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Name: Abirami Mohan

Course: B.Arch
Host University: Politecnico Di Milano
Semester and year of exchange: 6th sem, feb 2018- july 2018


Initially, when I first decided I wanted to do an exchange, I knew that I wanted to go either to
Germany or Italy. However I finally decided to choose Italy since Politecnico Di Milano, Italy was
best when compared to Germany. The more research i did on the university - it has a beautiful
campus with many highly regarded Professors.I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to
study in Politecnico di Milano, Italy in Semester 6, 2018.Therefore, being given this opportunity
to attend such a university for one semester was surely an eye-opener and an experience that I
will never forget. Thus, the following report will highlight the experience from this journey.


Before flying out of the country to Italy, the feeling I had was unexplainable. The
feeling of fear, excitement, uncertainty and anxiousness were all upon me. There
was also a lot of preparation needed to be done; from lodging my visa application to
setting up my accommodation. It all seemed a bit too much for me but I had to
constantly remind myself on why I chose to be an exchange student and most
importantly had to stay focused on my mission. The mission was for me to adapt
myself into a new and challenging learning environment, grasp new ideas and
concepts from an international country, and most importantly to pass with flying


I reached Milan,Italy on 19th February.The first week that I arrived there was an orientation day
for exchange students. Entering into the orientation venue, I was amazed at the large number of
study abroad students. My eyes widened as I realized that there were students from all over the
world present in there.During the day we were instructed about our course and study plan and
also we were taken to a walking tour around the university campus to discover classroom
buildings, cafeteria, international student desk, Printing shops, Library, etc. Later our classes
started on 26th February.

The first day I walked into Politecnico di Milano campus I was amazed and simply
impressed. I had to comprehend the fact that I was really there. The lecture theatres
were amazing and lectures were at the top of their game. Students were more vocal
and focused, I knew this was a new environment and that I had to adapt to it in order
to thrive. Immediately, my goals were set for the semester and knew that doing my
readings and activities was not an option anymore. I knew I had to push myself to
the limits and be vocal and confident as well. The University not only met my
expectations, it well and truly exceeded them. While I have been told by previous
exchange students that I would have the time of my life. The classes were generally
a maximum of 60 students. The lectures were great and the teaching staffs were
flexible and they try their best to help students learn more. I also had many guest
lectures for each subject. Also we were taken to study tours during the very first
week of our course. Each subject we choose consists of group projects where I was
put together in a group of 5 to 6 members with other country students. This made me
to interact more with exchange students.

Lectures at Politecnico di Milano are much longer than the ones at my Home
University.Each lesson is about 3-4 hours long, with a 10-15 min break in the middle.
I found that the workload of the courses was quite more from what I’m used to have
at my Home University.The grading system in Italy is very different – the highest
mark you can achieve is 30 and a pass is 18.


Apart from academics, I travel to places during weekends in Milan. Duomo (Milan
Cathedral) is very near to my place. So i love spending my weekends there with a
gelato. We have got Easter break for a week and planned for a trip to Germany and
also my cousin stays in Bonn,Germany so thought of meeting him. We went to
Hamburg, cologne, Heidelberg and Munich. Probably covered some parts of
Germany. During May there is a study tour to Berlin from my class so planning to
cover the rest of the places in Germany by the time.


Erasmus Student Network (ESN): An organization that organizes activities – dinners,

tours, and even trips – for international students in your city. Great way to meet new
international friends! Another benefit of joining ESN is that you’ll get discounts at
certain places and events.

A challenge faced at the mid of june was that, had issues with my fellow mates from
my home university and was about to move to a new apartment. I found a new place
for myself in just a day and shifted since I had so much of mental torture from
them.There were many situations in which I had to toughen up and learn how to be
independent. This was actually challenging because my final exams were held by
the time. Also i was betrayed by the same fellow mates in a group project, where we
are supposed to present it together. But then finally I took up the whole project and
completed all alone in the last 10 days and scored the second highest mark. I feel
proud of myself and this made me more stronger to stand up alone and do things for
myself. I considered myself to be a strong and independent person, and definitely
not an emotional person by the time. Also it’s not just all fun and excitement – there
are moments that I feel alone, feel out of my comfort zone and where I have to deal
with a difficult situation – but that’s all part of the experience and I definitely learned
a lot to grow as an individual!


In conclusion, despite all the setbacks and challenges faced, it can be said that
going on this exchange scheme was the best learning experience I could ever ask
for. It has certainly developed me mentally, physically and emotionally as well. The
lessons learnt and experience made is priceless and will never be forgotten.
Moreover, the friendships made and knowledge gained from this program are some
of the best assets that I have now in life. Significantly, I can say that in order to be a
successful exchange student, you need to have a strong mindset and face situations
with courage. If I happen to forget everything, there is surely one thing that I must
never forget. This is the fact that no matter what situation or new environment you
are in, God is always there to help and guide you through it, successfully.


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