Apple Core Painting Lesson Plan

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Apple Core Painting Lesson Plan

Miss Laura
Subtask:  Apple Core Painting -  Timeline:  5-6 minute introduction, 30-35 
Junior and Senior  minute centres 

Expectations Addressed: 

4.3, 31.3: exploring different elements of design (e.g. colour, line, shape, texture and form) in 
visual arts 
4.6, 23.4: communicate their understanding of something by representing their ideas and 
feelings through the arts 

Learning Intention:  Success Criteria: 

The intention is to have the students  ● I can paint the peel of the apple 
understand the construction of an apple  ● I can leave room in the middle for the 
from the inside out. An apple has a peel,  seeds 
leaves and a stem on the outside, and  ● I can use glue appropriately when 
has seeds on the inside.  attaching my leaves and stem to my 
apple core 
● I am able to share the paint and paint 
brushes with other students  

❏ ​Modelled  Assessment:  Opportunities for Descriptive Feedback: 

❏ Shared 
❏ Guided  I will be assessing 23.4  ● Express joy when they are able to 
❏ Independent  and how they are  paint carefully on the paper plate 
Practice  able to explain why  ● Giving them the option to paint 
❏ Other  they chose the  their apple either red, yellow or 
colour. I will be  green, and expressing good 
assessing their use of  choices in their colour selection. It 
terminology as well  could strike up a conversation 
when it comes to  about why they chose that colour, 
what the parts of an  and why they like that kind of 
apple are  apple 

Resources:  Differentiation:  Accommodations/Modifications 

Pinterest  ● This activity  ● Ensure that all students are paying 
can be either  attention when explaining 
done with  ● Do not overcomplicate 
paint brushes  instructions. Use simple terms to 
or with your  describe what you are 
fingers. If  demonstrating to them 
students have  ● Make sure to have depictions of 
difficulty  what an apple looks like, and 
holding a  what an apple core looks like 
paint brush,  when it’s done. This might be the 
they can use  first time they have seen an apple, 
their hands to  or haven’t realized that it was 
feel the paint  called an apple core. 
as well, for the 

Beginning/Engagement:  After everyone has been seated at circle time, I will introduce the 
lesson by asking the students if they know what the parts of an 
apple are called. Have a diagram with you of an apple cut in 
half, and point to each part. There is the peel (which is either red, 
green or yellow), there is the flesh (which is the inside of the 
apple), there is the core (which is the middle of the apple), there 
are the seeds (which are the small dots in the core), there is the 
stem (which is at the top of the apple), and the leaf (which is on 
the stem of the apple). Explain to the class that we will be making 
our own apple core today. Show everyone the cut out paper 
plate. Explain that this is your apple core, and that we are going 
to make sure that it has all the elements of an apple. In a palette, 
have the colours red, yellow, green, black and brown. First, 
remind them to write their names on the back of the plate. The 
next thing we do is glue the apple pieces together (the stem and 
leaf go at the top of the apple). For interactive purposes, ask the 
students what colour my apple should be, and paint the top and 
the bottom of that core with the suggested colour. Ask the 
students if any colour should be in the middle. Since it is the flesh 
of the apple, there is no colour, so we don’t need to paint it. Next 
is the leaves and stem. Ask them what colour a leaf and stem 
should be. Paint the stem brown, and leaf green. Once that is 
completed, ask what’s missing. Once the response is said, use 
the dotter to dot 6 black dots in the middle of the core to 
represent the seeds. Hold it up so everyone can see.  
Middle:  Have 6 students come with you to the art table. Have all the 
materials present before they arrive to the table. Remind them 
again that they will need to write their names first, followed by the 
gluing portion of the activity first before starting to paint. Do the 
craft with them so that can follow along with you if needed. 
During this time, you can ask them why they chose a specific 
colour for the apple, and ask them to tell you about it.  

Wrap-Up:  Once they have finished their apple core, have them place it on 
the drying rack in the hallway and ask them to clean up their 
station for the next person who will be doing the activity. 


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