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The aims of this research are (1) to describe the types of illocutionary acts; and (2) to
describe the implicatures found in hynosis book. Descriptive qualitative approach was
implemented as the research design to analyze the problems. The data of this research were
the utterances spoken by both the experimenter and the subject written in the hynosis book.
The result of this research revealed that types of illocutionary acts uttered by the
experimenter in the book consist of Directive, Expressive, Assertive and Commissive.
Directives were dominated among the other as most of the utterance spoken by the
experimenter was in the form of commanding the subject to do something. They are stating
an opinion, stating a fact, informing, explaining, agreeing, commanding, requesting,
suggesting, and promising.
In terms of types of illocutionary acts uttered by the subject was representative as the
subject tells and describes about certain experiences to the experimenter as listener. While
implicature was divided into two types such conventional implicature and conversational
implicature. The implicatures explained what the experimenter implies, suggests, or means,
as different from what the experimenter literally says. This research concludes that the use
of variou types of speech acts determine the reason of any speaker use it in the utterance.
Keywords: pragmatics, speech acts, illocutionary acts, and implicature.

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