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1.) The word Polygraph was derived from what word?

a.) Poly and Graph b.) Many writing chat c.) Greek d.) Latin

2.) The first man noted for the use of the word “Polygraph”
a.)Thomas Jefferson b.) Cesare Lombroso c.) Galileo Galilee d.) Sir. James Mackenzie

3.)Is the person who devise an instrument that can record changes of blood pressure, pulse beat and
respiration simultaneously which he called the “Bread board Lie Detector”
a.)Cesare Lombroso b. John A. Larson c.)Sir. James Mackenzie d.)Leonarde Keeler

4.) A person who makes great improvement on the polygraph machine in the year 1926.
a.)John Larson b.)Richard O. Arthur c.)John E.Reid d.)Leonarde Keeler

5.) An Australian Magistrate who describe the work of investigator/detectives as “Search for Truth”
a.)Dr.Paul Kirk b.)Dr.Hans Gross c.)August Vollmer d.)Angelo Mosso

6.)The person who made the first suggestion for using the Pyscho Galvanic reaction for detecting
deception and we stated the galvanic skin phenomenon is under the influence of exciting mental
impressions and the will has no effect upon it.
a.)Veraguth b.)Harold Burtt c.)Sticker d.)Vittorio Bennussi

7.) He devised a quantitative analysis on a polygraph chart and the test called Backster Zone Comparison
Technique.(numerical scoring)
a.)Cleve Backster b.)Richard D.Arthur c.)C.D.Lee d.)Galilleo

8.) Is an ancient method of detecting deception practice in Bengal,India where accused to prove his
innocent would touch his tongue to an extremely hot metal.
a.) boiling water ordeal b.)Ordeal of balance c.)Red hot iron ordeal d.)Ordeal of heat and fire

9.) The Raid polygraph differs from the keeler’s in the following respect except:
a.)An adjustable and portable chair is employed where in metal bellows
are inserted in the chair arm rest.
b.) the chair seat is directly attached to recording bellows in the machine to
form closed pneumatic system
c.)three additional recordings are made by this method.
d.)There is no need of using corrugated rubber tubing.

10.) It is the act of deceiving usually accompanied by uttering falsehood?

a.)Lying b.)Misleading c.)Deception d.)Lie

11.) Which of the following is true about Polygraph machine?

a.)It is a machine that can diagnose subject.
b.)It is capable of interpreting and drawing conclusion.
c.)It is a lie detector machine.
d.)It is a machine that detects physiological responses.
12.) The polygraph machine should be________in relation to the credibility and competence
Of the examiner?
a.)indirectly proportion
b.)supplementary to investigation.
c.)substitute to investigation.
d.)directly proportion.

13.)The following notions about polygraph machine are wrong EXCEPT?

a.)it ring a bell
b.)it has a dial indicator
c.)it flash a light
d.)it is like an x-ray

14.)is the scientific basis of the polygraph test which states that the polygraph machine is an
Instrument capable of making records of various human functioning simultaneously in a chart paper?
a.)mechanical leg basic premise.
b.)physiological leg basic premise.
c.)psychological leg basic premise.
d.)psycho motor leg basic premise.

15.)A type of deceit for the purpose of humor, when the falsehood is generally understood,
Is often regarded as immoral and is widely practiced by humorist and comedians.?
a.)white lie
b.)emergency lie
c.)jocose lie
d.)malicious lie

16.)A Hindu book of science and health which is consider one of the earliest reference on detecting
a.)Ayur Vida
b.)Dharmasatra of Gautama
c.)Vasistra of Dharmasatra

17.)Considered to be the ancient method of crime detection?

a.)Methods of Ordeal
b.)Trial by Combat
c.)Boilling Water ordeal
d.)The ordeal of rice chewing

18.)Which of the following is a major component of the polygraph machine?

a.)Blood pressure cuff
b.)Pen and inking system
19.)Is that part of the pneumograph component which was attached to the body of the subject
With the usual length of 10 inches.
a.)beaded chain
b.)finger electode plate.
c.)rubber convulated tube.
d.)blood pressure cuff.

20.)Is that section of the polygraph machine designed to run the paper at a regular speed of 6 inches per
c.)pen and inking system

21.)An attachment of the cardiosphygmograph which placed above the brachial artery.
a.)arm cuff
b.)infant cuff
c.)wrist cuff
d.)hand cuff

22.)This is a galvanograph attachement section EXCEPT:

a.)sets of electodes c.)electodes jelly
b.)stretched band d.)rubber tube

23.)The size of the galvanograph rcording pen is ______?

a.)5 inches c.)7 inches
b.)6 inches d.)10 inches

24.)The polygraph chart rolled paper has an average length of?

a.)100 yards c.)100ft
b.)100 meters d.)100km

25.)Is the sum total of the dissimulation which the child acquires from his surrounding once he learn to
go out and socialized with his neighborhood.
a.)personality c.)heredity
b.)environment d.)education

26.)What should be the attitude of the polygraph examiner in confronting subject in a polygraph test?
a.)arrogant c.)authoritative
b.)cordial but firm d.)antagonistic

27.)Generally speaking all persons subjected to lie director examination are all________ and this
creates a set of distortion.
a.)terrified c.)convenient
b.)nervous d.)confident
28.)When the subject is highly nervous , what should the examiner do?
a.)reschedule the examination
b.)prolong the period of the pre-test interview
c.)call for a doctor or request for an ambulance
d.)do notcontinue with the pre-test and ask the subject for his available date for reschedule.

29.)Is a short horizontal line a cardio tracking located at the middle of the diastolic stem.
a.)dicrotic b.)Diastolic c.)Diastotic d.)Systolic

30.)Is the normal rate of pulse beat of an adult subject in a polygraph test.
a.)60-65 b.)70-75 c.)6-12 d.)13-15

31.) In polygraph test question are usually answerable by:

a.)Yes b.)No c.)Neither yes nor no d.)a or b

32.) The following are disqualified to be subject of polygraph test, except

a.)Minor b.)Imbecile c.)Nervous d.)Insane

33.) What should be the mark placed on a chart paper at the start of the test.
a.)X/60/1.5 b.)x/50/2.5A c.)xx/60/1.5A d.)xxx/60/2.5A

34.) The investigator should avoid asking witness long complicated question because this will:
a.)Give the witness a chance to formulate desired answer.
b.)Enable him to ascertain the purpose of the interview.
c.)Renders difficulty in obtaining the facts for conviction.
d.)Embarrass him and cause him to answer he does not know.

35.) The best way to conduct a thorough interview is for the investigator to:
a.)Allow himself sufficient time for adjustment
b.)Permit the interviewee to give narrative statement
c.)Be guided by a pre-arrange checklist
d.)Devote adequate time for an interviewee’s evaluation.

36.) What usually set the tone or condition and creates the atmosphere during the interrogation?
a.)Interrogator’s behavior c.)Questioning style of the interrogator
b.)The type of crime involves d.)The subject’s personal history

37.)Who determines the guilty of the subject in a polygraph test?

a.)Examiner b.)Prosecutor c.)Judge d.)Investigator
38.) Is the stage in the conduct of the polygraph test, which is designed to prepare or condition
the subject for the actual test.
a.)Initial interview c.)Instrumentation
b.)Pre-test interview d.)Posttest interview/interrogation

39.) It is conducted for the purpose of obtaining confession or an admission from the subject once
deception is observed.
a.)Initial interview c.)Pre-test interview
b.)Instrumentation d.)Post-test interview or interrogation
40.) Refers to any outside force coming from the environment, which could excite a receptor or any of
his organs.
a.)Stimulus b.)Response c.)Reaction d.)Emotion

41.) Is the type of question designed to established normal response from the subject?
a.)Relevant b.)Control c.)Irrelevant d.)Knowledge

42.)”Did you shot Rose last night”? Is an example of what question?

a.)Irrelevant question c.)Control question
b.)Relevant question d.)None of the above

43.) Is that type of test designed to overly responsive subject, consisting of questions that are purely
fictitious incident of a similar nature to the one that is under investigation?
a.)Evidence connecting question c.)Sacrifice questions
b.)Knowledge question d.)Control questions

44.) Is a type of test designed to overly responsive subject, consisting of questions that are purely
fictitious incident of a similar nature to the one that is under investigation?
a.) General question c.)Peak of tension test
b.) Guilt complex test d.) Silent answer test

45.) Is a force questioning of a person who is reluctant to give an information.

a.)Interview b.)Interrogation c.)Confession d.)Interrogation

46.) Is a self-incriminating statement falling short of an acknowledgement of guilt?

a.)Admission b.)Confession c.)Interview d.)Interrogation

47.) Which of the following which is a kind of polygraph machine?

a.)Stoelting polygraph c.)Keeler’s polygraph
b.)Lafayette polygraph d.)All of these

48.) Is that part of the Galvano graph component which converts electrical to mechanical current?
a.)Amplifier unit c.)Finger electrode assembly
b.)Resonance control d.)Sensitivity knob

49.) In any interrogation the belief that man is fallible human being should not be overlooked and
therefore poly examiners are always subject to_______?
a.)Precision of diagnosis c.)Errors
b.)Certainly of interpretations d.)None of these

50.) Refers to the brief confrontation between the subject and the polygraph examiners done every
after taking each chart.
a.)Initial interview c.)Pretest interview
b.)Chart probing d.)Posttest interview or interrogation

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