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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS ae oe, UNISA lezen ETH305V October/Novernber 2018 Multicultural Education (Educational Themes 305) Duraten 2 Hours 100 Marks EXAMINERS FIRST MR ND NOWANOWE SECOND DRLMLUVALO Closed book examination This examination question paper remains the property of the Unversity of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination venue This paper consists of SEVEN (7) pages INSTRUCTIONS Answer ALL five questions [TURN OVER] ETH305V October / November 2018 QUESTION 1 Answer the following multiple-choice questions White the answers in your examination book. Example 1 3 1 The hidden curriculum is best described as. . 1) the ideas, norms and values that are taught formally at schoo! 2) a syllabus used by private schools 3) what some schools teach secretly in order to hide racism 4) the ideas, norms and values that are taught informally at schoo! 2 The term gender in multiculturalism 1s best described as .. 1) _ the empowerment of women through policies 2) the physical and non-physical factors that identify people as male or female 3) a form of discrimination based on sex 4) the equality between man and women 3. Limited English Proficiency (LEP) learners are best described as . 1) suffering from a learning deficiency 2) learners who cannot speak English at all 3) primary school learners 4) learners who are still n the process of acquinng English 4 The term lingua franca refers to ... 1) _ language used as a communication medium between diverse linguistic groups 2) a foreign language spoken in France 3) one of the official languages of South Africa 4) a language spoken by people in the lower socio-economic class 5 The potential for conflict in the classroom increases when . 1) _ leamers share the same culture 2) learners and teachers share the same culture 3) _leaners and teachers do not share the same culture 4) _ leamers belong to lower socio-economic classes 6 teacher can use all the following to counter racism among learners, EXCEPT 1) being an example of harmonious race relations 2) avoiding the grouping of learners according to race 3) challenging racist stereotypes 4) avoiding topies on race relations 10 ETH30SV October / November 2018 The following can help reduce racism, prejudice, xenophobia and correct stereotypes EXCEPT. 1) additional education 2) contact between the stereotyped and those who form stereotypes 3) portraying indivduals and groups m iterature 4) reducing contact between the diverse social groups in society Behavioural expectations of teachers are expectations or predictions about . . a) ») ° 4) 1) 2 3) 4) social behaviour self-control leadership work efforts a, b) and c) a), b) and d) a), ¢) and d) bj, c) and d) With respect to the learners’ names in a multicultural class, a teacher should a) b) °) CO) y 2) 3) 4) use the learners’ names and surnames accurately be clear on how each learner prefers to be addressed give nicknames to learners with difficult, non-English names get to know the meanings of the names of the leamers, especially the non-English learners a), b) and ¢) a), b) and d) a), ¢) and d) 6), ¢) and a) The following 1s true about stereotyping a) b) c) 3) 1) 2) 3) 4) Teachers tend to stereotype learners unconsciously ‘Stereotyping influences teachers’ expectations of certain cultural groups in class It refers to the portrayal of individuals in a group as having the same attributes Itis done deliberately and refers to information that is intentionally left out a), b) and 0) a), ) and d) a), c) and d) »), ¢) and d) 1". 12, 13 14, ETH305V October / November 2018 Peer tutonngis . a) effective in providing individualised help to supplement large group learning b) using a learner to teach others of the similar age ©) isnot effective at levels below Grade 5 d) _ ismost effective when used in large groups 1) a),b) and) 2) a), b) and d) 3) a),¢) andd) 4) b),c) and d) The following are direct benefits for learners where parent a) Improved academic achievement of leamers b) Positive attitude of leamers towards the school ©) Improved parent-teacher relations d) Reduced drop-out rate of learners volvement is present 1) a), byandc) 2) a), b) anda) 3) a), c)andd) 4) b),c)andd) Forms of bias that a teacher in a multicultural context must eliminate from instructional maternal include the following a) Omission b) —Ethnocentnsm ©) Repetition @) — Stereotyping 1) a), Bando) 2) a), b)andd) 3) a),c)andd) 4) b),c) and d) The instructional behaviour of a field-dependent educator includes the following” a) Encouraging learning through modelling b) Encouraging cooperation and the development of a group feeling ©) Maintaining stnetly formal relations with learners 4} Expressing confidence in the learners’ abilty to succeed 1) a), b) andc) 2) a), b)andd) 3) a),¢) andd) 4) b),c)andd) 15 16 7 18 ETH305V October / November 2018 A teaching style is best described as. 1) a consistent pattern of behaviour with which a learner approaches and masters content 2) a global-analytic approach to grasp new information 3) personalised rewards to strengthen the relationship with other learners 4) a consistent personal approach to teaching itrespective of the media or method that 1s used 1) a).b) and c) 2) a), b) and d) 3) a), c) and d) 4) b),c)andd) Multicultural education a) encourages acculturation and cultural preservation b) encompasses many dimensions of human difference ©) can be achieved through reforming the hidden curriculum 4d) encourages mutual interaction and cooperation 1) a), byande) 2) a), b)andd) 3) a),c) and d) 4) bj, c)andd) A positive language policy should include the following people or institutions: a) School governing bodies b) Parent community ©) Educators 4) Church ministers 1) a), by ande) 2) aj, b) andd) 3) a,c) andd) 4) b,c) and d) The following were used as strate States of America’ @) ‘Busing’ of leamers b) Creating magnet schools ©) Painng schools 4) Creating mono-ethnic schools 'S to undo educational segregation in the United 1) a), b) and) 2) a),b) anda) 3) a), o) anda) 4) ),c)andd) ETH305V, October / November 2018 49 Mathematics and natural science learning areas .. a) b) °) ) 1) 2) 3) 4) are not neutral or without value have no need for a multicuttural approach in thew teaching require teachers to be selective about the textbooks and learning material they use are deeply rooted in Asian, African, European and Arabic cultures a), b) and o} a), b) and d) a), ¢) and d) b), ¢) and d) 20 Jackson and Crawley (2003) identify the following three types of cultural contracts. a} Dominant-minonty contracts b) Quast-completed cultural contracts ¢) Ready-to-sign contracts 4) Co-created cultural contracts 1) a), b)ando) 2) a), by andd) 3) a),c)andd) 4) b),¢) and dy (20) QUESTION 2 a) Define the following concepts and give an example of each 1) Multicultural education 3) 1) Culture @ a) Stereotype @) Ww) Socio-economic class 3) b) Explain the following dimensions of multicultural education ) ‘The knowledge construction process @) ii) An empowenng schoo! culture @ ©) Give to reasons why multicultural education would stl be necessary in a mono-ethnic school QUESTION 3 2) [20] @) Describe the following barriers to communication and give an example of each ) Physical barners @ ) Psychoogical bamers @ ETH305V October / November 2018 b) Discuss two ways im which teachers can reduce gender inequality at schools, © ©) Discuss how the following can influence your teaching and give an example of each Language 0) Family structure © d) Explain the term ‘assimilation’ as used in multicultural education 2 (20) QUESTION 4 2) Explain how each of the following teaching methods can be used in a multicultural classroom 1) Cooperative learning @ 8) Mastery learning ® b) Discuss two strategies you would use to counteract xenophobia in class © ©) Discuss the importance of classroom meetings in 2 multicultural classroom @) 4) List four sources of preyudice for school going children 4) [20] QUESTION 5 a) Explain two ways in which you could assist a new leamer in adjusting to the new school ‘environment (4) b) Discuss two techniques that you, as a multicultural teacher, could use to ensure that the classroom culture does not cause the cultural alienation of any group of leamers 6) ©) Identify yourself as ether a freld-ndependent learner or a field-dependent leamer Give four reasons for your answer (4) d) Compare the following approaches to discipline 1) Humanistic approach 1) Behaviounst approach (8) [20] TOTAL: [100] ° UNISA 2016

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