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Minesched 7.

1 Manual –


Gemcom América Latina S.A. ne +56 2 8998000
Marchant Pereira 221, Floor 7 Fax +56 2 8998009
Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Define Geology ................................................................................................................................... 7
Models ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Defining model ................................................................................................................................ 9
Name ........................................................................................................................................... 9
File Name .................................................................................................................................... 9
Material Class Attribute ............................................................................................................ 10
Volumen Adjustment Attribute ................................................................................................. 13
Specific Gravity......................................................................................................................... 13
Definition of Material Classes................................................................................................... 13
Define qualities ......................................................................................................................... 18
User Parameters......................................................................................................................... 22
Calculations ............................................................................................................................... 25
Validate ..................................................................................................................................... 30
Setup Scheduler ................................................................................................................................. 33
Locations ....................................................................................................................................... 33
Crear Location of Mine/Filling ................................................................................................. 34
Crear Location de Stockpiles .................................................................................................... 51
Create Process Location ............................................................................................................ 55
Material movement ................................................................................................................... 58
Evaluate ......................................................................................................................................... 64
Evaluate ..................................................................................................................................... 64
Resources ...................................................................................................................................... 65
Create a Resource ...................................................................................................................... 65
Specify a Resource Capacity ..................................................................................................... 66
Specify a Resource Rate ............................................................................................................ 68
Production Rates Data Grid....................................................................................................... 69
Resource Capacities Data Grid ................................................................................................. 76
Precedences ................................................................................................................................... 78
Precedence Parameters .............................................................................................................. 79
Spatial Relationships ................................................................................................................. 84

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Polygon_Precedences ................................................................................................................ 86
Stope_precedence ...................................................................................................................... 87
Manual precedence.................................................................................................................... 88
Parameters ..................................................................................................................................... 89
Production Parameters............................................................................................................... 89
Calendars ....................................................................................................................................... 96
Creating Calendars .................................................................................................................... 96
Activities ..................................................................................................................................... 102
Overview ................................................................................................................................. 102
Create an activity..................................................................................................................... 103
Activity Summary Information ............................................................................................... 104
Activity Work and Resources ................................................................................................. 107
Targets ......................................................................................................................................... 111
Quality Targets ........................................................................................................................ 111
Destination Location ............................................................................................................... 112
Material Ratio Targets ............................................................................................................. 117
Target Parameters .................................................................................................................... 120
Creating Plan ................................................................................................................................... 127
Period Change ............................................................................................................................. 128
Scheduling Start Date .............................................................................................................. 129
Single Period Length ............................................................................................................... 130
Number of Periods .................................................................................................................. 131
Planning....................................................................................................................................... 132
Customize Charts and Reports .................................................................................................... 133
Adding charts and reports ....................................................................................................... 134
Customize the output of data ................................................................................................... 136
Customize a Chart ................................................................................................................... 139
Graphical Results ........................................................................................................................ 145
Active ...................................................................................................................................... 145
File Name Prefix ..................................................................................................................... 146
Create ...................................................................................................................................... 146

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Drape Blocks on DTMs........................................................................................................... 146
Location Geometry.................................................................................................................. 146
Location................................................................................................................................... 147
Qualities .................................................................................................................................. 147
Decimal Places ........................................................................................................................ 148
Shrinkage................................................................................................................................. 148
Active ...................................................................................................................................... 148
File Name Prefix ..................................................................................................................... 148
Location................................................................................................................................... 149
Qualities .................................................................................................................................. 149
Decimal Places ........................................................................................................................ 149
Shrinkage................................................................................................................................. 149
End of Period Surfaces ................................................................................................................ 149
Active ...................................................................................................................................... 150
File Name Prefix ..................................................................................................................... 150
Grid Spacing Y and X ............................................................................................................. 150
Location Geometry.................................................................................................................. 150
Create Outputs ............................................................................................................................. 152
Output Folder .......................................................................................................................... 152
Output Date Format................................................................................................................. 152
Animation .................................................................................................................................... 152
Animation Option........................................................................................................................ 153
What to Display....................................................................................................................... 153
Playback Options..................................................................................................................... 155
How to Display ....................................................................................................................... 157
Image Capturing ...................................................................................................................... 159
Detail of Animation..................................................................................................................... 159
Activity Name ......................................................................................................................... 160
Mining Location Names .......................................................................................................... 160
Display Style ........................................................................................................................... 160
String File Location................................................................................................................. 160

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String Range ............................................................................................................................ 161
Display Mode .......................................................................................................................... 161
Display Colour ........................................................................................................................ 161
Line Thickness ........................................................................................................................ 161
Solids Transparency ................................................................................................................ 161
Direction .................................................................................................................................. 161
Solids Height ........................................................................................................................... 162
Polygon Position ..................................................................................................................... 162
Solids Dip ................................................................................................................................ 162
Solids Dip Direction ................................................................................................................ 162
Detail of the Stockpile ................................................................................................................. 163
Visible ..................................................................................................................................... 163
Display Colour ........................................................................................................................ 163
Stockpile Shape ....................................................................................................................... 163
DTM File Name ...................................................................................................................... 163
Object Volume ........................................................................................................................ 163
Object Offeset ......................................................................................................................... 164
Object Rescale Factor.............................................................................................................. 164
Detail of the Animation ofappeal ................................................................................................ 164
Resources ................................................................................................................................ 164
Mining Locations .................................................................................................................... 164
Display Type ........................................................................................................................... 165
Display Detail.......................................................................................................................... 165
Display Size ............................................................................................................................ 165
Display Colour ........................................................................................................................ 165
Position Offset ......................................................................................................................... 165
Rotation Offsets....................................................................................................................... 166
Animate ................................................................................................................................... 166
Standard Report ........................................................................................................................... 167
Export to CSV ......................................................................................................................... 167
Export to MS Access ............................................................................................................... 168

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Customize Report ........................................................................................................................ 169
Global Report Properties ......................................................................................................... 169
Defining Reports ..................................................................................................................... 170
Global Group Properties.......................................................................................................... 170
Creating and Viewing Reports ................................................................................................ 177
Advance Features .................................................................................................................... 178
Carta Gantt .................................................................................................................................. 181
General Choices ...................................................................................................................... 181
Mining Activity ....................................................................................................................... 182
Qualities .................................................................................................................................. 183
Ancillary Activities ................................................................................................................. 184
Polygon Descriptions .............................................................................................................. 184
Publication of resultedines in Block Model ................................................................................ 185
Attribute Name ........................................................................................................................ 186
Clear Attribute ......................................................................................................................... 186
Theocations ............................................................................................................................. 186
Update Block Models .............................................................................................................. 186

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Create new Scenario
In Surpac with the Minesched menu open:

Minesched > New and we can select a pit, underground or a myme operation.

Defining Geology
The definition of geology is the first step of the four defined in the Minesched Production planning module

The Geology Definition is where you enter the geological model with which the planning will be performed,
which is then validated by displaying data graphs of the block model.

The Geology Definition step consists of two parts:

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1. The Models section where you specify the file for the block model. Minesched accepts
models in the Surpac format (.mdl and .str), Datamine (.dm or
. DMS), Minex Grid File (. B35 o. b35s).

2. The Validate section is where you validate the loaded model to the Minesched program. This
is done on a screen detailing through graphs the volume, accumulated tonnage and average law of
each element for each type of material.

Within the Models section there are 5 tasks. Only two are mandatory tasks that should be completed before
proceeding with the section. The following are the tasks that exist in the Modelssection:

1. Define the model (mandatory)

2. Define material types (mandatoria)
3. Define "qualities" (optional)
4. Define "User parameters" (optional)
5. Define "user calculations" (optional)

The image below shows the Models section with a model specifying the types of materials and their

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Defining the model
The first task is to define a model. In this part you can attach a Surpac block model (*.mdl, *.fmb and *.str),
Datamine (*.dm), Tabbed by commas (*.csv), Minex Grids (*.b35) and define some model parameters. There
are two ways to adhere to a model:

 Drag the model file from Windows Explorer within the Models panel.

 The second option is to click the Add button.

The model name is automatically entered with the same file name. You can change the model name if you
want to call the model in Minesched in another way.

File Name
This is a file finder, if you want to change the block model file without renaming the block model entered in

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Material Class Attribute
Materials classes are fundamental concepts for Minesched. Without the types of materials there would be no
difference between ore and sterile. As for the quantity of materials there is no restriction in Minesched.

When you plan from block models, an attribute in your block model models the material classes. Simply this
attribute models mineral and sterile. You can model different types of ore as well as sterile. In planning it is
better to use more ore definitions than to use a smaller amount. This is because with a greater number of
materials you can make more combinations tothem oment of reporting the results of a planning.

It is important to note that Minesched does not determine material classes for you, these classes are user-
defined. The software provides the flexibility to change the assigned material typess at any time in the
assigned planning conditions (cutting laws).

Therefore, a product like Gemcom Whittle produces a planning with an optimization of cutting laws, these
changes produced by the optimization of cutting laws can be used in production planning.

Material types must be created in your block model before planning. Selects the attribute for the material
classes from the atributos list.

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If the list is empty, as shown above, click the yellow region at the top of the list to update the list of model
attributes. Alternatively, you can click the button in the image below to update the list of attributes for the
block model.

The list will be updated and will detail all the attributes of the block model.

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Select the attribute that contains the material classification. Typically the material classes must be created in
the block model before entering the data into the software, if this is not the case, Minesched gives the
possibility to create a material attribute directly from the software and stores it within your model blocks.

Clicking the "Initialise"optionwill display a window where you can assign certain restrictions to classify
materials. An example is detailed in the figure below, in which materials based on the law attribute is
classifiedfrom the model calledlsf.

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When this window is re-unfolded, it will display the last classification of materials made and details a backup
of how the materials were classified. Select Apply to assign the material classes to the block model. Select
Close to close without saving changes to the block model.

Volumen Adjustment Attribute

Usually this field is left blank. If an attribute is chosen, the attribute acts by multiplying the volume of each
block. This attribute can be used to simulate the effect of dilution, which must be calculated in the block
model before entering the data into the planner.

Specific Gravity
Specific gravity is used to calculate the mass of each block. There are two ways to define thespecific age. If
you need to enter the same value for all blocks you simply need to enter the value and select the
"constant"option. In the case where the specific gravity is differentiated by the types of materials,the
"atribute" option must beselected and the block model attribute containing the specific severity
information must be pointed out .

Defining Material Classes

The second task in the Models section is to define the material classes that existin the block model.

The material classes with fundamentally a Minesched concept. Without this concept you would have no
distinction between ore and sterile. As for the number of material classes this

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it has no limits. At the time of generating the planning it can be reported by material types or any combination
of these.

When planning from the block model, an attribute in the block model defines the material types. When
planning from the string model string, a descriptor field defines the material classes. For grid models, the
sequence file determines thematerial cla ses.

Before entering the data into the program, you should specify the material types within the block model. If the
definition of material types does not exist within the model, it falls back to the definition sectionof the model.
If you plan from the block model and have the"Initialise"function enabledin the Model Definition section,
this definition within Minesched will be assigned within your block model.

It isimpossible to point out that Minesched does not determine material classes for you, these classes are user-
defined. The software provides the flexibility to change the assigned material types at any time in the

Therefore, apr oduct like Gemcom Whittle produces a planning with an optimization of cutting laws, these
changes produced by the optimization of cutting laws can be used in production planning.

There are two ways to define material types:

Click ing the"Extract From"buttonat the top of the section, this will deliver all the material classes defined
in the descriptor or sequence file attribute or field where the materials are specified.

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Click the"Add"buttonat the top of the section. This attaches a column where the definition of material types
can be entered manually.

After clicking the"Extract From"option, the material classes will be entered based on the values found in the
material classes attribute, descriptor fields, or the sequence file. In the section you will see as follows:

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There are three columns in this section:

a) Material Class Name

Enter the names of material classes that are consistent, descriptive, and most importantly
that allow the use of wilcard to specify multiple materials at once.

Assuming that the four kinds of materials in the example below are modeled as sterile and
in addition to the three types of ore (Low, Medium, and High Law), the following example
of the names of the material classes is unfriendly.

The example above is unfriendly in defining names because it is not possible to use
wilcards to specify all types of material at once. A better example is the following:

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This is a good example for defining material names, because it is possible to use the wilcard

b) Model Value

If you select the "Add" option, a column in which information corresponding to the name
and value of the atributo must be added manually is immediately attached.

c) Calculate Qualities

By extracting the ticket to this option, it means that you do not need to report the laws of
that material. An example of this situation is material classified as sterile which does not
need to report the laws. Also when extracting the ticket to this option the processing speed.

d) Partial attributes

New in Minesched 5.1, multiple kinds of materials can be modeled as an entire block within
the block model. Using partial modeling is strange for that reason is that the column does
not appear in this section. To activate it, simply press the following icon:

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When a block contains multiple material classes, a partiality attribute exists to store the
proportion of the content of each material class in each block. This attribute should contain
numbers between 0 and 1. It is important to note that not all materials arenotbeing modeled
with partiality attributes an example is the case of sterile, this can be modeled regularly.

When you model material classes with a partiality attribute, the quality calculation (i.e.
grade) is determined bymultiple partiality attributes, because for each material type a
partiality attribute must exist. The naming of quality attributes in the block model should
follow some specific rules. The naming of quality attributes is generated by the combination
of the quality attribute with part of the material partiality attribute name. Generally the
partiality per material attribute is called partial_ore or p_ore or ratio_ore. Using thelower
axis, the quality attribute for the GOLD is specified as Au, then the name of the model
attribute that should exist in the model would be: au_lowgrade, au_medgrade, and

Define qualities
The third task in the Models section is to define the elements that you want to classify in planning. This
section is optional, but it is strange to plan without specifying the elements to consider in the plansuch as
average laws of orro, silver, copper, nickel, etc.

In the coal industry the term "quality" is commonly used. Qualities can represent anything that is numerically
modeled. With regard to the number of elements to specify, in Minesched you do notexis restriction.

There are two ways to define the elements or qualities:

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1. Click the "Extractfrom" button located at the top of the section. It delivers all attributes from a
block model, or all descriptor fields from a string model or all grid qualities, from a grid model.

After clicking the "Extractfrom"button, all attributes of the actual type, float, and calculated found
in the block model will appear on the screen. The detail is shown below:

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The next step is to remove attributes that will not be used for planning. This can be done in two

a. Right-click the mouse button and select the"delete"option.

b. Delete the column with the button.

2. Click the "Add" button at the top of the section. This will add a column where the information must
be entered manually.

There are five columns in the qualities section:

a. Name of elements or qualities

A clear and concise name must be entered, plus the names of the loe element are never specified
through a wilcard. There is a possibility that the name equals the attribute name. Examples of name
changes in the Quality section, is to change au to gold or GOLD and ag to silver or SILVER.

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b. Ponderador

The weighting field determines how the value of the block is combined to report. Valid values are:

 Volume

 Mass

 None

The weighting field is related to the report field immediately below. It is recommended that you
decide which attribute you want to report before deciding how to weight. The fields must be entered
in the order required to report, is muand similar to the "Report" function of the Surpac software
block model displayed in the image below.

If the report is by average values, the block should be weighted by Volume or Mass. If not selected,
the block will be volume weighted.

If you report average values, caution should be exercised when choosing the Volume or Mass option.
A dangerous mistake that users can make in their Surpac block models is to create calculated
attributes that the block extension uses to incorporate block volumes into calculations. This can
deliver incorrect reported values for the Surpac dynamic, super-blocking, and sub-blocking
functions. The method that delivers thecorrect result is never touse the volume of blocks within a
calculated attribute and then weight the attribute by Volume or Mass when the average value report
is generated.

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c. Report

The report field determines how items or qualities are calculated and reported during planning. Valid
values are:

 Average (medias)

 Aggregate (cumulated)

d. Number of decimal places

In the decimal field, you must specify the number of decimal places that will be used to store the
values of the elements or qualities in the planning string model file. Accepted values are 0.1,2 and 3.

It is not necessary to reduce the default of three, it ispossible to decrease this value due to the large
number of existing attributes and also trying to save space in the descriptor fields of the planning
string model file.

e. Attribute

A column is created for attribute defined in the model. Thecolumn's tulo contains the model name,
for example "Attribute in the North_Model". If you adhere to qualities using the"Add"function,
select an attribute name, descriptor field, or grid model codes.

For the fill location case, this section can be left blank.

User Parameters
This is an optional tool, where it is possible to define your own parameters which cannot be defined in the
geological model.

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Why would you want to define new parameters?

The parameters are used because you can change by location and by time. A good example of using
parameters is to represent mine costs. It is possible to create a parameter called UNIT_MINING_COST and in
case the mine costs were different by location then you can vary the values of these parameters by location. If
mine costs change in the future it is possible to vary the values of this parameter according to the
planning carried out.

The created parameter can be used as a target, to include that information in the report and incorporate it to
perform calculations. If the mine cost is specified by cost/ton, it is posibland create a calculation in which to
multiply the UNIT_MINING_COST parameter by the mined tonnage. The calculation can be in objective
within the planning and also reported.

This feature gives Minesched great flexibility to calculate, enter as a target and report values that are not
originally found in your geological model.

The"User Parameter"sectionis the fourth of five sections of the Modelswindow. It is an optional field
which can be blank.

There is only one way todefine the "Userparameter". Click the Add button at the top of the section

Enter the parameter name, select the weightweight (Mass or Volume) and enter a default value for this

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After the first column is adhered with the Addfunction, you can add more columns in the following ways:

1. Use the "Add"

2. Use the "Copy"
3. Right-click the menu, as shown below.

There are three columns in the"User Parameters"field:

1. Name

Enter a descriptive name for the parameter. For example, UNIT_COST_MINING,

2. Weigth By

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The parameters created are weighted by Volume or by mass. This determines how the value of the
parameters iscalculated when reporting combined values from multiple location where the parameter
can vary by location. It makes no sense to average the parameter without the consideration of the
mass or volume mined in the location and in a given period

3. Background Value

Enter the default value for the parameter. Each parameter must enter a default value which may vary
by location and also change over time. Parameter changes are specified in the Setup Scheduler:
Parameters step.

This section is an optional tool where you can define your own calculations, which can be used as objectives
and make reports.

Why would you want to define calculations?

Using calculations in Minesched delivers powerful functionality in the following airlines:

1. Relationship calculation
The relationship between two elements or qualities cannot be calculated in the block model and
entered into the planning. This would yieldmathematically incorrect results.

Two blocks of equal size, element A has a value of 1 for both blocks, and element B has a value of 1
for the first block and a value of 2 for the second block. If the ratio of A/B is calculated in the block
model, the two blocks would have a ratio of 1 to 0.5. Reporting the average ratio of all mineblocks
would deliver a value of 0.75, which is incorrect. The correct result is 0.667, this is obtained by
dividingthe average of A (1.0) by the average of B (1.5) for the two blocks. Calculating this ratio in
the "calculate"sectionwill ensure a correct result.

2. Total production calculations

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Calculations can incorporate volume and mass within the expression. When multiplications are
performed by elements or qualities and recovery factors, this allows to perform total calculations of
the product. This can also be included in theexpressions.

3. Calculations incorporating parameters

The ability to include parameters within calculations increases the power of the software, because
they contain values that can vary depending on the "location" and the time. Incorporating mining
costs into the calculations is a very good example for this. Mining costs (mine cost per ton) often
change depending on the "location" due to distances and other factors, which also causes mine costs
to increase overtime. Mine costs can be modeled with parameters and incorporated into calculations.

4. Time-dependent calculations (VAN).

Minesched provides a number of time-based codes that can be incorporated into calculations. This
allows to perform discounted calculations over time and that are reported. The most common
example is the net present value (VAN). An example of this is detailed below.

Defining the"User calculation"is the fifth task in the Models section. It is an optional field which
can be blank. There is only one way to define the first calculation. Click the Add button at the top of
the section.

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There are two columns in the "User Calculation" that are:

a) Name

Enter a descriptive name for the variable that contains the calculation. Examples of names

b) Expression

Construct an expression for calculation. In the section a list of items will be displayed which
can be used to perform the calculations as shown below. These items include all the
elements or qualities and parametersdefined above.

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The construction of an expression can be done through combinations of expressions displayed in the
image above, an example of the expression is the following.

A number of predefined names can be used in the expression, which are:

PROD_MASS: Material in unit of mass.

PRO_VOL: Material in volume unit.

PERIOD_NUMBER: Period number. They correspond to integers that begin with 1.

SCHEDULER_DAYS: Total number of days from the start of planning.

PERIOD_DAYS: Total number of days in the current period.

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PERIOD_ WORK_DAYS: Number of working days in the current period considering the
universal holiday calendar.

IFF: A conditional sequence could be calculated as per Ejemplo: IIF (CU > 0.3, "Mineral",
"Lastre"). También se puede use multiple conditiones per Ejemplo IIF (PROD_MASS = 0.0, IIF

After the first column is adherida with the Addfunction, you can add more columns in the following ways:

1. Use the "Add"

2. Usar la function “Copy”
3. Right-click the menu.

When you create an additional calculation, you can incorporate the pre-existing calculation into another new
expression, as shown below:

The example below shows a 5% annual discount rate.

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When you enter the"Validate"section, the screen shows something similar to the figure below. When you
define the material types, if you select to extract the material classes from the model; the volume and mass
charts will display that information for each material defined in the model.

If you adhere to the material types manually or if this is an additional model and there was no need to extract
the material types, a blank screen will be presented showing the following message:

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Click the "Create Charts" option or one of the"refresh" buttonsand the model will be consulted and the
chart will also be updated by displaying the volume, mass, and all elements or qualities for each defined
material. You can select the update of thegraphs for all models or for a specific model.

Note: The"Validate"section of the Geology Definition step is designed to be a quick validation of the
definition of material classes. Viewing the volumes, masses, and elements or qualities of each material is a
check to see if the data was loaded correctly.

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Setup Scheduler
The Setup Scheduler tab is the second of the four minesched production module sheets.

The "setup scheduler" is the step where you enter mine locations, resources, targets, and all parameters that
affect and control planning. This form contains eight sections, of which the first is the location section.

In the Location section there are 5 tasks, of which only the first is mandatory and should be completed before
proceeding with the Locations section. The following tasks exist in the location section:

1. Create Mining Locations

2. Create Fill Locations (optional)
3. Create Stockpiles (optional)
4. Create Processes (optional)
5. Define Material Movement (optional)

The image below shows an example of the location section and with all material types and movements

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Create Mine/Filling Location

The location is the first eight-section step in theSetup Schedulerstep. Create Mining Location is the first of
the 5 tasks in the Location section. This task is one of the mandatory type and at least one mining location
should be created before going to another section.

The process for creating a fill location is exactly the same as creating a mining location. The difference
between mining and filling location is that the material is removed from the mining location and the material
is adhered to in the filling location. Both are created and spatially modeled in the same way, as described

To create a mining location you simply click and dragthe mining icon from the toolbar into the black section,
as shown below.

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After creating the mining location is created, you need to enter the properties. This is done to the right of the
black area. The mining properties will be detailed below:

Note: Multiple mine location can be created quickly by pressing the Contr ol key on the keyboard at thetime
of clicking and dragging the icon to the black section. You can also add location by right-clicking.


Minesched automatically assigns a single default name for the location of minado. It is possible to change this
name, but you should enter one that is effective in using Minesched. There are two considerations when
modifying names:

 Choose a name that can be used as a wilcard to specify multiple location at once.

 Create short names that are descriptive

Examples of location names for long-term, short-term, and underground scenarios are shown below.

pit1_fase1, pit1_fase2, pit2_fase2

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With these names it is possible to use the wildcard to specify multiple location at once, such as pit* or for all
phases of pit1 (pit1*) or all phase 1 pits (*phase1).

shaft1_lev100_stope1, shaft1_lev100_stope2, shaft1_lev150_stope1, shaft2_lev200_stope1

With these names it is possible to use wildcard to specify the following cases, for all stope (shaft*), for all
stope of shaft 1 (shaft1_*) and for all stops at level 100 (shaft1_lev100_*)

These names are only a suggestion, the user can enter the name they want.

Note: For the entry of names there are some rules such as:

 Names cannot contain spaces

 It is recommended to use all letters of the same size, it can be all uppercase or all lowercase.

 Names can contain any alphanumeric character and you can use characters such as – or _.


This field is necessary to disable the location without deleting the location. When you turn off the location,
the display will be updated immediately.


Selects the model that will be associated with the location from the list that will be displayed with all models
loaded. If only one Minesched block model exists, it will automatically select the model when creating
the location.

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A mining location is simply a selection of blocks to mine. The concept of constraint is used to define the
blocks corresponding to that location. The feature of constraints is that they restrict block models, grid
models, and string models in different ways. Constraints are attached one by one and finally the mining
blocks will correspond to those that satisfy all defined constraints.

Examples of constraint are under thetoposurface, on a pit design, above or under a geological surface, low or
on a specific elevation, blocks over a certain value, etc.

To attach a constraint, click the "Add" button, as shown below.

Constraint types differ depending on the base file for planning, either block model, grid model, or a string
model. Constraint types are in a list which is displayed as shown below.

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Minesched uses exactly the same methodology and syntax as Surpac, to define the different types of
constraint, so for Surpac users defining constraint should be relatively easy. More information about
constraint types and their options can be found in the Surpac reference documentation in the block model

Note: It isrequired to use constraint files to improve the performance of the software, especially when the
same constraint is used in different locations.

Mining Method

After having constraints defined, the following is a property of great importance for a mining location and
corresponds to the mining method. The mining method specifies how the location will be mined.

There are six options for specifying the mining method, which are detailed.

The location will be mined by horizontal cuts according to elevation. This can be from the bottom up or vice
versa. This is determined by specifying the elevation of the first and last banks to be exploited. The bank
mining method is regularly usedfor long- and medium-term planning.

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Planning can be done efficiently using this method, because the user can control numerous details such as the
position of the start of the mine in a bank, the mining direction, maximum number of active banks, minimum
distance from the lag between banks and the advancing geometry of the mine.

The polygon mining method is typically used forshort-term planning. When this mining method is selected,
the location is extracted by polygons and the mined blocks are extracted with each polygon. This gives
flexibility in how mining is performed in that location, depending on the mining propertiesentered.

The GROUPS_IN_DEFINIED_SEQUENCE precedence parameter causes the polygons to be mined

according to the order of the string range. If the precedence parameter BLOCKS_IN_SEQUENCE is set to
"yes" or if it is not set and the Consolidate Blocks option is checked then the polygons will be mined in the
same order of the string range.

When planning with "target", it is possible to specify the maximum number of active polygons mined mineby
Mineschedin a given time, then you select the best polygons to mine in such a way to meet the "target "
established. Once the polygon is completed, Minesched will select the next best polygon to mine.

The constraint whole is mined depending on the specified mining direction. This mining method is commonly
used in underground mining where a location is a fully extended mine stop on the vertical respecting
thespecified inado direction.

This method is very similar to polygons except that polygons (bench polygons) can exist for multiple banks.
The minating method of the polygontype only performs the mining of the bank where the polygons are
located. Unlike the above method, the bench_polygons attaches the horizontal plane to the entire constraint
automatically. Minesched does this using horizontal cuts, based on the position of the centroids ofthe blocks
with respect to the "crest" and the "leg" of the bank.

The bench_polygons method has great flexibility in defining the elevations of the bench and the heights of the
banks associated with the polygons. For its part in this method is not

there is a polygon in each bank. It is possible to have a set of polygons and specify the elevations
where they will be applied.

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The solids mining method can be used for short-term planning. In surface mining or open pit could be used
when the "crest" and "leg" of banks cannot be represented by a horizontal plane. In underground mine, solids
can represent a range of cassettes and if these are mined in sequence then these multiple cassettes can be
grouped into a single location.

If you consolidate the blocks in your location and want to create consolidated graphical results when the
mining method is solid, the graphical results are created from a string file that contains closed segments where
the string number conditions the numbers of the objects in the body.

This method is very similar to the solids mining method. The only difference is that a single mine block is
created in the mining direction. The sloping_faces method expects a range of solids such as the solids method.
This method is called sloping_faces because the technique can accurately modela preview of type
"sloping_faces". This is only used where the feed angle is extremely low, for example 10 or 20 degrees from
the horizontal, this is typical where scrapers are used to perform the mining. The sólidos that model this
bank face angle must becreated. It is also only occupied in places where there are sufficient variations of
degrees such that it justifies the modeling of the feed angles.

In hard rock mining, even if a feed angle isless than 30 degrees, then there is no reason to use the
sloping_faces method because the feed did not cross more than one block, therefore the feed modeling
vertically would deliver ton correct laws and laws.

Bench Position

When the mining method is Bench or Bench_polygons, your bank elevation must be defined. Bank elevations
can be defined by the elevation of the bank crest, by the bank leg, or by the center of the bank.

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First Bench Elevation
This is the first bank to mine. You should be careful to define the first and last bench correctly because the
locations can be mined from top to bottom or from bottom to top as is the case with some types of
underground mining. Like fill location (botaderos) they must be filled from the bottom up.

Note: If you do not know the elevation of the first bank in the constraint, and if the mining is top-down for
example, it is possible to define a higher elevation. If you do this, make sure that the elevation as it goes down
is the same elevation as the first bank. For example if the elevation of the banks are 95, 105, 115, etc. It is
possible to specify the first bank as 195, but it is not possible to define the first average bank as 999 or 199 or

For the bench_polygons method there are four ways to define the elevation of banks, which provides great
flexibility to specify practical defeentials for short-term planning.

1. If you leave the first bank blank then the bank elevation will be extracted from the bank's polygon.
This whenever you specify polygons in different banks.
2. If the same elevation is defined for the first and last banks then this elevation will be used instead of
the polygon elevation.
3. If the first bank and the last bank have different elevations, each polygon will be mined andmultiple
banks from the first elevation to the last.
4. The first elevation of the bank can be extracted from a descriptor field in the polygon (example d1,
d2, d3...). The last elevation of the bank can be extracted from a descriptor field. Ithosts different
ranges of benches to be mined in different polygons which provide a high level of flexibility.

Last Bench Elevation

This is the last bank to mine. This would be the bank below when you perform surface mining planning. In
underground mining the lower bench would be the top bank depending on whether the mining is bottom-up or
top-down. In the case of filling location this would always be the top bank.

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Note: If you do not know the exact elevation of the last bench, it is possible to define any lower elevation here
or any higher elevation whether it is fill location or underground mining.

Bench Height
This is the height of the bench. Usually a number is incorporated here and it specifies a fixed bank height for
all banks from the first elevation of the bank to the last elevation of the bank.

If you are mining with different bench heights, it is possible to enter heights of variable benches. The
variation in the bench height is entered with space or with semicolons. For example 4;3;3 and 4 3 3 means a
bank of 4 meters high followed by two of 3 meters high followed by one of 4 meters high and then two
benches of 3 meters and so on until the last elevation.

If the exploitation method is bench_polygons you can specify a descriptor field (d1, d2, d3, etc.) and the
height of the bank will be read from this descriptor field of the first point of the polygon. The descriptor field
can also contain variable bank heights. This means that bench heights can be variable per polygon by flexibily
thebench_polygons mining method.

Mining Direction

The mining address specifies the direction in which the location will be mined. The direction can be north,
south, east, west, none, all, radial, or any azimuth. Whenthe mining method is polygons, bench_polygons or
solids, the address can be read from a descriptor field (d1, d2, d3, etc.) obtaining a variation of the mining
direction by polygon or solid.

Selecting no mining address specifies that the address on the bank to be mined is not important and any block
is available to be exploited once exposed by the top block. For example, in multiple banks of a pit, all the
blocks that

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are at the top will be available to begin mining. This gives you more flexibility to meet the targets.

When you select the all option, the mining address specifies that mining can occur in all directions. The
difference with the previous one is that with everyone at the time of starting to mine, each top bank block is
not available for mining. First the user mustfinish where to start mining on the top bench. Once you start
mining the bank, all the blocks that are discovered are available to be mined. This is more limited than the
"none" mining option but delivers more flexibility than anorth, south, east, or west direction.

The mining direction of the radial type is similar to the "all" mining direction except that the radial method
has more constraints. Blocks that are radially mined out of the starting point. The starting position of the mine
can be read from a sequence file which makes it possible for the address tovary by each bank if this is
necessary. This allows the mining to begin by entering the ramp of each bank.

The selected mining direction is based on numerous factors including equipment size and mobility, tank
geometry, pit size and geometry, bank access paths, etc. It is important to select a real and non-unreachable
mining option. For example, if mining is done in a uniform direction an address in one sense would deliver
good planning on paper, but would not be achievable in practice. Selecting a "none" mining address can be
used when enteringthe first planning parameters to try to meet targets without entering any directional
restrictions. This can also help determine the best mine direction to achieve your objectives when performing
a long-term strategic analysis in a pre-form way to setting the position of the ramps in the pits.

Start Position
When the mining direction is "all" or "radial", you should specify where you should start mining at each bank.
There are numerous ways to specify the place to start mining, for example:

 North, East, South, West: Mining begins with blocks located farther north, east, south, or west of
each bank.

 String Number: Mining begins on all blocks in each bank within a specific number of strings.

 Coordinates: Mining starts from the specified block through coordinates in each bank. Coordinates
are specified in a field at the bottom.

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 String File: This mode stores different positions to start mining in different banks. With this method
it is possible to specify that the mining begins at the ramp in/out on each bank. The string file is read
and the mining will start from the initial block to each point in the string file.

Note: The Z coordinate of the points in the string file should be exactly the same with the bank

 CSV file: Similar to the string file option, this stores different mining start positions to specify them
in different banks. The file format is: Location name, y,x,z. Mining will start in the block pointed to
each coordinateof eachbank.

Consolidate Blocks

Block consolidation is generally enabled for pre-stripping mining and for underground mining applications. It
is usually activated to perform short-term planning whenrealised by polygons or solids. For medium and long-
term planning of an open pit mine this is generally not activated, especially when planning is made with
targets or targets.

When block consolidation is activated and the mining direction is north, east, south, and east, the blocks that
will be consolidated and treated as a single block that is perpendicular to the mining direction. The
consolidate option must be enabled when you want to mine completethepolygon, solid or bank and advance
approximately with the same relationship. When this is the case the variation of the laws in the direction
perpendicular to the mine is not important, therefore all blocks in this direction can beconsolidated. This
significantly reduces the amount of data for planning, as well as increasing the speed of the planning process,
while accuracy is still maintained at 100% volumes and laws by the material class existents in the model.

When the planning that is done contains objective, such as complying with some law of some element per
year, usually the blocks are not consolidated because this will reduce the options that Minesched hasto select
the blocks for better meet targets or targets. In the case of planning with objectives, it is only applicable to
consolidate the blocks if the mining is done at "full width" of your bank or polygon or constraint, before
proceeding in the mining direction. For example in a pit, if the phases are worked at full width and the mining
direction is uniformly proceeded, this

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could simulate thee fect of block consolidation. If you want one sector of the pit or phase to move faster than
another, you should not activate the option to consolidate blocks.

When the mining direction is an azimuth value that is different from the direction of thenorte, east, south, or
west, the blocks will be consolidated only if the centroids of the blocks are exactly perpendicular to the
mining direction. If you want to produce graphical consolidation results where the original polygon is
intercepted,you should enable the consolidation option.

If you select the "all", "none", or "radial" mine direction option, the blocks will not be consolidated.

When you enable the option to consolidate blocks you determine a default value for the
MINE_BLOCKS_IN_SEQUENCE in the precedence parameters. Generally when blocks are consolidated,
blocks are mined in sequence so this property has a default value of yes.

String File

If you select the option to consolidate the blocks and the selected mining method is by bank; an additional
field will appear under the "consolidate blocks" field where you can select a search engine to select a string
file. This string file will be used to create the graphical results of the consolidation.

A closed string should exist for each bank. This closed string will be used to create the graphical results of the
consolidation. Using the option to consolidate with the mining method is by bank isextaño in surface mining,
but is most common in underground mining where cassettes are exploited by full elevation and width of the
house. This string file can be generated by making sections by banks at the solid of the case.

Mining Block Size

When planning with targets, the size of the mine block is an important parameter in planning. It is
recommended not to simply enter the size of the block defined in block model, regardless of what the mining
block size would be.

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The size of the mine block is based on the equipment that will be used within the mine. In target planning, if
the size of the mine block is smaller than the minimum operational width, the planning result is going to be
excellent but unrealistic.

If you don't plan with goals and select the option to consolidate the blocks, then the location is mined in a
fixed sequence, the results you'll get from the planning will be more accurate by setting the size of the mine
block to the size of the original block (block model). The variation in the laws of the bank, polygon, or solid
will be representative of the distribution of laws that the block model has. This is a significant
advantage that Minesched versus other planning software works only with average laws per material, this is in
each polygon or bank of the phase.

Another parameter to consider to select the size of the mine block is operation. The operation of target
planning relates to the number of mining blocks present in the planning modelin the string file. A large
number of blocks will take longer to plan. When you are initially entering the parameters of some scenario to
plan it is required that planning takes a few minutes, so you should consider a fairly large number when
defining the mine block. Once you have entered the location, created the reports and their planning with the
correct data, you should decrease the size of the mining blocks.

The size of the mine block is an interesting parameter for performing sensitivity analysis. By doubling the
size of the mine blocks in each direction, the planning results are very similar and in a significantly smaller
time. In shortwhen planning with targets with large mining blocks is better than considering small
mining blocks and when generating the last planning it is possible to decrease the size of the mine block.

Note: If you readonas the option to consolidate blocks and the mine direction is north, south, east or west, you
should only enter a size of mine blocks, this is because the latter are consolidated as a single block that is
perpendicular to the dMine run.

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String File

When the mining method is polygons or bench_polygons, this is where you specify the string file that
contains the polygons.

The string file contains closed polygons. The polygon should be co-planar for better graphical results. Co-
planar polygons are those that all points in the polygon have the same elevation (Z).

String Range

Specify the string range of polygons from the string file, using the standard Surpac range syntax. This string
range is typically defined by the sequence of polygons at the location. With the "Choose Graphically" button
ands you can graphically select the extraction sequence of the polygons through the Surpac viewport.

After clicking the "Graphical Choosely" button, Surpac will display a window similar to this one.

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Graphically select the extraction sequence of the polygons by clicking on each polygon. Remember that the
order you pinch the polygons is the order of extraction of the polygons. Press F1 to rescale and escape when
you're done selecting all polygons. Once done, the graphic sequence window will be displayed as follows.

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Select "Apply Sequence" for the graphic selection to be considered within the field in Minesched, as shown

Solids File & String File & Object Range

When the mining method is "solids" or "sloping_faces", this is where you specify the solid file. The solid file
should contain closed bodies. The mining location will contain the blocks of all the numbers of objects
specified in the "Object Range".This field can also be entered graphically by selecting a sequence of objects.

A string file is specified when the mining method is "solids or sloping_faces". This string file is used in
creating graphical resultsfor this location. This string file must not have the same name as the solids file. This
file should have closed polygons for each object in the solid file, where the string number is coordinated with
the numbers of the bodies in thesolidfiles. If the blocks are not consolidated, the string file will be used only
to enter the elevation of the blocks. If the blocks are consolidated, the string file will be used to create the
consolidated graphical results.

Partial Percentages

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This option allows Minesched to use Surpac's partial percentage model feature when mining the blocks in the
location. This will generate more accurate volume calculations, however it also results in an increase in time
to generate planning.

If you regularly use this feature in Surpac when calculating the volumes of your block model, then you can
use it within Minesched.

Partial On
If you want to use blocks with partial percentage, you must trigger the "partial percentage calculation" option.
This can be polygons when the mining method is polygons or bench polygons, solid in case the mining
method is "solids" or "sloping_faces" or one of the 6 constraints. If you enable the partial percentage
calculationoption, it can be for any type of constraint other than constraint files and block constraints.

This is the accuracy level of the partiality calculation and the ranges range from 1 to 5. Usually 1 and 2 is
sufficient. The larger the number, the more accurate the partiality calculation also leads to slower operation.

The precision number is the number of additional levels of dynamic sub-locks that will be considered in each
dimension. So a level 1 creates and tests 8 sub-blocks, a level 2 creates 64 dynamic sub-blocks, a level 3
creates 512 dynamic sub-blocks.

Spreadsheet Equivalent
It is common for applications in underground mining to have a large number of locations, because locations
represent independent cassettes and hundreds or thousands of houses can exist in an underground mine. When
this happens the best method is not to click and drag to the graphic screen each cassette. This is also possible
to use for some cases in open pit mining.

You can use the option to use an Excel sheet tocreate your mine locations and edit its properties. To extract
this sheet select the Mining and Fill Locations menu from the Spreadsheet menu. Then two options will
appear at the bottom of the screen as detailed below.

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Click on the tab location and it will show the following location sheet. This sheet will be well recognized by
Minesched 5.1 users. This sheet delivers many efficient methods for creating mine location as well as editing
properties at the time of having a long number of location. The properties are similar to those detailed below.

Crear Location de Stockpiles

Stockpile creation is the third of the five tasks in the Locations section. Creating such stockpiles is optional
and is not required for planning.

Note: At the time of target planning, at least one stockpile should be created. This is because the targets are
set for the location swings that are targets of the material movements.

A stockpile is created by dragging the stockpile icon from the tool bar to the graphics screen, as shown below.

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After you create the stockpile, you can change the name and specify the start to start with the balance sheet in
planning. This is done on the right side of the graphical screen.

Note: It is possible to create multiple stockpiles quickly by pressing the "control" button on the keyboard
when dragging the icon to thescreen. Like adding stockpiles quickly, it is done by pressing the right mouse
button and holding down the "Control" button.

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Minesched automatically assigns a default name. It is possible to change that name, for this you must make
sure that it is an effective name to use in Minesched (wilcard). There are two considerations when selecting

 Choose to name it thatthey allow the use of wilcards to specify multiple stockpiles at once.

 Create short, descriptive names.

Customise Canvas Display

Minesched offers the option to change the image displayed in the viewport for both phases and stockpiles.
With the right mouse button, click the stockpile image to change the color or select a new image that will be
used to render the stockpiles in the graphics window. This will allowyou to use real photographs of your
locations and that are represented in the viewport.

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Starting Balance
If the stockpile contains material at the time you start planning, there are two ways to specify this situation.
One is to manually enter the initial tonnage, as shown below, orit is possible to specify a CSV file that
contains theinitial stockpile tonnage. A CSV file can have the initial tonnage of multiple stockpiles.

When you press the "Copy setting to all" option, you copy the definition for all other stockpiles. This is
especially used when you need to specify initial tonnage for multiple stockpiles and these are read from the
same CSV file.

The order of the data in the . CSV is the same as shown in the image below, with the stockpile name in the
first column,material cla, properties, values. When creating the .csv file you should be careful to specify the
same names of the stockpiles, material classes, and properties that were entered in Minesched.

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Create Process Location
Creating processes is the fourth of five tasks in the Locations section. Process creation is optional.
When using processes in planning it is an advanced goal planning application in Minesched.

Note: The location process can be used to represent more than just process plants. A process is used to
represent any location that has a relationship to receive material. Thinkingabout processes is like "throw
location" in which they automatically throw materials from stockpiles and other processes. This is contrary to
a mining location that is a thrust location because the mined material in relation to resources is pushed
downstream. Stockpiles are thrust location unless you attach directly to a process and in this case the material
is automatically pushed from the stockpile to the process.

A process is created by dragging the process icon from the toolbar to the Minesched graphical screen, just as
the other Locations have been created.

After you create the process, you can rename and specify the tons to process per day.

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Minesched automatically assigns a default name. It is possible to change that name, for this you must make
sure that it is an effective name to use in Minesched (wilcard). There are twotwo onsiderations when the
names are selected:

 Choose names that allow the use of wilcards to specify multiple stockpiles at once.

 Create short, descriptive names

Customise Canvas Display

Minesched provides the option to change the image to be displayed in the viewport for both phases and
processes. With the right mouse button, click the stockpile image to change the color or select a new image
that will be used to reseatthe stockpiles in the graphics window. This allows you to use real photos of your
locations and that are represented in the viewport.

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Process Rate
Enter daily production for this process in the sector shown below. Multiple columns in the data sector can be
used to enter process production and make the respective changes to the planning.

Note: Process productions can be changed only at the beginning and end of planning periods. If you specify
changes in half of the periods, the change will take effect at the end of theperiod.

Units for daily production can be Volume or Mass or any other attribute, usually the mass is used. Unless the
process represents a stockpile, it can be used as a volume.

Generally all kinds of materialstend to send material to the process and which is considered to achieve the
daily production of the process. You can restrict the material types that are posted as production, this is done
in the "Material Classes" column. By leaving this bydefault, the wilcard * specifies all materials.

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By default the processes work 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. If you want to enter certain dates where
the function of the process isparalyzed, you must do so in the "Calendars" section, where you also specify
working time and days off or holidays for them to be assigned to the processes.

Materials Movement
Creating material entries is the last task in the Location section. Material movement defines how materials
move through Locations.

Note: The following conventions can be applied to material movement:

 The material can be moved from mining locations to filling locations, stockpiles and processes.

 Material cannot be moved from a filling location

 The material can be moved from stockpile to filling locations, to other stockpiles and topipelines.

 The material can be moved from one process to another process.

 The material cannot be moved to a mine location.

 The material can be moved to filling locations from mining and stockpile locations.

 The material can be moved to a stockpile from mine locations and other stockpilelocations.

 The material can be moved to processes from mining location, stockpile, and other processes.

Material movements can be created graphically on the graphical display or manually. It is recommended to
use the material movement tool located on the left side of the graphic screen.

Graphical creation of material movement

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To graphically create thematerial view, follow these steps:

 In the left bar, select the material movement tool with your mouse

to enter that mode. The mouse cursor changes when you enter material movement mode.
 Select the starting location then click and hold the mouse button.

 Drag the mouse to the destination or arrival location. A dynamic arrow follows the mouse cursor.

 You must move the mouse to the valid locations, the arrow isattached to the locations valid.

 With the left mouse button, you must click the destination or arrival location.

 You must then specify the material type for this entry, in the sector where the data is entered.

After performing the tasks on linking the movement of material, represented by an arrow, an image similar to
the one shown below will appear.

Additionally a column is created in the "Material Movement" sector, as shown below.

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This is the last step in the material movement definition, where you specify which material to move from the
starting location to the arrival location. The default is for all kinds of materials, specified through a wilcard*.
Select the material class from the drop-down list or use wilcards to select multiple materials at once.

Note: When you hover over the data in the Material Movement section, the start, arrival, and arrow location
indicating the material movement is highlighted, as shown in the image above. This is a visual validation tool
for the associated locations.

Similarly, when you position the mouse cursor over a location, the rows with the associated data in the
"Material Movement" section will be slightly highlighted. If you select the arrow that indicates material
movement or a location on the graphic screen, the row associated with the data will be highlighted.

Creating material movement manually

The material movement ratio can be entered manually, ientering the data in the "Material Movement" section.
Where you have many locations that can be easier to create your material movements using wilcard and
indicate multiple locations at once than to perform the process graphically.

The imagin the lower details how to perform this procedure manually with a simple definition of an
underground material.

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Source Locations
The source locations or starting locations are where the material is originally. Within this category can be
mining, stockpile or process location. Care must be taken if you use wilcards to specify multiple mining
locations that do not include stockpile and processes.

Material movement can be graphically defined from an exit location to an arrival location. In the "sources"
field it can be edited and a wilcard can be entered to create a material movement from multipleoutput
locations to the corresponding destination. This is easier when you have multiple mining locations.

Material Classes
You can edit this field to specify the types of materials that are associated with the material movement.
Onlythat material will be moved from the departure location to the arrival location.

After creating the material movement graphically, this would be the only field that should be changed. You
can use wilcards to specify multipleiples material classes.

Destination Location
This destination location will receive the material from the output location. If the material movement has been
defined graphically, the target location does not have to be changed.

Only one location can be entered in this field. If the same material can be moved to multiple locations, you
must define additional destinations with additional rows in the "Material Movement" section.

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Ratio or Priority
When you do not plan with goals, you can separate a material type into multiple stockpiles. This can be done
by specifying a material ratio entered for each stockpile.

When you send material to fill location, you have multiple potential filling location destinations for the same
material, from the same output location. Considering the example where you have two dumps, one internal (in
pit) and one external. In case you wantto send thestre to the internal dump whenever space is available, if
there is no available space, the material is sent to the external dump. This can be done by assigning the
material movement to the internal dump a higher priority than the bouncing orexternal. In Minesched a high
priority is defined by a smaller number and the priorities can be any real number greater than 0.

To disable the shipment of the material to a location, assign the material movement to the destination a
relationship or apriority of 0.

Enter a relationship if the material destination is a stockpile and the same material can go to multiple
stockpiles and instead of specifying a target, you want to split the material into exact relationships.

Enter a priority if the material destination is a filling location and the same material can go to multiple filling
location. The material will be moved to the mine location with higher priority. The lowest value means a high

Date or Event
The material movement can be changed at any time within the planning. Resource capacity units and material
types can be changed at the beginning and end of each planning period. The reglto specified in the rows takes
effect at the date or an event specified here. A blank date means that it will start at the start of planning.

As well as dates and events can cause parameter changes. An event can be when another mining or filling
location is completed or a bank or polygon of a mining location is completed. Events can be when a stockpile
reaches its minimum or maximum capacity in the event that they are defined antearily.

That's a delay in days. This delay combined with the date or event are the ones that determine the exact date
that this activity takes effect.

Minesched 7.0 - Manual Page 62 of 187

The default value is zero. The delay can be any number greater than or equal to zero. Fractions of days are
entered as decimal shards and not as hours minutes and seconds.

The delay is typically used when an event is specified in the "date or event" field. The date andxacta is
specified in the Date field. If the date is specified, there is a low reason to use the delay option because the
start date is already known. In the case of an event it is not known until the planning has been created.
Campor delay is therefore more used for a rule to take effect in a certain amount of time after an event.

This column can be used for any comment you want to remember with this rule. In the interface of the
planilthis column can be used to enter values that can be used in formulas.

Spreadsheet Equivalent
An interface form exists to define the rules for material movements. Enabling this form must be done from
theSpreadsheet Views menu.

Minesched 7.0 - Manual Page 63 of 187

The setup scheduler is the second of the four steps in Minesched production.

The Evaluate section displays the information corresponding to volume, mass, average and cumulative laws
for each material class and for each mining location. This tool is a cash method to check that the entry of
locations information iscorrected. It also provides information that can be used to enter law objectives and
reasonable material relationships.

The information is displayed as a graph as shown below. Select the"Update"optionin the"Location" ector to
update the graphics for a specific location. You can also update the charts for all locations with the button
located in the lower left section of the "Update charts for alllocations"screen.

Minesched 7.0 - Manual Page 64 of 187

The"resources"section or resources is the third of the eight sections. The resources section is where you
create the resources and they are assigned to each location.

Note: The "resources"sectionis of the mandatory type. To prepare a schedule, you must create at least one
specific resource with your capacity and assign that resource to a mining location. All other sections in the
setup scheduler are optional, so after entering this information you are ready to create a schedule.

The following 5 tasks exist with the Resourcessection. The first of the four tasks should be completed.

1. Create a resource
2. Specify resource capacity
3. Assign the resource to a location
4. Specify a production rate to the resource
5. Specify additional production rate parameters

These 5 tasks are performed with the use of two data sheets, which are:

1. Production Rates
2. Resource Capacities

These two data sheets can be navigated using the tabs located on the lower left side of the screen, as shown
below. When resources are generated and assigned to the location on the graphical screen, the relevant formis
that the form is automatically displayed.

Create a Resource
A resource can be created by pressing the "Add" button at the top of the resource list, as detailed below.

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When you press the "Add" button to create a resource, two actions are performed automatically, which are:

1. A resource is attached to the resource list.

2. A row is attached to the data sheet "Resource Capacities"

A default name is assigned at the time of creating a resource. You can change this name by editing the
"Name" field in the resource lists, as shown in the image above.

Specify a Resource Capacity

The resource must be assigned a capacity. Resource capacity is the total maximum daily amount that the
resource can reach at all locationwhere it works. Enter a numeric capacity within the "capacity" field. In the
example below, a capacity of 15,000 tons per day is entered for all types of materials.

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Note: It is common for planning to enter a fixed amount of ore and sterile in a planning period. If the ore and
the sterile are spatially separated, then these should be modeled with different mining locations. To these
locations, it is possible toallocate different resources and with different productions. In this way it is
possible to enter fixed values for the ore movement and sterile, assuming that the blocks are available in the

More common, especiallyin medium and long-term planning, is that the mineral and sterile are mixed, so it is
not possible to separate them spatially in different locations. In this case the resources will mine both (mineral
and sterile) and the fixed quantities of each material class are achieved using the "material target ratio"
options. The target will always be met when the blocks are available in the location.

In both cases the field "material classes" is used the default *, which means that all material classes will be
used to meet the specified production. This column is only changed if, for example, you want to mine an
exact amount of ore in a given period then prepare the mina by extracting all the sterile material that is
necessary to expose the amount of material required.

The capacity of resources, units, and material types can be changed in any planning period.

Assigning a Resource to a Location

Assigning a resource to a mining location or stockpile can be done in two ways:

1. Clicking and dragging the resource within a location on the Minesched graphical screen.
2. Entering a production relationship within "Production Rates"

The recommended method for assigning resources to a location is graphically. In the case of too many mining
location, then it is preferable to perform the procedure in the "production rates".

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Select a resource from the list of resources and paint it and drag it to a mine location or stockpile on the
graphics screen. Once this procedure has been performed, three actions will be performed:

1. The resource is deployed over the location, providing a visual indication that the location has that
resource assigned to it.
2. A window is displayed, where you must modify the maximum mine production for the resource in
that location.
3. A row is adwounded in the "Production Rates" section.

Specify a Resource Rate

The MAX_RATE production parameter refers to the maximum mine production that the resource can
perform in a location. The units are the same as when defining resource capacity. Similarly, material types are
defined with resource capacity.

When a resource is assigned to the location graphically, the default MAX_RATE is thelayer d of the resource.
This can be changed immediately by entering a numeric value or in any period the "Value" field for the
MAX_RATE parameter can be edited in the "Production Rates" section.

The default value for MAX_RATE is 0. So a positive value must be specified for mining tooccur in a
location. The MAX_RATE can be changed in any planning period, this is done by attaching another row in
the "Production Rates" section and changing the value of MAX_RATE in a given period or by an event.

Note: The easiest way to attach another row, keeping the information in the first row is by using the "Copy
Row" function.

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Production Rates Data Grid
This section is to define the parameters for a specific resource that is related to the production rate.

This field is responsible for deactivating the production rule in this row, without the need to delete the row
from the form. Inactivating the rows is to be left out of the schedule.

This is the name of the location to which the parameters will be applied. Wilcards can be used here to call
multiple locations at once and enter MAX_RATE parameters as if it were a single location.

Resources indicate the material to be mined. Generally the resources are thought to be like diggers anda
shallow mining. In an underground mining a production resource

Minesched 7.0 - Manual Page 69 of 187

refers to the combination of people and equipment that move the broken material from the houses.
Creatingresources representing a fleet of loaders is common for medium- and long-term planning. For short-
term planning, each loader is specified as a resource.

A resource is assigned to the location that uses the MAX_RATE production parameter. This specifies the
maximum rate of production that a resource can perform in a location. This maximum production can be as it
cannot be performed, because they depend on the capacity of the resources.

Multiple resources in the same location are supported, so you should be consulted because you are assigning
multiple resources to a location and whether the same result can be obtained using a single resource that
represents a fleet of loaders.

If multiple resources are generated, the values for the parameters applied for each resource must be entered.
These resources are designed to give maximum flexibility to the program. Resources can have any name, any
working time, andholidays; it is also possible to create any number of resources for planning use.

When a resource has been assigned to multiple location, Minesched scheduling will send the resource to the
target or target andstable location. If you don't have targets or targets defined, Minesched will send the
resource to the highest priority location.

In the short term, mine location are work areas defined by solids or polygons. Such areas are small in size by
lor that only a charger or shovel can be working in that place. For this reason, resources are represented
individually in planning. In long-term planning, larger surfaces such as a full pit are used. Therefore the
mining location being larger is possible to enter multiple loaders in a location and the results would be the
same if you enter a single resource representing the loader fleet.

Each production parameter is described in more detail below:


Minesched 7.0 - Manual Page 70 of 187

Refers to the maximum rate of production that a resource can perform in a location. The MAX_RATE of a
resource will never be exceeded. Regardless of whether the MAX_RATE is reached depends on many factors,
such as resource capacity, block availability, priorities, targets, or targets, and other locations where the
resource is enabled to workr.

The MAX_RATE parameter is like a resource that is assigned to a mining location or stockpile. The
MAX_RATE is only a commandparameter, because if no number is used, no mining will be performed. The
default value for MAX_RATE is 0, so the MAX_RATE parameter is a control to indicate the start of the
operation of a location, because if a positive number is not entered, the mining will not be performed.

MAX_RATE is defined as a daily production. If you know solament the monthly or annual production rate,
itis possible to use mathematical formulas through the calculation sheet interface. Enter the monthly
production in the comment column on the right side of the row. Then the reference value is the one that
contains the column, which with an appropriate formula it is possible to convert this value to a daily
production rate. For example, it can be J11*12/365 to convert a monthly rate to a daily production.

If you're not planning with goals, you should assign a priority in the "priority" column. In the event that the
resource is enabled to work in multiple locations,it will be sent to those location according to the values
ofpriority. The default (white) priority is 100, which means it has a low priority. The priority value can be any
actual number greater than zero. The lowest value means a higher priority. Yes, yes

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two locations have the same priorities and you are not planning with targets or targets, the resource will be
sent to both locations in relation to MAX_RATE values.

Max_RATE units can be Mass, Volume, or any attribute (grams of gold per ton-kilometer). This production
rate unit is defined with the resource capacity in the "Resource Capacities" section. In the case of having
multiple resources are assigned to thesamelocation, they must have the same production units. Multiple
resources can be allocated to the location by entering resources separated by a space or with the use of
wilcards, although this practice is not recommended.


This option refers to the minimum throughput rate that a resource will meet in a location. The minimum
throughput rate for a resource will only be performed if it is not exceeding the capacity of the resource in that
location. The resource capacity and MAX_RATE parameter take precedence over the MIN_RATE parameter,
so that maximum constraint will not be exceeded to meet a specific minimum production rate.

The MIN_RATE parameter is only applicable when planning is targets, which is when you have the Material
Ratio or Quality targets section defined. If you don't plan with goals, you have full control of mine production
rates, which will be achieved with the use of priorities, so there is no need to specify a minimum mining
production rate. The default value of MIN_RATE is 0.

Note: Entering a MIN_RATE value is not sufficient to start mining a location, because the default
MAX_RATE is 0 and MAX_RATE takes precedence over MIN_RATE. The latter parameter will only take
effect if it does not exceed the MAX_RATE value.


This parameter indicates a capacity factor for a resource in a location. This parameter indicates comor a
multiplier of the MAX_RATE parameter. It is entered as a percentage, i.e. a value of 100 does not affect the
capacity specified in the MAX_RATE. The default CAPFAC is 100.


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This parameter refers to the nominal availability of resources in a location. This parameter acts as another
MAX_RATE multiplier. It does exactly the same thing that the CAPFACT parameter does and can be used as
aseg undo parameter that affects the realization of the maximum throughput rate of a resource in a location.

NOMAVAIL is entered as a percentage, then a value of 100 means a full production. The default is 100.


This refers to the factor that affects the production of a resource in a location. There is an important difference
between PRODFACT and the other two production rate multipliers (CAPFACT and NOMAVAIL).
PRODFACT affects the capacity of changed resourcesorCAPFACT, and NOMAVAIL does not affect the
capacity of the resource, but affects MAX_RATE.

Example: A shovel has a capacity of 1000. The shovel has a MAX_RATE in a location called PIT of 1000
and a PRODFACT in this location is 0.5. The production of the PIT will be 500 tons per day and this is for all
shovels. In this situation the shovel does not exceed its capacity that could be increased in another location,
because the PROD_FACT acts as a multiplier of the resource capacity.


This attribute allows the throughput rate to be adjusted based on values of the blocks they will start mining.
For example, the production rate may vary depending on the type of rock that will start to be mined.

Similar to THE PRODFACT, PRODFACT_ATRIBUTES affects the capacity of resources. The values for
these parameters are one or more quality names defined in the Qualities section, in the "Models" section, and
in the "Define Geology" step. The current values in the minado blocks act asfactors of the production rate
when those blocks begin to be mined. A value of 1 does not affect the rate of production. The "production
factor" attribute is created for Minesched and calculations based on other attributes in the model. Another
example using this function is to automatically adjust the mining rate based on the pit depth (where truck
production is restricted).

The value of the production factor attribute can be any number greater thanzero. When the number is greater
than one, the specific production rate increases and the block mining will be done faster and where the
number is less than one, the production rate specifies that it affects the block will be lower, so the block will
take longer to be extracted.

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The left column of the production parameters is where you enter the value for the parameter.

In Minesched if you are not planning with objectives or targets, where the "Material Ratio" or "Quality
targets" section is not defined, then by default you are planning with priorities. In the absence of oraddresses,
resources are sent to the location based on the priority associated with the MAX_RATE parameter.

The priority can be any number greater than zero. The default value for priority is
100. The smaller number indicates a highpriority. These values do not have to be integers so a priority of
0.999 is higher than a priority of 1.

When you make priority planning, a resource will always be allocated in the location with the highest priority,
beforea location with lower priority. A resource will only be located in a lower-priority location if there is
excess capacity of the resource after the resource has been assigned to a higher-priority location and its
MAX_RATE has beencompleted. If two location have the lowest priority, the resource production will be
divided by the location into a similar relationship based on the MAX_RATE value of each resource in each

When planning with objectives or targets, priority is not used because resources are sent to the location in
order to better achieve defined objectives (material ratio and quality targest). In a strange case of all available
blocks having the same value (permplo axisif all available blocks are sterile), a production parameter called
LOCATION_PRIORITY gives the user a way to specify which blocks are you belong to the location. Blocks
will be chosen from the highest priority location as defined by the LOCATION_PRIORITY. In this case
it is recommended to use the Minesched function "see below" (scope level target). In the example where only
sterile blocks are deployed immediately, Minesched looks atwhich are the best blocks to extract from sterile
in order to expose the ore.

Date or Event
All production parameters can be changed in any planning period. The rule specified in the rows takes effect
at the date or an event specified here. A blank date means that it will start at the start of planning.

As well as dates and events can cause parameter changes. An event can be when another location of minado
or fill is completed or a bank or polygon of a

Minesched 7.0 - Manual Page 74 of 187

mining location is finalized. Events can be when a stockpile reaches its minimum or maximum capacity in the
case that wasdefined above.

That's a delay in days. This delay combined with the date or event are the ones that determine the exact date
that this activity takes effect.

The default value is zero. The delay can be any number greater than or equal to zero. Fractions of days are
entered as decimal shards and not as hours minutes and seconds.

The delay is typically used when an event is specified in the "date or event" field. The exact date is specified
in the Date field. If the date is specified, there is a low reason to use the delay option because the start date is
already known. In the case of an event it is not known until the planning has been created. The delay field is
therefore more used for a rule to take effect in a certain amount of time after an event.

This column can be used for any comment you want to remember with this rule. In the interface of the form
this column can be used toenter values that can be used in formulas.

Spreadsheet Equivalent
An interface form exists to define production parameters. Enabling this form must be done from the
Spreadsheet Views menu. The interface can beused to enter and edit production rate rules for a large number
of locations.

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Resource Capacities Data Grid
The resource capacity sheet is to define resource capabilities, and capabilities can change over time. Capacity
units and material types that count in capacity are also defined with the capacity rule of theresource. An
example of a resource capacity with two resources where they are changed over time is detailed below.

Resource Name
Choose the resource name for the resource capacity rule. If different resources have the same capabilities,
then multiple resources can be entered using a wilcard. Note that if multiple resources are specified, the
resource capacity is for each resource individually, and not the total of all resources.

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Resource Capacity
The maximum daily capacity for each resource is defined. Capacity is typically used in units of tons per day.
Other capacity units can be defined in the "Capacity unit" field.

Capacity Unit
The unit that defines capacity. This can be MASS, VOLUME, or an aggregate of quality or items. The default
is mass (MASS).

Material Classes
The types of materials that count to meet the production capacity of the resource. The default value is * which
represents all materials. If production materials are defined, only those materials are posted to the resource
capacity. Other materialswill not be counted for resource capacity, but they can be mined by this resource. For
example, entering the production of the ore does not prevent the resources to extract the sterile blocks. This
allows youto enter mine rate informationto meet a fixed tonnage per day of ore. And any material that
needs to be mined will be mined in order to meet the required amount of ore.

Date or Event
Resource capabilities can be changedat any time within planning. Resource capacity units and material types
can be changed at the beginning and end of each planning period. The rule specified in the rows takes effect
to thedate or an event specifiedhere. A blank date means that it will start at the start of planning.

As well as dates and events can cause parameter changes. An event can be when another mining or filling
location is completed or a bank or polygon of a mining location is completed. Events can be when a stockpile
reaches its minimum or maximum capacity in the case they were defined above.

That's a delay in days. It isyou delay combined with the date or event are the ones that determine the exact
date that this activity takes effect.

The default value is zero. The delay can be any number greater than or equal to zero. Fractions of days are
entered as decimal shards and not as hours minutes and seconds.

Minesched 7.0 - Manual Page 77 of 187

This column can be used to attach any comments you want to store in this rule. In the interface this column
can be used to enter values that can be used in some form.

Spreadsheet Equivalent
An interface form exists to define production parameters. Enabling this form must be done from the
Spreadsheet Views menu. Theinterf ace can be used to enter and edit production rate rules for a large number
of locations.

The"Precedences" section is the fourth of the eight sections. This section is where you optionally define the
defined information related to the location and the preceding mining blocks. The term precedence refers when
location and mining blocks beginto be available formining. This is in a spatial proximity to the other
location and mine blocks.

The following five tasks exist in the"Precedence"section:

1. Precedence Parameters
2. Spatial Relationships
3. Polygon Precedences
4. Stope forcedences
5. Manual Precedences

Minesched 7.0 - Manual Page 78 of 187

Precedence Parameters
The first of the five tasks with the"Precedence"sectionis "PrecedencePrecedence". As all tasks in the
Precedences section are optional tasks. Precedence parameters are controls when blocks in a location
become available for mining or filling.

Note: An important difference between thepreceding parameters and the production parameters is that the
precedences are fixed for the entire duration of the project. They may vary by location but cannot vary by
time. Incontrast, production parameters may vary by location and by time.

Because precedence parameters cannot vary over time, so the form contains only three columns: Locations,
Parameter, and Value.

Precedence parameters are only applicable to mining and filling location. The following documentation refers
to mining, mining location and mining blocks. This also applies to filling, filling location and filling blocks.

When the BLOCKS_IN_SEQUENCE option is enabled, it means that it will force the block to be mined at a
mine location in a fixed sequence based on the string range of the defined polygons or the range of solids and
the mining or filling direction. When this feature is not enabled, this provides greater flexibility in the
sequence to meet the objectives.

Note: The default value of the BLOCKS_IN_SEQUENCE function varies depending on the value of the
consolidated blocks in the "location" form.

Minesched 7.0 - Manual Page 79 of 187

When block consolidation is enabled for a location, the default value of the BLOCKS_IN_SEQUENCE
function is "yes". Therefore, you should not overwrite typing this defect valueunless you disable this function
by entering "no". When blocks are consolidated this means that all blocks that are perpendicular to the mining
direction to create a single mine block. This is typicallyused for short-term planning with polygons, for pre-
stripping and for underground mining.

When preparing the model is running for a location without the consolidated blocks, because the default value
of the BLOCKS_IN_SEQUENCE function is "no". When the blocks are not consolidated, it means that you
are undertaking medium- to long-term planning for open pit mining. In this scenario, you want to give more
flexibility to the planning algorithmto choose the blocks to minedepending on the boques that are available,
in order to better achieve the fulfillment of the proposed objectives or targets.

Therefore you should only change this parameter in case you have consolidated the blocks and want to force
the mining blocks into a fixed sequence. If you do this process, you should consider that you're consolidating
the blocks instantly.

In short, the valid values for the BLOCKS_IN_SEQUENCE function are "yes" or "no".

When you specificthata spatial relationship exists between two location and both location are mined by
"polygons", "bench_polygons" or "solids", calculations of the preceding block can be restricted to only create
preceding blocks if both blocks come out of the same group. (Example, the string number of a polygon, object
number of a solid).

The default value for

Ingestthe word "yes" to activate this function.

When the mining method is "polygons", "benches_polygons", or "solids", the
GROUPS_IN_DEFINED_SEQUENCE function can be used to force the mining of the location, defining the
range of string or object and specifying it with the location. The default value of the
GROUPS_IN_DEFINED_SEQUENCE function is "no". Entering the word "yes" enables this property.

When blocks are mined in sequence, the groups are mined bythe default sequence, which is specified in
GROUP_RANGE in the location form. If the blocks are not mined in sequence (usually when the blocks are
not consolidated with a

Minesched 7.0 - Manual Page 80 of 187

location), then GROUPS_IN_DEFINED_SEQUENCE can be used to force the mining of the polygon in the
order that they are defined in the GROUP_RANGE.

Why should You use polygon or bench_polygons or solids mining methods if you don't want to mine a grupo
in a defined sequence?

There is a valid reason for this and that is for planning with goals or targets. Minesched has some powerful
functionalities for short-term planning when mining a polygon or solid. It is possible tospecify production
with the MAX_ACTIVE_GROUPS function, which indicates the maximum number of active groups that can
be mined in a period. When this feature is activated Minesched will select the optimal combination of groups
to mine in agiven period and thus achieve to achieve the specified target or target. Once a group is
mined, all other groups will be analyzed again and the best group will be activated. This is a wayto restrict
the mining of ciertas areas and on the other hand give flexibility to the program to achieve the objectives or






Horizontal_lags functions are similar to vertical lags functions in that both control when a block becomes
available for mining. The vertical lags control when the blocks in the lower vertical bank of the mined block
begin to beavailable. Horizontal lags controls when blocks from the same bank of the mined or filling block
become available. It is called "horizontal" lags because it refers to the blocks of the same bench, that is, the
same horizontal plane.

The horizontal lags control the way the mine is advanced in a bank. For example, if you want the bank
advance to be perpendicular to the mining direction throughout the pit. In this case you should enter a high
value for the horizontal lags.

Asl vertical lags it is logical that lag values that are an integer multiple of the block size must be entered. A
horizontal lags of zero means that it is possible to immediately mine the resulting block (behind) of the block
that was mined and even theblocks of the side that

Minesched 7.0 - Manual Page 81 of 187

have not yet been mined. A horizontal lag of a mine block means that the three adjacent blocks must be mined
before starting to mine the center block.

The default value of the horizontal lags distance is the size of the mine block. Horizontal lags distances can be
different in the north, south, east, and west directions. Because the distance of the horizontal lags is usually
the same in all directions, the HORIZONTAL_LAG_ALL_DIRECTIONS function delivers the same distance
from the horizontal lag in all directions with a single property.

When the mining direction is an azimuth number, the distance of the directional lag is relative to the azimuth,
where the north represents the mining direction. Therefore HORIZONTAL_LAG_WEST is 90 degrees to the
left of the mine direction and the HORIZONTAL_LAG_EAST is 90 on the right. Only THE
HORIZONTAL_LAG_WEST and HORIZONTAL_LAG_EAST are relevant when the mining address is an

One feature exists but is not commonly required is the ability to enter the distance of the lag differentiated by
material. This allows sterile banks tohave a different distance from the horizontal lag than the ore banks for
example. To specify this, simply enter the material class name in the function field after the function name,

All distances of the lags defined for the vertical and horizontal lags parameters are minimum allowed
distances. It is possible to definea maximum distance of lags. This is the maximum distance allowed in the
mining direction between faces of two adjacent banks, or between faces in two locations which have a spatial
relationship and the same mining direction.

This property is only applicable to mining locations. Care must be taken when entering the maximum distance
of the lags to choose a significant value for the parameter. This is important to consider the minimum distance
from the lag when entering amaximum lag distance. The minimum value of the lag distance is the size of the
mine block that is specified in the locations sheet. The minimum distances of the lag enter the faces adjacent
to the bank is controlled with the properties of the lagvertical. VERTICAL_LAG_ALL_DIRECTIONS is
commonly used because it is strange to have a minimum distance from the lag that I varied in the north, south,
east, and west directions.

If the user specifies a maximum lag distance equal to the minimum distance of the lag, this could create a
circular reference block and if Minesched accepts this, the location would not be mined. For example, this
means that Block A has to be mined before Block B and

Minesched 7.0 - Manual Page 82 of 187

that Block B has to be mined before block A. None of these actions would be satisfied, therefore the mining
could not be carried out.

For this reason, Minesched ignores the maximum distances of the lags that are less than or equal to
theminimum distances of the lags in the opposite direction to the mining direction. In the event that this
situation occurs, a message will be deployed and the maximum distance from the lag will be ignored.

The maximum distance of the lag should generally be at least the minimumdistance of the lag plus two block
sizes in the mining direction. If a distance less than this is entered, the mining resource in the upper and lower
bank will have a low utilization. In the event that different resources mined multiple bancos, each resource
could continually start and stop while waiting for another resource to complete a block. To avoid this, if the
minimum lag distance has not been set, the maximum distance of the lags should be set to three times the size
of the lockormore.






The lags vertical determines when a block on the bottom bench may be available for mining. It is called
"vertical" lag because the availability of blocks is controlled by the blocks of the bank vertically superior.

The value for lags is entered in distance units (meters). Vertical lags can be any positive number, it is logical
that the value must be a multiple of the block size. A value of zero in all directions indicates that blocks
immediately above should be extracted. This is analogous to sinking a vertical axis into the pit.

The default value of the vertical theg is the size of the mine block, which you have specified in the location
sheet. In the default there will always be a minimum width of one block in each bank.

VERTICAL_LAG_ALL_DIRECTIONS allows the user to enter a vertical lag in alldi rections with a single
property, because the vertical lag is usually the same in each direction. When the distances of the lag vertical
vary in different directions, you can enter
elvalorencadadirección enformaseparada(VERTICAL_LAG_NORTH,

Minesched 7.0 - Manual Page 83 of 187

precedence over the VERTICAL_LAG_ALL_DIRECTIONS, so you can define the latter and then change
certain addresses.

VERTICAL_LAG_NORTH, for example, enter the distance that must be exposed by the top bank in the
north direction according to the lower bank before this block located on the lower bench is mined.

Note: Once a block is exposed by the distance of the vertical lag in each direction of the top bank, this block
would not be available to mine according to the mining address restrictions on the lower bank. However this
nprevents the extraction of higher blocks.

To visualize how the vertical lags work, draw a rectangle from the centroid of a mine block out of the centroid
with the vertical distance of the lag in each direction. Any centroid of the block that is inside or on the line of
this rectangle on the top bench should be mined before the bottom block becomes available.

One feature exists but is not commonly required is the ability to enter the distanceof lag differentiated by
material. This allows sterile banks to have a different distance from the horizontal lag than the ore banks for
example. To specify this, simply enter the material class name in the function field after the function name,

Another feature that exists is the ability to vary the distance of the lag by location when using apacial
relationship. To specify this, simply enter the name of the location after the

This can be useful for filling a pit and you want Minesched toutopianly fill a space housed at the base of the
mine. It is common in this application that the lag distances between the faces of the mining and the filling are

Spreadsheet Interface
There is no calculation sheet interface for theprecedence paddle. This is because there is no situation that
requires a large amount of data to enter this form.

Spatial Relationships
This task is where you define a spatial relationship that exists between locations. You can define this
relationship by simply selecting the two locations that are related.

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This means that there is a spatial relationship between the blocks in different locations and the preceding
blocks will be calculated between blocks of different locations. Blocks from the secondary location will not
be available until the primary phase blocks are mined. Spatial relationships cann be defined between mine
location, fill location, and from mine location to fill location.

The precedence of blocks are automatically calculated between blocks with the same location. The
precedence of blocks is not automaticallycalculated between blocks of different locations. This is because
they are generally not required and comparing blocks in each location again with blocks from another location
would mean an unnecessary process.

An example of where you could be usedc is when you are starting the pit and a defined phase is separated into
two location. Some phase blocks will be under the pit start blocks. It is important to calculate the
precedence between the pit start blocks and the lower phase blocks, so that the latter are not mined
before the pit start blocks.

Use the drop-down list to select the top and bottom location names. Wildcards can be used but you should
exercise caution when using it because it is an easy way to enter unnecessary spatial relationships.

Spreadsheet Interface
In strange circumstances, usually in underground mining, you have a large number of mine locations and if
you want to specify spatial relationships between them, you can use the calculation sheet interface.

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This section is where you define the precedence of polygons between location. If the polygon precedence
exists between two locations, mining on a polygon or solid at the secondary location cannot begin until the
same polygon number or solid in the primary sea locationcompleted.

The precedences of the polygons are used in auxiliary activities such as drilling and blasting that are
simulated at each mining location. This is done in order to give greater flexibility to the sequence of activities
carried out in mining.

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Spreadsheet Interface
In strange circumstances it is possible to have a large number of mine locations, in case you want to specify
polygon precedences between mine locations. For this reason the interface exists with the spreadsheet in this

This is the link between the Minesched development and production planning module. Precedence stopsare
not applicable for surface mining.

In Minesched underground development it is possible to specify mine locations that are not possible to start
until some developments have been completed. This is done by assigning precedence of the cassettes. When
scheduling development, it is possible to generate a file, which contains a possible start date for those
mining location.

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Manual precedence
This tool gives you the ability to create our block precedence manually. You must specify the precedence of
blocks between those that have no spatial relationship.

Manual block precedence is created by digitizing segments of only two points, you must digitize over the
colons from the msi_model_scheduling string file. The block connected to the second point will not be
available for mining before the first point corresponding to the block has been mined. It is possible to add
preceding blocks that control the second block, so it will not necessarily be available immediately after the
first block is mined.

After manually digitizing and performing block precedence, Precedence should save the segment as a string
file and reference it in the Manual section. String numbers are not important.

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The Parameters section is where you optionally define information related to production parameters. There
are parametersthat allow you to control various aspects of planning.

Production Parameters
Note: An important difference between production parameters and precedence parameters is that production
parameters can be modified through planning. Values can be varied by location and by time. However,
precedence parameters can only vary by location.

Because production parameters vary over time, the form contains five columnas: Location, Parameter, value,
Date, or event, and Delay.

Note: Production parameters are only deployed those that are valid for when all the specified location. If you
have specified * for location, the parameters will be displayed only those that are valid for all existing
location in the schedule.

The production parameter is a block factor that affects the volume, mass, and cumulative of an attribute. It is a
multiplier in the volume and mass of a block called

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mining factor. The default factor value for each material is 1. A number greater than the previous number
results in an increase in volume and therefore in the mass of a block, otherwise a number less than one
decreases the volume of the block and the mass.

The block factor is specific to a particular material. This allows differentfactors for different kinds of
materials. The material class is specified by adding a hyphenated name to the name of the BLOCK_FACTOR
function. For example, the BLOCK_FACTOR_WASTE function is a block factor for sterile.

This block factor that is possible to perform by type of material can be used to model mining recovery and
dilution. The block factor is applied to mine blocks before planning. The factor affects the volume, mass, and
accumulated tonnage of some element of the mining blocks. It is important to note that the average law of the
elements considered in the planning is exactly the same.

The production parameter BLOCK_VOLUME overwrites the block volumen of each material class in each
mined block with a fixed volume.

This production parameter is rarely used, this can be used when you need to simulate additional auxiliary
activities to the mining locations. A mined location de can be created with a single block and the quantity of
this blocks can be entered using some production parameter. This is used when an activity takes a fixed
amount of time, regardless of the size of the polygon orlocation. An example of this may be the activity of the

This parameter allows you to change the values of the parameters defined by location and over time. You can
use parameters to define in the Define Geology step, in the Model section, and in "User Parameters". When
defined, a base value is assigned. This is the parameter value for all location unless this is modified.

To change the value of theparameter, you must select DEFINE_USER_VALUE and enter two points (:)
followed by the parameter name.

Example: In an underground mine it has two bodies of ore and the dilution factor is different for each mineral
body. The mineral body 1 tiene a dilution factor of 7% and the mineral body 2 has a dilution factor of 12%.
And you need to report the diluted laws of the houses.

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Assuming the location names have been created to use wilcards, you could modify the dilution factor for
cassettes in each mineral body, as detailed below:

Assuming that the sterile does not contain laws, the dilution of the laws of the houses can be calculated as

You can read parameters from a . external CSV. If production rates come from an external resource, it can be
easy to read this data than copy the data or link it.

The value for the IMPORT_PARAMETERS function is a name of the . Csv. The format of the . CSV is a free
format, the first column after commenting determines the format. This row specifies the codes that youind to
Minesched, the order of the columns of the data being read. An example of the file that can be read using it's
IMPORT_PARAMETERS function is the one detailed below.

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This production parameter can be used when planning with targets, to control that the location is mined from
blocks that have the same value as the target in multiple locations. In this scenario you will be mined from the
location with higher priority.

This property is only used when planning is with goals. If you don't plan with goals, this means that you're
planning based on priorities. When planning is performed based on priorities, resources are sent based on the
priority assigned with the MAX_RATE.

Priorities are numbers greater than zero. The lower value means a higher priority. The important thing is that
priorities don't have to be whole numbers. For example, a priority of 0.999 has a higher priority than a priority
of 1.

If you mine per bank, the maximum number of active banks can be definedtwo. Mining can only occur on
these banks in a location and at a certain time. Mining will not start at a new bank before one of the activated
banks is not completed or the value for this parameter is modified.

When mining starts in a location, in case you have more banks with available blocks than the maximum
number of banks available, then a larger number of banks will be activated (if the mining is top to bottom).

In the event that the mining is by polygon, bench-polygon or solid, the maximum number of active groups can
be defined. Mining can only occur from this location group in a

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Time. Mining will not begin in a new location group before one of the polygons or solids has been completed
or the parameter value has been modified.

When mining starts at a location, if you have more than oneblock-s group available than the maximum
number of active groups, an optimal combination of groups will be determined. This is done using a similar
method to determine the optimal location to start mining.

MAX_ACTIVE_GROUPS can be widely used for short-term planning in Minesched. Groups can be used to
restrict mining in certain areas, while giving the program flexibility to achieve goals.

This function refers to the maximum number of dand location that can be mined in a period. Mining or
starting in a new location before one of the active location has been completed or at the beginning of a period,
provided that the RECALC_ ACTIVE_LOCATION_AT_PERIOD_START function is enabled.

Using the MAX_ACTIVE_LOCATIONS function when planning is done is a powerful feature in Minesched
because it selects the optimal combination of locations to mine in order to better achieve theobjectives posed.
Once a location has been completed, Minesched selects the optimal location of all available locations.

If an active location number has been defined with priority in planning, then the location to mine is
selectedbased on those priorities.

For a location to be available for mining at the beginning of planning, you should have a MAX_RATE
greater than zero and enter it at the beginning of planning.

The MAX_ACTIVE_LOCATIONS production parameter has been highlighted for version 6.0 to be of a
specific location. If the Locations field is left blank or a wilcard * is specified with the
MAX_ACTIVE_LOCATIONS function, then this parameter works as in Minesched 5.1. The best location of
all available location is determined. This refers to a global MAX_ACTIVE_LOCATIONS.

In the event that the production parameter is specified with a subset of location, thenthe best location will be
selected from this subset of location. This way MAX_ACTIVE_LOCATIONS can be specified in a number
of time for different subsets of locations.

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In the following example, in row 1 shows as an example of MAX_ACTIVE_LOCATIONS, it starts to be
used in a traditional way, in row 2 and 3 shows an example of how you can specify a maximum number of
location from a subset of locations , for the example of one-level mine-level cassettes.

Note: This is not valid to use for location specifications and global location at the same time.

This production parameter allows you to restrict the vertical feed rate in a period by defining a number of
banks that can be mined in a planning period. The value of this parameter is a positive integer value, which
can be changed over time. This property affects theblocks in detail at thed-level. This means that if the
production rate was large enough as the amount of material in a period is restricted only by this function, then
the pit surface at the end of a period could be identical to theinitial superficie, except that the number of
banks specified will fall.

Stockpiles can have a defined maximum capacity. The maximum capacity unit is the volume. Defining a
maximum capacity allows you to store material until the stockpile reaches its maximum capacity. The
maximum capacity is reached only when the material is being added to the stockpile.

Note: The stockpile does not automatically stop at the time of reaching the maximum capacity. It is the user's
job to make the change in the material movement section in the production parameters, to stop the shipment
of material to this stockpile and attach the material to another stockpile. Stopping the shipment of material to
a stockpile is enteredby entering the rate or in the priority field a value of 0 in the material movement section.

A stockpile that reaches its maximum capacity is only possible once. If the stockpile is exhausted and then
attached to another stockpile, and it also reaches its maximum capacity a second time, this does not perform
the same procedure a second time.

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Stockpiles can have a minimum defined capacity. The unit of thelast capacity is the volume. A minimum
capacity is only reached when the stockpile material is sent to a process or other location.

Note: If the mine capacity is greater than zero, the stockpile does not stop automatically at the time of
reaching the lastcapacity. It is the user's job to make the change in the material movement section in the
production parameters, to stop the shipment of material from this stockpile to the process or location.
Stopping the shipment of material from stockpile is done by setting the STOCKpile MAX_RATE to 0.

A stockpile that reaches its minimum capacity is only possible once. If the stockpile is completed and then
attached to another stockpile, and it also reaches its minimum capacity a second time, this does not perform
the same procedure a second time.

You have the option to re-calculate the active locations at the beginning of each period. It is possible to move
the teams in the field, so that this is practical to do it, this can improve the results of the objectives.

This was a function implemented to meet objectives that change from one period to another. Targets change
at the beginning of a period, so ideally active locationthat is mined could be recalculated with the location that
is active.

You have the function of defining range levels to calculate the active locations. When scope levels are not
used, all unmined blocks in a location are considered when evaluating a location. When scope levels are used,
only blocks that are within the number of levels of the currently available block scope are considered. If
morethan one material is used in a locationto be mined in a period period, we recommend that you use
SCOPE_LEVELS_ACTIVE_LOCATION_CALCS. When the locations are very large use
RECALC_ACTIVE_LOCATIONS_AT_PERIOD_START should deliver excellentre-ultados if you can set
range levels to approximately know that it will be mined in the location and in the period.

The swell factor property allows the volume of the material to change when moving it from a resource to an
arrival location. This function acts as a volume multiplier

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therefore a typical value for the swell factor of a mining location could be around 1.3.

The calendar section is where you can optionally create a holiday or break calendar and work calendars and
assign those calendars to resources and processes.

Calendar creation is optional, because fordef ecto the work calendar corresponds to all days of the year (24
hours per day and 7 days a week). Therefore, you only need to use the "Calendars" section if you need the
resource or process to work a smaller amount.

In mediumand long-term planning it is strange to have more than one calendar. A single global calendar can
be defined where annual holidays and another with the most rest days can be entered. There is a small reason
to specify thework time and holidaycalendars for individual resources when medium- and long-term
planning is done. This will only increase the processing time to create the planning. It is best practice to
adjust daily resourcecapacity and production rates to define working time.

In the short term, the calendar option is more used. In short-term planning, you generally define resources as
individual loaders. Assigning these resources to your work hours makes the planning created more accurate.

The following four tasks exist in the Calendars section

1. Creating Calendars
2. Adding Holidays
3. Adding Working Times
4. Assigning Calendars to Resources and Processes

Creating Calendars
Create a calendar can be done by pressing the Add button at the top of the calendar section. This attaches a
calendar to the list, as shown below.

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The properties of the selected calendar are displayed on the right side of the list.

A single name is created when you create a calendar. You can edit this name to give a more descriptive name.

Performing an inactive calendar allows planning not to use the calendar, and is an easier way than removing
the calendar from each resource and process. This field makes it easy to compare the effects of different
calendars in planning.

There are two types of calendars, holiday calendars or breaks and work time calendars. Holiday calendars
allow you to define a time-out. The work time basisallows you to define more real work shifts.

Based on the selection, the form will display a calendar detail with more details to make the respective

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Adding Holidays
Adhering a holiday is done by pressing the "Add" button at the top of the "Holidays" section. This will enter a
row as below screenshot shown. You should have a defined number of holidays by adding rows with the same

Repeat each
This function is to define how many times the holiday will be repeated. Valid values are every week, month,
year, and only once.

Select which of the holidays will occur. For holidays that repeat each week, select the day of the week. For
holidays that are repeated each month, select the day of the month. For holidays that repeat each year or only
happen once, select the day using a calendar.

The duration of holidays or breaks in days. This can be a real number greater than or equal to zero.

The frequency of holidays determines how many times they occur weekly,men sualor, or annually.

The default value is 1in 1, which is repeated the same time for each week, month, or year. 1 in 2 means that
holidays are repeated every two weeks, months or years. 2 in 3 means that holidays are repeated for two
weeks, months or years and will not occur in the third week, month or year.

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It is the beginning of the holiday or rest. This is strange to change the default of the planning term. The start
of the holiday and the end date gives flexibility for the holidays to be changed throughout the life of the mine.
Use the graphical calendar to select dates.

It is the termor the holiday or rest. This is strange to change the default of the planning term. The start of the
holiday and the end date gives flexibility for the holidays to be changed throughout the life of the mine. Use
the graphical calendar to select dates.

Adding Working Times

To adhere a working time can be done by pressing the "Add" button at the top of the Working Times section.
This will add a row in the Working Times section, as detailed in the image below. You should have a number
of work periods defined by adding rows with the same calendar.

Start date
It's the day that the work day begins. Typically this appears with a default value of the planning start date.

An example of the start date start date is important if you are specifying a calendar for a team that toggles
between the day shift and the night shift on a weekly basis. If the day shift starts at the beginning of planning,
then the night shift will begin a week later. If the start date of the night shift is not entered, the team may be
working day shift and night shift in the same week.

Time From
That's theco-enzo of working hours. Enter this parameter considering 24 hours in the HH:MM:SS format.

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Time to
It's the term of the working time. Enter this parameter considering 24 hours in the format HH:MM:SS (0:00 to
0:00 means 24 hours per day).

Repeat each
This field allows you to specify how many times the created working time is repeated. Valid values are every
day, week, month, and year. Repeating every day is the most common thing. This does not mean that the
change is repeated 7 days a week, because you have the flexibility to define the frequency, in the field of the
same name.

Repeating each week doesn't mean changes are made for each day of the week.
It means that change happens on a specific day each week.

Frequency is where you define the change in working time at different intervals instead of applying it every
day. For example, you can specify that the change is every two days, two three-day days is not applicable, or
7 days is applicable and the next 7 days is not applicable.

The default frequency is 1 in 1. This means that the defined working time will be repeated on this day on each
day, week, month or year. In thespecified day and every other day (week, month, or year) it is specified as 1
in 2. The syntax for defining a frequency is very flexible. Any combination of characters and spaces can
separate the two numbers in frequency. If the working time change is applied every day of a week,
followed by a week in which the working time change does not apply, this can be done by setting the
frequency from 7 to 14.

End Date
This allows you to change the working time specified in the schedule. For example, a resource can work daily
for the first two years of planning, then the same resource can be changed to a different working time. The
defect of the end date is the term of the last planning period.

Assign calendars to resources and processes.

If the calendar is applied to all resources, you simply need to activate the global calendar (a ticket should
appear in the global option) and the calendar automaticallyassigned to all resources. The graphical
deployment of the resource will be updated to show the calendar association. To assign a calendar to specify a
resource or process, you must click and drag the calendar within thecourse orprocess, as shown below.

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The graphical deployment of the resource will be updated to show the calendar association.

Resources and processes can have any number of calendars associated with them. It is recommended to have
at least one calendar of rest days or holidays and a working time calendar associated with a process or
resource, so that it ismanageable and that the results are understandable.

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The Activities section is where you optionally define ancillary activities. Auxiliary activities are those that are
involvingmining and affect when mining can occur, such as drilling and blasting.

The reference documentation for ancillary activities is broken down into five sections, which are:

1. Overview
2. Create an Activity
3. Activity Summary Information
4. Activity Precedences and Delays
5. Activity Work and Resources

Auxiliary activities are activities that are related to mining activity, generally affect the time of mining
activity, and are carried out for different resources of mining activity. An example of auxiliary activities are
drilling, blasting, and filling. These activities are not generally considered for mining activity, but all of them
arerelated to mining and affect when mining takes place in a location.

The results of activity planning are shown in three types of output files:

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 Reports

 Graphic Results

 Gantt Letters

Auxiliary activity planning has been used for a few years, and is widely used for underground planning. In
surface mining, you have more flexibility to define different sequences of activities before mining or after
mining. For example, drilling a sequence of a polygon may be completely different from the mining of a
polygon sequence.

There is also the possibility that some areas may requireperfo ration but others do not. Auxiliary activities are
simulated with mine location and general planning provides unlimited flexibility to plan any activity in any
sequence and schedule the required precedences.

Createan activity
Create an activity by pressing the Add button at the top of the activity list. This will create an activity in the
activity list, as shown below.

The properties of activities associated with mine location are defined on the right side of the activity list.
There are three types of properties related to an activity. The properties of the activities have been separated
based on these three types ofinformation:

1. Activity Summary Information

2. Activity Precedences and Delays
3. Activity Work and Resources

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Activity Summary Information

Activity Name
The activity name is user-defined. Activities can have any alphanumeric, hyphen, and striped character
names. Other characters are not allowed. It is recommended for activity names that are short and concise, but
remain meaningful and descriptive. Like all user-defined names in Minesched, activity names are case

The name MINING is reserved for mining activity. So an auxiliary actividad, can have any name except

This option gives you the ability to disable this row without deleting the activity.

Activity Type
There are two types of activities, which are the activities of the location and the activities of the polygons. The
types of activities determine how often the activity occurs. Location activities occur before after mining in the
entire location. Polygon activities occur before orafter the mining of each polygon or solid of alocation.
In surface mining, polygon activities that represent the blast lines are generally used, and activities start at a
polygon when another activity wascomplete. Underground mining usually does such location activities,
because the location represents cassettes and the activities occur before and after the entire cassette is mined.

Related Mining Locations

This field allows you to specify which lcation the defined activities and properties will be applied to.
Typically wilcard * is entered to define all locations at once. When the same activity has different properties
for different locations, you must enter theproperties for the first set of location and then select the Copy
button at the top of the activitylist. Enter the same activity name and select a different set of mining

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Previous Activity
An activity should have a previous activity or a subsequent activity. In the event that this is the first activity,
then this activity will not have a previous activity, so this field should be left blank.

If this activity has a previous and a subsequent activity, you do not need to define both activities. You only
have to define one. If you define both, there would be no problems either. MINING is the name of the mining

Next Activity
An activity should have a previous activity or a subsequent activity. In the event that this is the last activity,
then this activity will not have a subsequent activity, so this field should be left blank.

If this activity has a previous and a subsequent activity, you do not need to define both activities. You only
have to define one. If you define both, there would be no problems either. MINING is the name of the mining

Delay before Activity

If it is not the first activity, it is possible to enter a delay after the previous activity has ended and before this
activity can begin. The delay is in days, the default is 0.

Delay after Activity

If it's not the last activity, it's possible to enter a delay after this activity has finished and before the next
activity can begin. The delay is in days, the default is 0.

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Delay between polygons
For polygon activities, this field allows you to enter a delay between an activity that has ended in one polygon
and before the same activity begins in another polygon. The delay is in the day and the default is zero.

Honour production precedences?

Production precedences are precedences that are defined in the production section of the mining locations. In
the production section, in case you have the restriction that a mining locationdoes not start before another
location has finished, this is a production precedence. The default is "no".

Activities that occur after mining obviously will respect the production precedence because it occurs after
mining. If the activity occurs before mining, you must specify here, if you need to respect the production

Production Precedence Activity

When in production precedence is entered the value "yes", you mustdef ineration the precedence of
production activities. This means that the activity that should be completed in the preceding location before
this activity can begin at the next location.

Polygon Precedences other locations?

This field ofbe considered when having spatial relationships between locations. This relationship is defined in
the "Precedence" section.

Take the example of two locations, one that is overload and one that is mineral, where the overload is on the
ore. Ambas are separated by locations, because the boundary between the two locations is a geological
contact. In this case it should be exploited with different resources and with different production rates. Here
there is a defined spatial relationship between the two location. This tells Minesched that the overload
location covers the location of the ore and the precedences of the block must be calculated from the ore blocks
to the overload blocks. This will ensure that the ore is only mined once exposed by overload.

Assuming the two activities in the previous scenario, drilling and mining, drilling obviously cannot take place
in a polygon of the mining location before the overload has beenmined. This is a precedence of polygons from
another location.

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Note: Polygon string numbers are important for this type of activity precedence. Before drilling can take place
in a polygon at a mineral location, the activity must be completed at the same polygon number in the location.

Polygon Precedences other locations Activity

When this function is enabled, you must define the precedence of polygons with other activity locations.
These are the activities that should be completed in the polygon at the top location before this activity begins
in the lower polygon.

Polygon Precedences same location?

Thisfunction is when an activity cannot start on a polygon before another activity is completed in a previous
polygon. In the example of surface mining, there are two auxiliary activities, therefore there are three
activities in total, drilling, blasting and mining. In the example they will allow drilling to progress well in
front of the mine.

This is where the "yes" value for this function (Polygon Precedences same location) should be inserted. This
allows you to control the activatingof the blast. You can specify that the trot is not performed until the mining
is completed in the previous polygon.

Polygon Precedences same location Activity

When this function is enabled, you must define the precedence of the polygons with the same activity
location. These are the activities that should be completed in the previous polygon before this activity begins
at the next polygon.

Earliest Start Date

If the date is defined here, this activity cannot begin at the locations defined until this start date. The activity
may not start exactly this date because there may be other precedences that prevent it from starting. But you
can't start before this date.

Activity Work and Resources

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Fixed or relative amount
This section is where you define the amount of work associated with the activity. This gives you the
flexibility to define an activity in multiple locations in a single row, even when the amount of work for this
activity is different for the various locations. The units of work are completely flexible. These can be any,
meter drilled, cubic metersfilled or just days. Work units can be listed (second column on the right), but this is
not used in the planning machine. If the amount of work is entered as the number of days, then the production
rate for the activity is 1.

There are three different ways to define the amount of work:

 Fixed value

 Relative Amount

 Upload a file in .csv format that contains a fixed amount or a relative value.

Fixed value
You simply enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero. This will be the amount of work associated
with the activity for all locations and for all polygons, in the case of a polygon activity.

Relative Amount
This refers to the relative volume or mass of the polygon or location. You must enter an expression using
PROD_VOL and PROD_MASS which refers to the volume and mass of the polygon or location.

Upload a .csv file

A .csv file can be specified and theformat can be read from a .csv file. This can be widely used in the event
that the blast wells have an associated design for example, then the drilling can be read from a .csv file, which
can be created from the design ofthe blastmesh.

The file format is Activity, Location, Quantity, Polygon, as shown below:

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Quantity Material Classes
This gives you the flexibility to define the materials so that the relative quantity is calculated. By leaving this
field blank, this means "all" materials. This allows you to define the amount of activity that is relative to the
volume only of ore or sterile en the location.

Quantity Units
If you don't want to deploy planning in Microsoft Project, it's recommended that you enter the units of the
work quantities for each activity. This is because the amounts of work can be in any joind, entering the unit
will make the parameters of the activity more understandable.

Available Resources
Define the resources available to work on this activity in the mining locations.

Note: Resources for auxiliary activities should be unique to mine resources.

Resource Total Rate

This is the total capacity of each resource available for this activity. The total resource capacity is the
maximum daily production of a resource in all locations that encounter this activity.

You should define a positive number in order to plan for this activity.

Resource Individual Location Rate

This is the maximum daily production that each available resource can perform in an individual mining
location when simulating this activity.

This is exactly the same as the MAX_RATE defined in the production section with individual mining
locations. You should define a positive number in order to planfor this activity.

Maximum Number Resources in Individual Location

The maximum number of resources that can be allocated in a mine location for this activity. Usually this is 1,
incrementing this number means doubling the resources within a location to perform the activity more

If this is left at 1, although you can have multiple resources that work in a location for an activity; you will
have only one resource to work in one location at a time.

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Activity Location Priority
This is the location priority for this activity. When you have multiple locations available for activities,
resources will be assigned to the locations with the highest priorities for those activities.

Having multiple locations usually has the same activity priorities. When this occurs, resources will be
assigned to locations based on priorities that are definedin the "Parameters" section with the
LOCATION_PRIORITY production parameter.

This gives you the flexibility to have different priorities for different locations, while still allowing the activity
for all locations to be entered with asingle item of activities.

Equal Rates for Equal Priorities

When enabled, the production of resources for an activity is divided equally between locations with the same
priority of the activity. When disabled, the recurso works with its full capacity for the locations, and is
assigned to the locations until the total capacity of the resource is completed.

This parameter can be changed here by the mining activity when there is priority in the planning.

Allow Reduced Resource Rates

When this option is enabled, a resource cannot work at a lower throughput rate than the individual capacity in
the location. A resource can only work its entire individual capacity in one location.

In the case of disabling this option, you should be careful to ensure that the total production rate of the
resource and the individual production rate of the resource in the location are appropriate. If the total
production rate of the resource is lower than the individual production rate of the resource in the location,
the resource will not be allocated the location for this activity because it would mean that the resource might
be working at its rate of individual production of the resource.

Allow Activity Splits

Whenor this parameter is enabled, if a location with high priority becomes available for an activity, the
resource will be re-allocated for the new location. When this is disabled, the resource should complete the
activity at the location before starting at re-allocated.

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This parameter can be changed here by the mining activity when there is priority in the planning.

Any comments can be entered here.

The targets section is where you optionally set target targets for qualities or elements, material relationships,
and parameters that affect the target planning algorithm. This section contains three tasks. Each of these has
its own form and there is its own tab. On the graphical screen it is displayed with the data to provide when
defining the targets.

1. Quality Targets
2. Material Ratio Targets
3. Target Parameters

Quality Targets
Quality or item objectives are where you enter an average value of quality or item and use calculated goals. A
quality or item target is entered into a

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stockpile or in a process. It is possible to define a priority with each objective, which allows to control the
relative importance of each objective when having multiple objectives.

New goals can be defined, value targetsexist, and priorities can change at the beginning and end of each
planning period. It doesn't make sense to change goals to half a period because the defined targets are based
on what you want to achieve for a fullperiod. Therefore, any changed objective will take effect at the
beginning of the next planning period.

This field allows you to deactivate the specific target in this row without deleting the row.
This is very useful when performing sensitivity analysis to see the effect of various targets.

Destination Location

Quality targets or items are activated based on a target. This is because the target location material is the
mining product. Generally one of the objectives of planning is to supply a final product of a quality or with a
specified average law.

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This is the caseif the product is being sold or if the product is the process plant feed, in both cases the
customer usually wants to receive a product with a fixed average quality or a law of a fixed element.

The target location is typically a stockpile or a process. Quality or item objectives can be entered in fill
location, although this is rarely required. In a simple entry of planning information with objectives, the
objectives are ingestedinto stockpile which immediately rio below the mining location. This is where the mine
locations feed them directly stockpile. This is the case of the example above and you can see it clearly in the
minesched graphic section. Theexample shows the income of the targets, referring to the mixtures, in the first
river phase below their mining locations.

Quality objectives or elements can be entered in a second or subsequent downstream stage from mining. This
is done by entering the objectives into the processes. Therefore the first stage stockpile can feed the processes
and these processes can feed additional. An example, with a single process is shown in the image on the
perior partof this screen.

It is important to remember that processes are a generic entity in Minesched. It does not refer specifically to a
process plant, but it can be any type that wants to receive a quantity of material with medium andmedium

Material Classes
The material type definition field is where you specify which material is to be used to calculate the goal of the
law. Typically it is left as * which refers to all kinds of matterthat go to the destination location.

Generally, you only need to specify the material types in case you have created a single target location for the
purpose of planning with targets For example, you have created a stockpile location that receives both
materials ( mineral and sterile). In this case, you can specify a quality target for the ore and a material
relationship target to the target. It will deliver the same result as if you're going to create two destination
stockpiles, one that receives ore and one that receives sterile. A material ratio target can be entered between
two stockpiles and the quality target will be entered for all material classes of the ore stockpile.

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This is the field where you select the name of the item or quality or the name of the user calculation created
earlier and which is activated.

Note: It is only valid for average quality objectives and "user calculation".

Enter the average value of the target you want to achieve. Minesched's algorithm, MineBlend will try to meet
the goal in each planperiod. Value objectives can be changed in any planning period. These changes can be
made only at the beginning of a planning period. It doesn't make sense to change goals to half a period
because the defined targets are based on what you want to achieve for a full period. Therefore, any
changed objective will take effect at the beginning of the next planning period.

Target Thresholds
This is only used under certaincircumstances:

 You enter a goal in a process

 The process can be fed directly from the mining location as from a stockpile.

 The REHANDLE objective parameter is entered as "yes" (the default for this parameter).

An example of this scenario is as shown below:

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In this scenario, with REHANDLE enabled, the mineor will be re-managed with the stockpile material only
when it is necessary to enter the process a targets thresholds. If the target thresholds process is not reached by
the rehandling of the mined material, the stockpile material will be used in the event that it exists.

When the target is entered for a stockpile, or when the process is not fed directly from the mine location the
target tresholds are not used.

Enter the lower and upper target thresholds. These are numericvalues s. The lower value of the target
thresholds should be less than or equal to the target value. The threshold must be greater than or equal to the
target value.

Like targets, target thresholds can be changed over time. These changes can be made only at the beginning of
a planning period. It doesn't make sense to change goals to half a period because the defined targets are based
on what you want to achieve for a full period. Therefore, anychanged objections will take effect at the
beginning of the next planning period.

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When you have multiple targets, the priority of the target assigned, define the relative importance of the

The priority can be any number greater than zero. The default is 100. A smaller number has a higher priority.
Entering a priority of 0 disables the goal. These changes can be made only at the beginning of aplanning
period. It doesn't make sense to change goals to half a period because the defined targets are based on what
you want to achieve for a full period. Therefore, any changed objective will take effect at the beginning of the
next planning period.

Date or Event
The parameters of the targets can be changed on a date, however because the objectives are calculated by
periods, it is not logical to change the objectives in the middle of a period. It is logical to change the target of
the parameter at the beginning of a planning period. If the goals are changed on a date or not exactly at the
beginning of a planning period, the parameter changes will take effect at the beginning of

This indicates the delay in days. This combined with the date or event calculates the date that the row target
will take effect. The default value is 0. The delay can be any number greater than or equal to zero. Fractions
of days are entered with decimal units of days and not in hours minutes seconds.

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The delay is typically used when an event is specified on a date or in an event. If the exact date is specified in
the date field, there is less reason to use a delay because the true date will be calculated. When the date is an
event, with the end of a location, the date of this event nor is known until the planning isdone. The Delay
field is therefore most commonly used to specify that a rule take effect in a certain amount of time after an

Material Ratio Targets

This section is where you enter the material relationship objective. The latter is important and commonly
used, it is like the goal being a constant sterile/mineral relationship, for example. The fixed amount of ore and
ballast mined in each period is commonly a planning objective. This goal is achieved in one or two ways,
depending on how the material is spatially distributed in the reservoir.

1. In the event that the mineral and the sterile are spatially discrete, thens it is possible toseparate it into
two location, one location of sterile and one of ore. This is typical in deposits like a hillside. You can
create two resources, a resource that extracts ore and a resource that extracts sterile, and both
resources can be assignedseparately for the ore location and sterile location. The capacity that will be
entered will be the production rate of both sterile and ore and these rates will be reached as long as
there are blocks available for mynar.

2. In the event that the sterile and mineral is mixed, you generally cannot simply specify fixed mining
rates for the sterile and the ore, because the material classes are not available to mine exactly the
production rates. For example, when you start a new pit, you can't just specify extract ore at a fixed
production rate, because

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initially it should be storedsterile to leave mineral exposed. The goal of material relationships is a
good solution. It is used to guide the resource so that it extracts as closely as possible to the amounts
of ore and sterile to be achieved. Thematerial relationship item will be fulfilled as long as the deposit
allows, if it will not deliver as close a result as possible.

The ratio of targets are typically defined between different "location" of destinations. These can be defined
between material types of the same stockpile. However, it is not possible to enter material relationship goals
between classes that go into a process. Only "quality" or law objectives can be entered forthe processes. The
material relationship can exist between processes that are filled directly from the mining location, for example
a ballast stockpile or a filling location. This is like specifying a sterile/mineral ratio when the mining material
is sent directly to process.

A material relationship is calculated by dividing X by Y, where X represents the material acting as a

numerator, and Y represents the denominator for the relationship equation.

Note: In certain material movement scenarios, where you have quality or "laws" goals, you must define the
goal for the material relationship. This scenario is where the same kind of material can range from the same
mining location to different location, and you have targets by targets. This is the case in the example above
where all pit material types can go to stockpile_1 and stockpile_2 and quality targets exist in both stockpile.

In this scenario only the point ofending material relationship objectives is because otherwise there is no
indication of how much material each product is you want. In the event that you produce 100,000 total tonnes
in a period, making 1 ton of the materiall of stockpile A and 99,999 tonnes of stockpile material B or 50,000
tonnes of each material.

From Destination Locations

The target location is located on the left side of the relationship calculation. Use the drop-down list to chooser
a location or use the "wilcard" to specify a number of locations.

From Material Classes

The material types are located on the left side of the relationship calculation. In the case that both location are
different (from and to), this is typical to include the default value as *. Use the drop-down list to choose a
location or use the "wilcard" to specify a number of material classes.

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To Destination Locations
The target location is located on the right side of the relationship calculation.

To Material Classes
The material types are located on the right side of the relationship calculation. . In the case that both location
are different (from and to), this is typical to include the default valor as *.

Target Value
The target value (targets) corresponds to the value of the relationship. This is a numeric value. Minesched's
algorithm, MineBlend will attempt to achieve this number in each planning period.

The targets can be changed over time, it is logical then that the system changes the targets at the beginning of
the planning period. When goals are changed elsewhere in the planning period, the changes take effect at the
beginning of the next planning period.

When you have multiple targets, the priority of the target assigned, define the relative importance of the

The priority can be any number greater than zero. The default is 100. A smaller number has a higher priority.
Entering a priority of 0 disables the goal. These changes can be made only at the beginning of a planning
period. It doesn't make sense to change goals to half a period because the defined targets are based on
what you want to achieve for a full period. Therefore, any changed objective will take effect at the
beginning of the next planning period.

If you have three objectives A, B, and C and prioritize 1.2 and 5, the importance of Objective A is twice as
high as B and five times greater than C, while B is two-and-a-half times more important than C.

The targets can be changed over time, it is logical then that the system changes the targets at the beginning of
the planning period. When goals are changed elsewhere in the planning period, the changes take effect at the
beginning of the next planning period.

Ratio Unit
The unit of the relationship is used to definir the unit for the calculation of the relationship. The default unit is
MASS. The unit can be MASS, VOLUME, or any accumulated attribute.

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Date or Event
The parameters of the targets can be changed on a date, however because the objectives are calculated by
periods, it is not logical to change the objectives in the middle of a period. It is logical to change the target of
the parameter at the beginning of a planningperiod. If the goals are changed on a date or not exactly at the
beginning of a planning period, the parameter changes will take effect at the beginning of the next period.

This indicates the delay in days. This combined with the date or event calculates the date that the row target
will take effect. The default value is 0. The delay can be any number greater than or equal to zero. Fractions
of days are entered with decimal units of days and not in hours minutes seconds.

The delay is typically used when an event is specified on a date or in an event. If the exact date is specified in
the date field, there is less reason to use a delay because the true date will be calculated. When the date is an
event, with the end of a location, the date of this event is not known until the planning is done. The Delay
field is therefore most commonly used to specify that a regla take effect in a certain amount of time after an

Target Parameters
This sector is where you define the target parameters in addition to controlling the "MineBlend" planning

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The goal planning parameters are associated with different types of locations, as shown in the image above.
The SWITCH and ADDITIVE_LOAD_SIZE parameters are global so they are not associated with any
location. In this case, the location field is left blank.

The parameters displayed in the drop-down list are parameters that satisfy at least one location entered in
thecations field.

Each parameter objective is described below.

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This parameter gives the user control when using several planning sub-algorithms. Target planning was first
carried out within Minesched version 3.0.

MineBlend uses two different sub-algorithms to select blocks to mine. The first algorithm is called "Extreme".
The second algorithm is called"Optima". The combination of these two algorithms delivers excellent results.

Extreme is used in the initial periods of planning. Optimal is used in subsequent planning periods. The
SWITCH parameter controls at which point of the periods the change from the Extreme to The Optimal sub-
algorithm is made. The default value for the SWITCH parameter is 0.75. Therefore, at three-quarters of the
planning periods the change is made from the Extreme sub-algorithm tothetima.

SWITCH can be any numeric value between 0 and 1 inclusive. The default value 0.75 is only suggested to be
changed after running the schedule once the results are analyzed. This value can be modified, and it is
reasonable toexperiment with changes in the order of 0.1. For example from 0.75 to 0.65 to 0.55, etc.

The "Extreme" sub-algorithm has that name due to two reasons. The first reason is speed, this is extremely
fast. Generally, the system rejects SWITCH values less than 10% of the time taken as planning periods. The
second reason for the name is methodology. Extreme mines the extreme values of the available blocks. In the
initial periods it extracts the blocks that arelocated away from the values of the target, taking stock of
these blocks remain close to thetargets.

The name of the sub-algorithm "Optima" is because it is an optimization algorithm which always selects the
optimal block to be mined. Cada block available is analyzed and selected the block that brings the totals of the
period closest to the objectives.

If the sub-algorithm was used for planning (a value of 0 can be entered to the SWITCH), this has two
disadvantages over thecombined solution. First of all, planning takes longer to plan. The second is that the
first mineblocks, and the best block could continue to be mined whenever they are available,from moving the
end blocks for later periods. It may be that the last mined blocks in the period may cause the target to show a
deviation in the total periods.

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In a thesis by a mine engineer performed using Minesched in Chile, I perform the analysis of the SWITCH
parameter for a cement tank in Argentina, the value of 0.1 was the one that delivered the best result.

In some cases enter the value 1, just theextreme algorithm is used, producing better results. If the targets may
be more convenient to work only with the Extreme algorithm, the advantages are operational and greater
regularity of mined blocks.

The SWIT CH parameteris global, so you should not specify a target location. Therefore the location field
should be left blank. Parameter values can be changed between periods.

This parameter is associated with processes thatenter material directly from the mining location. This
parameter determines whether or not the mined material is re-managed with the stockpile material to achieve
the process objectives.

The default is "yes", so you only need to use this parameter to cancel the material rehandling. This is done by
entering the value "no" for this parameter.

When the mining material can be entered directly into process, the processing rate ifempre will be reached; if
the material is available, the best mined materials will enter the process. The best is with regard to achieving
the objectives of the process. If there is more mined material, the "worst" material is entered into the
stockpiles. In the event that there is less mined material than required by the process, the material will be
entered from the stockpiles. The stock pile material will be entered until the mined material is better than the
available materialin thestockpiles.

If the process capabilities have not been achieved and the REHANDLE option is activated and there is a
greater benefit of entering material into the stockpile than to the process, the material will be exchanged
between the processes and stockpiles in a block mined by the base block. The "worst" blocks will be entered
into stockpile and exchanged for the best stockpile materials. This will continue until the process objectives
are reached or no greater benefit is obtained with the rehandling of the materials. This technique will achieve
the objectives of the process, with the minimum amount of material rehandling.

In the event that the objectives of the processes are not achieved with the rehandling of the mined material, if
there are additivesto ckpiles are stockpiles that act as a material feeder. These stockpiles are used at the last
because this material generates a higher cost, therefore it should be used only where absolutely necessary.

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When additive stockpiles are necessary to meet the objectives of the process, this material is added in small
amounts. This material, being more expensive, should be used only when it is really necessary to achieve the
objectives. This parameter allows the user to define the size of the load addition. The smaller the load size, the
less risky it will be to use this type of material.

In the event that the load size is not defined, the default is calculated at 0.1% of the process periods. The
stockpiles additives are those that send material to the process but never receive material.

The parameter is global. This means that the name of the location has no effect, they can be changed between

When calculated targets are used for a process, a stockpile sample size is used in the blending algorithm.

If the sample size of the mixture stockpile is not defined, the default value is calculated at 0.2% of the process
periods. This is a fair value and there are very few reasons to change it.

The variation in the size of the standardis a balancing exercise between results and performance. Decreasing
the sample size can deliver better results, however it increases data processing time. Increasing the sample
size resultsin the processing time of the data at the cost of the finalresults. This parameter can change
between planning periods.

This parameter has the ability to observe the blocks that will in the future be mined but of the same location,
so as to select the best blocks. This allows the user to specify a number of levels to search within the bucket.
This refers to range levels. In a vertical direction corresponds to the number of banks. In a horizontal
direction, if the mining direction is specified, this is the number of mined blocks.

By increasing the level of the scope level, the importance of the blocks decreases and this affects within the

The OPE_LEVELS SC valuecorresponds to an integer value. Typical values are 2 or 3. The default value is 1.
With a value of 1, only the available blocks will be considered what is

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consistent with the way the MineBlend algorithm works. At high values of scope levels, longer processing
time is required. Because the importance of the block decreases by increasing the scope_levels, the benefit of
searching for largedepths does not authorize the increase in processing time.

Another important factor to consider when thinking about scope_levels is if we increase the value of the scope
the last blocks can be mined in a period, then the blocks that will be mined for a sub-following period are
influenced by the blocks elected for this period. This parameter is used only in the Extreme sub-algorithm,
which corresponds to the algorithm used in the early planning periods. In thecement dataset, with multiple
product laws, a scope levels of 2 delivers better results than level 1 and 3.

The scope levels and the scope factors, such as the SWITCH parameter, are properties to experiment with. So
they can improve as planning cannotimprove, the results that return with this property depend on many other

The user can control the "importance" of deep blocks. The importance is specified by por the scope factor for
each scope levels.

The default value for the scope factor is 1 divided by the scope level.

The immediately available blocks are with scope level 1. So the default scope factor for level 1 of the blocks
is 1. Therefore, the blocks in the second bank in a horizontal direction is scope level 2. The default value for
the scope factor for level 2 is 1/2x 0.5. The default value for level 3 of the blocks is 0.333, etc.

Scope levels can now enter different values in the horizontal and vertical direction. This allows you to control
how far the algorithm can "go down" to look at the blocks and how far "inside" the same level.




In Minesched version 5, the factor scope can now be entered differently in the vertical direction and in the

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This is the field where you enter the parameter value.

Date or Event
The parameters of the targets can be changed on a date, however because the objectives are calculated by
periods, it is not logical to change the objectives in the middle of a period. It is logical to change the target of
the parameter at the beginning of a planning period. If the objectives are changed on a date or not exactly
atthe beginning of a planningperiod, the parameter changes will take effect at the beginning of the next

This indicates the delay in days. This by combining with the date or event calculates the date that the row
target will take effect. The default valor is 0. The delay can be any number greater than or equal to zero.
Fractions of days are entered with decimal units of days and not in hours minutes seconds.

The delay is typically used when an event is specified on a date or in an event. If the exact date is specified in
the date field, there is less reason to use a delay because the true date will be calculated. When the date is an
event, with the end of a location, the date of this evento is not known until the planning is done. The Delay
field is therefore most commonly used to specify that a rule take effect in a certain amount of time after an

Minesched 7.0 - Manual Page 126 of 187

Creating the Plan
This corresponds to the third step of the four defined in the work schedule for the Minesched production

The "Create Schedule" sheet considers all parameters entered above (Define Geology and Setup Schedule)
and generates a schedule. After the planning has been carried out, you must analyze the results delivered in
the planning and customize the results sheets.

In this step there is no child toolbar because this step contains only one section. There are three tasks that
must be specified that are:

1. Change Scheduling Periods

2. Schedule

3. Customise Dashboard

Change Scheduling Periods is where you define planning periods.

The schedule task creates the schedules.

The customization of the charts (Customise Dashboard) is where you analyzethe results obtained from the
planning in custom charts. After the planning is generated the charts are updated automatically. An example is
the one shown below.

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Period Change

This section is where you can change planning periods. This procedure is

done with the icon.

When you press the previously named icon, it displays a window that displays the format of the planning
period change. All changes to planning periods are made in this format.

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Scheduling Start Date
This field indicates the first period of planning. You must enter the beginning of this date.
Use the calendar to select the start date.

The calendar can be modified by pressing the left or right arrows at the top of the calendar window. In case
you are using Windows Vista, you can click month or year between the arrows and click on the month or year
shown in theform.

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A time string can be entered in the Scheduling Start Date field, then the date must be changed if you want to
start planning in a certain part of a day. This is not recommended unless in long-term planning and the lengths
of planning periods are changing in a fixed number of hours. If the planning periods respondto days or longer,
there is no reason to enter a date string. Many other aspects of planning are simplified if you start planning in
a day.

Single Period Length

A single planning period is defined by a unit of time and a multiple of the time unit. Time units can be:

 Hours

 Days

 Weeks

 Months

 Years

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The unit of time is an integer multiple of the time unit. This provides a high degree of flexibility in planning
periods. For example, you can define 8-hour planning periods or ten-year planning periods.

Number of Periods
After you define the length of a period, you must specify the number of periods that you want to plan for.

You can change the length of the planning period by attaching more rows to the Period Definition form.
Planning will be carried outby moving through the period of row 1 followed by the period in row 2, followed
by the period defined in column 3, and so on. This allows to increase the lengths of the periods in later
periods, where the level of detail isimportant.

An example of the planning periods is the following. This definition begins weekly and ends annually.

There are two tools in the definition of periods that allow you to validate the periods entered:

1. Start and end dates displayed: For each period definition row, the start and end date are
calculated dynamically and displayed in the right sector of the form.

2. Time Line: A scale line displays all periods defined in the schedule and is dynamically constructed
and displayed at the top of the screen. Al

Minesched 7.0 - Manual Page 131 of 187

select a row in the definition of the periods, automatically in the timeline will be illuminated. This
also happens when you select a period in the timeline, the row corresponding to that period
automatically lights up.

This section is where the program performs planning by incorporating all previously entered restrictions.

Press the "Scheduler" button to perform the planning. During planning creation, the user is provided with
information to know that minesched is being processed and thereby estimate how long it will take to create
the planning. There are two methods used for information:

1. Message window: The message window informs the user about several processes that are being
reached as the schedule is created, such as period and when locations are completed.
2. Time Line: The color of the timeline changes from blue to green as the periods to be planned are

Both methods are shown below:

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When planning is complete, the message window is removed and the charts and reports are updated with the
results of the last planning.

Note: While planning is beginning to be performed, this scenario is blocked by Minesched, so that the user
does not make additional changes. This is done so that the input parameters are consistent with the planning

Customize Charts and Reports

This section allows you to customize charts and reports to quickly visualize planning results.

The result display tools can contain any number of graphs that the user can configure. Charts can be arranged
in different section regions as you perform different tab with each region. There are threestandart reps that can
be displayed. When viewing reports, they can be dynamically grouped, sorted, and filtered in reports.

An example of the result visualization tools is the one shownbelow:

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With the "Customise Dashboard" tool, you can perform the following actions:

Adding charts and reports

When you create a new scenario or import a Minesched 5.1 version form, the result visualization tools will be
empty. Press "AddChart"or "Add Report"to start customizing those tools.

Press the"Add Chart"buttonand it will display a menu allowing you to choose one of the four standard
charts or choose the option to customize charts. Depending on the requirements, sometimesit is easier to
select a chart aregiven and then customize it. Other times it is easier to create in custom chart. Standard
charts provide examples of the new functionality of Minesched charts and therefore provide an effective
learning tool.

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Pressing the Add Reportbutton displays a list in which you must select one of the threestandard
reports. You can dynamically group them, sort them, and filter those reports. The "BlockSequence"report
contains a list of each block that wasmined in the planning. This shows the planning results in a high level
of detail. The report can be grouped by a combination of columns,such as recurso, period, location, and sub-
totals are dynamically calculated and presented in each group.

As you attach multiple items in the display tool, additional items can be displayed in different tabs in the
active region. The image below shows a window after attaching a graph of the mining location and the
material movement report. This last report is deployed because it was the last adhering. The graph of the
location of minado exists in the first tab.

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Customize data output
When more than one tab exists in a region, you can create a new region by clicking and dragging the sheet.
Once the new region is created it is possible to re-dimension that area.

To create a new region:

1. Click a tab on the left side that contains a chart or report that you want to move to a newrule. Direct
the tab to the central part of the region, where an image will be displayed to the center, showing the
options for positioning the new region. You have five options: Up, Down, Right, Left, Tab.

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2. Drag the mouse cursor over one of several positions. The screen will be updated showing the sector
where the tab will be if you select that position.

3. The new region will be created and a chart or report you dragged will be deployed in the new region.

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4. To resize the region, select the border between the two regions with the left mouse button, then click
and drag.

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Customize a Chart
To customize a chart, right-click anywhere on the chart as shown below and select "Customise".

When you select this option, the program automatically displays the"Customise Chart"window.
This format is the same for customizing existing graphics as for creating new charts.

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Enter a title for the chart. The title will be shown in the tab. If the "Show Title" option is enabled, the
title will be displayed on the chart.

Select a position for the chart legend or select "No legend". Enabling the "Outside chart" option displays the
legend outside the chart area. If the previous option is not enabled, the legend will be displayed within the
chart area. After selecting the legend position, the chart legend position will be updated at the bottom of the
screen, as shown below.

A data series allows you to specify the data that you want to plot, along with the style to use to deploy the
data. To add additional data to the chart, you must choose the "Add" or "Copy" button at the top to create
another row. You can add as many rows as you want.

A read-only field that shows that it is being plotted for this series. This name is the same as the name that is
written in the legend.

Select the valid values for the chart from the list. Volume, Mass, Qualities and User Calculations can be

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Any combination of locations can be plottised. Select a location from the list that is deployed or use a wilcard
(*) to specify multiple locations.

Material Classes
Any combination of materials can be plotted. Selects a material class from the list that is deployed or uses a
wilcard (*) to specify multiple materials.

Selectto plot the material to be removed from a location, or material attached to the locations, or the material
balanced to a locations. Note that not all options are valid for all location types.

Select how you want to present this data series in the graph. The options are:

 Bar: Typically for volume, mass and accumulated qualities. Multiple series can be displayed side by

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 Line: Typically used for average laws or average grades.

 Step: Similar to the line, except that the values displayed for the planning extension
creating an effect like the one shown below.

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 Staked Bar: Typically for cumulative volumes, masses and qualities. Multiple series can be
deployed, one over the other. Used when there are many planning periods.

 Full stacked bar: Similar to the stacked bar, except that it scales to 1 for the total amount of the
entire series of this type. Used for sterile/mineral relationship analysis. Used when the length of
periods change in planning.

Note: A chart can have data series such as lines, steps, and a bar series (bar, stacked bar, and full
stacked bar). Multiple types of bars cannot exist on the same chart.

Bar charts can be displayed on the left axis or right axis, but not on ambos axes.

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Selects the left or right axis for the series scale. Note that all types of bars can be displayed on the left axis or
right axis, but not on both axes.

When you attach a new row in the data series, a default color is assigned. To change the display of the bar or
line from the default color, select a color from the list.

Select the OK button to keep the changes and update the charts in the result display slice with the new chart

Note: Don't forget to save the scenario, so that you store the changes made to theplan.

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Graphic Results
This section is where you can create the graphical results of the planning animations, through string and dtm

In the "Graphical result" section there are three tasks that are:

1. Create Blocks
2. Create Bench Plans
3. Create End of Period Surfaces

These tasks correspond to three types of graphical results that can be created:


Blocks are a traditional type of graphical results created by Minesched. Solids or strings can be created
representing mined or filled blocks. Solids are effective for animation, but string is effective for plotting.
Blockscan be consolidated or unbound, this is based on the "Consolidate Blocks" location property.

Check this option to create the graphical results of the blocks, when you click the "Create Outputs" button.

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File Name Prefix
A string file and possibly a DTM file will be created for each location. The file name will be created by
adding the location name to the name prefix, with a "_" separating the two parts of the name.

Select sbodies to create solids for each mineblock. Select string to create polygon string for each mined
block. When you select Create Bodies or String, the considerations are:

 Solids are more effective for animation.

 Strings are more effective for plotting.

 Solids will take a larger amount of time to be created.

Drape Blocks on DTMs

When the mining method is polygon or whole and the top and bottom contacts of the location are not
horizontal planes, this option allows you to graphically represent the volume of the material mined with the
solids graphically.

This is not important for the plan view of the maps, this is important if you want to generate animations that
look real. At the top and bottom of each block are covered vertically over the dtms that represent the top and
bottom of the mining contacts for a location.

This option is used in this option is useful in the uses of mining where banks follow geological contacts, such
as coal.

Location Geometry
If the "Drape blocks on DTMs" option is enabled, youshould specify a higher and lower dtm. Press the
"Location Geometry" button to display the dialog format to define the top and bottom surfaces of each

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You should search for the dtms, those that represent the top and bottom of each mine location. After clicking
"Ok", this window can be re-deployed at any time by pressing the "Location Geometry" button. The window
will retain the last values and these can be checked and changed if necessary.

Select the mining and filling location to create the graphical results. Typically this is entered as * for all

Select the laws or qualities and user-defined calculations that you want to extract in the descriptor fields in the
result file. The average or cumulative values for each period will be extracted for each material class that has
the "Calculate Qualities" option enabled in the material types section of the block model.

Note: You should not enter the wilcard * in laws or qualities and user-defined calculations for all kinds of
materials. This is because the Surpac string file is correctly limited with 512 characters for all descriptor
fields. If you select to extract all laws and you have a large number of laws or qualities thatwill exceed the
limit of 512 characters. This would mean that the laws will not be visualized.

In practice, you need to extract a small number of laws or qualities, because the goal of extracting such
information to string files, is to plot the values of loe elements. There is a small limitation of how many laws
or elements can be written in each mineblock, so that the output is the most understandable.

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Decimal Places
Enter the number of decimal places for numeric values in the descriptor field of the string file. There is a
small reason to decrease the value, which is to try to conserve space in the descriptor fields of the string file.

Enter the percentage factor to collapse the block. Typical values are from 0 to 25. The reason for
incorporating a larger contraction of zero is to believe that there is a slight separation between the blocks of
the animation and in plots, when creating unconsolidated blocks. This has no effect on numerical results and
strictly controls the visual appearance of graphical results. Therefore it can be set according to personal

Bench Plans

In ariver-mined scene by banks or an underground mine, the mine should take place in a number of banks
over a period. The display of the blocks on the screen for an entire location would be done with blocks of
different elevations which areobreen, so it would generate a dirty image of the animation. Creating the sheets
by banks will create an elevation string file for plotting and is deployed in plant view.

Check this option to create graphical results of the drawings by banks, when you click the "Create Outputs"

File Name Prefix

A string file and possibly a DTM file will be created for each location. The file name will be created by
adding the location name to the name prefix, with a "_" separating the two parts of the name.

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Select the mining and filling location to create the graphical results. Typically it isto be entered as * for all

Select the laws or qualities and user-defined calculations that you want to extract in the descriptor fields in the
result file. The average or cumulative values for each period will be extracted for each material class that has
the "Calculate Qualities" option enabled in the material types section of the block model.

Note: You should not enter the wilcard * in laws or qualities and user-defined calculations for all kinds of
materials. This is because the Surpac string file is correctly limited with 512 characters for all descriptor
fields. If you select to extract all laws and you have a large number of laws orcalidas such that they will
exceed the limit of 512 characters. This would mean that the laws will not be visualized.

In practice, you need to extract a small number of laws or qualities, because the goal of extracting such
information to string files, is to plot the values of loe elements. There is a small limitation of how many laws
or elements can be written in each mineblock, so that the output is the most understandable.

Decimal Places
Enter the number of deciills for numeric values in the descriptor field of the string file. There is a small reason
to decrease the value, which is to try to conserve space in the descriptor fields of the string file.

Enter the percentage factor to collapse the block. Typical values are from 0 to 25. The reason for
incorporating a larger contraction of zero is to believe that there is a slight separation between the blocks of
the animation and in plots, when creating unconsolidated blocks. This has no effect on numerical results and
strictly controls the visual appearance of graphical results. Therefore it can be set according to personal

End of Period Surfaces

Annual photos are only applicable for open pit mining. Dtms can be created representing the pit status at the
end of each period. This can be displayed in an animation and can be contoured to generate sheets by banks.

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Check this option to create the end-of-each period surfaces or annual photos when you click the "Create
Outputs" button.

Note: The surfaces at the end of each period are generated once, after planning.

File Name Prefix

A string file and a DTM file will be created for each planned period. The period number will be added in the
name prefix.

Grid Spacing Y and X

Surfaces at the end of each period are generated through a grid technique. You must enter grid spacing in the
X and Y directions.

Note: These grids have no effect on numeric results. It only affects the visual appearance of the surface
created at the endof the period.

One rule, to begin with, you can perform a spacing of four to five times the size of the block. This will create
a surface of the end of the period quickly and is a good way to check that the geometry of the location has
been well defined. Once this surface is done, you can generate a smaller grid, with a size similar to the size of
the block.

Location Geometry
In order to create the surfaces at the end of the period, you must specify a higher and lower dtm for each
location. Press the "Location Geometry" button to display the dialog format to define the top and bottom
surfaces of each location.

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You should search for the dtms, those that represent the top and bottom of each mine location. After clicking
"Ok", this window can be re-deployed at any time by pressing the "Location Geometry" button. The ventana
will retain the last values and these can be checked and changed if necessary.

In Minesched 6.0, you can create the graphical results after you create the schedule. This means that you don't
have to create unnecessary graphical resultsduring planning and you won't have to waste time recreating the
same schedule, just creating the graphical results.

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Create Outputs
The "Create Outputs" button at the top left of the window will create graphical results of the type that was

Output Folder
Graphical results will be stored in the specified folder. The default folder is indicated in Surpac withomo
working folder. This folder contains the Minesched scenario file.

Output Date Format

The start date of the planning periods will be stored in the string descriptor fields of the graphical output files.
Selectsthe date format from the list that is displayed.

This section is where you can animate the graphical results of the planning. In the "Animations" section is
where you specify the type of data you want to animate, in addition to the details that you want to display that
data. The details displayed for the animation of activities, stockpiles, and resources are specified separately.

The animation is seen in Surpac. When you press the"Animate" button, Surpac will display the data on the
graphics screen. Surpac pauses the view, so you can change the 3D view and then press the "Escape" button
to start the animation.

The animation section is organized into foursections:

1. Animation Options
2. Activity Animation Details
3. Stockpile Animation Details
4. Resource Animation Details

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Animation Option
The development, production, auxiliary activities, stockpiles and surfaces at the end of the period can be all
animated. The animation detail for activities, stockpiles and resources are entered into the grid displayed in
the lower half of the screen. It is possibleto cont roll the speed of the animation or you can select the feed
manually with a mouse click. When production is encouraged manually, it is possible to consult the tons and
laws of each polygon and in each period. The view can be changedr duringanimation. PNG files can be
created automatically for each period, allowing the generation of GIF animations, so as to show the animation
in any standart search engine.

In this task the program contains 4 sections that are:

What to Display

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Check this option to animate the graphical results of the blocks. These blocks will be represented with
polygons or solids, depending on the option selected.

Note: Before animating production you should create the graphical results to animate. This is done in the
previous section "Graphical Results".

Check this option to encourage planning for underground mining development. You can animate
centerlines, period polygons, or period bodies. The development data to be animated must exist in the na
graphic salein Surpac. Load the data if it is not in the viewport.

Encouraging production and development planning together is an effective technique to check the
mining time of the house with the development of the cassette accesses.

End of Period Surfaces

If the end-of-period surfaces have been created, they can be animated. Click this option to re-animate with the
end surfaces of each period. These surfaces can be reanimated without animating production, development
and activities.

Note: Before animating the surfaces of periods, they must be created. This is done in the "Graphical Results"
section above.

If you have ancillary activities in planning, and you want to re-animate activities in conjunction with
mining, you should check this option.

Check this option to animate stockpile roll. A DTM represents the shape of the stockpile. The volume of the
stockpile israted, if correctly specified they will be displayed with the actual size. This gives the possibility
to analyze the relative size of the stockpiles visually to see the position of the adjoining structures.

If you specifythe animation of the resources in the "Resource Animations" form, you should activate the
animation of the resources to start being animated.

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Playback Options

Playback Mode

Automatic: The animation progress is automatically the range of periods, from the initial period to the final

Manual: A floating toolbar is flattened, which allows you to control the animation back and forth, as
well as specify a period.

This window can be repositioned so as not to obstruct the data being deployed. This window contains a
number of functions that the user can use interactively to view the schedule by step.

Deploy the initial period

Deploy the previous period

Deploy a specific period. You can enter the number of the period to be deployed.

Deploy the next period

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Deploy the final period

Consult the tons and laws of a production polygon (Function of identifying a point in Surpac).


Extract Zoom

Zoom Global

Display. This allows you to zoom and move with the mouse, as well as providing access to all
the display functions that appear in the floating menu "View" (under the "Viewing" option).

Period Range Start

Displays the start periodl in the animation. Typically this is on the left and the default is 1. To animate in
reverse, you can start the initial period in a number greater than the number of the final period.

Period Range End

The last period is shown in the animation. Typically this is on the left with the default. To animate in reverse,
you can enter a number greater than the number of the start period.

Periods per Step

The number of periods to deploy in a step during animation. Typically it is on the left and the default is 1.
Values of 2 and 3 are reasonable, but any value greater than this is unreasonable.

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Animation Delay
When the animation mode is automatic, this field controls the speed of the animation. This is the pause
between the steps after the data is deployed. Units are seconds. Typically the ranges of valuesfrom s0.1 to 2

Frame Count
Resources and stockpiles are animated with smooth movements for a better effect. This is controlled by the
Frame Count. This is the number of stripes per period or per block. When you only animate stockpiles, the
specific value of the stripes is always per period. When resources are animated, it is the stripe per block; if
you select to deploy resources across all blocks for all periods. This is the period-by-period strip, if you select
Deployresources at the end of the periodblocks.

When the number of stripes is per period and you want to only animate the stockpiles, a typical value is
around 30. When you animate resources and the resource goes through all blocks, a tipi co valueof the stripe
per block is 10 to 20. When resource and resource animation only passes in end-of-period blocks, a typical
value is between 50 and 100.

The smaller number, performs a faster animation, therefore if the number entered is also low, the animation
will appear unevenly.

How to Display

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When you deploy the production mode for the mining activity, it is not specified in the "animation" form,
you can control it with this field. Valid values are:

 Added: Blocks are not deployed at the start of the animation. Blocks are only deployed for
the current period.

 Evolution: Blocks are not deployed at the start of the animation. The blocks are removed
from the screen after they are unfolded.

 Remove: All blocks are displayed at the start of the animation. The blocks are
removed correspondingto the current period.

You have the option to deploy the resource animation, with the resource passing through all the mined blocks
per period or the resource moving directly to the last mined block of the period.

Valid valores are:

 Added: The work is deployed at the beginning of the animation. The work is only deployed
where there is mine and in the corresponding period.

 Evolution: The work is deployed at the beginning of the animation. The work is deployed
where there is mine, in the corresponding period and is removed from the screen.

Development Thickness
The thickness of the line of the center lines of the galleries to be used when animating the developments in
underground mining. Typical values of 3, 4 or 5 are used.

Rescale Screen
Check this option to rescale the plant to extend the data in the plant view. This is typically checked only the
first time and should not checkar for the following animations.

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Image Capturing

Capture Images
When the animation is performed, you must have the option to automatically create PNG files for each period
or stripe. Animations of GIFs files and video files can be performed from PNG files and the animation of
mine plans can be viewed in any video viewing program.

What to Capture
Images can be made for each period or when stockpile animations and resources for each stripe in each

PNG file prefix

The beginning of the file name for PNG files to be created. The period number is attached to the name in
order to create a single file name for each period, which can be easy to manage and import into GIF
animation software.

Image Resolution X & Y

Corresponds to the number of pixels in the dimensionsis X & Y of the image to be created. A high number of
pixels will create a file with better image quality, but large in size.

Animation Detail
If you want to animate helper activities you must specify the detail of the helper activities in this section.
Auxiliary activities can be graphically represented using lines, polygons, or solids. A string file can be
specified to generate graphical results of supporting activities. For example, thestrings represent the drilling
wells and can be used to generate the drilling animation.

Mining activity can be animated with a line. This supports auxiliary activities such as drilling in mining

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Activity Name
Select MINING to enter the details for the mining. Select an auxiliary activity to enter the animation details
for this activity.

Mining Location Names

For auxiliary activities, mine locations are entered in separate rows so that they are animated differently. For
helper activities you must specify the string file from where the activity animation isgenerated. This is usually
done different string files or with different string numbers but with the same string file, for each mining

Display Style
Auxiliary activities can be animated with lines, polygons, or solids. Someactivities, such as drilling, look
better animated with lines. Other activities such as padding are best animated with solids.

Descriptor fields in string files that contain information about the animation results of the activitiesin the
period, the name of the location, the name of the activity, and the amount of activity. This data can be plotted
on maps where planning is deployed.

Mining activity can be controlled here as well. If a bend styleis specified the location will be animated with
the deployment file, if they are solid or polygon, are chosen when creating the graphical results. This allows
you to vary the deployment style by location. If the deployment style is a line, the linein the string file must be

String File Location

Auxiliary activities are animated from a startup string file that represents the activity. For drilling and blasting
activities it is typical to use a string file or drilling wells. To deploy activities is very flexible, so everything
requires a string file to deploy the animation.

Mining activity can be deployed with a line. When this is the case, the string file contains the line data that
must be specified here.

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Note: For polygon activities, the string number in the activity file should be coordinated with the string
number of the polygon for the activity. Without this rule you should specify this string file number for each
polygon. So if drilling is an activity polygon and you want to animate this with drilling wells, create the
strings of theperforation wells.

String Range
Corresponds to the string range in the activity string file that represents the activity defined for this mining
location. The blank value means all strings. The format of specifying the range is the same formato used in

Display Mode
This determines whether the auxiliary activity or the mining activity is animated by addition, evolving
addition, or by removing the deployment of the activity from the screen. Filling locations are always animated
by evolving addition. Leave this blank to control the animation with the general details.

Display Colour
Select a color to display the activity. This is constant for an auxiliary activity.

Line Thickness
If the deployment style is a line, enter the line thickness here. Usually used values 1, 2 or 3. This is constant
for an activity. It is not possible to change the value to location.

Solids Transparency
If the deployment style is a singleone, you can increase the transparency of the bodies by moving the
transparency arrow to the right.

This field is used for auxiliary activities when the deployment style is per polygon or solid. It determines how
the activity is deployed associated with the mining location when partially completed in a period. The valid
address for the deployment of a polygon style is north, east, south, or west. Valid addresses for solid style
deployment are north, south, east, west, up, and down.

Fills, for example, are better deployed as solids, without transparency, it displays evolution mode and an
activity direction.

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Solids Height
This field is used for helper activities when the deployment style is solid. Solids are created from polygons in
activity string files. The height to perform the solids associated withthe mining cations is taken from this field.

Polygon Position
This field is used for auxiliary activities when the deployment style is a solid, and the mining activity when
the solids are created from the mine.

Select the position of the polygons in the body. This is located in the middle, at the top or at the bottom. This
will determine how the solid gets created is relative to the elevation of the polygon.

Solids Dip
This field is used for auxiliary activitieswhen the deployment style is a solid, and mine activity when solids
are created from the mine.

Enter any dip between -90 and 90 to be used for solid creation. The solid will be created by the polygon
projection and the dip direction and dip direction relative to the position of the polygon in the solid. Usually
the value to use is 90.

Solids Dip Direction

This field is used for auxiliary activities when the deployment style is a singleone, and mine activity when
solids are created from the mine.

Enter any dip between -360 and 360 to be used for solid creation. The solid will be created by the polygon
projection and the dip direction and the dip direction with rspecified to the position of the polygon in the
solid. Generally the value to use is 0.

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Detail of the Stockpile Animation
The movement of the stockpile can be displayed as animation. The way to model stockpiles is through a DTM
file, and the animation will change the size of the stockpile, depending on the contribution of ore you receive
or the material extracted to feed the plant at the end of each period. The change of size from one period to the
next is done smoothly, delivering a growth effect and reduction of stockpile size.

Check this option to enable the deployment of stockpiles in the animation.

Display Colour
Select the color to use when deploying the stockpiles. The default color will be in the color you will have in
the Minesched viewport. It is recommended to change this color by editing the properties of the stockpiles in
the "Thecations" section of the "Setup Scheduler".

Stockpile Shape
Select one of the two default stockpile shapes, or you can also customize the DTM to specify the shape of the

DTM File Name

If you have customized stockpile design, use the search engine to select the dtm file for the design. The form
with the stockpile volumes should be known, in the case that you want to animate the stockpile with the actual

Note: The stockpile design should havecoordinates close to 0.0,0. In this way the design of the stockpile can
be used for other animations, because during this last process the coordinates of the stockpiles are changed to
actual coordinates.

Object Volume
In case you have customized the design of the stockpile, enter the approximate volume of the designed
stockpile. This is used to scale the stockpile animation to deploy the design in real size. This is important for
the animation to be real and decisions are made based on the information deployed by the animation.

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Object Offeset
The DTM file of the stockpile must be designed around the 0.0,0 coordinates. This allows a single stockpile
design to represent many stockpiles. The true position of the stockpile is specified by entering the offset in Y,
in X and in Z from position 0.0,0.

Object Rescale Factor

For a visual effect, the stockpile can be re-scaled of the actual size. The default value is 1, a value of 2
displays the stockpile at twice the actual size. A value of 0.5 decreases the size to half the actual size. This
field is generally used to increase the size of the stockpile to produce a visual effect on the animation. It can
be used to simulate the effect of the "swell factor" or sponge factor, in the event that it is not specified above.

Detail of the Resource Animation

Resources can beviewed as animation. This allows you to validate resource locations over certain time

There are two types of animation: "each block" and "end of period". "each block" animates the resource in
each mined block. "end of period" alonea resource is animated in the blocks that are mined at the end of each

There are three types of data that can be deployed to animate the resource: Texts, Bookmarks, and Files. Texts
refer to using text to indicate a resource. Bookmarks can be used to define a symbol to indicate a resource.
String or DTM files can be used to create a 3D representation of resources. There are three resources
represented by default, shovels, booger and truckis.

Multiple types can be specified for a resource, allowing you to combine texts, bookmarks, and dtm or string
files for a resource.

When a resource is animated, they are rotated to indicate the mining direction of the block they are
exbringing. The additional position and rotation can be specified to orient an animation relative to the mining

Corresponds to the name of the resources

Mining Locations
These correspond to the mining location that is associated withthe resource.

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Display Type

Three representations of resources are delivered by default: Palas, Bogger and trucks.

Additionally, it has four different types of deployment:

 Name and location: Enter the resource name and location name.

 File: Allows you to select any DTM file to graphically represent the resource.

 Text: Allows you to enter any text.

 Marker: Allows you to select amarker symbol.

Display Detail
This field determines the type of deployment. For "text" this defines which text is written. For "Markers" this
defines the symbol (by default "X" is left blank). The different markers can beselected from the drop-down
list. For "Files" the details define the location of the DTM file. Use the browser to select a DTM file.

Display Size
The animation can be scaled and colored differently. The default size of the foldis 1 if left blank. For "text"
animation, this is the size of the text. For "marker" animation, it refers to the size of the symbol. For the
"Files" animation this is a scale factor for the data.

Display Colour
Select a color for this deployment type for this resource at this location.

Position Offset
This field corresponds to the relative data of the resource for the animation. This could be used to deploy an
animation outside a blothat compared to the center of the block (where

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can be hidden). The "Offset" can be defined along the X,Y,Z axes. The default value is 0 for all axes.

Rotation Offsets
This rotation of the animation is oriented relative to the X, Y, Z axis. Rotation occurs in the order of x-axis, y-
axis, z-axis. All rotations occur around the origin. Note that the "offset" position is processed before the
"offset" rotation. The default value is 0 for all axes.

Press the "Animate" button to animate in Surpac with the options you have set.

Note: In case you are running Minesched on a Windows Vista operating system, you must manually select the
Surpac program in the taskbar and view the animation. The Surpac application will be illuminated in the
taskbar as shown below.

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Standard Report
This is where you can create a standard number of planning reports, in CSV format and in Microsoft Access

There are two tasks in the "Standard Reports" section:

Export to CSV

There are seven reports that are automatically created. CSV files are named by attaching a prefix. The image
above details how the following seven CSV files are created:

This report shows the results in various levels of detail. The "block_sequence" report shows the list of each
mined block and also indicates the fraction of each block that was sent to each location. This high level of
detail shows exactly which blocks were mined in each planning period and is a widely used resource to
validate the period number in the report per period. An example of the sequence file is shown below:

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Export to MS Access

Four tables in the Microsoft Access database will be created by displaying the same information it contains in
the block sequence summary report.

If the specified database does not exist, a new database will be created. If the specified database exists, all
four tables will be created in the existing database. If the tables of the same name exist in the database, then
the tables will be overwritten.

The image below is an example of the results published to the Access database.

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Customize Report
This section is where you define, create, and view custom reports. Reports are created in .csv format.

Note: Reports are viewed in Excel, it is not intended for you to view csv files because they are not formatted.
When you view the reports, Minesched will load them into .csv files with their corresponding "template". The
"template" is a form that binds the data in the .csv file. This allows you to format and present thedata exactly
as youwant, making graphics and presentation tools. For its part the "template" file is never overwritten, it
should only be entered once.

The "Custom Reports" section is organized into 4 chapters:

Global Report Properties

Output Folder
Find the address where you want to save the reports. Usually if left blank, the reports will be stored in the
Surpac working folder.

Date Format
Select the format of the date you want to use in the reports.

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Header 1
The text entered at the top of all reports. You usually enter information related to the planning scenario. If
leftblank, it will enter the default name in the Stage name, as shown in the image above.

Header 2
A second header line for all reports. Usually the current date is entered and the time is written for all reportes.

Defining Reports
Add a new report by pressing the "Add" button at the top of the report list, as shown below:

A report definition consists of one or more report groups. There are a number of report properties that are
global for the entire report group.

Global Group Properties

Output File Name

You must specify a report file name. A .csv file with this name will be created. The name of the files in the
different reports should be unique or one report will overwrite the next.

If this field is enabled the report will be created when you press the "Create Reports" button.

View report
This opens the report in Excel. First open the .csv file and then open the data linked to the "template" in
Excel. If the "template" does not exist, Minesched automatically created.

Report Type
There are three valid options: summary, details, and location. Reports are summary for each periodor
planning. This is the most common report.

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The detail of the report present period information with more details and depending on the mining method. If
the mining method is benches, the report detail can be by banks. If the mining method is by polygons or
"bench-polygons", the report detail is for each polygon. If the mining method is solid, the report detail
contains information for each object. Andthe detail of the report always has a period row. This is because
there are many rows of information for each period and you can easily exceed the Excel 2003 limit of 256
columns, if detailed by columns.

The reporte of the location is similar in format to detailed reports, except that they are not reports with many
details. It only reports the data for each location and for each period based on the format of the rows.

Periods by rows or column

Thissection is where you specify the report is based on "rows" or "columns". Row-based reports the period of
data written in successive columns. The column-based report has the period written in successive columns.

Thedeta lle of the reports are always row-based. Depending on the option you select, the report definition will
change to the report definition being aligned in the same way as the report that will be produced. This allows
for better viewingof the report that wasdefined.

Grand Totals
For a summary report you have the option to report the large total of all periods at the end of the period. The
end of the report is the bottom of the report based on rows and to the right of the column-based report.

Excel Template
Reports are viewed in Excel, it is not intended for you to view csv files because they are not formatted. When
you view the reports, Minesched will upload them to .csv files with their corresponding "template". The
"template" is a form that binds the data in the .csv file. This allows you to format and present the data exactly
as you want, making charts and presentation tools. For its part the "template" file is never overwritten,it
should only be entered once.

Create Template
In this section you will create a "template" in Excel format that is linked in the .csv report.

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When you use automatic titles, Minesched produces a single title that reads "Value of material removed
from/added to/balance on Location", pro in individual columns values are replaced.

When you use the "Custom titles" option, you must freely fill in the content and line numbers of the titles in
the report customization.

Report Options
Pressing the "report options" button will display the window shown below. This window contains somereport
options. These options are generally not modified, if they are changed it is made only once.

Header 1 on line

The line/row number for title 1.

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Header 2 on line

The line/row number for title 2.

Start report on line

The report will begin on this line.

Gaps after on line

The number of blank rows or columns after the period start date.

Gaps after line

The number of blank rows or columns after the title column or row.

Report definition
A report definition consists of one or more report groups. It can be any number of report groups with the same
report. This makes it easy tocarry the same information separately for different combinations of mine

Global Location Filter

You have two location filters that are used to filter the locations that are reported for some given code. The
first is a global location filter. This is applied for all report codes in the group.

This filter is for all location: mining location, filling location, stockpiles and processes.
Therefore you have to be carefulwhen you use wilcards.

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Mining location is treated differently depending on the report whether it is a summary report or not. With
summary reports, the average or cumulative values for mine location are combined and reported. With
detailed and location reports, the average or cumulative values for each mining location are reported

Data for stockpiles and processes are onlyreported with summary and location reports. Polygon and bank
reports are not applicable for stockpiles and processes.

Report Locations Individually

It is common to want to report the same output data for each mining location separately. If you have a large
number of locations and don't want to create a group for each location, the definition would be unmanageable

This field delivers the option to create code group reports for each mining location and separate it individually
from the global mining location, as if the code group were reported for each location.

If you select to report the location individually, each code will be reported for each location in the global mine
location filter and the codes will be grouped by location. In the order that you know which location will begin
to be reported, the name of the location is entered in the first line of the title. Therefore, the firstline of the
title is of no importance,because it will be overwritten with the name of the location.

If you are using automatic titles, then the title will be unfolded immediately and cannot be modified. If you
want to modify the titles, select the"Custom Titles" option in the global properties of the group. Here you can
enter the title of each group and make use of some keywords that Minesched will automatically fill.

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To use keywords, you must right-click the title when editing a period-by-row report. This will display a drop-
down menu that you can click and paste the keywords into the title. For period-by-column reports, you can
usethe screen that takes off in the cell corresponding to the title.

Here are some words you can use:

[Value] : The value of this column is reported.

[Locations] : The locations column is related to this. If the group code is beingreportando individually, then
the individual name of the location is replaced here.

[Materials] : The material in this column is reported.

[Resources]: The resource in this column is reported.

[Movement]: This subtitle in "Added to", "Removed from", or "balance on" depending on the movement we
are reporting.

The most commonly used part of the keywords is that you can copy to the reports and they will have the
appropriate values. This is much easier than performing the procedure in a manual form, writing in each title

This is important to be descriptive in the titles, you could report that it is being reported, for what location and
what kind of material. If you are reporting filling location and want to specify what is the bonded material or
the occupied material to balance. If the report is about stockpiles and you want to report on the bonded,
removed material or the material of the location used for balancing.

Code to Report
What's new in version 4 is a drop-down list with valid report codes. This is a help to enter the codes into the
report. The code for the report is any code from the block model form, any code that the user defined the
planilthe calculation, the codes shown below, and any helper activity. All these codes that would be deployed

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drop-down list. Press the "Update List" button in the "Save" menu to ensure that the list was updated.

Codes Description Valid for report types

PROD-VOL Production volume All
PROD_MASS Production mass All
And The last block mined in the northbound period Summary
X The last mined block in the period in the east Summary
Z The elevation of the last mined block in the period or report in detail All
elevation of the polygons or in the middle bank
PERIOD_NUM Period number All
LOCATION The name of the mining location Detail and location
POLYGON The polygon reached at the end of the period or report in detail All
according to the number of the polygon.
POINT The number of the point (mined block) reached at the end of the period Summary
FRACTION It is the mined fraction of the last mine block reached at the end of the period Summary
X_CENTROID It's the X coordinate of the polygonal centroid Detail
Y_CENTROID It's the Y-coordinate of the polygonal centroid Detail
RESOURCES The resources used All
AREA The mined area All
ME Working time of a resource in days All

There is no limit to the number of different report codes that can be output in a report.

This location filter acts only on immediately higher codes, for row-based or left-to-left reports, or for column-
based reports.

Note: The filters for specific location act only on location that have passed the global location filter, so the
two filters act in series and not in parallel.

Material Classes
When you report mining activity or filling location, this is where you define which kinds of materials you
want to report. Use the expression "wilcard" to specify multiple types of materials.

Future activities can be filtered by resources. Filling location can be reported based on the resources that fills
make. When you report the amounts of ancillary activities, you can enter the activity resources here and the
amounts will only be reported for these resources.

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Usually this is specified with the wildcard * which specifies all resources. When you report
RESOURCE_TIME, the working time will be reported for the resources specified in the specified location.

Mining location can only be reported the removed material. Filling location scan can report the bonded
material and the material used to balance the process. The material for balancing the process is the total
quantity of material at the filling location and at the end of the period. In the process you can only report the
bonded material. Stockpiles can report the bonded material, removed at the end of the period, and the material
that is used to balance in the stockpile at the end of the period.

It is a factor that multiplies the data at the time of being reported. This is usually 1, so it has no effect. A
multiple of 1000 will deliver a list of laws within percentages, for example. A multiple of 0.001 changes the
unit to kilo.unit. If left blank, it takes the value 1.

Gaps After
This field defines how many blank rows or columns to leave after reporting the values for this code. This
provides an easy way to separate and organize the data in the report. Thedefault valor is 0.

Creating and Viewing Reports

Press the "Create Reports" button to create all reports that have the "Active" option enabled.

If the report is made at the time the Excel program is open, it will notbe enabled to write the report. When this
happens a dialog will appear by displaying the information that the reports will not be written.

There are two ways to view the reports and their corresponding "template". You can view all reports active by
pressing the "View Reports" button.

You can view a report and its "template" by pressing the "View Report" button.

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The report and its "templates" will be opened in "Excel". In the event that the template does not exist,
Minesched will try to create one for you.

Advance Features

Editing multiple columns

The following report definition simulates the situation that you want to change in the Location field to the
value "*" to a specific name for the first five columns in the report definition.

Right-click the column 1 header and drag the mouse to column 5. All columns that were selected will be
highlighted with a blue light, as shown below.

With the columns highlighted, any field value that is modified will be modified in all selected columns. Select
the locations from the drop-down list in column 5, as detailed below, and select the specified location.

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All selected columns will have the specified value in the location field.

Creating new report ingesgroups

A new group of report codes can be created in two ways:

1. Right-click an existing group and select "Copy Group".

This will create a new group, which is an exact copy of an existing group.

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2. Select the "New Group" tab. This will create a new empty group.

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Carta Gantt
In this section, you can publish your planning results to Microsoft Project. You must have Microsoft Project
2000 or earlier installed to publish the results.

The documentation in the "Gantt Charts" section is organized into four chapters:

1. General Options
2. Mining Activity
3. Ancillary Activities
4. Polygon Descriptions

General Options

Output to Project
Press this button to publish the schedule to Microsoft Project.

Output Method
You can create a new project or connect to an existing Project. If you select to connect to a Project, it should
be open in Microsoft Project.

Microsoft Project Name

If you are connecting to an existing project, enter the name of the Project file here. This can be entered with
or without the .mpp extension.

Level of detail
If you select Benches/polygons/solids each bank or polygon or solid is deployed as a task in Project and the
mining location can be created as a summary of tasks. Selecting the mine location will create a task for each
mine location.

Show Resources
You have the option to show minesched the production of active resources in a location. If resources are
deployed, resource mining production will not be deployed in Project.

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Update Calendar
The Microsoft Project calendar will be created with the global definitions in Minesched of holidays or
unworked. Creating this calendar can take a while, especially if you have semanas considered rest in a long-
term schedule. This section gives you the option not to update the calendar when you connect to an existing
Project. In the event that the rest days have no change,it is not necessary to update theProject's owner-like,
so this option should not be ticked.

Show Summary Task

If you select Benches/polygons/solids each bank or polygon or solids is deployed as our task in Project. If you
select "Show Summary Task" the mining location can be created as a summary of tasks.

Mining Activity

Task Naming

The project task names for the mining activity will be based on the location name and the elevation or number
of strings, in case you are displaying this level of detail. You can optionally enter a prefix or suffix to the
name with additional text.

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Laws or qualities and user-defined calculations can be reported in Project.
Select the law or user-defined calculation name from the drop-down list.

Material Classes
Select the types of material you want to include in the calculation of laws or qualities. For example, if you
want to deploy a ore law only of materials defined as ore and not the material defined as sterile.

MS Project Field
MS Project has 20 optional numeric fields and 30 text fields to store data.
Select the optional field to store calculations for these laws.

User field name

Optional fields can provide a user-defined name to assistby identifying this field in Project.

Work Units Data Grid

This section allows you to redefine units of work in Project, when you're not deploying resources. The default
unit of work is the capacity unit of the resource. This can be mass, volume or a cumulative law. Changing
units of work in Project is primarily used when you are simulating auxiliary activities with additional mining

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Select the mining locations to redefine the work units.

Redefined work unit

Enter any new unit definition. Notice that Project has a few units of work disabled, because theyhave special
meanings in Project. One of these is the letter m. If you want to type "m" to refer to meters, you'll need to
write "m."

Ancillary Activities

This section allows you to specify a prefix or suffix to the name of the tasks for the helper activities. Project
task names will contain the location name and elevation or string number or object number, if you are
displaying this level of detail.

The examplegives the result of the above:

Polygon Descriptions

You have the option to display the values from the descriptor fields in the Project.

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Description Field
Select the descriptor field from the string file of the polygon that contains the values you want to view in

Project Field
Microsoft Project has 30 optional text fields, which can be used to storeoptional non-numeric atos. Selects the
name of the Project field to store the values of the polygon descriptor fields. Select the field name using the
drop-down list of valid field names.

Use Polygon Description in Name

To store the values of the polygon descriptor fields in an optional field, you can select the value of the
descriptor field embedded within the task name. If this is done, the value of the descriptor field replaces the
string's numero in the task name.

Note: In order to display in the name the value of the polygon descriptor field, this polygon description should
be unique for each string number. If the description is not unique this function will presentan error. Simply
rerun the function without this tickled option.

Publication of results in the Block Model

This section is where you can enter the number of the planning period within the block model, in case you are
working from block models.

This is not common for planning periods to be written within the block model, because Minesched has great
flexibility in reporting and the ability to create graphical results by deploying mined blocks and surfaces at the
end of the period. This tool has been developed so that you can analyze and validate the planning results.

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Note: You can only enter the period number in the block model. If you are planning from Minex using a grid
model or from a string model, you cannot enter the period number in these modetypes.

Period numbers can be written for both block models (mining and filling). If you are planning the sterile in a
filling location, you can enter the period number in the block model associated with the filllocation.

Attribute Name
Enter the name of the attribute which will be used to store the number of the period corresponding to the
planning. This attribute does not have to exist in the block model. If the attribute does not exist, an attribute of
the integer type with this name will be created. Because both situations can occur in the same block of the
same block model, for dumps in the pit for example, the name of the fill attribute will automatically have
"_fill" attached to the name completo.

Clear Attribute
If the attribute for entering numbers referred to in the planning periods already exists in the block model, this
will cancel the attribute and enter all blocks a default value before the number of the planning nois written. It
is suggested that you leave this option enabled.

Select the mining location and fill location that you want to type to enter the period number in the block

Usually the wilcard * is entered which means all the mining and filling location.

Update Block Models

Press the "Update block Models" button to enter the planning periods within the block model. If the block
model is long and hasmany mining locations, this will take some time to complete the action. This action is
performed once, at the time the planning is ready.

The specified attribute can be entered with the values of the period that was mined or filled with the planning.
The planning period can then be colored and reported using the standard block modeling function. An
example of coloring the block model for the planning period is theone that is detailed inaclet.

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