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Improvised Pedal Type to Light the Bulb

Racoma, Albert R.

Racoma, Jerome R.

Rapsing, Adrian Joen O.

Rondolo, Jaymark

Submitted to Mrs. Glenjoy Calimutan

Chapter 1



The pedal operated power generator utilizes human energy to produce

electricity quickly and efficiently. The goal is to provide technological solution

to problem in the rural world by using detailed opportunity recognition,

evaluation, and development of prototype. The prototypes are then turned

over to the developing world for manufacturing, distribution and use.

Using human powered generation gives a power source that is not

directly derived from natural sources. An example is that a human powered

generator can be operated if there is no sun for solar generation, no wind for

wind generation, and no water for hydro generation. The power generated

from pedal is perfect for remote areas, hilly regions, strategic location, Islands

etc., where electricity generation is scanty if not nil. In these situations, a

small portable power generating unit would be of great help to provide power

supply to charge battery-operated gadgets like mobile phones, lamps, radio,

communication devices, etc. It is important to visualize new ways to bring

power to the people as population continues to grow and power shortages

continue to occur. Much of the power that is provided to people today is done
in very un-sustainable ways; new ideas are needed to transit into a post

cheap-petroleum era. This design relates to very compact and easily portable

power-generating unit, which besides being used as a power generator can

also be used as cycle exerciser. It serves dual purpose of power generation

and helping the person to maintain physical fitness through exercise of

muscles of legs. It can be pedaled or cranked by hand/foot to charge 12 volt

batteries and run small appliances.

Background of the study

Power outages can happen unexpectedly for a variety of reasons. It is

always best to be prepared for a brownout, especially if you live in a place

that is prone to power interruptions especially during a stormy weather.

Generator is one of the best alternative source of electricity. It can make you

and your family comfortable during brownout. Furnishing a generator is not

only a convenience, but a safety precaution. But not all families and even

establishments could afford to purchase one due to its expensive price. It is

for this reason that this “Improvised Generator” was conceptualized. Benefits

of biking and exercise is weight loss and it is also an effective strength

training option and cycling also burns a large number of calories. So we

created this idea to combine this two ideas to create a unique way to produce

electricity while exercising. What if you exercising you can create electricity.
Significance of the Study

Family- This study will help the family to saves money and for

emergency backup, as it doesn’t rely on the sun or the wind just on you and

a bike.

Student- It will help the student to save money, helps the environment

and may help them to become physically fit.

Theoretical Framework

Law of conservation of energy "In physics, the law of conservation of

energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, just transformed

from one form to another" (Valdez, 2006). The meaning of this is we can only

convert one form of energy into another to create another kind of energy. For

example, a burning candle provides a light energy but the light energy can be

converted to heat energy. Heat energy can be converted to another form like

electrical energy.

Electromechanical Conversion Theory Electromechanical conversion

theory allows to establish expressions for torque in terms of machine

electrical variables, generally the currents due displacement of the

mechanical system (Krause, 2013).

Mechanical Energy refers to the sum of potential energy and kinetic

energy associated with the motion and position of an object (Author, year). In

the study mechanical energy will be produced by pedaling.

Electrical Energy is the energy that is caused by moving electric

charges, denoted by voltage when it is per unit (Silverio,2013). It is also a

form of kinetic energy and the faster the flow of charges, the higher the


Piezoelectric Effect The piezoelectric effect refers to the ability of

certain materials to "Generate an electric charge in response to applied

mechanical stress" ( Silverio,2013).

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1

Input Process Output

Collection of
materials in Testing of the
A prototype of
conducting a prototype of
prototype of a bicycle
bicycle generator
Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to find an alternative source of electricity

during power outage.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. Is there a significant difference on the improvised generator than a fuel

generator in terms of;

a. Brightness of LED lights;

b. Safety of the device;

c. Benefits to the users

2. What is the experience of the users in this generator, how can you rate

your experience in terms of:

a. Reliability;

b. Usability;

c. Creativity
Research Hypothesis

There is no significant difference between cycling generator and solar

energy generator.

Scope and Limitations

The study will be focusing on developing a pedal generator. This

generator will let the users (the given respondent.) to learn more about the

information that is related to the pedal generator.

We’ve selected 20 (20) families in Luisiana, Laguna to test our

generator. The result that will be gathered will affect how this study goes in

the future.

Definition of Terms

Bicycle. a vehicle composed of two wheels held in a frame one behind the

other, propelled by pedals and steered with handlebars attached to the front


Bulb. a glass housing in which a partial vacuum has been established, that

contains the filament of an incandescent lamp.

Circuit. a roughly circular line, route, or movement that starts and finishes at

the same place.

Electric Circuit. is a path in which electrons from a voltage or current source

flow. The point where those electrons enter an electrical circuit is called the

"source" of electrons. The point where the electrons leave an electrical

circuit is called the "return" or "earth ground".

Electrical Wire. a usually pliable metallic strand or rod made in many length

and diameters, sometimes clad and often electrically insulated, used chiefly

for structural supporter to conduct electricity.

Generator. a machine that converts one form of energy into another,

especially mechanical energy into electrical energy, as a dynamo, or electrical

energy into sound, as an acoustic generator.

Regulator. a device for maintaining a designated voltage or current, at a

predetermined value, or for varying it according to a predetermined plan.

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