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An Undergraduate Thesis

Presented to

School of Pharmacy

Centro Escolar University

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirement for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy


Bea Elaine M. Baldos Kirsten Janella S. Ruiz

Ivy Rose D. Amagna Hanny Joy Sureta

Dr. Cecilia D. Santiago



Baldos, B.E., Amagna, I.R., Ruiz, K.J., Sureta, H.J.

Centro Escolar University-Manila School of Pharmacy, Philippines
Keywords: Canvas, Learning Management System, Pharmacy Students, Faculty

The use of Canvas as a Learning Management System has a great impact in the field of Pharmacy
Education. It provides multiple benefits such as course management, class enrollment, educational
pictures and videos, modules, quizzes, assignments, data storage, announcements, and as well as
student-faculty and student-student interaction in both online and personal discussion boards.

The researchers used quantitative and qualitative methods on the determination of the level of
acceptability of Pharmacy students and faculty in the use of Learning Management System through
Canvas with the use of a Likert Scale, which employs questionnaires. An online self-made questionnaire
was used to utilized and gathered the data.








1. Introduction and Background

Background of the Study………………………………………
Theoretical Framework………………………………………
Conceptual Framework………………………………………
Research Objective………………………………………………
Statement of the Problem………………………………………
Significance of the Study………………………………………
Scope and Delimitation of the Study………………………………
Definition of Terms……………………………………………..
2. Review of Related Literature and Studies

3. Methods and Procedure

Research Design………………………………………………

Setting of the Study………………………………………………

Source of Data……………………………………………………

Research Instrument………………………………………………

Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………

Statistical Instrument……………………………………………

4. Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

5. Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations


The Problem and its Setting


Pharmacy education provides pharmacy students with knowledge and ability to become

pharmacist and to enable pharmacists to enhance competency in the profession. The traditional

pedagogy involving face-to-face instruction has evolved in maturation of the Internet. The

pharmacy students and pharmacy professors encounter teaching and learning opportunities beyond

the classroom, with more content delivered online.

In a period of almost three decades, the need for information technology has been

drastically increased. The high-speed of growth of Information and Communication Technologies

(ICT) has been observed in various phases of life including education. ICT helps improve students’

knowledge, skills, needs and ability to prepare the new generation for challenges in different

schools and universities around the world. The integration of ICT has many benefits such as; it

gives support to quality learning, improves technological skills and boosts learners to be

interactive. ICT has produced a popular concept in the realm of education, called e-learning.

E-learning is a learning system with the use of an electronic gadget. It is based on

systemized teaching. This learning system helps utilize electronic gadget to academic curriculum

outside the traditional classroom. E-learning can also be termed as a network enabled transfer of
skills and knowledge, and the delivery of education is made to a large number of recipients

simultaneously. E-learning systems have different various names such as learning management

system (LMS), online systems, virtual systems, etc.

Learning Management System (LMS) are popular internet technologies that have been

supporting distance, face-to-face and hybrid teaching-learning processes. LMS are used to

organized different learning strategies across different formats that includes formal, observational

and social learning to manage functions such as compliance training, certification management

and sales enablement. By including gadgets, computers, and internet technologies in the learning

processes, LMSs such as Canvas, offers multiple teaching learning tools and provides virtual way

of increased and faster communications and effectiveness in educational processes among the

faculty and sophomore students, pharmacy in particular. According to Hustad and Arntzen,

“Faculty members mostly use LMSs as supplements to their lectures and synchronous

functionalities of LMSs were seldom used by faculty members with no direct contact with the

participants” (2013).

In order to utilize technology, administrators in Centro Escolar University Manila made a

decision to create a new learning management system called Canvas. Canvas is built on modern

web frameworks for use on computers, smartphones and mobile devices. The Canvas LMS user

interface is well-designed for both instructors and students and allows the use of different

technological systems on their own. There are some features that distinguish Canvas from other

LMSs which has many options that enable it to interoperate with open source application programs

developed by trusted resources in the area of education. “For example, it allows instructors to

integrate Google Docs, which is used for productive and collaborative projects in education”
(Kandemir, 2013). By using such leading educational resources that facilitate collaboration and

allow changes to be instantly saved, the limits of teaching and learning can be further extended.

In this modern day, Learning Management Systems are becoming crucial in life in general

and most importantly, in education. Some students struggle with traditional way of learning,

therefore, LMS like Canvas can help address the missing gaps that makes a hindrance between

student-faculty interactions. LMS innovation contributes with improvements of quality of teaching

and learning in higher education.

This learning system provides students and other professionals to easily adopt

technological skills and learning experiences as well as reducing workloads for both faculty

members and students, resulting in increased knowledge and accomplishments in the academics.

It provides multiple benefits in the field of pharmacy education such as course management, class

enrollment, educational pictures and videos, modules, quizzes, assignments, data storage,

announcements, and as well as student-faculty and student-student interaction in both online and

personal discussion boards.

Background of the Study

In the fast paced life style, accessing the internet has become part of our daily lives. It is

used for sending e-mails, exchanging news, making payments, interactive games, education,

tracking locations etc. Most of the students prefer an easier and hassle-free way of accessing their

lessons, assignments, and other academic related tasks. For this reason, most of the universities

prefer to have an alternative academic system that would help the students on accessing their

academic requirements. However, Centro Escolar University Manila started to adapt the E –
learning system, Canvas in 2018. Canvas is designed to store and provide alternative academic

requirements through the use of gadgets as long as there is a stable internet connection. This online

innovation is preferable by most students and even academic professionals because of its

convenience and accessibility.

Schepers and Wetzels (2007) states that “E-learning implementation is not simply a

technological solution, but also a process of many different factors such as social factors”. It is

also an “individual factors” as stated by Liaw and Huang (2011). Meanwhile, Kim and Moore

states “Such major factors play an important role in how an information technology is developed

and used” (2005). Unfortunately, not all individuals can use this e-learning system with ease.

Individuals such as seasoned professionals need more support in order to use the system clearly.

However, early adopters’ knowledge, skills, and experience, can be managed through the support

they require.

This paper showed insights of creations, characteristics, weaknesses as well as strengths of

Canvas. The researchers want to elaborate some analysis of the information system as an online

learning support platform such as improvements of quality knowledge flow, recommendations for

advance work-based innovations, and efficiency in using Canvas.

Theoretical Framework

The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) was conducted by Ajzen and Fishbein in 1980.

According to TRA “an individual’s intention to perform a behavior is a function of his/her attitude

toward the act or behavior and social norms. An individual’s attitude predicts his/her intention and

intention shapes the actual behavior.”

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) explains how a user uses and receives various

perspective of a technology. TAM was developed by Fred Davis and Richard Bagozzi (Davis

1989, Bagozzi, Davis and Warshaw 1992) by expanding new ideas from TRA. In correspond to

the model, the reliability of a technology by a user is based on two fundamental determinants: (a)

Perceived Ease of Use and (b) Perceived Usefulness. Davis stated that “Perceived Ease of Use is

defined as the degree to which a person believes that using a particular technology would be free

from effort while Perceived Usefulness is defined as the degree to which a person believes that

using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance” (1989, p.320)

Figure 1.1

Figure 1.1. TAM claims that Perceived Usefulness will be influenced by Perceived Ease

of Use. When a user uses a technology and finds it “easy to use", then the user will become aware

that the technology is useful.

Conceptual Framework

Canvas aims to provide significant factors to be considered to ensure usefulness of LMS

by the faculty members and sophomore pharmacy students. This system helps the faculty

communicate with their students and as well as time management. On the contrary, Canvas helps

students to become more knowledgeable and to improve self-efficiency in their academics.

The study manages using conceptual framework shown on the flowcharts above the IPO

(input-process-output) evaluation method.

The input represents the use of Canvas by the Faculty and students. The faculty and

sophomore students of the School of Pharmacy of Centro Escolar University. This is to determine

the users’ perceived usefulness, attitude, behavior, and the actual system in the use of Canvas.

The researchers conduct a survey with the Faculty and sophomore students of the School

of Pharmacy to gather data.

The output of the study shows the perceived usefulness, attitude, behavior, and the actual

system towards the use of Canvas

Figure 1.2. The Conceptual Framework of the study explained wherein the researchers

integrated questionnaires to be surveyed to the specific respondents; data collection; and lastly,

results from the collected data.

Figure 2

• Use of Canvas by faculty and students


• Preparation of questionnaires
• Selection of respondents
• Survey
PROCESS • Collection of data


Research Objective:

Main Objective:

This study aimed to determine the level of acceptability of pharmacy students and faculty

in the use of learning management system through Canvas.

Specific Objective:

1. To determine the demographic profile of the respondents for:

1.1 Faculty

1.1.1 Age

1.1.2 Gender

1.1.3 Employment Status

1.1.4 Number of years teaching

1.2 Students

1.2.1 Gender

1.2.2 Year Level

2. To determine the efficiency of the purposive respondents for:

2.1 Faculty

2.1.1 Use

2.1.2 Accessibility

2.2 Students

2.2.1 Use

2.2.2 Accessibility

3. To determine the problems encountered by the respondents in using Canvas:

3.1 Adaptability Struggle

3.2 Time Management

3.3 Technical issues

3.4 Computer Literacy

Statement of the Problem

In the past developments, Pharmacy students and Faculty members have been using the

old learning management system, Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning

Environment). It is partially identical to the new learning management system called Canvas.

However, most pharmacy students and faculty members prefer Canvas since it is easier to use,

intuitive, and it helps the users keep pace of technological trends. Many users that have used

Moodle proclaimed that it is more complicated to use and that the utilization is very low compared

to Canvas.

In this study, the researchers want to determine the underlying factors that benefits the

user-technology interaction; also to determine the weaknesses and limitations of Canvas.


This study is conducted based on the following assumptions:

1. The proposed system were used by the respondents.

2. The questionnaire and survey were answered legitimately by the respondents.

3. Collections of questionnaire and survey were done completely.

Significance of the Study

The researchers focus on the effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction of Canvas as the

new learning management system, this helps the Pharmacy students’ engagement in the system

which will determine its accessibility and convenience. Also, the researchers will thoroughly

observe the compliance of the Pharmacy students on using the learning system and will determine

the benefits and other factors to consider on using the system.

This study would benefit based on the following:

Centro Escolar University Administrators, specifically the Vice President of academic

affairs and the Head of Teaching and Learning Technology Department (TLTD). The
administrators can benefit on this study by collecting new data conducted by the researchers upon

the current curriculum. If Canvas proves that it is an effective and successful teaching methodology

among pharmacy students, hence the department can acquire some information that can give

advantages to this study.

Faculty Members can benefit on this study since it reduces teaching loads, motivates

personal growth, and develops professional skills. Canvas is beneficial to faculty members for the

reason that: (a) it has an organization of lecture materials; (b) provision of good and effective ways

in evaluating students; (c) enhancement of interaction between lectures and students; and (d)

provision of extra resources for lectures. In sequence to access Canvas for faculty, the requirements

are syllabus for it has learning materials, guidance in developing Canvas, and it includes topics to

be discussed to the students.

Sophomore Pharmacy Students can benefit on this study by using and developing their

own critical thinking such as analysis, communication, creativity, open-mindedness, and problem

solving. Canvas is useful mostly for sophomore pharmacy students mainly because student-

respondents should be enrolled in at least one active Canvas unit, and those are the sophomore

students in particular. Students can be able to carry out all tasks through online tools as well as it

manages time in the most practical way. Slow or quick learners that uses Canvas helps reduce their

stress and increases satisfaction and retention. Each sophomore pharmacy students have access to

Canvas by using the CEU account in order to utilize it. The researchers have selected the

sophomore students because they have completed at least one active unit.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study

In general, the focus of this study is directed towards the design and development of a

learning management system. The Faculty members and sophomore pharmacy students were

specifically selected in Centro Escolar University in Manila from (date) to (date). The study is

largely dependent on the honesty, sincerity and integrity of the respondents.

In this proposed system, records, and files are computerized and online for accessibility

and portability. However, the researchers limit the online feature of the system to faculty members

and sophomore pharmacy students only. Web-access of faculty members and students from other

departments is not included. The system has a secure log-in for faculty members and sophomore

pharmacy students. Managing time schedule

Definition of Terms

The following terms are highlighted as the most important meanings for the readers to

understand it in ease:

Acceptability - it is the quality of being acceptable; acceptableness

Adaptation - is a characteristic that is either a physical or behavioral that has emerged to

a new surrounding and or environment.

Benefit – an advantage, use, or satisfaction gained from something in particular.

Canvas – a learning management system that provides online education with the use of

technology to the learners. It consists of quizzes, assignments, discussions, photo and video-related

topics. It helps instructors and students to communicate online and communicate directly.
E-learning – a learning system with use of electronic resources.

Faculty - academic staff in school or university. It teaches either a professional subject or

a minor subject to the students.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) - it refers to the available

technologies and services to assist organizations in applying e-learning efficiently. (eg. hardware,

software, networking, internet access, maintaining and upgrading)

Internet - a global computer network providing a variety of information and

communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized

communication protocols

Learning Management System (LMS) - is a software application for the administration,

documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of electronic content over the internet. Popular

internet technologies that have been supporting distance, face-to-face and hybrid teaching-learning


Module - a self-contained course that usually lasts for one semester. It includes

one subject and is estimated or evaluated independently of other modules.

Moodle - learning platform designed to provide instructors, administrators and student-

learners with a powerful, safe and integrated system to create customized teaching-learning


Pharmacy – an undergraduate degree course in the field of Pharmacy education. A

particular task of preparing, dispensing, and assessing drugs. It is a relationship between health

sciences and pharmaceutical sciences to ensure the safe, effective, and affordable use of drugs.
Questionnaire – it includes printed questions and multiple choices that is made to conduct

a survey.

Survey – it includes questions as evaluation of observation and opinions from the


Technology – tools and machines for practical use to solve problems. A body of

knowledge devoted to creating tools, processing actions and the extracting of both materials and

non-materials. It deals with conception and use of high-tech in the connection with life, society,

and environment.

Methods and Procedures

The methodology covers an overview of methodology used in the study. It presents the

method that the researchers utilize in gathering information and in studying the subject matter of

this research. It consists of research design, setting of the study, source of data, research instrument,

data gathering procedure, ethical consideration and statistical treatment used to analysis of the


This study determines the level of acceptability of the Faculty and Pharmacy Students in

the use of Learning Management System (LMS) through CANVAS of Centro Escolar University.

Research Design

This study uses a descriptive survey method to assess demographic profile such as age,

gender, employment status and number of years of teaching in faculty; and gender and year level

in students. Descriptive research is defined as a research method that describes the characteristics

of the population that is being studied.

The statistical analysis of the study can be more efficient to determine results using the

Likert-type scale
Setting of the Study

The respondents of this research will be all coming from one single location in Centro

Escolar University. The respondents are all the Faculty members and 2nd year students of School

of Pharmacy.

Centro Escolar University is a university located at 9 Mendiola St. San Miguel, Manila,

Philippines. On June 3, 1907 it was founded by Carmen de Luna and Librada Avelino. It was

known as Centro Escolar de Señoritas. The CEU became a university in the year 1933. One of the

top universities is the Centro Escolar University in this generation in the country. It is recognized

in health sciences program such as Pharmacy, Medical Technology, Dentistry Nursing and

Optometry. The first college in the University was the School of Pharmacy and established in June

1921. In 1929, it was become degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy when it was extended to

4 years. In 1946, 27th of February, the School of Pharmacy in the CEU was granted a Government

Recognition No. 32, Series of 1946. The B.S. Pharmacy degree required 5 years of study, and then

back to four years in 1984.

Figure 3.1
Source of Data

The researchers gathered information using questionnaire from the respondents. The

sample population of this study are 17 faculty members and 273 second year pharmacy students.

The researchers use purposive respondents with the following criteria:

1. Professors for First Semester in School Year 2019-2020

2. Second Year Pharmacy students for First Semester in School Year 2019-2020.

Research Instrument

The researchers gathered data by verifying, examining and analyzing of the questionnaire.

The researcher designs the questionnaires in proper form to accommodate the relevant information

required from the respondents. It contains two main parts: Part I is used to elicit the respondent’s

profile such age, gender, employment status and number of years of teaching in faculty; and

gender and year level in students and part II contains the Acceptability of the Learning

Management System through Canvas.


Instrument used for research that consists of a set of questions and other types of prompts

that collect information from the purposive respondents. The questionnaire also used of responses

for the statistical analysis. The researchers use a Likert scale for the questionnaire. The most

common scale used in survey research.

The questionnaires state the following use and convenience of Canvas and the source of

Table 3.1

Result Interpretation


1 Strongly Disagree - You do not agree with

the situation or factors at a very high level.

2 Disagree - You do not agree with the

situation or factor at a high level.

3 Agree - You agree with the situation of

factors at a high level.

4 Strongly Agree - You agree with the

situation or factors at a very high level.

Table 3.1. Shows a type of rating scale which is called a Likert Scale, it is used to measure

attitudes of the respondents based on the ratings of a level of agreement

Data Gathering Procedure

The purpose of this study is to conduct a survey question that is about the level of

acceptability of the respondents. Firstly, the researchers ask permission for the survey. In selected

respondents, all 2nd year pharmacy students and all faculty members of School of Pharmacy who

will respond to surveys. The survey starts when the faculties and students receive the surveys.

Lastly, as the correspondent finish the survey the researchers immediately tally the information

and gather it.

Statistical Treatment

For the Faculty and Second Year Pharmacy Students to determine the level of acceptability

in the use of Learning Management System through CANVAS, the researchers use the following:

Frequency - it is the number of times the event occurred in an experiment or study

It is use to determine the percentage for data profile.

Mean - it is also known as average. It is by adding all the gathered data points in a

population, then dividing the total by the number of points.

Percentage - means "per hundred" and the symbol used to express percentage is

%. One percent (or 1%) is one hundredth of the total or whole and is therefore calculated by

dividing the total or whole number by 100.

Standard Derivation - it measures the dispersion of a data set relative to its mean.
Appendix A


Centro Escolar University

School of Pharmacy

Dear Respondents,

We are BS Pharmacy students conducting a study on the students and faculty of School of
Pharmacy usage of Learning Management System through CANVAS.

In this regard, we would like to request you to be one of our respondents. Rest assured that
your answer will be treated with utmost confidentiality and the data will be utilized for research
compliance only.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Respectfully yours,

Amagna, Ivy Rose

Baldos, Bea Elaine
Ruiz, Kirsten Janella
Sureta, Hanny Joy
Appendix B


Level of Acceptability of Pharmacy Students and Faculty in the use of Learning

Management System through Canvas: An Online Survey

INSTRUCTION: Please answer the following questions.


o What is your gender?

□ Male

o What is your age range?
□ 25 years old and below
□ 26-35 years old
□ 36-45 years old

45 years old and above
o What is your Employment status?
□ Permanent Full time
□ Probationary
□ Fixed-Term

o How many years have you been teaching in this university?
□ 1-10 years
□ 11-20 years
□ 21-30 years
□ 31 years and above


1) Have you received any certificates/s via distance education like MOOCs (Massive
Open Online Course)?
2) Have you received any development training about CANVAS?
3) Have you ever been asked to?
a. Teach a course using a CANVAS
□ NO
b. Design a course using CANVAS
□ NO
4) Would you be interested in participating in faculty development training that focuses
on using CANVAS to support teaching and learning?
5) Have you taught any course using a CANVAS?

6) How many semesters have you been using Learning Management System through
□ Never
□ 1 semester
□ 2 semesters
□ 3 semesters
□Others, please specify: _______________________
7) Have you ever completed teaching a course using a CANVAS?
8) Have you ever completed designing a course using a CANVAS?
□ NO
9) Would you be interested in teaching a course using a CANVAS in the future?
□ NO
10) Would you be interested in designing a course using a CANVAS in the future?
□ NO
11) Please specify what the university could do to encourage you to participate in
CANVAS use and training in the future?



INSTRUCTION: Please check your preferred acceptability level following the scales

4-Strongly Agree - You agree with the situation or factors at a very high level.
3- Agree- You agree with the situation of factors at a high level.
2 -Disagree – You do not agree with the situation or factor at a high level.
1-Strongly Disagree – You do not agree with the situation or factors at a very high level.

4 3 2 1
1. It gives opportunity to improve my teaching.
2. It gives better course flexibility for students.
3. It provides ease in monitoring the students’
online and school performance.
4. It helps in the provision for extra resources for
5. It provides an avenue for teacher to student
6. It enables teacher to manage task in an organized
manner without struggling.
1. It is time saving.
2. It is easy to use and operate.
3. It provides an easy access to the subject’s
4. It provides notifications for finished task.
5. It provides notification for due task.
6. It reduces teaching load.
1. Internet connection
2. Knowledge of using technology
3. Canvas system (ex: network lag)
4. Time pressure
5. User compatibility
6. Gadget compatibility

INSTRUCTION: Please answer the following questions.


o What is your gender?
□ Male

o What year level are you?
□ Second Year
□ Irregular


1. Have you taken any courses or subjects where the instructor used a Learning Management
System through CANVAS?

□ NO

2. Have you received any orientation using Learning Management System through

□ NO

3. How many semesters have you been using Learning Management System through

□ Never
□ 1 semester
□ 2 semesters
□ 3 semesters
□ Others, please specify:
4. What gadget/s do you prefer in using CANVAS? Check all that apply.

□ Computer
□ Laptop
□ Mobile phone
□ Tablet
□ Others, please specify:

5. Where do you prefer to use CANVAS? Check all that apply.

□ Computer Shop
□ Dormitory
□ Home
□ Library
□ School
□ Others, please specify:

6. What internet connection do you usually use?

□ Mobile Internet
□ Hotspot
□ WiFi
□ Others, please specify:



INSTRUCTION: Please check your preferred acceptability level following the

scales below:

4-Strongly Agree - You agree with the situation or factors at a very high level.
3- Agree - You agree with the situation of factors at a high level.
2 -Disagree – You do not agree with the situation or factor at a high level.
1-Strongly Disagree – You do not agree with the situation or factors at a very high

4 3 2 1
1. It is effective as a learning medium.
2. It makes lessons easily understandable.
3. It improves schoolwork performance as a student.
4. More practical than traditional way of teaching.
5. It provides an opportunity to improve studies.
6. Students can easily be notified when the professors
posted some notes and task to do.
7. Students find it helpful to communicate with their
8. Students can easily acquire the syllabi uploaded.
9. Students can easily acquire and understand the
lessons uploaded by the professors.
1. It is time saving.
2. It is flexible to use.
3. Students can easily upload and submit files.
4. It provides an easy access to the subject’s material.
5. It provides notification for due task.
1. Internet connection
2. Knowledge of using technology
3. Canvas system (ex: network lag)
4. Time pressure
5. User compatibility
6. Gadget compatibility

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