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Minutes of Meeting

Flowerdale Trust Relief Funds Committee

14th October 2010
Flowerdale Hotel, 4.15pm

Present: Ric Stubbings, Steve Phelan, Chrissy Grant & David Long

1. Previous minutes:
Read and confirmed
Moved: Ric Seconded: Chrissy

2. Correspondence In:
 Flowerdale Kinder/Early Learning Centre
 Flowerdale Tennis Club
Both requesting funds for their organisation for project shortfalls.
ACTION: both letters are to be posted on the blog and sent to contacts list via Julie Bateman for
community viewing, further requests for funds will be considered upon submissions.

3. Bank balance at 30/07/2010 was $67,745.98 – approx interest per month $110.00
(Business trust account .01cent from original account)

4. Ric has mentioned Flowerdale Recovery Committee (FRC) is winding up in December. FRC has
announced combined meeting with Community Group Leaders and require a representative
member of the Flowerdale Trust Committee to be present to discuss the possible distribution of
all money to various Community Groups.
ACTION: Trust Committee to contact Julie Bateman to send out information to all community
groups in regards to proposed distribution of Trust Fund Money.

5. Discussion on how Funds would be split into various groups.

Suggestion: Community Groups to submit project for funding for their organisation.
Limited time frame so funds can be disbursed and fund closed.

6. The Committee unanimously agreed to write 2 cheques from the inward correspondence:
 A chq for $10,000 to Flowerdale Kinder/Early Learning Centre (this is in line of the
donation from Buddhist Community specifically requested to go to the children of
 A chq for $10,000 Flowerdale Tennis Club to help with a funding shortfall for the new
tennis courts. It was agreed that they are helping our community through sport as per
other donations.

7. General funds left over to be agreed upon on the 22 nd November at Community Groups Leaders
meeting with the FRC or other suggestions welcome for consideration at next meeting in
December. The amount of $47,745 left over has been suggested to be divided into 6 community
groups ($7,957 per group) -– Primary School, Kinder, CFA, Tennis Club, Cricket Club &
Community House – maybe nominate extra money to Community House for all extra groups).

Next Meeting: Thursday 4th November

Meeting closed 5pm
Minutes of Meeting
Flowerdale Trust Relief Funds Committee
4th November 2010
Flowerdale Hotel, 4.25pm

Present: Ric Stubbings, Steve Phelan, David Long & Chrissy Grant

1. Previous minutes:
Read and confirmed
Moved: Steve Seconded: David

2. Further distribution of funds:

 Trust Account has received $500.00 from Naval Association of Australia – banked 22.10.10.
 It was unanimously agreed that the suggestion of the 6 Community Groups receive the funds.
However, this will be tabled at the Community Leaders Group meeting with FRC on 22 nd
November. A possible final meeting of the Trust Account Committee will be held on the13 th
January, 2011 and all monies should be disbursed.
 After 13th January 2011 all financial information and paperwork will be sent to Russell Collins
- Accountant for full Audit trail.

3. FRC have asked for representative for meeting. Chrissy Grant & David Long will attend, Steve is
an apology.

4. Current balance of Trust Fund $56,124.34. (29/10/2010)

Less uncleared Cheque (Flowerdale Kinder) $10,000.
Thus $46,124.34 available.

Taking this into amount the final amount in a six way split will be $7687.39 plus some interest.

It was noted that there was an error distribution figure ($7957 in a 6 way split) on previous
minutes as the Bawinangana Arts Grant funding cheque for community house ($2340.80) was
only recently cleared and not factored in.

Next meeting: 13th January 2011

Meeting closed – 5.10pm.
----- Original Message -----
From: Chrissy Grant
To: Steve Phelan
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 6:30 PM
Subject: Kinder
Flowerdale Trust Fund Committee
On behalf of the Flowerdale Kinder I would like to ask if the Trust account could help us out with a shortfall in
The Architects have installed partitions as a room divider, although these may appear suitable on plans they
provide an obivious danger to our children due to their opening operation, this will allow a child to possibly
injure their hands or such, as the fold out is a hinged movement not suitable. 
Our dilemna is we can pay for a change of doors at our cost, which after years of dilligence in fundraising we
could cover the cost.  Vbbra or Education Department will not come to the cost changes, so if we agree we will
not have enough for the educational books and supplies needed.  I would ask the Trust if they can at some point
assist us with some funding to cover the much needed Kinder equipment, could you reply as soon as possible to
us in as much as we need to inform the Builders if we can go ahead.
Yours faithfully
Raelene Eason
Kinder Teacher

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