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20 Difficult Words

1. NONPLUSSED- filled with bewilderment

2. INCHOATE - only partly in existence; imperfectly formed
3. CACHET- an indication of approved or superior status
4. PANACHE- distinctive and stylish elegance
5. INDEFATIGABLE- showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality
6. UNCANNY- surpassing the ordinary or normal
7. UNABASHED- not embarrassed
8. DILATORY- wasting time
9. HOI POLLOI- the common people generally
10. Abnegation- renouncing a belief or doctrine
11. Aggrandize- enhance power, wealth or status
12. Alacrity- eagerness
13. Anachronistic- misplaced chronologically
14. Archetypal- quintessential of a certain kind
15. Ascetic- one who practices self-denial as part of spiritual discipline
16. Camaraderie- a sense of solidarity arising out of familiarity and sociability
17. Demagogue- a political leader who uses rhetoric to appeal to prejudices and desires of
ordinary citizens
18. Eclectic- deriving the best ideas and styles from a diverse range of sources
19. Iconoclast- someone who criticizes or attacks cherished ideas and beliefs

20 Average Words
1. Consider- deem to be
2. Minute- infinitely or immeasurably small
3. Accord- concurrence of opinion
4. Evident- clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or the judgement
5. Practice- a customary way of operation or behavior
6. Intend- have in mind as a purpose

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