Interview Experience

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Company: Samsung Delhi (SRI)

Designation: Software Developer

CTC: 14 LPA (11 LPA in hand + 1.0 LPA Joining Bonus + 1st Yr. Retention Bonus 1.0 LPA + 2nd
Yr. Retention Bonus 1.0 LPA)

Eligibility: 7.5 CPI and above

Job Location: NOIDA Sector 126

Date: 27th September 2016

Result: Placed

Company Procedure:

1 coding round -> 1 tech round -> 1 HR round

1. Coding Round 3 hrs: 4/10 selected

You are given a function:

F (n) = an + b n |_ log (n) _| + cn3

Such that n=1, 2, 3 …

a= 1, 2, 3 …

b= 1, 2, 3 …

c= 0, 1, 2 …

Find ‘n’ for a given ‘k’. If k is not found, return 0. Also, note that k<263-1

Input Format

Only one line with 4 space separated numbers. The first is a, second is b, third is c and fourth is k.

Output Format

One line value of n

Sample Input

2 1 1 80

Sample Output

Given that you can submit only 5 times.


 Solution accepted in 1.5 hrs on the third trial.

 Use Binary search with proper limit of right value.
 Use unsigned long long or use mid = l + (r - l)/2

2. Technical Interview 20mins. 4/4 selected

 Tell me about yourself: I am, I was, I will
 He saw my Resume and was impressed: I cracked a joke to make the session interactive.
 Asked related to project: I talked about Socket Programming, Design Pattern…
 Asked to code queue enqueue: done
 Which is better for stack implementation? For efficiency vector & for avoiding unwanted updates
Deque or vector? Deque
 Struct union which better for memory? Union. Reason is simple…
 Bit padding definition and use
 9 balls problem 3-3 and left 3

My queries on use of IOT and asked him told tell me something about him…

Interviewer Switched to Hindi and told that from his side, it’s a “YES”

3. HR round 40 mins 4/4 selected

 Asked if I have queries… : How can we share new ideas and what support possible
 Saw my Resume and was impressed: Same joke :p
 Asked why did you do this project? Since first year I was eager in how this was made.
 Family background: told
 JEEMAINS Rank: told about how I was admitted
 Are u dominant? Diplomatic answer
 Apart from tech what u do? Told

I was the last to be there for HR. She told to join my friends in the Cafateria where she declared that all
of the 4 were selected.

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