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School San Celestino National High School - SHS Grade Level 12

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Jeneth K. Reyes Learning Area Reading and Writing

Teaching Dates July 30- August 1,3, 2018 Quarter First

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3

3:30-4:30 St. Thomas 3:30-4:30 St. Thomas 3:30-4:30 St. Thomas

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be

able to:
1. Identify the different convention of mechanics.
2. Write the sentences and paragraph following
the right conventions in mechanics.

A. Content Standard The learner realizes that information in written text may be selected and organized to achieve a particular purpose.

B. Performance Standard The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of development focusing on information selection, organization, and development.

C. Learning Competency / EN11/12RWS-IIIgh-4. Properties of a well-written text.

EN11/12RWS-IIIgh-4.4. Mechanics

II. CONTENT Mechanics


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource Internet Research Based, Critical Reading and Writing,
(LR)portal Lorimar Publishing Inc. , pp. 47 – 50

B. Other Learning Resource


A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the Read and study the given paragraph and be ready to find
new lesson the error on it.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Cell Phones Endanger Drivers

One of the recent developments of modern technology,

cellular phones, can be a threat to safety. A study for
Donald Redmond and Robert Lim of the university of
Toronto showed that cellular phones poses a risk to
drivers. In fact people who talk by the phone while driving
are for times more likely to have an automobile accident
than those whom do not use the phone while drive. I like
to use my cell phone when I am driving because it is

The researchers studied 699 drivers. Who were in an

automobile accident while they were using they're
cellular phones. The researchers concluded that the mane
reason for the accidents was not that people used one
hand for the telephone and one hand for driving. Instead
the cause of accidents were usually that the drivers
became distracted angry or upset by the phone call. As a
result the drivers' lost concentration. Many people find
that monthly plans are more economical than pre-paid

C. Presenting examples/Instances of the new Let the students find the error in the given paragraph.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Discuss
skills # 1 1. Mechanics as properties of a well-written text
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Discuss
skills # 2 1. Conventions of mechanics
a. Spelling
b. Punctuation
c. capitalization
F. Developing mastery Let the students process some of the given examples.
(leads to Formative Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical application of concepts and Let the students give their own examples of rules in
skills in daily living spelling, punctuation, and Capitalization.

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about What is the importance of mechanics in writing?
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning 5 items will be given as a quiz

J. Additional activities for application or



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who require additional activities
for remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Noted:


Teacher I Officer-in-Charge

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