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Jhonatan Mauricio Tabares Duque

Teg. Logistics Management

22 November 2019

Introduction.............................................................................................................. 3

Objectives:............................................................................................................... 4

TALHING ABOUT LOGISTICS, WORKSHOP ........................................................ 5

1. Read the next text. Then, answer the comprehension questions. ................. 5
2. In the previous text, there are 29 underlined words; take them out in a list
and classify them according to their syllable stress using the next chart. Add as
many rows as necessary. ..................................................................................... 7



Logistics has become a very important element since it is life, the scepter, the
heart of every company, it is a referential framework that helps us to plan the
correct use of the tools for the realization of a process. Logistics has been updated
more and more in order to optimize all the processes that may exist in a company.

logistics is a fundamental pillar when distributing since with it we will achieve

efficiency at a lower cost and with excellent customer service, logistics has
objectives that are based on the right product, the right customer, the right place
and the right time.

Part of it is the supply chain that is responsible for the provision of the materials
necessary to produce a product resulting in the transformation of this material into
a finished product.


 Classifying words according to their stress is very important for good

communication and expression of English words.
 Know and recognize the importance of logistics in a company.
 know that as professionals in the department of the logistics we will have
responsibilities that without them will weaken the company and bring it to
 To know about how broad the logistics is and of the actors that detach
themselves from the logistics by completing it and converting it into a
systematized process that seeks the improvement of others.


1. Read the next text. Then, answer the comprehension


Define the terms: "logistics" and "supply chain"

logistics: it is the process where the effective and effective transportation and
storage of goods, services and related information are planned, implemented and
controlled. this is done from the point of origin to the point of consumption with the
purpose of satisfying the client's needs

Supply chain: This process includes those companies that handle distribution,
production, handling, storage and marketing processes of a product and its
components. To have a good supply chain, you must have an organizational system
that involves people, information, activities and resources used to transfer the
product to the customer.

What does logistics management imply?

It involves the integration of various aspects such as: information, storage, inventory,
handling of final materials and products, packaging, transportation and security.

Describe what service providers do in order to increase efficiency of the

supply chain
work in close partnerships with their customers; they jointly explore the opportunities
for increasing efficiency of the supply chain and improving service levels by using
the latest systems and techniques.

By improving the efficiency of their logistics processes, companies can gain and
sustain an edge over their competitors.

Define the “logistics re-engineering” process and its factors.

Definition: It is a business management strategy process.

factors: he nature of the product, the optimal or preferred location of source or

manufacturing, freight and transport costs and the destination market, seasonal
trends, import and export regulations, customs duties and taxes, etc.

Specify the main function of a qualified logistician
The main function of this logistics includes inventory management, purchasing,
transportation, warehousing, consultation and organizing and planning of these

Specify the responsabilities of professional logisticians

They are responsible for the productity and operations of the supply chain, customs
documentation, they also carry out other processes that seek to ensure that the
needs and requirements of customers are met.

2. In the previous text, there are 29 underlined words; take
them out in a list and classify them according to their
syllable stress using the next chart. Add as many rows as

Stress Stress Stress on Stress on

on the on the the the ante-
Number Word
first last penultimate penultimate
syllable syllable syllable syllable

1 Management Man

2 Flow Flow

3 goods Goods

4 resources Ces

5 origin Or

6 consumption Sump

7 consumers Su

8 inventory In

9 material Te

10 packaging Pack

11 manufactures Fac

12 product Prod

13 purchased Sed

14 customers Mers

15 supply Pply

16 performs Forms

17 products Prod

18 implements Im

19 storage Stor

20 engineering Ring

21 customs Cu

22 duties Du

23 taxes Taxes

24 professional Fes

25 logistician Cian

26 include De

27 warehousing Ware

28 departments Part

29 ensure Re


If we have an adequate management with our responsibilities, including excellent

logistics, we will drive the company to success since, with the development of
logistics, we will optimize processes such as distribution, inventory, storage and
provisioning. The supply chain will help us to have a good supply with the
necessary standards to obtain a quality raw material in order to meet each of the
customers' needs, always looking for their loyalty so as to finally obtain a mutual

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