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1.0 Regional Qualifications Rating Remarks

Approved for General Aviation Operations with minimal Principal Class 1 CAAP Approved Domestic Airport and approved for GenAv
1.1 10.0 operations. Operational for flight training.
airspace restrictions
Accessible by Air Travel on a frequency of average 8 arrivals and 8
1.2 Accessible by commercial land, air or sea travel 10.0
departures per day with 2 Airlines Operating (CebPac, PAL & Cebgo)
Iloilo International Airport, Mactan-Cebu International Airport, Panglao
International Airport. Other Principal and Community Airports, Massin
1.3 Existing International Airport within the region 10.0
Airport, Hilongos Airport, Ubay Airport, and most accessible flight route is to
Sipalay Airport (San Jose Airstrip).
Weather for the first quarter will be sunny with cloudy conditions in the pm.
Weather conditions will allow for at least 10 months of Weather records with August, September will have mostly cloudy
1.4 8.0
operations conditions and rain. October till December will have Sunny with clouds
weather conditions.
Area around airport is developing with hospitals and apartments rising.
Area is economically developed or developing with existing
1.5 7.0 Nearest hospital will be at Silay City with 11 mins drive. Quality apartments
commercial establishments
is located at Bacolod City with 20-25mins drive.
Bacolod named as the city of smiles. People are friendly based on
1.6 Generally peaceful and secure 10.0
experience and tourist experience with locals.
Any government/ airport grants/ assistance or incentives for In-contact with Silay Airport officials, with Bureau of Animal Industry Cargo
1.7 9.0 office in Silay. Business people are interested with AAG’s expansion at Silay.
locators and investors
1.8 Military presence if any will not disrupt operations 10.0 No military presence
2.0 Site Provisions
Existing hangar facility with a minimum area of at least 1,500 Aeronavigation Academy international
2.1 square meters to include briefing and dispatch facilities; FNPT 9.0
site and other training requirements
Availability of raw land for construction of a facility and/or Available land near Aeronavigation Academy International. Available land
2.2 10.0 near holding point runway 21.
future expansion
Hangar is accessible by commercial land travel from anywhere Access by private or company vehicles, limited public transportation. Must
2.3 8.0 to have shuttle services when ongoing operations.
in the region
Existing single or multiple runways with a minimum length of xx Single runway orientation 03/21. Concrete surface runway with
2.4 7.0 measurements of 6568 x 148. Elevation of 86ft.
ILS/DME VOR equipped.
Has existing nav-aids and serviceability on airfield for
2.5 10.0 ID Name Freq Radial / Range
Instrument Flights
BCD BACOLOD 115.30 313° 0.1
Airport equipped with tower building facility and terminal.
2.6 Existing facility for air traffic control and safety provisions 10.0
Day and night operations is doable with existing emergency Can accommodate large aircrafts and ready to respond.
2.7 10.0
cover on airfield
Moderate runway traffic to ensure maximum taxi time of 15 With Philippine Airlines, Cebgo and Cebu Pacific operations volume of traffic
2.8 8.0 is moderate and can taxi less than 15 minutes also due to short taxiways.
minutes per aircraft.
2.9 Presence of competitors 7.0 Aeronavigation Academy International
2.10 Airport operator fees and charges N/A N/A
Airport equipped with working communications. But has more potential to
2.11 Utilities and communication facilities are reliable 9.0
Aeronavigation Academy International – Can re-fuel for C-152, C-172.
2.12 AMO with Cessna maintenance capability on airfield 7.0 Unsure to service Cessna 172 SP and unable to service G1000 units. (Based
on OMNI Aviation Corporation – Long Cross Navigations)
Aeronavigation Academy International – Unsure try to contact company.
2.13 Avgas on site/ additional fuel supplements 1.0
But can serve “MOGAS”/ Petron Blaze for STC type aircrafts.
With most F.I’s living in Metro Manila deployment will be tough.
2.14 Impact on relocation and recruitment of FI's. 2.0 Experiencing new environment, culture and procedures needs an F.I. who is
decided to stay longer in RPVB.
Facilities will be acceptable to foreign regulatory bodies for an Will be likely to adapt with no language barrier.
2.15 7.0
ATO approval.
3.0 Support Facilities
3.1 Existing facilities for staff and cadet housing 1.0 Sources say housing is being rented individually.
Available raw land for construction of support facilities and/or Available land near Aeronavigation Academy International. Available land
3.2 10.0 near holding point runway 21.
future expansion
Commercial establishments for purchase of daily subsistence Silay City with 11 minutes’ drive. Bacolod City with 20-25 minutes’ drive. But
3.3 9.0 must always have access with shuttle service for access.
requirements and banks
Inside terminal premises only, priced for travelers which will be expensive
3.4 Airfield on site catering 1.0
with our students. Other food services is far from the airport location.
Available security on Terminals. On-site inspection needed for general
3.5 Existing airfield security 7.0
aviation area, due to open field and spaces which may lead to intruders.
4.0 Amenities
Silay City 11 minutes’ drive for Hospital, Apartments, Parks, Hotel and
4.1 Availability of recreational facilities 7.0 Events. Bacolod City 25 minutes’ drive minutes for Hospital, Apartments,
Parks, Hotel and Events.
Nearest hospital will be at Silay City with 11 minutes’ drive. Airport is
4.2 Availability of personal and healthcare facilities 7.0
equipped with clinic.
4.3 Public transport network to and from the site to Clark 1.0
5.0 Investment Required
5.1 Ownership structure N/A On-going talk with Silay Airport connections
5.2 Cash outlay N/A On-going talk with Silay Airport connections

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