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Name:_ Koy Dates Honors Chemistry Chapter 5 Study Guide 1. Vocabulary: Write a short definition for each of the following terms. a. AtomicRadius — one half tre distance between the nucled of identical atoms Hat are hound together b. Electron Affinity - enemy change that occurs when an electron is acquired” by a neutral atom c Electron Shielding -when inner shell electrons block the positive. Pull oF the nucleus from outer shell electrons a. Hleconegativity—measre of. the ability of an atom ina cheme, 1 a 7 com| Eaeee to attract electrons Som another atom ia the Hamily idlemeats iA the Same. Voliun* of the pertedtc fable £ Group -elements ia dhe same column of tye period fable ® Janization Baersy— erenyy required 4p cemove ene electron a arom Neutral Petod—Clements:, tx he. Same cb of the pertocc table Br OValeace Hlectrond! = elects Whe alee moct Grghest) energy level oF an atom ae J: Cation ~ a positive ion. (Lost an electron) charged k. Anion — a negativelion. Gained an electron) charged 2, Fill out the table by listing the properties, valence electrons, group numbers, reactivity, appearance, etc. for each. Alkali Metals every reactive metals sloses 1 election 1 Gebtie Al De reaction s + silver, soft metals + Lvalence electron treacts with wafer ‘Alkaline Earth Metals tharder, denser, stronger Han Alkali’ Metals * Group? sless reachve Han Alkali Lefals *Z valence electrons ttoses 2 electrons th reaction Transition Metals * Good conductors of heat + electricity Less reactive ‘Group 3712 M+ - block Halogens| + Most reactive non- metals Group IF "FT valence electrons sgar 4 electron to Sem octet ‘Noble Gases “unreactive, *8valence electons (octet) * Group 1g Lanthanides & Actinides tare earth elements * shiny metals radioactive + F-bleck jj, Label he periodie able below sing the terms Below. Youmay make a Key to elp Métals, Noametals, Metalioids, Alkali Metals, Alkaline Earth Metals, Transition Metals, Lanthanides & Agtinides, Halogens, Nobel Gases i + NG& NG 4. Draw arrows to illustrate the periodic trend that occurs for the given property. In the space provided, explain why the trends happen. a. Ionization Energy Decreases coun a group because the. lec: és avey electon being remwed is Fethur “| fem positive nucleus ¥ does not Feel ive forces clue to 7 inner electron sherlding ! | Lncreases across a pertod because Nuclear charge increases while energy level stays the Same 50 electrons Feel a stonge attractin Hat must be overcome te renteve it, b. Atomic Radius Tncresses down a grup because the number Fenergy levels increases 4 the outer : by the. inner elect + 4 Il oF Yoo positive nucleus, pecrestist across Cee because the. umber oF energy levels Stays the same hut nuclear chaige trereases, pulling electrons closer, c. Electron Affinity Trereases down a gmup because Whe number of energy levels increase + the ull oF nucleus is sheclded by hner electrons, seit dees not have a strong pull Sr more lectrons . Decreases across 5 the pull oF the nucleus is stranger because he charge fs grecker while number of levels remahs te Same, So it can pull tn another electron, the reases es, = om down & e cufer 4. Electronegativity 4 tnost electrons gre sheilded by more inne eleztons + enecgy locals, se pull oF nucleus on electrons lessens a Tneresses geross a pemdd because. te ec nuclear is able te draw” tn electrons more Toreefully as energy (eel remains the same. 4 . Explain how scientists find atomic radius for atoms. Fil the destance between THe mucled oF 2 ideatrtel chon ¢ Hut are bonded degether: Then dake elE oF an = bh Find He distence From the nucleus to the ouler

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