GCP Rmse (Version 1) (Version 1)

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Koordinat Referensi Lama (Google Earth)

Lintang (X) Bujur (Y) Easting (m) Northing (m)
1 -5.49287 105.382343 542351.45 9392840.66
2 -5.469243 105.400937 544412.85 9395451.1
3 -5.484166 105.409239 545331.38 9393800.85
4 -5.48299 105.451421 550004.06 9393927.5
5 -5.524786 105.400562 544367.2 9389311.25

Koordinat Lapangan
Lintang (X^) Bujur (Y^) Easting (m) Northing (m)
11:00 -5.49508805 105.38022099 542116.24 9392595.615
11:42 -5.47090897 105.39739876 544020.785 9395267.203
11:59 -5.4847285 105.41038573 545458.361 9393738.584
12:20 -5.4828185 105.45099299 549956.667 9393946.491
12:57 -5.52350676 105.39961082 544261.938 9389452.729
Koordinat Referensi Baru (Google Earth)
Lintang (X) Bujur (Y) Easting (m) Northing (m)

RMSE (m)


Koordinat Peta Koordinat Citra
No. Gambar pada Peta Gambar pada Citra No.
(meter) (piksel)
1 X' : 542362,715 X : 5489,99 1
Y' : 9392840,689 Y : 722,02 2

2 X' : 544412,699 X : 5755,53

Y' : 9395451,239 Y : 462,00

3 X' : 545331,512 X : 5874,55

Y' : 9393800,923 Y : 626,38

4 X' : 550004,127 X : 6478,81

Y' : 9393927,607 Y : 613,76
5 X' : 544367,404 X : 5749,66
Y' : 9389311,156 Y : 1073,56
Map X' Map Y' Image X Image Y RMS Error X' Error Y'
(meter) (meter) (piksel) (piksel) (piksel) (piksel) (piksel)
542362.715 9392840.689 5489.99 722.02 0.0071 -0.0071 -0.0003
544412.699 9395451.239 5755.53 462.00 0.0615 0.0614 0.0027
545331.512 9393800.923 5874.55 626.38 0.0915 -0.0915 -0.0041
550004.127 9393927.607 6478.81 613.76 0.0126 0.0126 0.0006
544367.404 9389311.156 5749.66 1073.56 0.0245 0.0245 0.0006
Total RMSE 0.050935 0.1972
Rata-rata RMSE 0.010187 0.03944

542362.71 9392840.69 5489.99 722.02 5489.98 722.02 -0.01 -0.00 0.01

544412.70 9395451.24 5755.53 462.00 5755.59 462.00 0.06 0.00 0.06 Control Points Table
545331.51 9393800.92 5874.55 626.38 5874.46 626.38 -0.09 -0.00 0.09 to Map GCP Table
550004.13 9393927.61 6478.81 613.76 6478.82 613.76 0.01 0.00 0.01 Image (x,y), Predict (x,y),
544367.40 9389311.16 5749.66 1073.56 5749.68 1073.56 0.02 0.00 0.02 Error: 0.050935
Error (x,y), RMS Error
542362.71 9392840.69 5489.99 722.02 5489.98 722.02 -0.01 -0.00 0.01
544412.70 9395451.24 5755.53 462.00 5755.59 462.00 0.06 0.00 0.06
545331.51 9393800.92 5874.55 626.38 5874.46 626.38 -0.09 -0.00 0.09
550004.13 9393927.61 6478.81 613.76 6478.82 613.76 0.01 0.00 0.01
544367.40 9389311.16 5749.66 1073.56 5749.68 1073.56 0.02 0.00 0.02

; ENVI Ground Control Points Table

; ENVI Image to Map GCP Table
; Map (x,y), Image (x,y), Predict (x,y), Error (x,y), RMS
; Total RMS Error: 0.050935
542362.719392840.65489.99 722.02 5489.98 722.02 #NAME? #NAME? 0.01
544412.709395451.25755.53 462.00 5755.59 462.00 0.06 0.00 0.06
545331.519393800.95874.55 626.38 5874.46 626.38 #NAME? #NAME? 0.09
550004.139393927.66478.81 613.76 6478.82 613.76 0.01 0.00 0.01
544367.409389311.15749.66 1073.56 5749.68 1073.56 0.02 0.00 0.02
Koordinat Peta Koordinat Citra
No. Gambar pada Peta
(meter) (piksel)
1 X' : 540966,96 X : 7498,00
Y' : 9394507,41 Y : 11689,5

2 X' : 547147,92 X : 8502,25

Y' : 9396447,20 Y : 11373,00

3 X' : 551927,21 X : 9278,9

Y' : 9395249,00 Y : 11566,80

4 X' : 547058,19 X : 8487,73

Y' : 9393849,29 Y : 11795,80

5 X' : 546104,49 X : 8333,38

Y' : 9389637,44 Y : 12481,81
Map X' Map Y' Image X
Gambar pada Citra No.
(meter) (meter) (piksel)
1 540966.96 9394507.41 7498
2 547147.92 9396447.2 8502.25
3 551927.21 9395249 9278.9
4 547058.19 9393849.29 8487.73
5 546104.49 9389637.44 8333.38
Total RMSE 0,15

; ENVI Ground Control Points Table

; ENVI Image to Map GCP Table
; Map (x,y), Image (x,y), Predict (x,y), Error (x,y), RMS Error
; Total RMS Error: 0.152705

540966.96 9396447.20
547147.92 9394507.41 8502.25
7498.00 11373.00
11689.50 8502.17
7498.04 11372.76
11689.61 -0.08
0.04 0.11
551927.21 9395249.05 9278.90 11566.80 9278.94 11566.93 0.04 0.13 0
547058.19 9393849.29 8487.73 11795.87 8487.76 11795.96 0.03 0.09 0
546104.49 9389637.44 8333.38 12481.81 8333.35 12481.72 -0.03 -0.09
Image Y Predict X Predict Y Error X Error Y RMS
(piksel) (piksel) (piksel) (piksel) (piksel) (piksel)
11689.5 7498.04 11689.61 0.04 0.11 0.12
11373 8502.17 11372.76 -0.08 -0.24 0.26
11566.8 9278.94 11566.93 0.04 0.13 0.13
11795.8 8487.76 11795.96 0.03 0.09 0.1
12481.81 8333.35 12481.72 -0.03 -0.09 0.09
Total RMSE 0,152705

Error (x,y), RMS Error

89.50 8502.17
73.00 7498.04 11372.76
11689.61 -0.08
0.04 0.11
66.80 9278.94 11566.93 0.04 0.13 0.13
95.87 8487.76 11795.96 0.03 0.09 0.10
81.81 8333.35 12481.72 -0.03 -0.09 0.09
Visual Warna Citra
Objek Citra SPOT 6 Citra SPOT 6
sebelum Kalibrasi Radiometrik setelah Kalibrasi Radiometrik


Pola Spektral
Citra SPOT 6 Citra SPOT 6
sebelum Kalibrasi Radiometrik setelah Kalibrasi Radiometrik
No. Parameter Masukan Data Masukan
1. Sensor Type Tipe Sensor SPOT
2. Sensor Altitute Ketinggian Sensor 695 km
3. Ground Elevation Ketinggian Permukaan Tanah 0,1 km
4. Pixel Size Ukuran Piksel 6 meter
5. Flight Date Tanggal Perekaman 15 Agustus 2017
6. Flight Time GMT (HH:MM:SS) Waktu Perekaman (JJ:MM:DD) 02:49:46.659000
7. Atmospheric Model Model Atmosfer Tropical
8. Aerosol Model Model Aerosol Rural
9. Initial Visibility Jarak Pandang 40 km
10. Width (number of bands) Jumlah Kanal 4
11. Solar Zenith Angle Sudut Azimuth Matahari 58,238077°
12. Solar Elevation Angle Sudut Ketinggian Matahari 51,126043°

(B1 le 0)*0+(B1 ge 10000)*1+(B1 gt 0 and B1 lt 10000)*float (b1)/10000

Band Mean StdDev a b
1 0.031423 0.035853 358407.943547 19577.74719
2 0.035388 0.040346 318495.018093 19569.09830
3 0.029326 0.034186 375884.865149 19816.800445
4 0.134073 0.152820 84085.8526371 19566.357479
Sebelum Normalisasi Hasil Normalisasi tiap Band

Y = a*X+b -0.040283 X1
Band Mean StdDev a b
1 0.037703 0.048501 264942.9908662 20850.854415373
2 0.041956 0.052747 243615.7506588 20618.857565359
3 0.035872 0.049124 261582.9330 21456.497027929
4 0.145113 0.158594 81024.50281852 19082.291322497

Sebelum Normalisasi Hasil Normalisasi tiap Band

Y = a*X+b -0.05930
Pembagian Kelas Kerapatan Hutan PEMBAGIAN KELAS KERAPATAN
Nilai DN FCD 85.730522 28.5768407
No. Keterangan
Manimum Maksimum 0 28.5768407 Rendah
1 0.00001 17.1461 Sangat Rendah 28.576841 57.1536813 Menengah
2 17.1462 34.2922 Rendah 57.153681 85.730522 Tinggi
3 34.2923 51.4383 Menengah
4 51.4384 68.5844 Tinggi
5 68.5845 85.7305 Sangat Tinggi


85.730522 17.1461044
0 17.1461044 Sangat Rendah
17.146104 34.2922088 Rendah
34.292209 51.4383132 Menegah
51.438313 68.5844176 Tinggi
68.584418 85.730522 Sangat Tinggi
Band Mean StdDev a b
1 0.031423 0.035853 22397.0100 6042.2187544
2 0.035388 0.040346 19902.8404 6041.678283
3 0.029326 0.034186 23489.1476 6057.1572574
4 0.134073 0.152820 5254.54783 6041.5070082
Sebelum Normalisasi Hasil Normalisasi tiap Band

Y = a*X+b -0.040283 X1
Band Mean StdDev a b
1 0.031423 0.035853 1394.5834 76.17800463
2 0.035388 0.040346 1239.2802 76.1443513607
3 0.029326 0.034186 1462.5870 77.1081729363
4 0.134073 0.152820 327.1823 76.1336866902
Sebelum Normalisasi Hasil Normalisasi tiap Band

Y = a*X+b -0.040283
Non-Hutan Hutan


Lahan Kosong


Data Referensi Piksel
Total User
Data Klasifikasi Lahan
Hutan Pemukiman Sawah Jalan Baris Accuracy
Hutan 512 0 0 0 0 512 100%
Pemukiman 0 350 16 0 15 381 92%
Lahan Kosong 0 7 337 2 42 388 87%
Sawah 0 0 0 397 0 397 100%
Jalan 0 10 38 0 183 231 79%
Total Kolom 512 367 391 399 240 1909
Producer Accuracy 100% 95% 86% 99% 76% Total Klasifikasi Benar
Error Omission 0% 5% 14% 1% 24% Overall Accuracy
Data Referensi
Total User
Data Klasifikasi Lahan
Hutan Pemukiman Sawah Jalan Baris Accuracy
Hutan 73 0 0 0 0 73 100%
Pemukiman 0 70 3 0 3 76 92%
Lahan Kosong 0 1 67 0 8 76 88%
Sawah 0 0 0 79 0 79 100%
Jalan 0 2 8 0 36 46 78%
Total Kolom 73 73 78 79 47 350
Producer Accuracy 100% 96% 86% 100% 77% Total Klasifikasi Benar
Error Omission 0% 4% 14% 0% 23% Overall Accuracy




Koordinat (UTM) Jumlah Tegakan
X (M Timur) Y (M Utara) Pohon
1 H01 540962.091 9390771.686 45.688751 4
2 H02 542450.092 9392513.546 50.217945 5
3 H03 542788.022 9392540.159 51.237846 6
4 H04 542865.212 9391813.611 48.562817 5
5 H05 542989.242 9392431.245 48.914116 5
6 H06 542895.572 9392631.823 50.573845 6
7 H07 542481.359 9393528.830 48.326878 5
8 H08 542702.107 9394224.061 49.751286 5
9 H09 543163.747 9394779.960 50.817303 6
10 H10 543670.190 9395810.304 50.392017 5
11 H11 544360.051 9395159.424 49.809406 6
12 H12 544782.758 9394507.852 50.532043 6
13 H13 544857.295 9394159.907 49.495358 5
14 H14 545804.410 9393500.630 49.240196 5
15 H15 545088.450 9392570.790 48.602356 5
16 H16 544829.938 9392411.556 47.828506 4
17 H17 544256.558 9392355.275 51.655384 7
18 H18 543963.429 9391886.832 50.624210 6
19 H19 544184.988 9391754.688 49.534191 6
20 H20 545096.310 9391052.812 49.888283 6
21 H21 544020.786 9395263.887 50.897404 7

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