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COM654 20194 - Group Assignment

Report due W12

Articles for each country are available on Padlet and i-learn. Refer to the articles to discuss
each country based on the required details listed below. You as a group may also use other
articles to support your argument.

You are given 30 minutes to present, with PowerPoint no more than 20 slides (5%)
Your report should be between 20-25 pages excluding front page, APA 6, 1.5 spacing, Times
New Roman. (15%)

Rubrics for written reports and presentations are available on Padlet and i-learn.

1. The political structure of Malaysia
2. Identify and evaluate Malaysia's television policy as discussed in Zaharom Nain’s 1996 article on
this topic.
3. In the contemporary Malaysia, social media has been deemed by many as a medium of change,
discuss about cybertroopers and politics in Malaysia.

1. The political structure of Indonesia.
2. Explain the media environment in Indonesia and the issue of fake news.
3. Read the articles provided and discuss social media blackout in Indonesia.
4. Discuss the criticism of the Indonesian government for censoring social media.

1. The political structure of Myanmar.
2. Discuss the ethnonational politics in Myanmar
3. Discuss the impact of ultranationalism among Buddhist monks and the consequences.

1. The political structure of the country.
2. Discuss PAP and its political direction in Singapore.
3. Discuss the ideologies of PAP leaders and for its populace. Refer to the article uploaded on Padlet
and i-learn.

1. The political structure of The Philippines.
2. Discuss President Duterte's War on Drug policy.
3. How the policy impacts the lives of the Filipinos.

1. The political structure of Thailand.
2. Discuss the participation of women in Thai politics.
3. Discuss the challenges faced by women in Thai Politics.

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