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11/24/2019 C BCA 1st - PTU Very Short Questions | BRpaper.


Previous Year Very Short Questions of C (BCA 1st)

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1. What is algorithm? What are its various characteristics?

2. What is operator precedence and associatively? Explain

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3. Explain how while statement is different from do while statement

4. What are various jumping statements? Explain.

5. What is array? How it is declared?

6. What is auto storage class? Explain.

7. What is function? What are its advantages?

8. Explain how structure is different from union.

9. What is purpose of strcmp( )and strcpy( )?

10. What is recursion? Illustrate with example. 

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11/24/2019 C BCA 1st - PTU Very Short Questions |
11. List any four keywords in C.

12. What is the difference between j++ and ++j?

13. What is the difference between gets and puts functions?

14. Write a function Is_Even(int n) in C to print that integer n is even or not

15. What are static variables?

16. What is meant by data types?

17. What are self referential structures?

18. What is union?

19. De ne entry controlled loops with the help of example.

20. What is the output of the following code : #include Void main() { int i, j=10; for(i=1; i<=10; i++; j++) if(i==5) break; printf("%d%d”, i, j); }

21. Draw the symbols used in a ow chart?

22. Why is programming needed?

23. Why is the use of go to statement discouraged in C programs?

24. Declare a 3-dimensional array to store 30 students’ names class wise (for 3 classes)?

25. What is a pointer?

26. Differentiate between struct and union?

27. Write the syntax of do...while statement & explain it?

28. Write down program instructions to open and close a le?

29. What is the drawback of declaring variables as global?

30. How is a recursive function de ned?

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