Barrow 2017

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Lung ventilation and the Ciliated columnar epithelium lines the airways as far as the
respiratory bronchioles. Goblet cells secrete mucus, which pro-

physiology of breathing vides a physical defence mechanism through the mucociliary

escalator. Squamous epithelium lines the alveolar ducts and sacs.
Type 1 pneumocytes are thin walled and form the site of gas
Anna Barrow exchange. The type 2 pneumocytes are important for two rea-
Jaideep J Pandit sons: surfactant secretion, which reduces surface tension, and
secondly they are stem cells thus can divide to repair areas of
damaged lung tissue.
This article summarizes the anatomical features of the lungs, airway
Thoracic cage
and thorax pertinent to the physiology of breathing and discusses
The thoracic cage is formed by the sternum, ribs, thoracic
chemoreceptor detection mechanisms, brainstem centres and relays
vertebrae and the diaphragm inferiorly. Of the twelve pairs of
involved in the control of breathing. We will discuss lung mechanics
ribs, the first seven pairs articulate via costal cartilages with the
including spirometry, lung compliance, airway resistance and the
sternum. Rib pairs eight, nine and ten articulate with the
role of surfactant and consider how these can be affected by disease
cartilage superiorly and the last two pairs ribs are ‘floating’ ribs.
states. It is recommended to revise principles of arterial blood gas
Intercostal spaces lie between the ribs and contain muscles,
analysis in addition to this article.
arteries, veins and nerves. The intercostal muscles are arranged
such that the external intercostals run downwards and anteri-
Keywords Airway resistance; breathing; control of breathing; orly, the internal intercostals downwards and posteriorly and
compliance; dead space; flow volume loops; perfusion; spirometry;
the innermost intercostal layer is incomplete. The intercostal
surfactant; VA/VQ mismatching; ventilation
arteries, veins and nerves run on the underside of the rib,
protected in a groove.

Anatomy of the lungs, airways and thoracic cage

The diaphragm
Airways The diaphragm divides the thorax and the abdomen. It com-
The upper respiratory tract begins at the nose and runs down to prises peripheral muscular areas: the left and right crus that
the nasopharynx, oropharynx and the larynx. The function the arise from the upper two and three lumbar vertebrae, respec-
conducting airways is to filter, warm and humidify inspired tively. The costal part of the diaphragm attaches to ribs seven to
gases. twelve and their costal cartilages. The sternal part arises from
The lower respiratory tract begins with the trachea at the level the xiphisternum. The central part is tendinous and forms the
of C6 and extends to T4 where it bifurcates into the right and left medial and lateral arcuate ligaments which are condensations
main bronchi, lobar bronchi, segmental bronchi and terminal of the fascia investing quadratus lumborum and psoas major.
and respiratory bronchioles leading to the alveolar ducts and The phrenic nerve (C3, 4, 5) supplies motor function of the
sacs. The respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts and sacs are the diaphragm. The sensory supply is from lower intercostal nerves
sites of gas exchange. peripherally and from the phrenic nerve centrally. Openings in
the diaphragm exist for the inferior vena cava and right phrenic
Lungs and pleura nerve at T8; the oesophagus, left gastric artery and vein and the
The right lung is divided into upper, middle and lower lobes by vagus nerves at T10; and the aorta, thoracic duct and azygous
the oblique and horizontal fissures. The left lung is divided into vein at T12.
upper and lower lobes by the oblique fissure. The lungs are
separated from the thoracic cage by two thin layers: the visceral Respiratory muscles
pleura that invests the lung and, in continuity with it, parietal In order to generate a negative pressure gradient for inspiration,
pleura, which abuts the chest wall, diaphragm, mediastinum and inspiratory muscles act to increase the volume of the thoracic
pericardium. The pleura are lubricated with pleural fluid and the cage. The diaphragm is the main inspiratory muscle during quiet
space between them is normally very small. The intercostal breathing. When it contracts, it descends by approximately 2 cm;
nerves innervate the parietal pleura but the visceral pleura has however, during exercise it can descend by 7 cm. This increases
no sensory supply. The arterial supply of the main bronchi as far the vertical dimensions of the thoracic cavity. Contraction of the
as the terminal bronchioles is the bronchial arteries. The respi- inspiratory muscles pulls the ribs upwards and outwards,
ratory bronchioles alveolar ducts and sacs are supplied by the increasing the anterioreposterior diameter of the thorax. During
pulmonary veins. inspiration the action of the innermost intercostals prevents the
in-drawing of the intercostal space. As the diaphragm contracts
during inspiration, it increases the intra-abdominal pressure and
Anna Barrow MBBS MA MRCP FRCA is an ST4 in Anaesthesia at Oxford abdomen and chest wall both move outwards during normal
University Hospitals, Oxford, UK. Conflict of interest: none. inspiration. The anteroposterior diameter of the chest is also
increased by the action of the scalene muscles that raise the
Jaideep J Pandit MA BMBCH DPhil FRCA FFPMRCA is a Consultant
Anaesthetist at Oxford University Hospitals, Oxford, UK and upper two ribs and move the sternum anteriorly. The sloping
Professor and Fellow, St John’s College, Oxford, UK. Conflict of lower ribs rise in a bucket handle fashion which increases the
interest: none. transverse diameter of the thorax.

SURGERY 35:5 227 Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


When work of breathing is increased, accessory muscles negative for the duration of the respiratory cycle. During forced
become important: the sternocleidomastoids, serratus anterior inspiration, in obstructed breathing, the intrapleural pressure may
and pectoralis major (when the arms are fixed) assist chest reach 80 cmH2O (normal <10 cmH2O). During forced expi-
expansion. ration, the both intrapleural pressure and alveolar pressure rise.
Expiration occurs largely by passive recoil of the chest wall Intrapleural pressure may reach þ80 cmH2O in healthy in-
and lungs during quiet breathing. During exercise, expiration is dividuals. Due to the lung’s elastic recoil, the pressure within the
augmented by the action of rectus abdominis and the internal alveolus exceeds that within the pleura. When airflow stops, at
and external obliques, which assist the recoil of the diaphragm end inspiration, and end expiration, the alveolar pressure is 0.
by raising intra-abdominal pressure.
Diaphragmatic paralysis leads to paradoxical movement (see- Lung volumes
sawing) of the chest and abdominal walls, as the diaphragm is The volume inhaled and exhaled during a ‘normal breath’ is
drawn up into the chest with negative intrathoracic pressure known as the tidal volume (TV) and is approximately 500 ml.
during inspiration. After a normal tidal breath, the volume further inspired with
additional effort, would be the inspiratory reserve volume (IRV).
Dead space Similarly, the volume which could be further exhaled at the end
The conducting airways, above the terminal bronchioles, do not of a normal tidal breath is the expiratory reserve volume (ERV).
take part in gas exchange. They form the anatomical dead space Maximal inspiration and expiration to the expiratory and inspi-
and the volume of this (Vd) is approximately 150 ml. ratory reserve volumes would give the vital capacity (VC). The
Alveolar dead space is formed by alveoli that do not take part volume remaining in the lungs after maximal expiration is the
in gas exchange: for example due to reduced or absent perfusion residual volume (RV). Functional residual capacity (FRC) is the
in pulmonary embolism, or shunting of blood from areas of sum of the inspiratory reserve volume and the residual volume.
pneumonia. FRC is the volume left in the lungs at the end of a normal breath
The sum of anatomical and alveolar dead space is the physi- and it is determined by the elastic properties of the lungs and the
ological dead space (i.e. the volume of gas that has not taken part chest wall. At FRC, outward recoil of the chest wall and inward
in gas exchange). Measurement of these proportions of the tidal recoil of the lungs are exactly balanced. Thus, in lung fibrosis,
volume can be achieved using the Bohr method, details of which where the lungs are stiff with increased recoil, FRC will occur at a
are beyond the scope of this article. smaller volume. Conversely in emphysema where there is
destruction of lung parenchyma and loss of elastic recoil, FRC
The respiratory cycle occurs at a larger volume. FRC can also be increased due to air
Intrapleural pressure trapping and application of positive end-expiratory pressure
During inspiration, expansion of the chest wall increases the (PEEP). Total lung capacity (TLC) is equal to the residual volume
pressure gradient between the intrapleural space and the alveoli plus the vital capacity (Figure 1).
as the lungs are stretched. This creates a negative pressure
gradient from the mouth and nose to the alveoli which draws in Lung mechanics
air. During quiet breathing, alveolar pressure rises towards During inspiration, work must be done to overcome impedance
the end of inspiration, whereas intrapleural pressure remains from the lungs and chest wall, mainly due to frictional forces:

Spirometry trace

IRV volume
capacity (IRV)
VC (IC) Vital
capacity Tidal Total lung
TV (VC) volume capacity
(TV) (TLC)
ERV Functional
FRC (ERV) residual
Residual (FRC)
RV volume RV

Figure 1 Lung volumes during tidal breathing, forced inspiration and forced expiration. Capacities are the sum of two or more lung volumes.
Residual volume and functional residual capacity cannot be directly measured by spirometry and are calculated by helium dilution or body

SURGERY 35:5 228 Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


airway resistance and elastic resistance of the stretching lung and pressure within a bubble when there is air on both sides, creating
chest wall. two fluid air interfaces.
Compliance is the change in unit volume per change in unit
pressure. The difference in alveolar and intrapleural pressure is P ¼ 4T=R
the distending pressure. Lung compliance is assessed by either
static pressure volume curve or dynamic continuous pressure The law predicts that a smaller bubble will have a higher pres-
volume loops. Intrapleural pressure is measured indirectly via sure within it and that when two bubbles are connected, the
oesophageal pressure. Alveolar pressure equals atmospheric smaller bubble will empty into the larger bubble since this is the
pressure when there is no airflow. A subject takes an inspiration downhill pressure gradient.
with a series of breath hold points at which measurements are Alveoli are not spherical and are lined by surfactant that acts
plotted, transmural pressure is the same as intrapleural pressure to reduce surface tension. Surfactant is produced by type 2
at these static points. The steepest part of the curve lies just pneumocytes. The main lipid component is dipalmitoylphos-
above the FRC and is where there is the greatest change in vol- phatidylcholine (DPPC). The hydrophilic phospholipids lie in the
ume for a given pressure change. In other words, the point at alveolar fluid and the hydrophobic portion aligns to face alveolar
which the lung is most compliant and this lies within the normal gas. As an alveolus shrinks, surfactant molecules come into
tidal breath volume, making tidal breathing efficient. As the closer contact with each other and their concentration increases,
curve approaches total lung capacity, it flattens out. The differ- polar regions become closer together and thus repel each other
ence in shape of the expiratory and inspiratory curves is known more strongly, reducing the tendency to collapse. Neighbouring
as hysteresis and is due to elastic energy stored in extensile alveoli interact by shrinking in different directions, which exerts
tissue. opposing forces thus improving stability.
Normal lung compliance is approximately 1.5 litres/kPa.
Compliance is reduced by fibrotic lung diseases and increased in Flow volume loops
emphysema. Early expiration can be augmented by effort; however, expiration
Dynamic lung compliance is measured continuously and becomes effort independent due to dynamic compression of air-
correlates well with static compliance curves except in disease ways. At the beginning of expiration, intrapleural pressure is
states which produce regions of stiffer lung that fills less easily negative and airways are splinted open by transmural pressure.
during inspiration. The area of the loop is a measure of work In a forced expiration, expiratory muscle contraction raises the
done in overcoming airway resistance (Figure 2). intrapleural pressure and this compresses airways causing
collapse until distal pressure builds up and reopen the airway.
Surface tension Peak expiratory flow curves demonstrate this.
Surface tension opposes the forces expanding the lung during Inspiratory airflow is effort dependent (Figure 3).
inspiration. Attraction of molecules for each other within a
sphere opposes expansion. This is described by Laplace’s law for Airway resistance
Laminar flow predominates in larger airways.
The HagendPoiseuille equation describes factors affecting
Lung compliance: volume–pressure curves for airflow.
static compliance Most of the airway resistance is contributed by the nose,
pharynx and larger airways. In wider airways and at branch
Volume–pressure curves
Volume points, airflow becomes turbulent and energy is dissipated as
I [BTPS] eddies form. The likelihood of turbulent flow increases in exer-
Total compliance cise. Reynold’s number predicts the likelihood of turbulent
1 ml/Pa
[P – P ] = Wall pressure airflow.
3 [Palv – PB ] = Mouth pressure
Density of fluid is important in determining contributes to
turbulent airflow and viscosity is important in laminar flow.
Peripheral airways contribute little to the overall airway
resistance unless severely affected by disease.
Thoracic compliance
2 ml/Pa Lung compliance FRC Airway resistance is determined by bronchial smooth muscle
2 ml/Pa tone that is determined by the parasympathetic nervous supply
[Palv – Pit ] = Lung pressure (acetylcholine and type 3 muscarinic receptors). It also contains
0 b2 adrenergic receptors that cause relaxation when stimulated by
circulating adrenaline or salbutamol. Non-adrenergic non-
cholinergic (NANC) receptors also innervate the lungs, acting via
–50 0 50 mm Hg transmural substance P, neurokinins, nitric oxide and vasoactive intestinal
–6.7 kPa 6.7 kPa pressures peptide. The sympathetic nervous system has little effect on the
Healthy person: 1/1 = ½ + ½ lungs in humans. Airway stretch receptor activation inhibits
bronchoconstriction and carbon dioxide is known to be a bron-
FRC, Functional residual capacity; RV, residual volume; TLC,
total lung capacity; VC, vital capacity. chodilator. Pollutants, irritants, chemicals from mast cell
degranulation such as histamine increase bronchomotor tone.
Figure 2 Mucosal oedema, mucus hypersecretion and airway plugging

SURGERY 35:5 229 Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


Typical flow volume loops

a Normal b Emphysema
Flow Flow
(litres/second) (litres/second)

TLC RV (litres) TLC RV (litres)


c Unilateral main-stem bronchial obstruction d Fixed UAO

Flow Flow
(litres/second) (litres/second)

TLC RV (litres) TLC RV (litres)

e Variable extrathoracic UAO f Variable intrathoracic UAO

Flow Flow
(litres/second) (litres/second)

TLC RV (litres) TLC RV (litres)

g Restrictive parenchymal lung disease h Neuromuscular weakness

Flow Flow
(litres/second) (litres/second)

TLC RV (litres) TLC RV (litres)

Figure 3 (a) Normal trace. Inspiration runs along the lower half of the graph and expiration along the upper half, starting at total lung capacity. (beh)
Typical traces in disease states. RV, respiratory volume; TLC, total lung capacity; UAO, upper airway obstruction.

also increase airway resistance in asthma. Chronic mucosal hy- Ventilation perfusion relationships
pertrophy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) In health, alveolar ventilation and pulmonary blood flow are
similarly increases airway resistance as do tumours and foreign approximately equal (5 litres/minute), and for optimal gas ex-
bodies. change need to be well matched. Local ventilationeperfusion
ratios (VA/VQ) should be close to 1. Mismatching creates
Assessment of airway resistance shunting in areas that are perfused but not ventilated (e.g. due to
Airway resistance in healthy lungs is approximately 0.2 kPa/ consolidation). A right to left shunt has a VA/VQ ratio ¼ 0.
litre/second. Conversely, a VA/VQ ratio greater than 1 occurs in an area that is
Forced expiratory volume in 1 second, forced vital capacity ventilated but not perfused (e.g. due to pulmonary embolism),
and peak expiratory flow can be used to assess airway resistance and this leads to an increase in alveolar dead space.
(Figure 4).

SURGERY 35:5 230 Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


<2 kPa) gives the ideal pO2 and increases are usually due to VA/
Forced expiratory volume (FEV1) and forced vital VQ mismatch.
capacity (FVC) ratios Regional ventilation and perfusion can be visualized by
FEV1/FVC ratio inhalation and injection of radioisotopes.
Control of breathing
Normal lungs Control of ventilation is mediated via central and peripheral
FEV1 chemoreceptor inputs, plus input from other sources including
Restrictive lung receptors, muscle and joint receptors and higher brain
Volume exhaled

diseases FVC
centres. These inputs are relayed to the brainstem where they
converge in a complex arrangement to form a central pattern
generator that consists of diffuse groups of neurones with indi-
FEV1 vidual roles, which interplay to create multiple respiratory pat-
terns in response to differing physiological demands.
Central chemoreceptors are a diffuse collection of neurones in
FEV1 the ventrolateral medulla, sensitive to pH changes in the cere-
brospinal spinal fluid (CSF) that correspond to changes in arterial
pCO2. Their responses are relatively slow, in the region of
20 seconds, since time is required for CO2 to diffuse across the
1 second
bloodebrain barrier separating arterial blood from CSF. CSF is
Time (seconds)
impermeable to charged molecules such as Hþ; however, CO2 is
Figure 4 The upper line shows a normal trace. The normal ratio of
able to diffuse freely and via the action of carbonic anhydrase,
FEV1 to FVC is usually greater than 80%. The lower trace represents produces an indirect decrease in CSF pH:
obstructive lung disease and demonstrates a much reduced FEV1.
FEV1/FVC is usually lower in obstructive lung disease (typically <70%), CO2 þ H2O 4 H2CO3 4 Hþ þ HCO3
however, FVC may be normal (although it takes much longer to exhale
that volume). In restrictive lung diseases, FVC is reduced but there is The protein content of CSF is much lower than that of blood, thus
no obstruction to expiration so although FEV1 is reduced in absolute changes in pH are less well buffered and small variations in
terms, the FEV1/FVC ratio will be normal. FVC, Forced vital capacity; arterial pCO2 produce augmented changes in CSF pH. The
FEV1, forced expiratory volume at 1 second.
decrease in CSF pH causes an increase in ventilation. Central
chemoreceptors account for the majority of the response to
hypercarbia (approximately 80%).
Gravity exerts a hydrostatic pressure on all vessels greatest
Peripheral chemoreceptors are of two types. Carotid bodies
when a subject is upright. Vessels at the bases of the lungs are
lie at the bifurcation of the common carotid artery and are the
more distended and so there is higher blood flow. Higher up the
most important. They are innervated by the carotid sinus nerve
lung, diastolic pressures may fall below alveolar pressure and
that relays to the glossopharyngeal nerve. The carotid bodies
flow becomes determined by the difference between arterial and
are made up of type 1 cells (glomus cells) and type 2 (sheath
alveolar pressure. At the apices, alveolar pressure exceeds arte-
cells). The glomus cells are the sites of chemo detection and
rial pressure and flow becomes intermittent. Intrapleural pres-
respond to increased pCO2, increased Hþ or decreased pO2 by
sure is less negative at the base than the apex, therefore at FRC
increasing the rate of signal relay in the carotid sinus nerve.
apical alveoli are proportionally more expanded than those at the
This is thought to occur by means of inhibition of Kþ channels
bases and have less capacity to increase their volume further.
depolarization, calcium entry and release of dense neuro-
Thus ventilation at the bases is greater than at the apices. In
transmitter granules.
healthy lungs, a degree of mismatching has little effect as the
Aortic bodies are relatively unimportant in humans. They lie
areas of the lungs with low VA/VQ ratios are still well ventilated
around the aortic arch and are innervated by the vagus nerve.
enough to achieve almost full saturation with oxygen. Hypoxic
J (juxtapulmonary) receptors on alveolar and bronchial walls,
pulmonary vasoconstriction reduces VA/VQ mismatch by
near to capillaries, are irritant receptors that have unmyelinated
causing vasoconstriction of areas with high PaCO2, diverting
afferents in the vagus nerve. Stimulation causes apnoea or
blood to better ventilated areas.
tachypnoea with small volume breaths, cardiovascular depres-
Higher degrees of mismatching can occur in diseases such as
sant effects and laryngeal constriction. Stimulation of lung re-
COPD, pneumonia, and pulmonary oedema, where there is
ceptors in bronchial smooth muscle (slowly adapting receptors)
reduced ventilation and regions of low VA/VQ ratios occur. In
causes shorter and shallower inspiratory efforts. They are also,
pulmonary embolism, where there is loss or reduction of lung
via the vagus nerve, involved in the HeringdBreuer reflex
perfusion despite undisrupted ventilation, high VA/VQ ratios
whereby lung inflation inhibits inspiration. Conversely, the
deflation reflex activates inspiratory muscles as the lung deflates.
The effect of VA/VQ mismatch may be seen on arterial blood
During normal breathing, these reflexes are relatively silent but
gases, however compensation may occur. Arterial hypoxia due
become more important with larger tidal volumes during exer-
to VA/VQ mismatch can be improved by increasing the inspired
cise. They are also more active in neonates, where a compliant
oxygen content, in contrast to the hypoxia due to a shunt.
chest wall risks over inflation.
Calculation of the alveolarearterial (Aea) gradient (normally

SURGERY 35:5 231 Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


Golgi tendon organs, muscle spindles and joint receptors pressure. Similar effects are produced by cuirass ventilators
in respiratory muscles (but not the diaphragm) and in non- but these are only suitable for augmentation of spontaneous
respiratory muscles also have an input and can stimulate breathing.
breathing during exercise. Controlled mechanical ventilation or intermittent positive
Pain receptor stimulation usually leads to a short apnoea pressure ventilation (IPPV) evolved in the 1950s. This involves a
followed by hyperpnoea. Laryngeal receptors and trigeminal non-physiological situation where air is driven into the airways
nerve afferent stimulation causes apnoea or laryngospasm. Car- and lungs by positive pressure and expiration is usually passive.
diovascular receptors are also involved: stimulation of arterial Developments in ventilator technology have allowed sophisti-
baroreceptors by increased blood pressure depresses ventilation, cated patterns of ventilation to be developed. This allows syn-
whereas hypotension has the opposite effect. chronization with patients able to generate spontaneous breaths,
These multiple receptor inputs are integrated in the medulla with mandatory breaths to ensure adequate minute volume
and pons by a complicated array of neuronal groups that inter- (synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation, SIMV).
link to form a central pattern generator. The neuronal groups can Numerous modifications and variations have been developed;
be loosely divided into inspiratory and expiratory in nature, however, for most patients in an intensive care setting, experi-
though their interactions are complex. ence and research has shown that best results with fewest
The medulla contains the dorsal respiratory group (DRG) in complications are achieved by:
the nucleus tractus solitarius. This receives input from central  avoiding muscle paralysis and performing ‘sedation holds’
and peripheral chemoreceptors and the vagus nerve and is to encourage spontaneous ventilation
involved in inspiration. The ventral respiratory group (VRG)  aiming for low tidal volumes to reduce volutrauma
comprises caudal expiratory and rostral inspiratory areas as well  limiting peak pressures to reduce barotrauma
as the Botzinger and pre-Botzinger complexes. The pre-Botzinger  addition of PEEP to reduce areas of collapse and atelectasis
complex probably contains pacemaker neurones; however, the and the resultant trauma of airways being forced open
role of these is likely limited and only represents a reaction to (atelactrauma).
hypoxia when they generate gasping breaths. Descending output
from the medullary centres regulates activity of respiratory Complications of invasive ventilation
muscles. Immediate:
A pneumotaxic centre lies in the nucleus parabrachialis and  cardiovascular compromise (raised intrathoracic pressure
the KollikerdFuse nucleus in the pons. This receives inputs reduces venous return and cardiac output)
from the VRG, lung receptors via the vagus and DRG and acts  aspiration
to modulate respiratory patterns. It causes switching off of  pneumothorax
inspiration as inflation occurs. An apneustic centre may exist Early:
in the pons involved in prolonged inspiration with short  acute respiratory distress syndrome
expirations.  ventilator associated pneumonia
Higher centres also exert a descending input. Emotion and  increase in critical illness neuromyopathy
temperature affect respiratory pattern via the hypothalamus. Late:
Voluntary control is exerted from the cortex via the pyramidal  need for prolonged weaning, rehabilitation and support
tracts that bypass the pneumotaxic and medullary centres. Le-  need for tracheostomy and associated complications
sions of the brain causing damage above the level of the pons  tracheal stenosis
leave eupnoea but voluntary control is lost.  tracheomalacia.
The site of generation of the respiratory rhythm is contro- Non-invasive ventilation avoids the use of tracheal intubation
versial. It probably involves the VRG, DRG and pneumotaxic and or tracheostomy. The patient must be able to generate their own
apneustic centres, though some sources believe it involves the respiratory efforts and therefore it is not suitable in certain
VRG and pre-Botzinger complex. Reciprocal inhibition (switch- groups such as those with a decreased conscious level and un-
ing on and off) is more likely than pacemaker neurone activity. able to protect their airway, active vomiting and non-compliant
An array of respiratory rhythms can be generated by differential patients. It may be delivered using a tight-fitting nasal mask,
activation of the different inspiratory and expiratory centres to facemask or a hood. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
allow adaptation to differing physiological and pathological is the application of a positive pressure, usually in the region of 5
situations. e10 cmH2O throughout the respiratory cycle, which acts to
prevent airway collapse, recruit collapsed alveoli and thereby
reduces VA/VQ mismatch and improves compliance. It may also
Artificial ventilation
help in pulmonary oedema by increasing the transmural pres-
Artificial ventilation can be divided into invasive (requiring an sure, reducing fluid exudation from capillaries into the alveolus.
endotracheal tube) and non-invasive respiratory. By increasing FRC, the patient moves onto the steeper part of the
Invasive mechanical ventilation can be negative pressure or pressureevolume curve, which improves compliance and re-
positive pressure ventilation. Intermittent negative pressure duces the work of breathing. This is useful in obstructive sleep
ventilation was used to support patients suffering from apnoea.
poliomyelitis in the early part of the 20th century and Bilevel positive airway pressure is a modification of CPAP
required an ‘iron lung’, which created an intermittent negative whereby a higher level of positive pressure during inspiration

SURGERY 35:5 232 Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


and lower level during expiration are used to aid expiration and states is important to be able to interpret investigations and
reduce over distension. institute appropriate treatment. Revision of the principles of
Non-invasive intermittent positive pressure ventilation blood gas interpretation is also recommended. A
(NIPPV) is IPPV delivered by nasal or facemask. The patient
needs to synchronize their breathing with the ventilator. Uses
include neuromuscular diseases leading to chronic respiratory
failure and COPD, since it avoids the need for intubation and
Cross M, Plunkett E. Physics, pharmacology and physiology for
resultant complications in a patient who would be difficult to
anaesthetists. Cambridge: Medicine, 2008.
wean from a ventilator. It has been shown to improve survival.
Lumb AB. Nunn’s applied respiratory physiology. 7th edn. 2010.
Churchill Livingstone, 2010.
Talbot NP, Dorrington KL. Mechanics and control of ventilation. Sur-
The physiology underlying breathing and the mechanisms con- gery 2003; 21.
trolling it are complex and not yet fully elucidated. New de- Ward J. Physiology of breathing I. Surgery 2005; 23.
velopments in respiratory critical care include extracorporeal Ward JPT, Ward J, Leach RM. The respiratory system at a glance. 3rd
membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and extracorporeal carbon di- edn. Wiley Blackwell, 2010.
oxide removal (ECCO2R) that extend the possibilities for respi- Ward SA. Physiology of breathing I. Surgery 2004; 22.
ratory support from ventilation alone to provision of gas Ward SA. Physiology of breathing II. Surgery 2004; 22.
exchange. Understanding the physiological principles underlying West JB. Respiratory physiology the essentials. 9th edn. 2012. Lip-
lung mechanics, acidebase balance and adaptation to disease incott, Williams and Wilkins, 2012.

SURGERY 35:5 233 Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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