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Formulate the null hypothesis

There is no significance difference between the academic performance of students who
have pre school education and with no pre school education
b. Set the level of significance
The significance level is 0.05%
Table 1
Significance difference between the academic performance of students who have
pre school education and with no pre school education

Variable Variable
1 2
Mean 90.6 88.5
Variance 12.48889 8.055556
Observations 10 10
Hypothesized Mean
Difference 0
df 17
t Stat 1.465116
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.08057
t Critical one-tail 1.739607
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.161139
t Critical two-tail 2.109816

Table 1 shows the significance difference between the academic performance of

students whit pre school education and with no pre school education. It can be gleaned from it
that the P value = 0.08057 is greater than 0.05. Thus we cannot reject the null hypothesis.
There is no significant difference between the academic performance of students whit pre
school education and with no pre school education.
The academic performance of students with or without preschool education is the same
within 0.05 level of significance.

a. Formulate the null hypothesis

There is no significance difference between the score in a 30 items test, before and after
the implementation of the developed module.
b. Set the level of significance
The level of significance is 0.05%

Table 2
Significance difference between the score in a 30 items test
Before and after the implementation of the developed module

Variable Variable
1 2
Mean 17.6 20.5
Variance 22.04444 6.277778
Observations 10 10
Hypothesized Mean
Difference 0
df 14
t Stat -1.72319
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.053429
t Critical one-tail 1.76131
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.106857
t Critical two-tail 2.144787

Table 2 shows the significance difference between the score in a 30 items test, Before
and after the implementation of the developed module. The p-value is 0.053429 which is greater
than 0.05 which means we cannot reject the null hypothesis. Thus there is no significance
difference between the score in a 30 items test, Before and after the implementation of the
developed module.

a. Formulate the null hypothesis

There is no significance difference between the test scores of the three groups of
students in social studies 8.
b. Set the level of significance
The level of significance is 0.05%
Table 3
Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 10 96 9.6 2.933333
Column 2 10 65 6.5 6.277778
Column 3 10 46 4.6 8.488889

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 127.4 2 63.7 10.79661 0.000359 3.354131
Within Groups 159.3 27 5.9

Total 286.7 29
It can be gleaned from the table 3 that the p-value 0.000359 which is less than 0.05,
therefore we reject the null hypothesis. There is significant difference between the three groups
of students in social studies 8.
The means of the three groups differs significantly.

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