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WebLogic Admin Responsibilities

 Troubleshooting, Load Balancing, Clustering, Deploying Applications, Performance

 Tuning and Maintenance.
 Create, configure and tune weblogic domains/applications for performance

 Work with vendors and developers for application related issues.

 JDBC Connection Pool and Multipool configuration with Oracle, MySql, DB2 and Sql
 Server, etc.

 Deployment and troubleshooting of JAR, WAR, and EAR files in domain and clustere
 d environments

 Code deployments/promotions, performance monitoring and performance tuning

 Upgradation of WebLogic servers in development, testing and production environme

 nt and applying patch and service packs

 WebLogic Administration, Monitoring and Troubleshooting using Admin Console and

 JMX.

 Cluster Configuration

 Single Cluster, Multiple Clusters and Deployment over clus

 ters.

 WebLogic's HttpProxyServlet and HttpClusterServlet configurations

 Server Performance Tuning - Thread Dump Analysis, Core Dump Analysis when Server
 crashed unevenly

 JMS Configurations

 JMS Server, Connection Factory, Foreign JMS server, Message Br

 idge, Topic/Queue, Distributed destinations

 Crating security roles, group policy, user authentication, aduting and authoriz
 ation

 Work on Web Security tools- LDAP Server, SSL Certificates and client authenticat
 ion.

 Node Manager Configuration

 remote managed server start and stop. SSL communicati

 on between admin server and nodemanager

 Writing Scripts to handle complex automation / administration using Shell script

 ing

 Working with WebLogic utilities - WebLogic.Admin, WebLogic.Deployer, ejbc, appc.

 Monitoring WebLogic server health and security.

 Tuning JVM heap size to maximize the number of clients accessing the application
 s.

 Installation and configuration of WebLogic Integration server 8.1 SP6 9.2 mp2 10
 .3 on Sun Solaris 8 and Sun Solaris 10.

 Configuring digital certificates, using java key tool for secured applications

 Automation of domain creation using WLST, ANT, and Domain Templates

 Configuring Web Logic Plug-ins for Apache Web Server and configured load balanci
 ng and fail-over solutions.

 Database knowledge using Oracle, Point base servers.

 Analyzing the Log Files, Thread Dumps, JVM Dumps, Exception Stack Traces

 Configuration of Site scope monitors for monitoring the environment

 Monitoring using Wiley Interoscope monitoring

 Monitoring thread usage, connection pool usage, CPU usage, Memory usage and prep
 aring reports for the performance tests, dry run tests and load tests conducted
 on the Application Servers

 Unix/Solaris command line usage and shell scripting

 Installing weblogic server instances as windows services

 Monitoring and analyzing resources, Standard logs, application logs and domain l
 ogs

 Evaluating the WebLogic domains using BEA Guardian10.3 in Production and Pre-Pro
 duction environments

 Experience in performance tuning for Web applications at various level by using

 JProbe8.1 profiling tool

 Troubleshoot environment and application issues using BEA WLS support patterns a
 s the standard methodology and provide root cause summary to application stakeho
 lders

 Evaluate the strength of the SSL using ssl digger

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