Malaya, Nov. 28, 2019, Work Permits For Foreign POGO Workers Needed PDF

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ffii*rslnsight i llrws Thursday, November 28, 2OLg B3

'Work permits for foreign

POGO workers neededn
BY WEI{DELI VIOILUI a need to rwisit existing measures these POGO employees should two POGO worken who are be-
involving foreign nationals wotk- be fully documented and identi- lieved to be lovers. The victimp were
AN administrarion lawmaker yes- ing in the country" 6ed not only for the good o{ the kidnapped and were set free upon
terday said the arresr last weekend 'Maybe we should revisit oru pro- country but also for their own payrnent of nnsom by thei families
of eight Chinese for allegedly cess. There's obviously a loophoie prdtectibrJ," he said. "I'm really fed up with *ris - not
kidnappiog Philippine Offshore and it is being exploited. \J(/}lat are Yap was referring to the arrest only to those who commit these
Gaming Operators @OGO) work- we doing about it? !(4een you go by elements of the PNP'S Arti-kid- crimes but also the police because
ers should be a wake-up call for ovetseas, Filipino workers always mpping operatives of eight Chinese it's an insult to all of us. These
the government to expedite the carry wirh them their work ddcu- and a Filipino in separate operations cases of kidnapping and other
issuance o[ wotLing perm.its for ments and passports for fear of be- in Laguna and Paraiaque City. crimes unabated because
foreign nationals in the POGO ing accosted by authodties but here The suspects were identifred as we re not doing anything," he said.
industry to allov authorities to in our country, these foreigners are Chen Kai En, Wang Jian Xong, Yap said the Chinese criminals
monitor and easily ideutif| them. inr..olved in kidnapping and the im- Mei Lin and Ariel Carmona, a do not seem to fear the PNP, be-
"Issuing working permits would migration bureau does not even have Fil.ipinq who were all arrested in lieving that the cases against tlem
easlly help us identi$' the culprits a due. They will be caught and then San Pedro City on Saturday. Their
among these Chinese workers,,'
will not prosper
released." Yap said in a-srateJnent. cohorts,Jack Chan and Ruohuang
said Anti-Crime and Terrorism "What is the PNP doing about
Rep. Ronnie Ong of Ang Chen,were caught in Cabuyao City this? Is it even reported to the
Community Involvement and Sup- Probinsyano patty-list earJier said the following day.
@ureau of) Immigration. Do they
porr (ACT-CIS) parry-list Rep Eric thousands of Chinese POGO They were arrested for detaining even check if those involved have
Yap, chair of the House committee workers have been abandoning two Chinese, Li Fei Yu and Long proper documents? \X4rat visa do
on games and amusement. their jobs to go "TNT" (Iago ng Yong Lin, both POGO workers. they have? They should be kicked
He said that aside fiom stdcter Tago) in the counuy.
Just recendy, thete was also an- out of the country if theyte in,
enforcement of laws, "thereis also "I suggest that through Pagcot, other case of kidnapping rnvolving volved in cdmes," he said.

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