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Case Analysis

1. Make an analysis base on your interview with a principal which you believe and outstanding educational leader. (private or public principal)
2. Use the given questions below as your guide.
3. Your output should be written in SHORT BOND PAPER with COVER PAGE (send thru email of ma’am Onyx).
4. Submit on September 28, 2019
Select a school principal who you believe is an outstanding educational leader. Interview this leader using the social-system model. More specifically, craft a series of
questions that probe the principal’s leadership by asking about the principal’s role in these areas:



Role of the Principal Leadership Response of each question (kindly write the response according to the number of each question)
1.The structure of the school.
1. What composes the structure?
2.What are the roles of people in the
structure? What are the terms of
reference (job description)?
3. How effective are the key players
in the school structure?
4. Is the school structure still relevant
and responsive to the school
needs? Why?
4. What evaluation tools to determine
their effectivity? Assessment tools?
5.Did you make the school structure?
Revised it? When and Why?
2. The culture of the school.
1. What are the top 5 school culture/
values of the school that
everyone shares and demonstrates?
2. How is the culture demonstrated?
3. What are its indicators?
4. What is the school culture with
regard to passion for excellence,
dedicated service, collaboration and
punctuality? Makabayan? maka Tao?
maka Diyos? maka Kalikasan?

5. What are the most prevalent

cultures in school?
6. What culture of the school are you
proud of?
7. Make are the distinguishing mark of
your school culture that are
unique? Similar?
8. What gives you your competitive
edge over others?
9. How does school-community
relations and the environmental
opportunities and constraints affect
school culture?

3. The politics in the school.

1. How is the relationship of the
school leadership with the people
in the structure?
2. How is leadership exemplified?
3. Name top three that you value in
dealing with your key leaders,
teachers, parents and students.
4. What are the 5 challenges you
encountered in school politics/
5. How do you address them?
6. How do you achieve the mission
And vision of the school?
7. How does school-community
relations and the environmental
opportunities and constraints affect
politics in school?

4. The teaching and learning

1. What is the vision and mission of
the teaching and learning in your
2. What is your teacher profile?
3. Students profile?
4. Enrolment/ drop-out data?
5. What is the ratio between teacher
and students?
6. How many teachers teach the
subjects that they are prepared
7. What is the test result of the school
with regard to national and
standardized testing? In 2017,

8. What are the 5 gaps you perceive

are the obstacles to student
performance and achievement?
9. What have you done to address
10. How do you encourage student,
teachers and parents to help solve
reduce if not eliminate these

11. What programs have you initiated

on this matter?

12. How does school-community

relations and the environmental
opportunities and constraints affect

5. The motivation in the school.

1. What is the Attendance record of

students in school? Drop outs?

2. What are the rewards system of the

school for students?

3. What programs have been

conducted to encourage students to
participate, engaged in and get
involved in class, school and
community? What are the levels of
participation in these settings?

4. What are the top 3 motivations of

students in school? Teachers?
5. What are the visions of students?

6. How are students encourage to

Socialize/ interact with their peers?
Teachers to socialize/ inrteract?

7. What are the challenges of student

motivation? Teachers motivation?
Parents motivation? Community
Motivation (PTAs & SGCs)?

8. How do encourage collaboration in

your school? How?

9. Do you encourage students and

teachers to make suggestions and
recommendations for the school?
What are the examples?

10. What 3 activities generate the

most number of exciting
participation of students/

11. What are the motivating factors

that impact students’
12. How does school-community
relations and the environmental
opportunities and constraints affect
school motivation?

B. BRIEF ANALYSIS (Based on the data/ input you gathered, reflect on each column guide below. You have to conclude on the
strengths and weaknesses of the school and the leadership of the principal, and write all these down in essay form)

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE ANALYSIS Basic Mission of the Vision for Teaching & Leadership of the Community’s Role in
School Learning Principal School





Key ideas: mission of the Key ideas: Vision, Key ideas: Leadership Key ideas: Community
Cite principles, thoughts and sources school Teaching- Learning Role, Collaboration in
on the importance of key concepts in education
the report if any, here:

Also ask about school-community relations (environmental opportunities and constraints) and the perceived effectiveness of the school. Analyze your data and draw some
conclusions about the following:

1. The basic mission of the school.

2. The school’s vision of teaching and learning.
3. The leadership of the principal.
4. The community’s role in the school.
Write a brief analysis ( 5-6 pages) of the school in terms of the four elements above.
1. What are the major strengths of the school?
2. What areas could be improved?
3. What is most striking about the school and its leadership that captured your attention?

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