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sriii3soaeM Nebo Daniel © MANIFESTA cis © HOW IT_ARFEGTS OUPANDMO |@ROVERGOMING THEN hexp/froghet bok eba/ THE WATER SPRITINGDOM en ‘The Water Spitkingdom sviasoaem Daniel is a professional Chartered Accountant of over 22 years and is the resident of Total Armour Intercessory Network, a missionary organisation involved in mobilization, training and practice of strategic spiritual warfare, territorial intercession and deliverance. He has ministered in 15 nations spanning three continents of the ~ world. He currently serves as National Coordinator, International Prayer Council (IPC) and Coordinator, City Pray Network of Intercessors for Nigeria in Ibadan. He also heads the spiritual warfare track of Fintask 2010, and is a member of an International Intercessory Team coordinated by World Vision International that God is sending to nations to carry out prayer initiatives. He is married to Bimbo and they have three children, Akinola, Demola, and Damilola. his book is borne out of a = ‘ , burden to share and » expose some truths about » * Ni spiritual warfare from the waters to which many are ignorant. These days God desires His church to be on the offensive against the kingdom of darkness so that CS the kingdom of this world will become the ™ kingdoms of our God and of His Christ. We need to reclaim our kinds and people back to God through informed intercession and spiritual warfare and stop being a weak, beggarly and defensive church. It is time to occupy in power until He comes. THE KING IS COMING. y inp raphe w/bok/db/ THE WATER SPIRIT KINGDOM hm Page 2035, ‘The Water Spitkingdom sriii3soaeM THE WATER SPIRIT KINGDOM Debo Daniel CONTENTS Dedication Acknowledgment Author's Preface Water: It's h in n ‘Warfare Transferred into the Waters (Sea) Back to the Influence of Waters CHAPTER FOUR Manifestation of Water Spirits CHAPTER FIVE How People and Territories are Contaminated, Infested Initiated and Oppressed by the Water Spirits Why People Get Intiated (CHAPTER SIX ‘ap /prophet /boks/ebe/THE_WATER SPAT. KINGDOM hem Page 3035 ‘The Water Spitkingdom sriii3soaeM DEDICATION ‘This book is dedicated to our God, Jehovah Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts, the Man of War and the Commander of the Host who is willing and able to deliver all thase who are under oppression of water spirits, individuals and nations alike ACKNOWLEDGMENTS appreciate and acknowledge the mentorship of the leaders of Intercessors for Nigeria in the persons of Barrister Emeka Nwakpa, Engineer Steve Olumuyiwa, Dr Kole Akinboboye, Dr Uduak Udofia and Engineer Ntiense Ubon Israel. also acknowledge the mentorship role of Dr John Robb, Director, World vision Intemational, from whom have leamt true servant leadership. Rev (Dr) Moses Aransiola, I appreciate your mentoring role conceming my prayer li. You will not lose your reward. Rev Mosy Madugba, you are a great blessing to me through your teachings and the ‘annual International Ministers/ Christian Leaders Prayer Conference every January that sets me on fire ‘Thank you for all your Godly counsel to me Rev. (Dr) Reuben Ezemadu; Rev. (Dr) LD Lawon and Pastor (Dr) U.A. Obed. I appreciate you. So much Dr. Tunde Oladoyinbo. Iwish to acknowledge my associates in ministry, Pastors Olugbenga Akande, Daniel Oluwalose, Kayode Peters Olaoba, Sola Mene, Solomon Sunday, Henry Hamilton,Goke Onasanya, Tunde Ojo all of whom labour closely and Tirelessly with ‘me over Ibadan city. We shall sce the travail of our souls over Ibadan city and we shallbe satisfied. Thank you foralways being there as a prayer shield forme in my ‘numerous prophetic prayer warfare journeys. Finally, lappreciate my partner in ministry, my helpmect and my friend -my sweet wife Bimbo. Thanks for always being there to encourage and support me. The Lord will reward you, AUTHOR’S PREFACE ‘These are the days that the nations are raging and are imagining vain things, ‘ap /prophet /boks/ebe/THE_WATER SPAT. KINGDOM hem Pages ‘The Water Spitkingdom snviasoaem ‘when the kings of the earth are setting themselves and the rulers are taking ‘counsel together against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us.” And Jehovah Sabaoth, the Man of War who sits in the heavens, is laughing at their folly for they are fighting agninst their Creator. These are days the Lord shall speak to them in His wrath and vex them in His sore displeasure. ‘These are days that the Lord wants to teach principalities and power His ‘manifold wisdom, the days Prophet Joe! says: “Proclaim this among the nations Prepare for war Wake up the mighty men Let all the men of war draw near Let them come up Beat your plowshares into swords And your pruning hooks unto spears Let the weak say ‘Lam strong.” (Goel 39-10) ‘These are the days of Joshua and Caleb, Jehu, Gideon and Deborah ‘Company-men and of valor who will go on the offensive against the kkingsiom of darkness to reckim our lands for our soon coming KING so that the kingdoms ofthis world will become the kingdoms of our God and of His Christ. ‘These are days the church of God needs to deal decisively with the gods of the lands in order to reap large harvests of souls for our God who is fed up ofpeopk phying church, religious people who “have a form of godliness but deny its power”. believe God is “nauseated” with people who are not bold to conftont the powers of darkness but will rather have social meetings in church without any manifestation of power ‘These are days God is searching for a company of people who will prepare the way ofthe LORD and make straight in the desert a highway for our GOD where every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and bill will be made low, crooked places will be made straight and rough places plain so that the gry of the LORD might be revealed, ‘These are days that the earth shall be filed with the knowledge of the glory ofthe LORD as the waters cover the sea. ‘These are days God is recruiting warriors who will refuse to entangle inp raphe w/bok/db/ THE WATER SPIRIT KINGDOM hm Page S025 ‘The Water Spitkingdom snviasoaem themselves with the affairs of this world that they might please Him who cenisted them as soklers. He wants to give His warriors, treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places. Ifyou would like to be a part ofthis exciting company of warriors the LORD is raising in these last days, WELCOME ABOARD. We have the victory for the commander of the Host who has never and can never lose the battle, for the battle has been won 2,000 years ago on the cross of Calvary. Debo Daniel Author Chapter 1 WATER: IT’S IMPORTANCE IN CREATION ‘The importance of water to man cannot be overemphasized and this is why the Holy Spirit commissioned this assignment, From the under-Isted information, the reader will begin to understand how important water is to man and to God: 1. Before creation, the entire surface of the earth was covered with water. nother words, before the heavens and earth were created, all of creation was filled with water (Gen, 1: 1-10). Water existed before every other creation of God! It was fiom water that the earth was formed (Gen. 1:8) and the scriptures affirm that the whole earth was founded upon the waters. “The earth is the LORD’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein” For He hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods” (Ps. 24:1-2), 2. Doctors and scientists confirm that 70% of human body weight consists of water. 3.72% of present world surface is water. 4, Man needs water for everything, He can survive without food for up to two or three weeks but cannot survive without water for the same period. For man, water is needed for: Drinking, Bathing, inp raphe w/bok/db/ THE WATER SPIRIT KINGDOM hm Page 6025 ‘The Water Spitkingdom sviasoaem Washing/General cleaning, Cooking, Farming, and Medicare in hospitals. 5. Water exists in the form of rains, streams, lakes, rivers and oceans. 6. The Bible ako says the foundation of the whole earth is upon the waters. “You who laid the foundations of the earth so that it should not be moved forever, you covered it with the deep as with agarment, the waters stood above the mountains.” (Ps. 1045-6) 7.God’s throne itseifis upon the waters. This shows the importance God himself attaches to water. “The voice of the LORD is over the water; The God of glory thunders; The LORD is over many waters. The LORD sat enthroned at the Flood, And the LORD sits as King Forever” (Ps. 293, 10). WARFARE TRANSFERRED INTO THE WATERS (SEA) God in His sovereignty and infinite wisdom gave so much prominence to ‘water in creation as seen in the above-stated scriptures and information. Satan, on the other hand, who used to be the number one angel and who ‘was created as Lucifer is forever trying to copy and imitate the true things of God. Inhis positon as the number one angel, Lucifer was the ruler of the earth before the creation of man, He ruled the pre-Adamite world when there ‘was no visible landmass, and the world was covered with water. It was for this reason that in the recreation, God said: “...and let the dry land appear ....” (Gen. 19). ‘Then, Lucifer fe from this exalted position of being the number one angel, next to the Trinity through pride and rebelion. His fills revealed in scriptures. “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, Iwill ascend into heaven, Iwill exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also inp raphe w/bok/db/ THE WATER SPIRIT KINGDOM hm Page 7035, ‘The Water Spitkingdom sviasoaem upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High, Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?” (Is 14 12-17). “And He (Jesus) said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven” (Luke 10:18). “And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads... And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought ‘and war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him” (Revelation 12:3, 7-9). Again, the fall of Lucifer was expressed in Ezekiel 28: 12-19. When Lucifer had fallen and had been cast out of heaven, he was overthrown and cast into the earth and the seas. At his overthrow, the host ofheaven declared in aloud voice. “w Rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! ‘Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the seat For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time” (Rev 12:12, emphasis mine). Heavens rejoiced but that was the beginning of the problem of the earth and the seas because the one who troubled them in heaven had been cast to the cearth and the seas! Since he had been overthrown, Satan, meaning adversary, had been attempting to thwart and stop God’s plan to bring peace unto His kingdom. Afier the first prophecy in Genesis 3:15 that God will use the seed of the ‘woman to bruise the head of Satan and destroy his kingdom, he (Satan) began to look for the Man that fullls the prophecy so as to destroy Him. ‘The first attempt was to try and pollute the humzan race through fillen angels whom he commissioned to assume the form of humans and marry women, ‘This was to destroy the seed of mankind (Gen, 6) by introducing the sins of inp raphe w/bok/db/ THE WATER SPIRIT KINGDOM hm Page 835, ‘The Water Spitkingdom snviasoaem fomication, idolatry and homosexuality. This “satanically-induced marriage” succeeded in producing giants through sexual intercourse between these fallen angels and women on earth. However, God had a rermant in Noah who was not corrupted, himsetf'and his household. Through Noah and his righteousness, God was able to preserve His plan to redeem the earth ffom the dark kingdom. Through ‘Noah God preserved a remnant (eight peop) in the entire human race. Again, Satan tried desperately to pollte and destroy the human race through the sins of drunkenness and cursing, but God preserved a remnant in Abram, established a covenant with him and brought the Messiah, Jesus ‘Christ through his lineage, The complete genealogy of Jesus was traced in ‘Matthew 1. The main purpose why Jesus came is to do the will of His father and to destroy the works of the Dark Kingdom (1 Jn. 3:8). Now, all power and authority in heaven and earth is still vested in Christ Jesus but itis to be manifested through His body, the church. This is the day and age when His body should arise fiom slumber and begin to exercise authority offensively over the kingdom of darkness. We are not supposed to be harassed by the devil and be on the defensive but since our master, Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil, ‘we ought to be an army aggressively raiding and destroying the dark kkingsiom in our lives, inthe lives of our family members and relations, in our ‘communities, cites and our world. Jesus assured us and said, “the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church” (Matt 16:18). When Jesus said, “Iwill give you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven.” He was saying to the Church, “You will have all the avaible resources in Heaven at your disposal” Would Jesus have said this if He wanted us to eagerly struggle through life and merely look forward to the rapture as a means of escape from the world? No! He expects us to enforce His victory by exercising the authority He has ‘ven us to defeat Satan in our lives and in our world, so that the kingdoms of this workd might become the kingdoms of our God and of His Chris. BACK TO THE INFLUENCE OF WATERS. With 72% ofthe earth’s surfice covered by water, Satan decided in his rebellion to build his power base in the waters. His “secretariat” is in the heavenlies where the powers and principalities supervise satanic oppression of territories, cities and nations but his “operational base” is in the waters. Since the foundation of the earth is on the water (Ps. 104:5-6) and the inp raphe w/bok/db/ THE WATER SPIRIT KINGDOM hm Page 9095 ‘The Water Spitkingdom inp raphe w/bok/db/ THE WATER SPIRIT KINGDOM hm snviasoaem ‘whole earth was founded upon the waters (Ps. 24:1-2), Satan ako decided the best place to pitch his kingdom’s power base is in the waters, because he likes to counterfeit everything God does. Chapter 2 WATER SPIRITS IN THE SCRIPTURES Al through scriptures, we see the operation of Satan and his dark forces from the waters and itis only an undisceming believer that will say there is nothing lke water spirits. 1. Satan himself came out of the sea in Revelation 13. “Then I stood on the sand of the sea, And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name.” In verses 6 and 7 of Revelation 13, we read how the beast opened his ‘mouth speaking great things and blasphemies against God to blaspheme His name, His tabemacke and those who dwell in heaven. In verse 7, the Bible says “It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them.” This is why we believe the power base of Satan isin the waters. 2.God asked Moses to “Go to Pharaoh in the morning when he goes out to the water and you shall stand by the river’s bank to meet him.” (Ex. 7:15). ‘What would a poweriil king like Pharaoh be doing by the river’s side in the moming? I will tell you, he went to acquire power from the water spirits for the day, the same way believers ought to receive strength and