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Model OCR400 Controller.

Emerson Process Management Confidential 1

What do you get vs the OCR161
z 50% speed improvement
z 50mS Copy to Backup
z Double RAM, Quadruple Flash
z More integrated NIC ports
z 60% Smaller Overall Package and Power Usage
– All without using fans
z Greater Hardware I/O connectivity concurrently
– Local Ovation, Local Q Line and Remote Q or Ovation I/O
z Same config tools, Same controls, Same database

Emerson Process Management Confidential 2

Ovation Redundant Controller
Processor z 1:1 functional replacement
Modules of existing controller
– 60% smaller DIN rail
mountable package
– Same I/O interfaces
z Same Control Builder and
Developer Studio
– Minimal controller
configuration changes only
z Control schemes, database,
etc remain the same
z Same Environmental
– But without Fans
z Same 24V Power scheme

I/O Interface

Emerson Process Management Confidential 3

Processor Module
z Control Processor & Highway Interface
– 400MHz Processor
– 64MB expandable to 128MB DRAM
– 128Mb Flash memory accessible under
z 4 On Board Fast Ethernet Ports
– Network connections
– Fieldbus and 3rd Party virtual I/O device
z Fits in an I/O module housing with new
z Uses PCI to interconnect with the I/O
Interface Module
z LED’s for Power and 4 NIC’s

Emerson Process Management Confidential 4

OCR400 Network Connections
Single Dual
Ethernet 3rd Party Link #1 ●● ●●
(Foundation Fieldbus*, Modbus/TCP,
Profibus*, GE Mk V/VI, A-B DF1, etc)

Ovation Network Connection #1 ● ●

Ovation Network #2 Connection or ●●

Ethernet 3rd Party Link #3 ●●

50mS Copy to Backup or ● ●

Ethernet 3rd Party Link #2 ● ●

* Not supported on Solaris 1.7

Emerson Process Management Confidential 5

Hardwired and Virtual I/O Devices
z Controller supports 5 I/O Devices
Virtual Hardwired
– 1 Hardwired I/O which includes redundancy
– All 5 can be virtual I/O devices
z Hardwired I/O Device
– Single Device to handle all Hardwired I/O
– Connections made via Backplane and I/O
Interface Module
z Virtual I/O Device
– Up to 5 Devices used to handle each of the
Virtual (3rd party) I/O Device types
• GE MkV/VI, Modbus, Ff, A-B, etc
– Connections made via Ethernet Ports
z The same controller limits apply
– Approximately 2000 maximum field I/O points
per Controller

Emerson Process Management Confidential 6

I/O Interface Module
z Provides internal power
– internal 12V, 5VDC from 24VDC
z Interfaces to all hardwired I/O types
– Local Ovation I/O
– Remote Ovation I/O
– Local Q Line I/O
– Remote Q Line I/O
z Local Ovation I/O connections are
the same as the current controller
z Q Line and Remote I/O connections
are via RJ45 ports on top of the
z Fits in an I/O module housing with
new cap

Emerson Process Management Confidential 7

IO Interface Module Connections
Valid Combinations

Q5 Local Q Line DIOB 0 ● ● ●

Local Q Line DIOB 1 OR ●

R4 Remote Ovation I/O Nodes 1-4 OR ●
Remote Q Line I/O ●

R3 Remote Ovation I/O Nodes 5-8 OR ●

Remote Q Line I/O ●

Local Ovation I/O always ● ● ●

16 branches with
4778 hardware addresses

More I/O Flexibility

Emerson Process Management Confidential 8
Ovation I/O Bus

OCR400 Controller I/O Architectures

The IO interface only deals with two types of interfaces
Local Ovation I/O and AUI connected I/O
New OCR400 Controller Kit 5X00247 Ovation OCR400 I/O has the same
drawing numbers and is
Local Ovation Ovation fully interchangeable
Ovation I/O
Remote AUI FO Ovation Ovation
Ovation I/O
CTRL IOIC ●●●●● MAU ●●●●● RNC ●●●●● I/O
Existing AUI & RNC components

New OCR400 Migration Kit 5X00251

Local AUI DIOB Qline
Q Line I/O
CTRL IOIC ●●●●● QOL ●●●●●
5X00238 I/O
Remote AUI FO DIOB Qline
Q Line I/O CTRL IOIC ●●●●● MAU ●●●●● QOR ●●●●●
5X00238 I/O
Existing AUI & RNC components

All other components are existing drawing numbers

FO cable is supplied by the project

Emerson Process Management Confidential 9

I/O Driver Types & I/O Device Types
z Hardwired I/O
– OVATION (I/O Driver) - Local Ovation, Remote Ovation, Local Q
Line, Remote Q Line (I/O Device)
z 3rd Party I/O
– ALLEN BRADLEY - Allen Bradley PLC
– MODBUS - Modbus Master
– GE MARK V/VI - GE Mark V, GE Mark VI
– EXTERNAL OVATION NETWORK - External Ovation Network
– TOSHIBA - Toshiba
– FIELDBUS - Foundation Fieldbus
– GE Genius - GE Genius
– PROFIBUS - Profibus

Emerson Process Management Confidential 10

I/O Driver Types & Simulator Driver Types
z Some valid combinations of an I/O Driver, and a Sim Driver
– Ovation I/O used with no simulation points
– Standard configuration for controller
– Ovation I/O used with Ovation Points from Simulator Model
• Allows Mix and Match of Ovation Real I/O and Simulated I/O
– Controller expects to interface with a SimServer
– Ovation I/O used with Ovation Points from same controller
– Model implemented in additional control sheets
– No SimServer involvement

z MODBUS, OVATION (One of many unexpected combinations)

– Modbus I/O used with Ovation Points from Simulator Model
• Allows Mix and Match of Modbus I/O and Simulated I/O
– Controller expects to interface with a SimServer

Emerson Process Management Confidential 11

Virtual I/O Device Capabilities
Type Device Type Max Devices Max Addresses Max per
Per Device Controller*
Systems Allen Bradley PLC 5 5 25
Modbus Master 5 5 25
MHI 5 1 5
Toshiba 5 1 5
I/O RTP IOBC6700 1 5 5
GE Mark V or GE Mark VI 1 2 2
External Ovation Network 1 1 1
16 (64
Foundation Fieldbus 1 16
GE Genius 1 8 8

Profibus (Future) 1 8 8

z Remember 1 Hardwired I/O Device is required for redundancy

– *This reduces the above Max per Controller numbers.

Emerson Process Management Confidential 12

LED Indications
Power OK P Power OK P Power OK
Communication Cm Communication
Backup (Fl) Ct Primary (Solid)
Single Attach Alive A Alive
Error (Red) E
Local I/O 1-8 O1
Local I/O 9-16 O2 Local I/O 9-16
Remote I/O #1 R3 Remote I/O #1
N4 Remote I/O #2 R4
Qline I/O Q5

Backup Controller Primary Controller

z 1 Red Error LED instead of 4 Char display

z 5 Lowest LEDs cyclically indicate error code
Emerson Process Management Confidential 13
Controller Capabilities
z Lots of Hardwired I/O
– 4778 Max
z And Lots of Virtual I/O capability
– 2048 x 4 = 8192 Max
z Plus Lots of ports & connections
z Plus Lots of control sheets
– Multiplies Field I/O x 6, 8, or 10
z However the maximum overall
originated I/O point limit per
controller is still

16,000 points

Emerson Process Management Confidential 14

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