Low
(B) Low High
© PASCA L P RESS 2014 ISBN 978 1 74125 473 0

(C) High Low

(D) High High

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20 A company wishes to develop a semiconductor sensor to detect thermal radiation from

people. The sensor will work on the same principle as a solar cell.

Typical Human Blackbody Radiation Curve


10 20
Wavelength (mm)

Semiconductor Band gap (eV)

HgCdTe 0.03
InSb 0.17
Si 1.1
GaN 3.4

Using the information provided, which semiconductor would be most suitable for this

(A) HgCdTe
(B) InSb
(C) Si
(D) GaN © PASCA L PRESS 2014 ISBN 978 1 74125 473 0

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Centre Number
Section I (continued)

Part B – 55 marks
Attempt Questions 21–30 Student Number
Allow about 1 hour and 40 minutes for this part

Answer the questions in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected
length of response.

Show all relevant working in questions involving calculations.

Question 21 (6 marks)

(a) Outline a first-hand investigation that could be performed to measure a value for 3
acceleration due to gravity.








(b) How would you assess the accuracy of the result of the investigation? 1


(c) How would you increase the reliability of the data collected? 1
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(d) How would you assess the reliability of the data collected? 1


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Question 22 (6 marks)

A bar magnet is placed on a sensitive electronic balance as shown in the diagram. A

hollow solenoid is held stationary, such that the magnet is partly within the solenoid.

Copper wire
short circuit

Bar magnet
Electronic balance
42.42 g

The solenoid is then lifted straight up without touching the magnet. The reading on
the balance is observed to change briefly.

(a) Why does a current flow in the solenoid? 2


(b) Explain the reason for changes in the reading on the electronic balance as the 4
solenoid is removed.
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Question 23 (4 marks)

Consider the following thought experiment. 4

Two towers are built on Earth’s surface. The height of each of the towers is equal to
the altitude of a satellite in geostationary orbit about Earth. Tower A is built at Earth’s
North Pole and Tower B is built at the equator.

Tower A


Tower B

Identical masses are simultaneously released from rest from the top of each tower.
Explain the motion of each of the masses after their release.









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Centre Number
Section I – Part B (continued)

Student Number

Question 24 (5 marks)

(a) Using a labelled diagram, outline the differences in the energy bands of 2
conductors, semiconductors and insulators.

(b) Explain why a current is able to flow in a pure semiconductor when an electric 3
field is applied across it.



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Centre Number
Section I – Part B (continued)

Student Number

Question 25 (7 marks)

(a) Why have transistor circuits largely replaced thermionic devices? 2





(b) Assess the impact of the use of transistors on society. 5










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Question 26 (6 marks)

A transmission line is to be used to supply 100 MW of power from a power station to

a substation 100 km away. Three possible designs are shown below.

Design A – Low voltage

Power station Substation

120 MW 100 MW input
output 33 kV input

100 km

Design B – High voltage

40 W total
Power station line resistance
with step-up
100 MW input
500 kV input
508 kV output

100 km

Design C – Superconducting
transmission line
Power Substation
station 100 MW input

100 km
© PASCA L PRESS 2014 ISBN 978 1 74125 473 0

The cooling requirements for the

superconducting transmission line
consume 30 kW per km of line

Question 26 continues
Question 26 continues on page 21

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Question 26 (continued)

Using physics principles and appropriate calculations, evaluate each design to determine 6
the best way of transmitting power from the power station to the substation.















End of Question 26
End of Question 26
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Centre Number
Section I – Part B (continued)

Student Number

Question 27 (4 marks)

A toy bird is launched at 60° to the horizontal, from a point 45 m away from the base 4
of a cliff.

34 m

45 m

Calculate the magnitude of the required launch velocity such that the toy bird strikes
the base of the wooden building at the top of the cliff, 34 m above the launch height.






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Centre Number
Section I – Part B (continued)

Student Number

Question 28 (7 marks)

(a) Outline ONE piece of evidence supporting Einstein’s theory of relativity. 2



(b) What criteria are used to test and validate a theory? 3







(c) The distance between the cathode and screen in a cathode ray tube is 40 cm. 2

If an electron travels through the tube at 3.0 × 107 m s–1, what is the apparent
distance from the cathode to the screen in the electron’s frame of reference?



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Centre Number
Section I – Part B (continued)

Student Number

Question 29 (5 marks)

How is the motor effect used to produce different sounds in a loudspeaker? Include a 5
labelled diagram.











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Question 30 (5 marks)

The diagram shows the paths taken by two moving charged particles when they enter
a region of uniform magnetic field.

B = 1.0 T Path P

Path Q

(a) Why do the paths curve in different directions? 1



(b) Why are the paths circular? 2





(c) How do the properties of a particle affect the radius of curvature of its path in a 2
uniform magnetic field?

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Section II

25 marks
Attempt ONE question from Questions 31–35
Allow about 45 minutes for this section

For Questions 31–34

• answer parts (a)–(c) of the question in Section II Answer Booklet 1.
• answer parts (d)–(e) of the question in Section II Answer Booklet 2.
Extra writing booklets are available.

For Question 35
• answer parts (a)–(b) of the question in Section II Answer Booklet 1.
• answer parts (c)–(d) of the question in Section II Answer Booklet 2.
Extra writing booklets are available.

Show all relevant working in questions involving calculations.


Question 31 Geophysics ...........................................................................

(Not included in this reproduction) 31–33

Question 32 Medical Physics ......................................................................... 34

Question 33 Astrophysics ......................................................................... 35–36

Question 34 From Quanta to Quarks ............................................................. 37

Question 35 (Not included in this reproduction)

The Age of Silicon ............................................................... 38–39
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Question 32 — Medical Physics (25 marks)

Answer parts (a)–(c) in Section II Answer Booklet 1.

(a) (i) The first X-ray image of a human was made in 1895 but it was not until 2
1972 that CAT scan imaging was developed.

Account for the time interval between the development of these two
related technologies.

(ii) Contrast the information provided by PET scans and CAT scans. 2

(iii) Contrast the production of radiation used for PET scans and CAT scans. 3

(b) (i) What effects do the pulses of radio waves have on hydrogen nuclei in the 3
body of a person having a magnetic resonance image scan?

(ii) Outline how advances in physics in the 20th century contributed to the 3
development of magnetic resonance imaging.

(c) Describe the properties that make a radioactive isotope useful for medical 3
imaging. Include a specific example of a radioactive isotope in your answer.

Answer parts (d)–(e) in Section II Answer Booklet 2.

(d) Explain how endoscopes obtain images of internal organs. 3

(e) Discuss the range of information obtained from, and the limitations of, 6
ultrasound medical imaging technology.
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Question 33 — Astrophysics (25 marks)

Answer parts (a)–(c) in Section II Answer Booklet 1.

(a) (i) Why do astronomers use both apparent and absolute measurements in 1

(ii) Compare how astronomers obtain photometric and spectroscopic data. 4

(b) (i) Describe the problems associated with ground-based optical astronomy 3
in terms of resolution.

(ii) How can the resolution of ground-based optical telescopes be improved? 2

(c) (i) Draw a flow diagram for stellar evolution using the following celestial 2

• Black hole
• Main sequence star
• Neutron star/pulsar
• Planetary nebula
• Red giant
• Supernova
• White dwarf.

(ii) All naturally occurring elements have been synthesised within stars. 3
Explain how this occurs.

Answer parts (d)–(e) in Section II Answer Booklet 2.

© PASCA L PRESS 2014 ISBN 978 1 74125 473 0

(d) (i) Explain how trigonometric parallax is used to determine the distances to 3

(ii) Outline ONE limitation of using trigonometric parallax to determine 1

distances to stars.

Question 33 continues
Question 33 continues on page 36

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Question 33 (continued)

(e) Astronomers have obtained the following data about stars in a binary system. 6

Star A Star B
Apparent magnitude 0.34 13.16
Spectral class F5 A4
Luminosity (relative to Sun) 7.3 0.0063
Average separation 2.2 × 109 km

Light Curve for the Binary System

Relative brightness

0 10 30 50 70
Time (years)

Herzsprung-Russell Diagram


10 4
Luminosity (solar units)

Absolute magnitude

10 2 0

1 +5

10 –2 +10
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10 –4 +15
Spectral type

Analyse the above data to write a detailed description of this binary system.

End of Question 33
End of Question 33

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Question 34 — From Quanta to Quarks (25 marks)

Answer parts (a)–(c) in Section II Answer Booklet 1.

(a) (i) Using diagrams and text, outline Bohr’s explanation of the Balmer 3

(ii) Outline TWO observations from atomic emission spectra that could not 2
be fully explained by the Rutherford-Bohr model.

(b) (i) What are the requirements for an uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction? 3

(ii) How does the equivalence between mass and energy relate to what 2
occurs during the natural radioactivity process?

(c) How can neutrons be used to probe the positions of nuclei within the structure of 4
a metal crystal? Make reference to the work of Louis de Broglie in your answer.

Answer parts (d)–(e) in Section II Answer Booklet 2.

(d) (i) Explain how the internal structures of the proton and neutron determine 3
their properties.

(ii) How are accelerators used to investigate the structure of matter? 2

(e) Describe the role of conservation laws in the development of atomic physics. 6
© PASCA L PRESS 2014 ISBN 978 1 74125 473 0

End of paper
© Board of Studies NSW 2012

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2012 HSC Examination Paper

Sample Answers
Section I, Part A (Total 20 marks)

1 D The coil is being rotated in a magnetic field; therefore, it will generate a voltage
(a generator). The generator has a split-ring commutator, thus it will supply
fluctuating DC to the meter.

2 A The speed of light is used today to define the metre, i.e. 1.00 m is the distance light
will travel through a vacuum in seconds, where c is the speed of light (constant).
3 C The position of the cathode ray is observed as light is emitted when the electrons in
the beam strike the fluorescent screen.

4 B Now DEp 5 Epf 2 Epi. From the graph, DEp 5 25.8 3 109 2 (23 3 109)
5 22.8 3 109 J.

5 C The Group 3 element used for a p-type semiconductor is gallium.

6 C Electric field strength is indicated by the density of lines, i.e. C indicates double the
field strength.

7 B In order for taI, the magnetic field influencing the motor coil must remain uniform,
i.e. a radial magnetic field is used.

8 A F 5 BIlsinu. Magnetic field is perpendicular to current, therefore 0.03 5 0.05 3 Il.

From the diagram and considering trigonometry, l 5 0.4 m.
Therefore I 5 5 1.5 A.
1 0.05 3 0.4 2
9 B Low Earth orbit satellites travel at a higher orbital velocity with a shorter period
when compared to a geostationary satellite.

10 D In order to convert 20 V to 2 V, the number of loops in the transformer coils needs

© PASCA L P RESS 2014 ISBN 978 1 74125 473 0

V1 n1
to have a ratio of 10 to 1. 5
V2 n 2

11 C The gases being expelled down from the rocket engine create an equal and opposite
reaction on the rocket engine, which acts upward.
mv2 2pr 1 7.35 3 1022 3 4p2 3 3.83 3 102 2
12 A Fc 5 and v 5 . Therefore, Fc 5
r T 1 2.36 3 106 2 2
5 2.0 3 1020 N towards Earth.
T2 T 2 1 2.36 3 106 2 2 T2
13 B Moon 3
5 Satellite 3 , 3
5 , T 5 8.34 3 105 s
r r 112 1 0.5 2 3

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14 D Induced emf is at its maximum when change of flux is greatest, i.e. where the
gradient of line is steepest on the flux versus time graph. Direction of induced emf
acts to create a current that produces a magnetic field to oppose the change in flux.
Flux versus time begins with the maximum positive slope, therefore induced emf
begins at a maximum negative value, i.e. answer D.

15 D A property of superconductors is that they exclude magnetic fields from

entering them.

16 C With no load on the ideal motor there is no energy being used, therefore the back-
emf being created will be about equal to the forward-applied voltage.
F kI1I2
17 B 5 . Now I1 5 I 2, d 5 0.002 and l 5 1.0 m. Therefore, since F 5 2.5 3 1023
Dl d
then I 5 5 A.
GmEmm Fx 20.25
18 C Fg 5 2
. Now dy 5 4.5 units and d x 5 3 units, 5 5 2.25.
d Fy 9
19 C Electric power raises the temperature of the pot. The pot base has a low resistance.
P 5 RI 2. The more rapid the change in flux, the greater the induced emf. This creates
a larger current and more rapid heating of the saucepan. Therefore C.

20 A Max. energy output from human 5 E

5 hf
6.626 3 10 234 3 3 3 108
9 3 106
5 0.138 eV.

Therefore the band gap should be less than 0.138 eV. This makes HgCdTe the best choice.

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Section I, Part B

Question 21

(a) A simple pendulum was used where the length of the pendulum could be set to
different values from 0.5 to 1.3 m. With the length set to 0.5 m, the time taken for
the pendulum to complete 10 full oscillations was recorded. This was then repeated
twice more.

The length of the pendulum was then adjusted, in turn, to each of 0.7, 0.9, 1.1 and 1.3 m
and the time for 10 oscillations of each pendulum was recorded three times. From
the data collected, the average period for each length was determined and a graph of
length versus period squared was drawn.
l 4p2l
Considering the slope of the graph is , and knowing from theory that g 5 ,
T2 T2
a value for g was determined by multiplying the slope of the graph by 4p2. (3 marks)

(b) The accuracy of the answer obtained from the experiment would be assessed by
comparing the experimental answer with the actual value of g for our location using a
reliable source (reference), e.g. the internet site for Geoscience Australia. (1 mark)

(c) The reliability of the answer could be increased by repeating the experiment several
more times. (1 mark)

(d) The reliability could be assessed by seeing whether the answers obtained from the
repeated experiment are the same or within 2% and whether the other groups
performing the same experiment got the same answer. (1 mark)

Question 22

(a) As the coil is raised, the loops of copper wire cut magnetic flux and experience a
changing magnetic field. According to Faraday’s law, a voltage is induced when a
conductor cuts magnetic field lines and, as the circuit is complete, while the solenoid
moves relative to the magnet the induced voltage will cause a current to flow in the
solenoid loops. (2 marks)
© PASCA L P RESS 2014 ISBN 978 1 74125 473 0

(b) According to Lenz’s law, when a conductor experiences a change in magnetic field the
direction of the induced voltage will result in a current flowing to create a magnetic
field in a direction to oppose the motion which created it. This means the bottom of
the solenoid becomes a South magnetic pole as the solenoid moves and the induced
current flows. This South pole attracts the North pole of the bar magnet in an equal and
opposite reaction which initially acts up on the bar magnet. This upwards force results
in a reduction in the reading on the electronic balance. As the solenoid moves further
away, this force reduces and the reading on the balance will eventually return to its
original value. (4 marks)

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Question 23
Being over the pole when released, mass A has no horizontal velocity and will accelerate
vertically down due to the gravitational attraction of Earth. As it falls, the acceleration will
increase as it gets closer and closer to Earth, i.e. g a 2 . The very high velocity achieved by
the time it nears Earth is likely to cause mass A to burn up as it begins to enter the
increasingly dense atmosphere of Earth.

Mass B, when released at this distance from Earth, will remain exactly where it is. This is due
to it being directly above the equator and having the same angular velocity as the surface of
Earth, i.e. it will be in a geostationary orbit with an orbital velocity, VB 5 , where d is
Ä d
the distance from mass B to the centre of Earth. This velocity is just the right magnitude for
mass B to remain in orbit at this distance directly above the equator. (4 marks)

Question 24

Conduction band
Conduction band

Forbidden zone Forbidden zone

(energy gap) (energy gap)

band Valence
band Valence
Conductor Semiconductor Insulator
(2 marks)

(b) The applied electric field can provide the required energy for valence electrons to
cross the forbidden zone and move to the conduction band, leaving a positive hole
in the valence band. The electric field causes movement of the electrons through the
semiconductor against the field (towards the positive side) while a hole current will
flow with the field towards the negative side. (3 marks)
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Question 25

(a) When compared to transistors, thermionic devices consumed much more energy
and produced more heat. They were also much larger and extremely fragile. The
development of the transistor provided a more robust, much more efficient and reliable
device that could perform the same job more cheaply than thermionic devices. (2 marks)

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(b) The transistor has had an enormous impact on society, with its development
and subsequent miniaturisation having led to its application in so many of our
modern devices, e.g. microprocessors, computers and communications technology.
The development of the transistor has led to the internet and the ability for humans
all over earth to rapidly communicate and for news and images to be almost
instantly spread worldwide. The transistor has allowed the development of cheap
portable devices like mobile phones and this has dramatically changed our ability to
communicate and receive information. (5 marks)

Question 26
According to the information, Design A lost 20 MW of power as the current travelled the
100 km distance in the transmission wires to the substation as only 100 MW arrived. The
power lost from Design B can be calculated based on the loss in potential difference, 508 kV
down to 500 kV at the substation, with the current travelling through the transmission lines
V2 80002
of 40 V resistance, i.e. power lost 5 2 5 1.6 MW. The superconductors in
R 40
Design C have no resistance to the transmission current but to cool the superconducting
transmission lines requires power to be consumed, i.e. 30 kW per km over a distance of
100 km requiring a total of 3000 kW, i.e. 3.0 MW.

Based on the results, the most efficient system is Design B using the higher voltage,
i.e. 500 kV. At this voltage, only 1.6 MW was consumed to transmit the 100 MW of power to
the substation compared with 3.0 MW for the superconductor lines of Design C and 20 MW
for the lower voltage (33 kV) of Design A. (6 marks)

Question 27

Vertical displacement, s v 5 34 m up, horizontal displacement, s y 5 45 m right.

For vertical motion, s v 5 uvt 1 a vt 2, i.e. 34 5 2usin60°t 1 4.9t 2. Equation 1
For horizontal motion, s h 5 u ht, i.e. 45 5 ucos60°t, 5 ut. Equation 2
Combining the two equations, 234 5 20.866 3 90 1 4.9t 2.
77.94 2 34
Therefore, t 5 5 2.99s.
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Å 4.9 u
Substituting into Equation 2, u 5 5 30.1 ms–1
2.99 3 0.5
up at 60° to horizontal.

(4 marks)

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Question 28

(a) The following are two examples of evidence for relativity.

Particle accelerators must be constructed to allow for the relativistic effects for the very
high velocity particles being studied, i.e. increased masses and length contraction.

GPS atomic clocks must be corrected for time dilation (Special theory) because of their
high speed and time changes due to the variation in the gravitational field (General
theory). (2 marks)

(b) The theory must be testable by experiment and make predictions which can be
verified by measurements. Suitable experiments must be designed which can explore
whether the predictions of the theory are observed and supported by the results. The
experiments will involve the use of accurate measuring devices which are sensitive
enough for the required measurements. For the theory to be validated, the experiments
must follow the scientific method with suitable controls and when repeated be found to
always produce results that are consistent with the predictions of the theory. (3 marks)

(c) l y 5 l0 12. The electron considers the tube to be moving relative to it. Therefore
Å c2
ly 5 0.4 1 2 16 , ly 5 0.398 m. According to the electron, the distance is 39.8 cm.
Å 10

(2 marks)

Question 29
An AC current flows into the coil of the loudspeaker, which is directly attached to the
speaker cone. The outer edge of the speaker cone is mounted on rigid supports with the
centre on flexible mountings. The AC flowing in the coil produces a magnetic field which
interacts with the external magnetic field created by the surrounding permanent magnet.
The alternating current results in a changing magnetic force acting on the coil causing it to
move back and forth due to the motor effect. As the coil is attached to the speaker cone and
is free to move, it oscillates back and forth causing the membrane of the speaker cone to
© PASCA L PRESS 2014 ISBN 978 1 74125 473 0

vibrate at a frequency equal to the frequency of the AC passing into the coil. As a result the
vibrating speaker cone produces a sound of a frequency equal to the frequency of the AC
passing into the coil with the volume of the sound related to the size of the electric current
flowing in the coil, i.e. the force acting on the coil moving the speaker cone is directly
proportional to the AC flowing in the coil. The AC supplied to the coil varies in frequency
and form to produce the different frequency sounds and voice from the speaker.

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AC electric current flowing to coil

Speaker cone N

Coil of copper wire

Permanent magnet (poles indicated)

(5 marks)

Question 30

(a) The particles have opposite electric charges, with P positively charged and Q negatively
charged. (1 mark)

(b) The paths are circular because the magnetic force acts perpendicular to the initial
velocity of the particles and as such it is a centripetal force which produces a circular
path. The fact that the circular paths are uniform shows that the particles are
experiencing a constant centripetal force with no resistance to their motion (travelling
in a vacuum) and they are moving at a constant speed. (2 marks)

(c) The magnetic force acting on the charged particle is given by F 5 Bqv. This creates
mv2 mv2 mv
a centripetal force i.e. Fc 5 . Therefore, Bqv 5 . Rearranging gives r 5 .
r r Bq
As can be seen from the equation, the radius of the curving path is proportional to
the mass and velocity of the particles, and inversely proportional to the charge of the
particles and the strength of the external magnetic field. (2 marks)
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Section II—Options

Question 32—Medical Physics

(a) (i) X-rays are made by exposing photographic film with X-rays produced using cathode
ray tubes. Both photographic film and cathode ray tubes were available in 1895.

However, computerised axial tomography not only requires the use of a cathode
ray tube to produce X-rays, it also requires the use of electronic X-ray detectors
and sophisticated computer technology which was not available until 1972. Hence,
CAT scan imaging could not be developed until the required computer technology
was developed. (2 marks)

(ii) PET (positron emission tomography) provides functional information as ‘fuzzy’

images about specific target organs/structures within the body but cannot provide
detailed anatomical images, whereas CAT (computerised axial tomography) provides
detailed structural information about organs and structures of the body in the form
of high quality images of thin slices but cannot provide detailed functional data.

For example, a PET scan of the brain can be used to detect regions of the brain
that are underactive whereas a CAT scan clearly shows the structure of the brain
without detecting the abnormality. For this reason CAT and PET are often used in
conjunction so that areas of abnormality can be more specifically located. (2 marks)

(iii) PET is based on the detection of gamma radiation emitted from places within the
body where a specific radiopharmaceutical, which has been introduced to the body
via inhalation or injection, has been absorbed. The gamma rays are emitted as a result
of the positron decay of specifically chosen positron-emitting radioisotopes. The
positrons emitted from the radioactive nuclei (e.g. carbon 11, oxygen 15, fluorine 18)
annihilate with electrons in the body. Each annihilation event produces two gamma
rays which travel in opposite directions. It is these gamma rays that are detected and
used to make the image. The radioisotopes are typically produced in a cyclotron.

CAT relies on the production of X-ray radiation which is directed through the
body. The X-rays are produced in a cathode ray tube. Electrons from a heated
cathode are accelerated by a strong electric field, to high velocity, towards an
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anode. When the electrons strike the anode, they undergo rapid deceleration and
loss of kinetic energy. This deceleration of the electrons causes the production of
useful X-rays called Bremsstrahlung radiation. The desired range of frequencies of
X-rays used is determined by adjusting the potential difference between the anode
and the cathode and through the use of filters. (3 marks)

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(b) (i) Inside a person there are countless billions of hydrogen atoms. The nuclei of these
hydrogen atoms ‘spin’ and the axes of spin ‘wobbles’ like a spinning top. This
wobble is called precession. Prior to the radio pulses being administered into the
patient, a strong magnetic field is applied and the hydrogen nuclei are affected
by the field, such that the axes of their precession are either parallel or anti-
parallel to the field. The frequency of their precession under these conditions has
a defined value which is proportional to the strength of the magnetic field, called
the Larmor frequency. A gradient magnetic field is also applied which provides
small, but significant, variations in the strength of the magnetic field and hence
resonance frequencies of the hydrogen nuclei, across the patient’s body. The radio
pulses have a range of frequencies which match the frequencies of the precessing
hydrogen nuclei. Hydrogen nuclei absorb energy from the radio pulse that matches
(resonates with) the frequency of their precession. When the energy is absorbed,
the amplitude of the precession increases. This heightened energy state, however,
is unstable and the nuclei emit radio energy at the same frequency as the radio
energy absorbed from the pulse, causing them to ‘relax’ back to the lower energy
state. It is the emitted radio wave energy that is detected, measured and used to
produce the magnetic resonance images. (3 marks)

(ii) Several advances in physics have contributed to the development of magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI). These have included historical inventions such as
RADAR which refined the production and reception of radio waves using special
antennae and tuned circuits, and displaying the collected information as signals on
a cathode ray screen.

Advances in computer technology included the development of the microchip

which made it possible to process the large amounts of T1 and T2 data collected
from the radio receivers. Software needed to be developed to allow, for example,
the production of 3-D images that could be rotated to view in any direction and
for the viewing of only particular tissue signals so that images, of perhaps just the
blood vessels in the brain, could be made. The development of understanding about
the importance of the gradient field in the MRI machine made possible the voxel
by voxel scanning required for 3-D imaging.

Developments in magnetic technology, such as the discovery and use of high-

temperature superconductors in the electromagnetic coils of MRI machines, has
© PASCA L P RESS 2014 ISBN 978 1 74125 473 0

enhanced the capabilities of MRI because it readily allows for the production
of stronger, stable magnetic fields of the order of 1.5 to 3 Teslas and higher. The
signals from the precessing protons are greater at higher magnetic fields because
the ratio of parallel to anti-parallel alignment of the magnetic moments of the
hydrogen nuclei is greater at higher field intensities. This allows for stronger signals
from the body tissues and thus greater resolution in imaging. (3 marks)

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(c) In order to be useful in medical imaging, a radioisotope should be readily accessible,

produce penetrating radiation that can easily be detected, have a short half-life and
cause little to no harm to the body. Tc99m has all of these properties.
• Water solubility. This is a useful feature because as a component of soluble salts, Tc99m
is readily extracted from it using ‘COW’-containing insoluble salts of radioactive
molybdenum (Mo99). The water solubility also makes the radiopharmaceutical
produced from the Tc99m easy to administer into the body via the blood.
• Radioactivity. Tc99m emits gamma rays when it decays to Tc99. These gamma
rays are useful because they are highly penetrating, can be detected using a gamma
camera and are used to create an image.
• Short nuclear and biological half-life. The nuclear half-life of Tc99m is about
6 hours. In addition, because Tc99 is water soluble it is readily excreted via the
kidneys in the urine. Thus it also has a short biological half-life. Together, these
properties are useful because after a short period of time the person is effectively
no longer radioactive. This reduces the likelihood of tissue damage to them and
reduces the time they need to be isolated from other people. (3 marks)

(d) Endoscopes have a long thin tube that is surgically inserted into the body of a patient
via a small hole. Inside the tube, there are two types of bundles of optical fibres which
are used when obtaining images of internal organs. Incoherent bundles of optical fibres
deliver light using the principle of total internal reflection, into the body, to provide
illumination of the organs to be viewed. The fibres in these bundles are not specifically
ordered (see the diagram) because they are only delivering the light. On the other
hand, the optical fibres used to ‘collect’ various pieces of the image must be in the
same order at both ends (see the diagram). This is because each tiny fibre reflects light
from only a small view of the organ being imaged by the camera (or eyepiece) at the
outside end. In this sense, each piece of the image is like a pixel. For a clear image to
be formed, the fibres (hence pixels) must be in the same precise location at the camera
end as they are at the organ end. The light reflected from the internal organs travels
along each fibre in the coherent bundle via total internal reflection. This total internal
reflection is achieved in all of the optical fibres, in both types of bundles, because
the fibres are constructed from at least two layers of very clear glass with different
refractive indices. The central core of the fibres has a higher refractive index than the
glass surrounding it. Since the fibres are extremely thin, the angle of incidence of light
© PASCA L PRESS 2014 ISBN 978 1 74125 473 0

travelling through the fibres is so large that it is always greater than the critical angle
for the surface between the two different layers of glass. Hence, the light is totally
internally reflected from the boundary between the layers and can travel from one end
of the fibres to the other with minimal loss of intensity.

1 1 1 2
2 2 2 3
3 3 3 1
Coherent Incoherent (3 marks)

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(e) There are three main types of ultrasound imaging techniques.

A-scans (amplitude scans) are used to make accurate measurements of distances.

This type of scan does not result in a picture. It produces a reflection intensity image
in which the peaks of reflected ultrasound can be used to determine distances to
specific boundaries, e.g. between the retina and the back of the eye. This is useful in
determining if the retina is attached or detached.

B-scans (brightness scans) are where the ultrasound transducer head may have one
piezoelectric crystal (or many) to make the ultrasound waves. If there is just one crystal
in the transducer, the transducer is rocked over the surface of the skin to produce an
image of the structures below. The quality of the image is determined by the skill of the
sonographer in rocking the transducer. Multi-crystal transducers can be held stationary
over the expected location of the organ to be examined. Artificially controlled rocking
of an ultrasound beam is achieved by electronic phasing of the signal from each of the
piezoelectric crystals. This method produces straight waves, which provide much clearer
images of structures within the body. B-scans can be used to produce still ‘pictures’
and multiple images taken over time can be sequenced to produce ‘video images’ of
structures within the body. These images allow the health of a range of organs/tissues to
be determined from measurements of their size and identification of abnormal shapes,
e.g. the growth rate of a foetus from the size of its head. Muscle tears and inflammation
of tendons and other soft tissue abnormalities such as breast tumours and ovarian cysts
can also be determined.

Improvements in resolution, through the use of higher frequencies and improved

transducer technology, have allowed significant improvement in the size of structures
that can be identified and hence the quality of ultrasound images (e.g. amazingly
detailed 3-D ‘photos’ and 4-D ‘video’ of foetuses while still in the womb). However, this
use of higher frequencies has its limitations since, as frequency increases, attenuation
increases, reducing the strength of the reflections to be detected by the transducer.
Resolution issues can therefore make the detection of very small abnormalities such as
tiny breast tumours unlikely.

Doppler ultrasound scans can be used to ‘view’ and make real-time video images
showing the movement of fluids and surfaces inside the body. Examples include blood
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flow in arteries and inside the heart and movements of heart muscles and valves. In
terms of diagnosis, this type of motion sensing can be used to detect heart health and
issues such as leaking heart valves and constrictions in arteries. Colour enhancement
of images is used to ‘see’ the direction and speed of blood flow in the images produced.
It can also be used to add audio to video files, e.g. to hear the heartbeat of a foetus.
Difficulties in positioning the ultrasound probe to get the best angle on the movement
being probed can limit the use of this technique.

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Ultrasound is, however, of little to no use in imaging the lungs, stomach and intestines
due to the presence of air. The large difference in acoustic impedance between the
air and the surrounding tissue effectively prevents the ultrasound from entering
these areas and hence information about then is extremely limited. This air surface
interface issue is also the reason for the need to apply acoustic coupling gel between
the transducer and the skin; otherwise very little ultrasound would enter the body.
Ultrasound is also of little use for imaging structures behind bone such as the brain
and the regions inside joints. For example, almost no ultrasound penetrates through
the skull and so ultrasound is not effective for imaging the brain. Very low reflection
percentages at tissue boundaries that have the same or very similar acoustic impedance
do not allow for clear distinction on the image and hence limit the diagnostic ability for
such situations. (6 marks)

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Question 33—Astrophysics

(a) (i) Photometry is the process of determining the distance away from Earth of celestial
objects by measuring the light received from them.

The distance modulus formula is M 5 m 5 log10 , where M is the measurement of
the absolute magnitude of a star, m is the measurement of its apparent magnitude
and d is its distance away from us (Earth). In order to determine d using this
method, both M and m are required. (1 mark)

(ii) There are similarities between the methods used by astronomers to obtain
spectroscopic and photometric data, and also differences. In each procedure the
objective of a telescope catches photons from the star, focuses them to a narrow
beam and sends them to a charge-coupled device (CCD) within a ‘black box’,
which counts them accurately. The reading is then converted by the computer into a
measurement of m, the apparent magnitude of the celestial object being observed.

In the case of spectroscopic data, all the incoming photons entering the black box
pass through one of two coloured filters. In this course, the filters are yellow-green
(visual filter) and blue (photographic filter). The filters are regularly alternated. The
apparent magnitude of the star as viewed through these filters will almost always
be different. The colour index of the target star is defined using the formula: CI 5
B 2 V, which in this case becomes CI 5 m B 2 mV. (If, in fact, m B 5 mV it means that
the star is white, an A0, as the colour index is an excellent way to determine the
spectral class of the star.)

In the case of the photometric data, the light beam is passed through a diffraction
grating to disperse the light into its spectrum. A thin collimator then moves across
the spectrum very rapidly and repeatedly, allowing only a very narrow band of
frequencies at any time to be passed to the CCD for counting. Each time the same
band is measured increases the accuracy of the count, and when the observation
interval is over the individual points of data are positioned on an apparent
magnitude/wavelength graph called a spectrogram. In appearance this graph is
an absorption spectrum, a blackbody curve superimposed by a large number of
‘valleys’ of distinct depths, allowing the star’s spectral class to be found. (4 marks)
© PASCA L P RESS 2014 ISBN 978 1 74125 473 0

(Teachers/students should note Syllabus 9.7.3, column 3, dot point 2, and

9.7.4, column 3 dot point 2. The CLEA exercises Spectral Classification and
Photometric Photometry of the Pleiades are interesting, instructive ways for
students to satisfy these requirements.)

(b) (i) The resolution of a telescope is defined as its ability to observe fine detail, i.e. to be
able to separate two objects that are very close. Problems associated with ground-
based optical astronomy that reduce their resolution include seeing and attenuation.

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Seeing is the apparent movement of target celestial objects due to atmospheric

effects such as turbulence. Even our eyes can notice stars twinkling and changing
colour, and this effect is greatly increased when they are observed through
powerful telescopes. Since the image is continually changing, fine details are
difficult to observe.

Attenuation refers to the selective scattering by the air of some frequencies of light
more than others, distorting the colour of the object being observed. Molecules in
the atmosphere scatter short wavelengths far more than longer ones, the reason the
sky is blue. The lower towards the horizon a telescope is observing, the further light
has to pass through the air, increasing this effect, which is why the sun appears red
at dawn or dusk. (3 marks)

(ii) The resolution of ground-based telescopes can be improved in several ways,

including adaptive optics (that corrects for the problem of seeing), and
interferometry, where data received by separated individual objectives is combined
by computers, yielding an image with the resolution of a single objective with a
diameter equal to their distance apart.

(c) (i)
Neutron Black hole
Main sequence star/pulsar

evolves < ~8 Mo > ~8 Mo

Red giant Mass?

White dwarf


Mass? Supernova

> 1.4 Mo
< 1.4 Mo

Planetary nebula

(2 marks)
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(ii) When stars form within nebulae, they are initially composed of the material of the
nebula, almost entirely hydrogen (80%) and helium (20%). Once fusion reactions
have begun within the cores of stars, the hydrogen nuclei there join, forming
helium and releasing a vast amount of energy. When the hydrogen within the core
is exhausted, the star evolves. Many stars, including the Sun, become red giants,
fusing helium to carbon in the central core, and more hydrogen into helium in a
surrounding shell. Stars far more massive than the Sun evolve further, and fusion
reactions permit the synthesis of many other elements, but only as far as iron.

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The most significant events known in the universe that allow so many other
elements to be synthesised are supernovae. When the nuclear fuel of stars with
very large masses is exhausted so the radiation pressure can no longer restrain the
gravitational pressure crushing inwards, the star implodes. Atoms collapse into
nuclei and the gigantic loss of gravitational potential energy is converted into heat
resulting in a supernova, an explosion lasting for several weeks, during which fusion
reactions do not need to be exothermic. In this situation the massive explosion
not only synthesises all naturally occurring elements but a large number of highly
unstable isotopes as well, blasting them off in all directions to become the metals
scattered like fine dust in the nebulae where new stars may form eventually, with
new planets as well.

Supernovae are thought to be the only way these elements can ever become
available. (3 marks)

(d) (i)
E Position 1
1 AU

Earth’s orbit S

F Position 2 (6 months later)

The distance to nearby stars is frequently measured by trigonometric parallax.

The star is observed through a telescope with a very accurate direction marker,
both ‘now’, when at position 1, and again six months later, when the Earth is on
the opposite side of the Sun. This provides the largest base for observing the star
currently available. The slight difference between the two measured readings
is called the 6-month parallax angle of the star. One parsec is defined to be the
distance away for which the average radius of Earth’s solar orbit subtends an angle
of exactly 1 arcsecond. This, of course, provides a baseline of 1 AU (astronomical
unit), so the measured 6-month parallax angle must be halved to determine the
true 3-month parallax angle. The distance away of that star (in parsec) is
found using d 5 . (3 marks)
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(ii) Again, ground-based telescopes are at a disadvantage when using trigonometric
parallax to measure the distances to stars because atmospheric effects limit their
resolution. As a consequence, the furthest distance that can be determined using
parallax is just 30 pc. (1 mark)

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(e) The binary consists of two stars, Star A, an F5 type, and Star B, an A4 type.
I1 m2 2 m1
By comparing their apparent magnitudes using 1 5 100 ,
I2 5
IA 13.16 2 0.34
we find 1 5 100 .
IB 5
This shows that Star A is 134 000 times brighter than Star B. Since both stars are the
same distance from Earth, clearly star B must be a white dwarf, while Star A is a
yellow-white main sequence star. This is confirmed by the data for their luminosities
relative to the Sun, and also using the H-R diagram. Their positions should be marked
on the given H-R diagram.

Comparing the luminosities of Star A and the Sun, given to be 7.3 : 1, allows the absolute
magnitude of Star A to be determined in the same way. Taking the absolute magnitude of
the Sun to be 5, the absolute magnitude of Star A is shown to be 2.84. The H-R diagram
confirms this value for an F5 star. The distance formula used to determine the distance
d d
of the binary is M 5 m 5 log10 6 2.84 5 0.34 5 log10 , so d 5 3.16 pc.
10 10

The Light Curve shows that the period of the variable is 40 years. It also shows that the
eclipse causes total occlusion, since the base of each trough is horizontal. The smaller
dips correspond to when Star B is eclipsed; Star A is eclipsed when the larger dips
are shown.

The combined mass of the two stars can also be approximated, given their average
separation of 2.2 3 109 km 5 2.2 3 1012 m, while T 5 40 3 365 3 24 3 3600
5 1.262 3 109 s.
4p2a3 4p2 1 2.2 3 1012 2 3
M1 1 M2 5 5 5 3.96 3 1030 kg
GT 2 1 6.67 3 1011 2 1 1.262 3 109 2 2
Finally, approximating the orbits of the two stars about their common centre of mass,
their average orbital speed can be estimated: v 5
2p 1 2.2 3 1012 2
1 1.262 3 109 2
5 1.095 3 104 ms21. (6 marks)
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Question 34—From Quanta to Quarks

(a) (i) Bohr described the hydrogen electron as having allowable energy levels (stationary
states) with a quantised angular momentum given by the formula mvr 5 , where
n is an integer 1, 2, 3 and so on, and h is Planck’s constant. When the electron
moved from a higher energy level to a lower energy level, a photon of light was
emitted with an energy corresponding to the difference between the two allowable
energy levels, i.e. hf 5 E i 2 Ef. Bohr’s model accurately predicted the Balmer series
of spectral lines for hydrogen with the electron moving from a higher energy level
down to the n 5 2 stationary state, as shown in the diagram.

400 nm 700 nm




(3 marks)

(ii) Two observations from atomic emission spectra that could not be fully explained.
• The model only worked well for hydrogen and could not accurately describe
the emission spectra of larger atoms.
• The model could not explain the relative intensity of the spectral lines
observed, i.e. how bright each spectral line appeared. (2 marks)

(b) (i) For an uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction there must be a sufficient concentration
and arrangement of fissionable nuclei (a critical mass), e.g. U-235 or Pu-239, and
© PASCA L P RESS 2014 ISBN 978 1 74125 473 0

neutrons must be produced in the fission and go on to create fission in another

fissionable nucleus with the number of neutrons yielded increasing rapidly and
causing further fission reactions. (3 marks)

(ii) In order to provide the energy released in the radioactive decay, the mass of
the parent radioactive nucleus must be greater than the combined mass of the
nucleus of the daughter element forming and the emitted radiation (a, b or g).
Since E 5 mc 2, the energy for the decay comes from the loss of mass which occurs
as the radioactive nucleus decays. The loss of mass is converted to kinetic energy
carried by the radioactive emission and daughter nucleus formed. (3 marks)

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(c) The neutron has no charge and as such experiences no electrical interactions with
electrons and the atomic nuclei of the sample being studied. This allows them to
penetrate deeply into a sample. According to the deBroglie equation, the wavelength of
a matter particle is given by the equation g 5 , where h is Planck’s constant and p is
the momentum of the particle. In order to study the metal crystal a beam of neutrons,
usually from a nuclear reactor or spallation, are passed through guides to produce a
monochromatic beam (single wavelength). This beam is then directed at the target
metal crystal. Since the neutron wavelength is very small, they can be used to locate
the position of the atomic nuclei within the metal crystal. The neutrons are scattered
in their interactions with nuclei and undergo diffraction and interference to allow the
location and size of the nuclei to be determined. The information collected can also
reveal the magnetic properties and movement of the nuclei. (4 marks)

(d) (i) Both particles are colour charge neutral and composed of three quarks which
exchange gluons to combine via the strong interaction. The particles are very
similar in mass with the neutron just a little more massive due to the down quark
being more massive than an up quark. The up quark has an electric charge of
2 1
1 while the down quark is 2 . This results in an electric charge of 11 for the
3 3
proton and no net charge on the neutron. Both particles have an intrinsic angular
momentum (spin) of .
u proton neutron u
u d
d d
(3 marks)

(ii) Accelerators are used to deliver energy to matter particles, e.g. electrons and protons.
This raises the velocity of the particles until they are approaching the speed of light.
As the speed of the particles begins to approach the speed of light, much of the
energy being delivered by the accelerator goes to increasing the relativistic mass of
the particles. These high-energy particles are then directed at a target or, as in the
Large Hadron Collider (LHC), protons are collided with anti-protons travelling
in the opposite direction. These high-energy collisions yield an array of subatomic
particles with many of them having a larger mass than the rest mass of a proton.
In this way the accelerators provide enough energy to the normal matter particles
© PASCA L PRESS 2014 ISBN 978 1 74125 473 0

to allow the study of other particles that do not normally exist. These studies with
accelerators have allowed the true building blocks of atoms, and the interactions
between them, to be studied and allowed testing of the ideas of the present
Standard Model. (2 marks)

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(e) The conservation laws have been fundamental to the development of atomic theory
from the earliest times with many early scientists using conservation of mass to develop
their model of atoms, e.g. John Dalton.

Einstein’s equation, E 5 mc 2, explained where the energy for radioactive emissions

came from as the decaying nucleus was heavier than the combined mass of the
daughter nuclei and radioactive emission. This relationship between mass and energy
became fundamental to the future studies of atoms.

Chadwick used conservation of momentum and energy in his famous experiment to

confirm the existence of the neutron which, at the time, was considered to complete our
understanding of atomic structure.

The neutrino was originally proposed by Wolfgang Pauli in an attempt to explain the
so-called missing energy in b-decay using conservation of momentum, energy and spin
as the basis for his proposal.

The conservation laws continue to play an important role in predicting the behaviour
and nature of matter and have provided a means to not only describe atoms but to also
allow the development of a theory on how matter and the universe came to be as we
find it today. (6 marks)
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