Youth Generation That Brings Alteration

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Youth Generation That Brings Alteration

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

First of all, let’s say our praise and gratitude only to Allah Swt due to His grace and blessings upon us so that on this good
time and occasion we all can still gather in this place in the best of our health.

Ladies, gentlemen,
Youth is a figure that always brings alterations. Alteration in life order of some era is quite influenced by the role of
Let’s remember!!
Our beloved country is called Indonesia, a very beautiful country where we are living.

The Red and White is our national flag.The Red and White represents spirit of Indonesian people to develop our country,
Red means brave, White means holy. It’s mean that Indonesian people have bravery to fight against ruthlessness and
bad things.

We have national motto known as BHINNEKA TUNNGAL IKA. Unity in Diversity. Indonesia has many differences seen
from ethnic group, race, religion, language, culture, customs and traditions, even so all Indonesians must be united.All
Indonesians must understand, accept and respect pluralism in Indonesia so we should keep harmony, togetherness,
solidarity, unity and integrity.

And then as the youth generation, we should go on with positive alterations day after day in our life.what have we
contributed to society, nation, religion, and especially our own selves? Have we given any alteration?
there are three things that underlie a youth as a foundation of alteration;
1. Youths come with brilliant brain
2. Youths have strong physicals
3. Youths behave objectively

From the three points above, we can come to the conclusion that to bring the balance of physical alterations, youths
also need to take into consider of three things that underlie spiritual alterations:
1. Youths need to have strong faith
2. Youth need to be always istiqamah in performing any religious services and duties
3. Youths have good manners or akhlak khasanah

Ladies, gentlemen.
It’s about the time for youths to rise up for creating alterations in every line of life and We need to increase our
knowledge by reading various books.
Thus, youth generations can have the provisions to become the agents of alteration.

Make our youth as the time that’s full of benefits and all the good things before the coming of old age, when all of our
spirits would fade away.

That’s all I could say. I wish we can meet again someday. Please forgive me for the mistakes on my words. Thanks for the
Wassalamu’alaikum. Wr.wb

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