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Excellence Learning Center

An ISO9001:2008 Organization
We invite you to attend/ nominate your executives for this important conference

Lean Management Congress - 2010

Theme – Lean Management – Need of the Hour
13’th & 14’th December 2010
From 9.30 hrs to 17.30 hrs
at Hotel Sagar Plaza,
Near Nehru Memorial Hall, Camp, Pune – 411001
Preliminary Brochure
Please Reply only to Email :, or,
About Congress:-Lean Management focuses on eliminating wastes in processes both in
Manufacturing and Non-Manufacturing Service Functions. Lean Practices are not limited
to Lean Manufacturing but it’s also advantageous to Non-Manufacturing or Services
Functions. We can see Lean Management being implemented in many leading industry
sectors like Engineering, Automobile, Tools, White Goods, Construction,
Pharmaceutical, Chemicals, Retail Chains, Banking, Insurance etc. Lean Management
Philosophy has identified that there are Eight Types of Wastes in Business Organizations
i.e. Overproduction, Waiting, Internal Transportation, Processing, Motion, Defects,
Inventory & Underutilized People. Similarly Lean Management Philosophy also has
identified waste in Non-Manufacturing or Service Functions. Lean Management Tools
are used to Identify & Eliminate these wastes in any organization. Lean Management is
not about eliminating people. Lean Management is about expanding capacity, by
reducing costs and shortening cycle times between order and ship date. Lean is about
understanding what is important to the Customer, both Internal & External. The
principles of Lean Management include- Teamwork, Communication, Efficient Use of
Resources, Elimination of Wastes and Continuous Improvement.
Lean Management is need of the hour, for any Organization and of course for our
beloved Country.
Lean Management is a Service to our Nation.
Lean Management Congress 2010 will be focusing on all aspects of Lean
Management initiatives, practices and success stories in our country and will evolve a
forum for deliberations & discussions for achieving Benefits of LEAN in Supply Chain
Management functions for today’s Competitive Markets which demands continuous Cost
Reductions & Efficiency Improvements.

Participant’s Profile :- Executives and Managers from all functions of Materials,

Purchase and Supply Chain Management, Marketing, Manufacturing, Maintenance,
Quality Control, Internal Audit, & Finance Department, Human Resources and other
Service functions who are interested to understand Lean Management Techniques &
Success Stories to support their initiatives.
Speakers from leading Industries will share their first hand Experiences & Success
Stories with their team members.
Call for Papers- Already released and successful Papers will be part of Conference
Proceedings on CD.
Lean Management Guru Award - We have instituted ‘Annual Lean Management Guru
Award’ for Faculty/Consultants/Resourceful Persons investing their time and teaching on
Lean Management topics for implementation of Lean Management Practices in Industries
to make them Competitive. Our first ‘Lean Management Guru Award was bestowed upon
Dr.Srinivas Gondhalekar in Lean Management Congress 2008. Last year Lean
Management Guru Award was bestowed upon Mr. Yogesh Waghani, Director, Vedzen
Institute, Director, Milton Plastics Ltd, Chairman, Deccan Chamber of Commerce
Industries & Agriculture Pune
Lean Management Corporate Excellence Award- We have instituted ‘Lean
Management Corporate Excellence Award for recognizing constructive work done by
such company. This Award will be given every year from ‘Lean Management Congress

Preliminary Congress Agenda

Time Session
13’th December 2010
9.00 hrs – 9.30 hrs Registration & Tea/Coffee
9.30 hrs-- 10.00 hrs Inaugural Session
10.00hrs- 11.30 hrs Technical Session – I
Presentation of Lean Success Stories-1
Presentation of Lean Success Stories-2
1130 hrs-11.45 hrs Tea/Coffee
11.45 hrs-13.15 hrs Technical Session II
Presentation of Lean Success Stories-1
Presentation of Lean Success Stories-2
13.15 hrs- 14.15hrs Networking Lunch
14.15 hrs- 15.45hrs Technical Session III
Presentation of Lean Success Stories-1
Presentation of Lean Success Stories-2
15.45 hrs- 16.00hrs Tea/Coffee
16.00 hrs- 16.45hrs Technical Session IV
Presentation of Lean Success Stories-1
16.45 hrs-17.15 hrs Summing up & Valedictory Function
14’th December 2010
9.00 hrs – 9.30 hrs Registration & Tea/Coffee
9.30 hrs-12.30 hrs Visit to Lean Factory
12,30hrs-13.30 hrs Networking Lunch

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