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Writing N°-2

Name: Nolasco Ortega Diego Schedule: 8:25p.m – 9:55p.m

Teacher: Mrs. Vargas Course : A-04

A Failed Experience

For many years,I have waited for the opportunity to travel to the foreigner. Until in my
fourth semester of the university, I was up for a chance to do study abroad. I felt at that
moment that my life would change completely and that maybe I would stay to live a long
time in that country.

In that moment, I felt very excited but due to some time constraints and a lot of mixups, I
delayed in doing the application for the scholarship. So when I went the office to present
the application, the secretary told me that it was "too late" so that I was forced to spend the
semester in my university. During all semester, I was absolutely devastated. I had built all
my hopes up of spending my semester in abroad, and dreaming about how magical it
would. Happily the time passes quickly and heals all. So I sweared to myself that I would
be ready for the next opportunity that comes my way.

On the other hand, my university had a program where every top ranked student from fall
semester was given a scholarship for a study in Italy during the summer. Happily I ended
up being one of the two students to receive it. That summer I spent one of the best trips of
my life: studied some Italian, went on amazing excursions and made some of the best
friends I've had until now. Interestingly, I used to wear hats there, but now I don't use them

Undoubtedly, if I had done study abroad my fourth semester, I would never have met great
friends and enjoyed good trips in Italy. Besides I got a great motivation after that failure
which made me get that scholarship otherwise I would not have had the opportunity to be
included in the student ranking to get the schoolarship.

Overall, one of the "worst" things to happen to me ended up being one of the best. I would
never give up the joy and wonderful experiences I had that summer. Looking back, I am
beyond thankful that my opportunity for study abroad never worked out. Because by the
time my opportunity to travel abroad disappeared, I had already got another one.

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