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User Instructions of Noda Setup in ATP

Taku Noda

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prepared on March 28th, 1997


The importance of more precisely simulating transmission transients is increasing due to the
economical incentive of using more accurate modeling in design as well as protection studies. For
switching, fault, and fault-clearing surge studies, the most important and also the most difficult part of
the simulation is the inclusion of the frequency dependence of a transmission line. The frequency
dependence of modal propagation has been investigated widely, and the results are already installed in
and JMARTI SETUP [5]. But all of them only take into account the frequency dependence of the
modal propagation and ignore the frequency dependence of the modal-transformation matrices (hereafter
those models are referred to modal-domain line models), although the frequency dependence of the
matrices can be significant in many cases. Especially, it is demonstrated when modeling vertically-
arranged overhead lines and underground cables.
The modal-domain line models successfully reproduce the modal-domain frequency depend-
ence. Nevertheless, when the frequency dependence of the modal-transformation matrices is heavy, the
use of constant modal-transformation matrices causes an error and numerical instability. The inclusion
of the frequency-dependent modal-transformation matrices can be achieved by either applying convolu-
tion to the matrices [6,7] or direct phase-domain approaches [8-11]. The practical implementation of
the transformation-matrix convolution could be complicated in terms of eigenvalue tracing by mode
crossing (at some frequency, two or more eigenvalues become equal) [12]. On the other hand, the direct
phase-domain approaches avoid the modal transformation itself, but the application of recursive
convolution to a phase-domain response is difficult because of the time-domain discontinuities of the
response due to modal traveling-time differences.
The NODA SETUP is one of the direct phase-domain approaches developed by the author
[10]. The line model uses an ARMA (AutoRegressive Moving-Average) model for the time-domain
realization of the phase-domain convolution, and the phase-domain discontinuous response is accurately
reproduced by the ARMA model, taking advantage of the one-sample-delay nature of the Z-operator. In
ref. [11], further improvements to the line model are made. The improvement to convolution allows
each ARMA model to use its own time step interfacing with the external circuit by a linear interpolation
technique, and thus the model is designated as IARMA (interpolated ARMA) model. A steady-state
initialization method is also developed in the reference in order to make possible such as fault
calculations. The matrix stability conditions presented in ref. [11] is not installed in the present version
of the NODA SETUP, because it requires more investigation for the accurate evaluation of eigenvalues.
In the following, the usage of the NODA SETUP is illustrated using an example : 500-kV
double-circuit overhead line of which the conductors are vertically arranged.


A. Overview
The modeling of a transmission line (overhead lines and cables) using the NODA SETUP
requires the following two steps :

1) Calculation of the frequency-dependent line constants of the transmission line, hereafter referred to
“frequency data”, using CABLE PARAMETERS or LINE CONSTANTS supporting routine in
ATP. The result is written in .AFT file (ARMAFIT file). Note that CABLE CONSTANTS
cannot be used to make the .AFT file.

2) Fitting the frequency data in the .AFT file with IARMA models for the time-domain realization of
the frequency dependence using an independent program ARMAFIT. The result is written in .PCH
file (punch-out file).

It should be noted that another line-constants calculation program can be used, because
ARMAFIT is independent of ATP. This is important, because a certain transmission-line configuration,
which is not supported neither by CABLE PARAMETERS nor LINE CONSTANTS, can be fitted
using ARMAFIT, if the frequency data is prepared in .AFT file by a user-made line-constants
calculation program. The format of .AFT file is illustrated in Section II-C.
In order to use the line model for a time-domain simulation, the name of .PCH file is specified
in a branch card in an ATP data case unlike other line models. (Using other line models such as
SEMLYEN SETUP, JMARTI SETUP, and so on, .PCH file has to be pasted as branch cards)
Because the .PCH file remains outside of the data case, the .PCH file can be used by other data cases
by simply specifying the file name.

B. Example
A 500-kV double-circuit overhead line of which the conductors are vertically arranged is used
to illustrate the usage of the NODA SETUP. The conductor configuration is shown in Fig. 1.

24 m
gw gw AS 160
16 m
80 m a (1) c’ (4)
17 m TACSR 810
65 m b (2) b’ (5) ×6
18 m sep. = 0.5 m
55 m
c (3) a’ (6)
45 m
line length = 100 km

Fig. 1 500-kV double-circuit overhead line

The line length is 100 km. Each of the ground wires is a single conductor AS 160, and each of the
phase wires is a bundle of 6 conductors TACSR 810 of which the separation is 0.5 m. Fig. 2 shows the
frequency dependence of the first-column elements of the voltage modal-transformation matrix A.
Because the frequency dependence of A11 and A41 elements is heavy (about 16%), the proposed phase-
domain model is advantageous than model-domain models. Switching-surge and fault-surge
calculations of the line are carried out in Chapter III.



0.4 : A11 =A41

: A21 =A51
A31 = A61 = 1.0 (normalization)
0 0
10 101 102 103 104 105 106
frequency [Hz]

Fig. 2 First column elements of voltage transformation matrix A

C. Calculation of Frequency Data using ATP

The following data case VERT500.DAT calculates the frequency data of the example line
and writes them into file VERT500.AFT, using ATP. It uses the CABLE PARAMETERS supporting


C 500-kV Vertically-Arranged Double-Circuit Overhead Line
NODA SETUP { Request Taku Noda's ARMA model fitter. No printout of F-scan
VERT500.AFT { Output file name (blank requests use of default TAKUNODA.CCC)
HOMOGENEOUS LINE { keyword for homogeneous line
-1. { time step (if negative, optimum time step request)
4 16 { min and max orders for voltage deformation matrix [H]
1 12 { min and max orders for char. admittance matrix [Y0]
3. .5 3. 3 { error constants: EpsA, EpsM1, EpsM2 in percent, and Nitr
1,4 2,5 3,6 { pair(s) of phases having symmetry
NODA SETUP END { Bound of fitter data; begin CABLE PARAMETERS data
1 0 2
3 1 6 1
19.20E-03 4.800E-03 10.50E-03 1.000E-03 0.5
3.941E-08 1.0 5.526E-08 1.0
3 1 6 1
19.20E-03 4.800E-03 10.50E-03 1.000E-03 0.5

3.941E-08 1.0 5.526E-08 1.0
65.0 65.0 -8.1 55.0 55.0 -8.6
45.0 45.0 -9.0 65.0 65.0 8.0
55.0 55.0 8.5 45.0 45.0 9.1
80.0 80.0 -12.0 80.0 80.0 12.0
300. 1. 6 10 100.E3 { 1st f. card for f. scan
300. 100.E6 100.E3 { 2nd f. card to determine v
BLANK ending frequency cards

First comes keyword BEGIN NEW DATA CASE as usual, and keyword NODA SETUP follows. The
next line specifies the name of .AFT file to which the frequency data is written, and VERT500.AFT is
specified in the present example. Then, keyword HOMOGENEOUS LINE follows. Lines enclosed by
keywords HOMOGENEOUS LINE and NODA SETUP END are simply copied into the .AFT file, and
thus the description of those lines are provided in the next section II-D. Those lines contain fitting
parameters. Next comes a standard CABLE PARAMETERS case describing the line configuration,
which has two frequency cards. The first frequency card determines the range of frequency
logarithmically scanned for the subsequent frequency-domain fitting using ARMAFIT. In the example,
from 1 Hz to 1 MHz with 10 points per a decade. The second frequency card specifies a frequency at
which the velocity of all the natural modes of propagation are determined. Usually, a value which is
larger by 2 decades than the highest frequency of the frequency scan may be recommended. Finally
comes BEGIN NEW DATA CASE and BLANK to terminate the ATP execution.

D. Format of .AFT File

The contents of VERT500.AFT is shown below. The lines between keywords
HOMOGENEOUS LINE and NODA SETUP END in the .DAT file are copied into the first part of
the .AFT file as mentioned in the previous section. First comes HOMOGENEOUS LINE to declare that
the present transmission line is simulated by a homogeneous line model. Other line models, for example
CORONA LINE to include corona branches, would be added in the future, but only the homogeneous
line model is supported for now. (If keyword KIZILCAY F-DEPENDENT is specified here, the
frequency characteristic of an admittance element can be modeled as an ARMA model or as a Laplace
s-function model to be used as a KIZILCAY F-DEPENDENT element in a branch card in an ATP
data case, although the format of the following parameters and data is different.) From the second to
sixth lines are fitting parameters which can be placed in a free format separated with space ‘ ’ or comma
‘,’. There is no distinction between space and comma, and contiguous space or comma are treated as
one separator. The second line specifies a time step, with which all the ARMA models in the line model,
is synthesized. If a negative value is specified, then an appropriate time step is automatically
determined by ARMAFIT as in the following equation :

∆t = log10 f max +(log10 f max − log10 f min )/( N −1)
2 × 10

where fmin : lowest frequency, fmax : highest frequency, N : number of total frequency points of the
frequency scan, and fmin = 1 Hz, fmax = 1 MHz, N = 60 in the present example. The meaning of the
above equation is that the time step is determined by the sampling theorem using a frequency which is a
little higher than the highest frequency. The third line specifies the minimum and maximum orders

HOMOGENEOUS LINE { keyword for homogeneous line } {VERT500.AFT
-1. { time step (if negative, optimum time step request)
4 16 { min and max orders for voltage deformation matrix [H]
1 12 { min and max orders for char. admittance matrix [Y0]
3. .5 3. 3 { error constants: EpsA, EpsM1, EpsM2 in percent, and Nitr
1,4 2,5 3,6 { pair(s) of phases having symmetry
C ============ End data for fitter. Begin F-scan output for fitter.
6 { NG above DO 890 of NEWCBL
1.0000000000000000E+05 { DIST above DO 890 of NEWCBL
C ============== Begin data for next frequency of F-scan.
1.0000000000000000E+00 { FREQ upon exit from PRCON
C ---- Next comes CZCHAR for JNC = 6
2.7505413428897600E-03 1.3040338648627105E-03 -6.27... { End row
-6.2732454175991445E-04 -4.5844275604238537E-04 2.84... { End row
-3.4375081828096494E-04 -1.7495154597511246E-04 -6.36... { End row
-4.4191865545622496E-04 -2.8875558905680845E-04 -3.22... { End row
-3.2289519658382660E-04 -1.5063229124422632E-04 -3.43... { End row
-2.4924579548355629E-04 -9.1772867549232853E-05 -3.13... { End row
C ---- Next comes AI for JNC = 6
1.8706602470669148E-01 -1.6551217820610420E-02 1.32... { End row
-1.8521331040189884E-01 -1.5676859558619773E-03 2.83... { End row
-1.8448452080598216E-01 -9.5802838509942805E-03 3.68... { End row
2.5938719090784324E-01 2.6690124032475397E-04 2.08... { End row
-2.5243637063269153E-01 -5.9240387975043832E-04 2.71... { End row
1.6353884250116110E-01 -2.9971521498993311E-03 2.18... { End row
C ---- Next comes A for JNC = 6
9.9974575555930156E-01 -2.2548264703990531E-02 -6.53... { End row
1.0071696294614401E+00 4.1512638575577708E-02 9.99... { End row
9.9529692666225078E-01 -6.9997145897572350E-03 -5.92... { End row
9.9978328925059745E-01 -2.2417404173010257E-02 6.48... { End row
1.0073118492346393E+00 4.1868107726403994E-02 -9.91... { End row
9.9518500528747500E-01 -7.5757386541923768E-03 5.88... { End row
C ---- Next comes vector QN.
5.8082744026295919E-09 3.8819226136679583E-08 1.41...
C ============== Begin data for next frequency of F-scan.
1.2589254117941673E+00 { FREQ upon exit from PRCON
C ---- Next comes CZCHAR for JNC = 6
3.0003593783218497E-03 1.2337713228203128E-03 -7.24... { End row


9.9999812059239424E-01 1.9387655039394408E-03 9.99... { End row


C ---- Next comes vector QN.
2.3212834559188691E-04 2.1219062265983042E-02 1.17...
C ============== Begin data for next frequency of F-scan.
9.9999999999999985E+07 { FREQ upon exit from PRCON
C ---- Next comes CZCHAR for JNC = 6
4.0609713760903386E-03 1.3950144817973304E-07 -1.09... { End row


C ---- Next comes vector QN.

2.5916994586333468E-03 2.0984680796854747E+00 1.47...

Nmin, Nmax of the ARMA models which represent the elements of the propagation-function matrix H(jω).
The fourth line specifies those of the characteristic-admittance matrix Y0(jω). From author’s experience,
Nmin = 4 and Nmax = 16 is recommended for the propagation-function matrix. Because each element of
the characteristic-admittance matrix has smoother frequency characteristics than the propagation-
function matrix, Nmin = 1 and Nmax = 12 is recommended for the characteristic-admittance matrix. If
desired fitting accuracy cannot be obtained, the maximum order may be increased for achieving better
fitting by user. In the fifth line, the values of the error tolerances are specified : εA, εM1, εM2, and Nitr.
The description of the error tolerances is

εA : error tolerance in the stage of least-square fitting in %

εM1 : error tolerance for detecting modal traveling timings in %
εM2 : error tolerance for detecting dominant modes in each phase response in %
Nitr : maximum iteration steps in the stage of nonlinear improvement

The author recommends εA = 3 %, εM1 = 0.5%, εM2 = 3 %, and Nitr= 3 as in the example. ARMAFIT
uses a linearized least-squares method presented in refs. [10] and [13] by the author for the fitting, and
the stage of an nonlinear improvement using the Newton-Raphson iteration is added purposing better
fitting. It improves the solution obtained by the least-squares method by the Newton-Raphson iteration.
It is important that if the iteration does not converge, Nitr should be set to 0. For theoretical background,
consult [10, 11, 13, 14]. The sixth line provides the symmetry information of line configuration for
ARMAFIT. In the example line, phases 1 and 4, phases 2 and 5, and phases 3 and 6 are respectively
symmetrical with a reference line which is usually the tower supporting the wires. If there is no
symmetry in the line configuration, keyword NO SYMMETRY is placed here. The symmetry
information is used to reduce the number of fitting. Because the proposed line model is a phase-domain
model, the computation time of the frequency-dependence synthesis is in proportional to n2 (n : number
of phase wires). Thus, the reduction of the fitting time is important, although the linearized least-squares
fitting method is quite fast. The theory is presented in refs. [14,15].
The next two lines specifies the number of phase wires n and the line length l. In the present
example, the number of phase wires is n = 6 (the ground wires are eliminated using a matrix
manipulation assuming zero voltage), and the line length is l = 100 km.
In the next part, N sets of line constants are provided, where N is the total number of
frequencies of the frequency scan :

(1) frequency
(2) characteristic-admittance matrix Y0
(3) voltage transformation matrix A
(4) inverse of voltage transformation matrix A−1
(5) propagation constant γ

Frequency is specified on the first line in each set. Then, characteristic-admittance matrix Y0, voltage
transformation matrix A, and inverse of voltage transformation matrix A−1 are provided in the following
matrix form :

x11real x11imag x12real x12imag ..... x1n real x1n imag
x21real x21imag x22real x22imag ..... x2n real x2n imag
xn1real xn1imag xn2real xn2imag ..... xnn real xnn imag

where n is the number of phase wires, and xij is the (i, j) element of matrix X. At last, propagation
constant γ is provided in the following vector form :

γ1real γ1imag γ2real γ2imag ..... γn real γn imag

where γ i is the i-th element of vector γ . After N sets of the above line constants, keyword 2ND
FREQUENCY CARD. SAME OUTPUT FOR IT FOLLOWS: comes to declare that the same set
of line constants follows in order to calculate the velocity of the natural modes of propagation.

E. Fitting using ARMAFIT

In order to perform fitting of the frequency data prepared in .AFT file as described in the
previous section, an independent program ARMAFIT is used. ARMAFIT can also be used to fit the
given frequency characteristic of an admittance element with an ARMA model or with a Laplace s-
function model, and the identified model can be used as a KIZILCAY F-DEPENDENT element in a
branch card in an ATP data case. The instructions for this use may be provided as separate user
ARMAFIT is an MS-DOS application requiring Salford DBOS DOS extender. To execute
ARMAFIT, type as follows on a command line :


F_NAME.AFT is the file name containing the frequency data. If the file name is TEMP.AGF, it can be
omitted as :


Files TEMP.PCH and TEMP.AGF are created by the execution. TEMP.PCH contains the fitting
results, i.e. the coefficients of the identified ARMA models of the transmission line, and it is used in
subsequent transient calculations. TEMP.AGF (ARMAFIT graph file) contains information used by a
small plotting program PGVGA to show the graphs of the fitting results. If file name TEMP.PCH is not
desired, -p option can be used to specify the name as :


In the present example,


may be appropriate. VERT500.PCH is created instead of TEMP.PCH. If one needs more information
during the fitting, she/he can modify the debugging level of the execution using -d option. Bigger value
provides more information, and the default is zero. To execute the present example with debugging
level 2, type :

C:>ARMAFIT VERT500.AFT -pVERT500.pch -d2

To modify file name TEMP.AGF, -g option can be used in the same manner as the -p option.
In order to visualize the fitting results using PGVGA, .AGF file has to be converted into .PG
file that can be read by PGVGA. For this purpose, a small converter AGF2PG is used. PGVGA and
AGF2PG are compiled by Borland C/C++ compiler and thus does not require the Salford DBOS DOS
extender. To convert F_NAME.AGF to F_NAME.PG, type as :


And the results is shown by typing as :


If TEMP.AGF is always used, batch file G is prepared to simplify the above two steps into one step.
Thus, typing as


is equivalent to the following two steps :



Other command line options : -t to request transformation matrices output, -s to request step
responses are available. -? option invokes the following help screen :

usage : ARMAFIT [file name] [options]

[file name] : specifies input file name, when TEMP.AFT is not desired

[options] -d<n> : requests n-th level debugging mode: 0-3

-p<file name> : specifies the name of punch-out file,
when 'TEMP.PCH' is not desired
-g<file name> : specifies the name of ARMAFIT graph file,
when 'TEMP.AGF' is not desired
-t : requests transformation-matrices output
(valid for the NODA SETUP line model)
-s<Tmax> : requests step response of each ARMA
model ( 0 < t < Tmax: end time )
-? : prints this help

F. Format of .PCH File

File VERT500.PCH created from VERT500.AFT using ARMAFIT is shown below. If one
prepares another fitting program, this section would help, or otherwise can be skipped. First comes the
copy of the first line of .AFT file. In the present example, it is HOMOGENEOUS LINE. The second
line specifies the number of phase wires. Then, the identified ARMA coefficients of the elements of the
propagation-function matrix H(jω) and of the characteristic-admittance matrix Y0(jω) follow. First
comes H(jω), and then Y0(jω) comes next, and the element order is (1,1), ..., (1,n), (2,1), ..., (2,n),
(3,1), ..., (3,n),..., (n,n) for H(jω), and (1,1), (1,2), ..., (1,n), (2,2), ..., (2,n), (3,3), ..., (3,n), ..., (n,n) for
Y0(jω) considering the symmetry of conductor configuration.

6 -1.00000E+00 { number of phase, simulation time step
C PHASE (1,1)
3.98666E-07 3.33987E-04 { time step, minimum traveling time
7 { optimum order
0 -8.274653485712564E-03 1.000000000000000E+00
1 7.528397386656641E-01 -2.126568253243974E+00
2 -1.471106180157977E+00 1.269977709398951E+00
3 7.265012311708612E-01 -1.776595974102977E-01
33 -1.506730710077502E-03 6.575121912178510E-02
34 6.260578742981290E-03 -4.618327398313728E-02
35 -7.158843715498257E-03 2.456714003946597E-02
36 2.453349564716568E-03 -9.876428406518090E-03
C PHASE (1,2)
3.98666E-07 3.33987E-04 { time step, minimum traveling time
10 { optimum order
0 -6.588584708260395E-03 1.000000000000000E+00
1 -1.410102902038087E-01 -2.720298100309956E+00
2 4.646819531667218E-01 2.197916234916072E+00
3 -4.803439361481772E-01 -1.725880139040105E-01
4 1.632808854959012E-01 -4.631597800007359E-01
33 -1.035543060647118E-03 3.082201104298183E-01
34 -8.949953167804173E-04 -2.637356723307325E-01
35 8.036226679380594E-03 1.883725745328373E-01
36 -9.540977334950568E-03 -9.011106966677926E-02
37 3.415261430664519E-03 1.538371652484067E-02
38 -4.374625661718312E-14 0.000000000000000E+00


C PHASE (6,6)
SAME AS 3, 3
C PHASE (1,1)
3.98666E-07 { time step
1 { optimum order
0 4.010927595142271E-03 1.000000000000000E+00
1 -4.010921931909790E-03 -9.999965918383292E-01
C PHASE (1,2)
3.98666E-07 { time step
2 { optimum order
0 -1.114929831742434E-03 1.000000000000000E+00
1 1.114929516191998E-03 -9.999977182440943E-01
2 3.155504362580691E-10 0.000000000000000E+00


C PHASE (6,6)
SAME AS 3, 3

For each element of H(jω), the first line contains the time step and the fastest traveling time of
the element. The fastest traveling time is the traveling time of the fastest mode included in the element,
and the value is evaluated at frequency specified by the second frequency card. The second line is the
determined model order, and then the identified ARMA coefficients follow. For the illustration of the
format of the ARMA coefficients, the following ARMA model is used :

a0 + a1z −1 + a10 z −10 + a11z −11

Hij ( z) =
1 + b1z −1 + b2 z − 2 + b3 z −3

The order of the above ARMA model is 3, and the coefficients are specified as follows :

index numerator coefficients denominator coefficients

0 a0 1.0
1 a1 b1
10 a10 b2
11 a11 b3

If the frequency characteristics of element Hij is identical to element Hkl considering the symmetry of
conductor configuration, SAME AS i, j replaces the above format to avoid duplication.
For each element of Y0(jω), the first line contains the time step. The second line is the
determined model order, and then the identified ARMA coefficients follow in the same manner. If the
frequency characteristics of element Y0ij is identical to element Y0kl, SAME AS i, j also replaces the
format to avoid duplication.
The above parameters are placed in a free format separated with space ‘ ’ or comma ‘,’.
There is no distinction between space and comma, and contiguous space or comma are treated as one


A. Branch Cards in ATP

In order to include a transmission-line model created by the Noda Setup in an ATP data case,
the name of .PCH file containing the ARMA coefficients of the line model is specified in a branch card
as shown below.

C --------------------------------------------------------------------
C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
C 34567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
C --------------------------------------------------------------------
-1SND1 RCV1 Noda line F_NAME.PCH SHOW 1 { 1 of n }
-2SND2 RCV2 { 2 of n }
-nSNDn RCVn { n of n }

An n-phase transmission line requires n branch cards in the same manner as other line models. The first
column of the branch cards is occupied by minus sign -, and the second column by phase index (1, 2, ...,

n). Specify the two terminal nodes of the branch by 6-character alphanumeric node names using
columns 3 to 8 and 9 to 14. The order of the two pairs of phases follows the rule of CABLE
PARAMETERS or LINE CONSTANTS supporting routine. Only on the first line, keyword Noda
Line is required in columns 25 to 33, and .PCH file is specified using columns 35 to 46. Keyword
SHOW is also required only on the first line in columns 47 to 50, and a digit in column 52 controls the
amount of information printed out on screen. Bigger digit shows more information of the line model.

B. Switching-Surge Calculation
Using the present example, a switching-surge calculation is carried out to illustrate the use of
the Noda Setup in an ATP data case. Fig. 3 shows the circuit diagram of the calculation, and
corresponding ATP data case SWITCH.DAT is listed below. Fig. 4 shows the calculated results at the
receiving end.

300 Ω
100 km

1 p.u.

Fig. 3 Switching-surge calculation


1.E-6 1.E-3
100 1 1
GEN1A SND1A 300.
-1SND1A RCV1A Noda line VERT500.PCH SHOW 1 { 1 of 6 }
-2SND1B RCV1B { 2 of 6 }
-3SND1C RCV1C { 3 of 6 }
-4SND2C RCV2C { 4 of 6 }
-5SND2B RCV2B { 5 of 6 }
-6SND2A RCV2A { 6 of 6 }
BLANK card ending branch cards
BLANK card ending switch cards
11GEN1A 1.
BLANK card ending source cards
BLANK card ending output variable requests
BLANK card ending plots

phase 1A
voltage, p.u.

phase 1B

phase 1C

200 400 600 800 1000

time, microseconds


0.2 phase 2C
voltage, p.u.

phase 2B

-0.2 phase 2A


200 400 600 800 1000

time, microseconds

Fig. 4 Calculated results of switching-surge

C. Fault-Surge Calculation
A fault calculation of the example line is also carried out to illustrate the use of the Noda
Setup. Fig. 5 shows the circuit diagram of the calculation, and corresponding ATP data case
FAULT.DAT is listed below. During a normal operation, phase a of the first circuit is short-circuited
to the ground through one ohm resistance representing a tower-footing resistance. Fig. 6 shows the
calculated results at the receiving end.

300 Ω
100 km


1 p.u.

Fig. 5 Fault-surge calculation


20.E-6 40.E-3
100 2 1 1 1
GEN1A SND1A 50.0
GEN1B SND1B 50.0
GEN1C SND1C 50.0
GEN2A SND2A 50.0
GEN2B SND2B 50.0
GEN2C SND2C 50.0
-1SND1A RCV1A Noda line VERT500.PCH SHOW 1 { 1 of 6 }
-2SND1B RCV1B { 2 of 6 }
-3SND1C RCV1C { 3 of 6 }
-4SND2C RCV2C { 4 of 6 }
-5SND2B RCV2B { 5 of 6 }
-6SND2A RCV2A { 6 of 6 }
TWR 1.
BLANK card ending branch cards
RCV1A TWR 10.0E-3 1.0
BLANK card ending switch cards
14GEN1A 1. 50. 0. -1.
14GEN1B 1. 50. -120. -1.
14GEN1C 1. 50. -240. -1.
14GEN2A 1. 50. 0. -1.
14GEN2B 1. 50. -120. -1.
14GEN2C 1. 50. -240. -1.
BLANK card ending source cards
BLANK card ending output variable requests
BLANK card ending plots

phase 1C
voltage, p.u.

phase 1B phase 1A

0 10 20 30 40
time, milliseconds

phase 2A
voltage, p.u.

phase 2B phase 2C

0 10 20 30 40
time, milliseconds

Fig. 6 Calculated results of fault-surge


The author is grateful to Profs. A. Ametani and N. Nagaoka for their support during the
author’s research activities at Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan. The author also deeply appreciates L.
Dubé of the DEI Simulation Software, Neskowin, Oregon, USA and Drs. W.S. Meyer and T.H. Liu of
the Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon, USA for their important suggestions and
support for installing the NODA SETUP in ATP. Prof. M. Kizilcay of FH Osnabrueck in Germany is
thanked for his contributions to the development of ARMAFIT and for the preparation of the present


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